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by Nikhil Parekh

Poetry Series


  Nikhil Parekh

  - poems -


  Publication Date:


  Publisher: - The World's Poetry Archive

  Nikhil Parekh(27/08/1977)

  Nikhil Parekh has authored thousands of Poems on – God, Peace, Love, Anti Terrorism, Friendship, Life, Death, Environment, Wildlife, Mother, Father, Children, Parenthood, Humanity, Social Cause, Women empowerment, Poverty, Lovers, Brotherhood. Some part of Parekh's Books financially selling in the eBook format at Kindle Store in the United States, can be browsed for free. Therefore to read differently titled Poems written by the Poet without paying any money, please visit – From this website visit any Book. Then on the individual page of the respective Book, click on its cover to browse the free Poems.

  Join thousands of the poet's fans and friends at -

  Nikhil Parekh, (born August 27,1977) ,38 years of age, from Ahmedabad, India - is a Love Poet and 10 time National Record holder for his Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India -, which is India's Best Book of Records, also Ranked 2nd in the World officially to Guinness Book of World Records. He is an author of - ' LONGEST BOOK written by a mortal - COLLECTED POETRY ', which has a Print Length of 5254 pages on the Amazon Kindle.

  The Poet's style of Poetry / literature is unique and has never ever been written before or experimented on the mortal planet by any mortal. Though his Poetry / literature is normal and natural.

  The 10 National Records held by Parekh with the Limca Book of Records India are for -

  (1)Being the First Indian Poet to be published/featured in McGill English Dictionary of Rhyme which is the World's Number 1 English Rhyming Dictionary-for his poem: Come Lets Embrace our New Religion

  (2)Being the First Indian Poet to have won Poet of the Year Award at the Canadian Federation of Poets which is Canada's National Poetry Body endorsed by Governor General of Canada

  (3)Being the First Indian Poet to be published in a Commonwealth Newsletter for his poem on AIDS which is 'Aids doesn't kill. Your Attitude kills.

  (4)Being the First Indian Poet to win an EPPIE award for best poetry e- - The World's Poetry Archive1


  (5)Writing the most number of letters to and receiving the most number of replies from World Leaders and World Organizations.

  (6)Being the First Indian Poet to be Goodwill Ambassador to the International Goodwill Treaty for World Peace -

  (7)Being the First Indian Poet whose Poems have been made into Films at - The World's largest video sharing website.

  (8)Being the 1st Indian Poet to be featured for his Poetry Book - 'Love versus Terrorism- Poems on Anti Terror, Peace', at - The World's most popular ebook community and largest website for reading books on mobile phones.

  (9)Being the first Indian Poet whose video reciting a Poem on Nelson Mandela, has been placed at the official website of the Government of South Africa.

  (10)Having authored LONGEST BOOK written by a mortal - COLLECTED POETRY - which is of Print Length 5254 pages and currently has approximately 1.15 million words, financially selling in the Kindle Store United States at -

  Parekh is an author of 47 varied Books which include – 1 God (volume 1 to volume 4) , The Womb (volume 1 to volume 2) , Love Versus Terrorism (Part 1 to Part 2) , You die; I die – Love Poems (Part 1 to Part 16) , Life = Death (volume 1 to volume 10) , The Power of Black (volume 1 to volume 2) , If you cut a tree; you cut your own mother, Hide and Seek (part 1 to part 8) , Longest Poem written by Nikhil Parekh – Only as Life. These Books comprise of nearly a 7000 pages of his Poetry, have approximately 1.15 million words in them, contain about 2160 of his differently titled Poems and almost a 187000 lines – in their totality.

  The Indian Poet's Books and Poems have had Millions of Viewers and Downloads on the internet.

  The Poet’s Poetry has had the patronization of several World Leaders including the Queen of England. - The World's Poetry Archive2

  1 God – Poems On God, Creator

  volume 1 to volume 4 (522 pages)


  A ramification of the innumerable Omnipotent fragrances of life that I, Nikhil Parekh, have smelt by the grace of God – I’m grateful to him for enlightening me about his chapters of invincible creation and considering me worthy enough to describe his unparalleled splendor, in a few words and in the shape of this book. A salient tribute to his undefeated power.

  The compilation of poems depicts the Omniscient Creator in his infinite unconquerable shapes and forms. Goes to irrefutably prove that there is just one Creator, you choose to call him by whatever name – and for everyone one of us till the time we live. This book is a perpetual dedication to Almighty Lord. It quintessentially portrays the splendor of the Almighty Creator in his infinite forms. Goes to victoriously prove at every step, that no matter how hard the devil tries to annihilate the planet – an inconspicuous tap of the Lord’s finger makes him crumble to his very last non – existent frigid roots.

  Poems depicting the ‘ Omnipotent ‘ glory of the Creator in an infinite forms that the poet could ever conceive. Natural and uninhibited outpourings of the heart these poems transport the reader into a world of spirituality and magnificence of Godhead. Every poetic piece shows Parekh’s unparalleled love for the Almighty and immortalizes the Omnipresent aura of the Lord in a boundless ways and shapes.

  This spiritually enriched compendium of poems is for all those who’ve timelessly admired the miraculous prowesses and powers of God at each stage of their lives. Those who’ve lived each instant of their lives worshipping his Omniscient grace irrespective of the most murderous hell descending around. The poetic imagery brilliantly transcends over every inhibition of caste, creed, color and religion and goes to perpetually prove that all living beings are one and blessed in his fathomless sacrosanct light of truth. The poems depict Parekh’s oneness in mind, body and spirit with the Creator.

  To browse above described varied Books visit –

  a Poem from the Book - - The World's Poetry Archive3


  He was the one who maneuvered my tongue; bestowed upon me the ability to eloquently speak,

  He was the one who made me smile; emphatically displaying my armory of white teeth to the world,

  He was the one who produced empathy in my eyes; made them profoundly glisten in the morning light,

  He was the one who made me rambunctiously chatter; bounce in the true fervor of life,

  He was the one who made me sneeze; burst into infinite chortles of uninhibited laughter,

  He was the one who engendered me to sweat; tremble innocuously with infinite goose bumps creeping up inadvertently on my naked skin,

  He was the one who made me dream; fantasize to the most bizarre limits of contemplation,

  He was the one who enabled me to traverse on earth; put my feet firmly on the black soil I tread,

  He was the one who made me blush a perfect crimson; as I inevitably winked at a mesmerizing girl,

  He was the one who imparted me the skill to voraciously read; pen down intricate lines of exquisite calligraphy,

  He was the one who impregnated awesome strength in my knuckles; granted them the tenacity to defend the infirm,

  He was the one who made me decipher the minutest of noise; wholesomely relish the blend of tingling sounds in atmosphere,

  He was the one wh
o filled my stomach whenever I felt famished; ensured that the right morsels of food occupied its cavities, - The World's Poetry Archive


  He was the one who embodied in me the exuberance to run; inhaling gallons of revitalizing air into my lungs,

  He was the one who taught me to judiciously discern between the good and bad; curtail myself from indulging into the nefarious and licentious,

  He was the one who waded all circumspection from my mind; whenever I felt besieged by a host of inexplicable dilemmas,

  He was the one who instilled astronomical courage in my demeanor; made me stand tall and unflinching against all barricades that confronted me in my way,

  He was the one who made me nostalgic; reminisce profoundly the poignant memories of my childhood in my mothers lap,

  He was the one who found me the love of my life; made sure that it consolidated into sacrosanct marriage,

  He was the one who resurrected my faith in life every unfurling minute; made me imbibe the true spirit of existence,

  He was the one who was the blood flowing through my veins; the beating of my heart as it throbbed violently in my chest,

  And he was the one whom people of varied races christened as 'GOD'; ' CHRIST'; 'BHAGWAN'; 'CREATOR'; 'ALMIGHTY'; 'LORD'; whom I fondly referred today and till the time I existed; as my 'ALLAH'.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive5

  100 Holes

  Hide and Seek - part 1 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems (63 pages) , at;

  a Poem from my above described Book -

  If there were a 100 holes in the dry ground,

  small rivulets of water would get accumulated after seasonal spells of monsoon, a blend of mice, rabbit, and ant would continue to live in passionate harmony.

  If there existed a 100 holes in the ornately sculptured tea kettle, Sizzling droplets of brown liquid would ooze as if from a lawn sprinkler, Scalding all in vicinity with boiling showers of freshly made tea.

  If there were a 100 holes in well spun office shirt,

  There would probably be no need for fans and large coolers, Natural draughts of air would pierce sweat laden zones of chest, Thereby compensating the need for artificial contrivances.

  If there were a 100 holes in the base of my leather shoe,

  Fresh waves of wind would ventilate through my feet,

  Hence filtering tension clogged veins inhabiting the body.

  If there were a 100 holes in luxury liner floating on ocean water, Saline liquid from the sea would painstakingly penetrate, Ergonomically plush interiors of ship would be flooded with water,

  The ship made of the strongest wood fibre would sink to the bottom of the ocean.

  If there were a 100 holes in the juicy fruit of african apple, A cluster of worm would nibble its core,

  Rendering it as a commodity to be used as a duplication for stone.

  If there appeared a 100 holes in the flaming silhouette of Sun,

  The light dispersing on earth would be complete with gloom and haze, Prompting the young to walk with sticks in their hands groping blindly for direction.

  If there were a 100 holes in my heart,

  I would drill it with many more still deeper,

  Filling them all with reflections of whom I loved, - The World's Poetry Archive6

  Keeping them full upto the brim for the remaining quota of years, I am destined to tread on the soil of earth.

  Nikhil Parekh

  - The World's Poetry Archive7

  A Big No

  a victorious moment indeed for me to post a Poem here from my Book titled - ' 1 God - Poems on God, Creator - volume 4 (262 pages) ';

  which you can browse at -

  Poetry -

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sight the wonderfully resplendent island of milky moon?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to romantically philander and enthrallingly admire; the stupendously magical contours of the Sun soaked hills?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to relish the tantalizingly ravishing waves; of the exuberantly tangy and undulating sea?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to profusely feast on the unfathomably grandiloquent festoon of golden dewdrops; majestically caressing the voluptuous strands of morning grass?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to wholeheartedly enjoy under the tantalizingly seductive and torrential cloudshowers of; exotically marvelous rain?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness unsurpassable flocks of blissful sheep; royally sprint in the ebulliently timeless meadows?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to ecstatically surge and bountifully blend; with the charismatically ravishing winds that confronted you in your way?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to repay back your divinely mother; for the pricelessly aristocratic energy that she perpetually embedded; in each of your impoverished veins?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to substitute the death - The World's Poetry Archive8

  of your royally blessed beloved?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to award the patriotically valiant soldier; a compensation equivalent to his immortally slained life?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to purchase back the smiles of all those children; orphaned in sordidly stinking dustbins; right from the very first cry of their birth?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to bask in the glory of the stupendously reinvigorating rainbow; let its magnanimous boisterousness take complete control over your frazzled senses?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to incredulously relish your profoundly impeccable rudiments; the trail of inscrutable enigma that you celestially reminisced; on your expedition of tracing your very first ancestor?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sleazily confiscate truth in your impoverished palms; buy it in unsurpassable quantities every day; although with gruesome blackness camouflaging your soul and heart?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness your child uninhibitedly smile; inundate every miserably incarcerated cranny of your chained existence; with unendingly jubilation and melodious happiness?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to transcend past the corridors of divine meditation; wholesomely coalesce your spirit with all mankind; one and synergistically alike?

  Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to unequivocally enlighten the candle of blissfully compassionate hope; in every dwelling besieged


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