Rhapsody (The Teplo Trilogy #2)

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Rhapsody (The Teplo Trilogy #2) Page 6

by Ayden K. Morgen

  "Tristan!" The petite blonde at the stove beamed when she caught sight of them. Like everyone else, she was dressed casually, her hair in a ponytail and her brown eyes bright. She looked like an older version of Zoë, only less fashion model and more soccer mom. She wiped her hands on a towel and crossed to them, hugging Tristan before turning expectantly toward Lillian.

  "Aunt Katherine, this is Lillian," Tristan said. "Lillian, my aunt, Katherine."

  "Hi, Mrs. Angelo." Lillian held her hand out, but wasn't all that surprised when Katherine bypassed it and hugged her instead. "Thank you for having me."

  "Of course, sweetie. I've heard so much about you, but Zoë didn't tell me how absolutely beautiful you are. It's great to finally meet you." She pulled back, smiling.

  "Ah, thank you." Lillian felt her cheeks flushing. "You have a lovely home."

  "Thank you," Katherine hummed, her expression friendly and open. "Would you like something to drink? Dinner won't be ready for a while yet—we're waiting on Jase—but we have wine, beer, and I'm sure John has a bit of Scotch tucked away if you'd prefer that."

  "Um, wine is fine," Lillian murmured as Tristan snaked his arm around her waist as if he required physical contact as much as she did.

  "She thinks beer tastes like yeast," he supplied with a devilish smirk before kissing her temple.

  "You don't like beer?" Jordan asked from behind them, causing her to jump. She hadn't realized everyone had followed them to the kitchen. "That is so wrong."

  "See?" Tristan teased her. "I told you that you were abnormal."

  She rolled her eyes at him. "Sorry, boys, you'll have to take it up with my taste buds. I'm sure if you file a complaint, they'll be happy to reconsider."

  "Or you could tell the beer companies to make something that tastes decent," Zoë supplied, siding with Lillian.

  "That might help, too."

  "You, Miss Maddox," Tristan said, "are a snob."

  "And you, Mr. Riley," she retorted, "will simply have to accept it."

  He shot her a cocky smirk and pretended to think about it as everyone else stood around, openly watching their exchange. She refused to fidget under their scrutiny. They obviously loved him and wanted to see him happy. That's all that really mattered.

  "I think I can manage that." He squeezed her fingers and headed toward the fridge to retrieve her wine.

  Zoë looped her arm through Lillian's and ushered her across the kitchen towards a glass breakfast table as the others all converged on Tristan.

  "Jason isn't here yet?" Lillian asked.

  "He's still at the office."

  "I'm sorry."

  "It could be worse." Zoë shrugged, her expression morphing into one of genuine concern. "Are you okay? He told me what happened last night. I'm so sorry that neither of us called you. We were…well, to be frank, we were busy trying to talk Tristan down."

  "How bad was it?" she asked, glancing up at the man in question. He was working the cork out of a bottle of wine, his head thrown back as he laughed at something Rachel said. He seemed so much more relaxed here than he did anywhere else.

  "It wasn't pretty," Zoë confessed. "He's terrified something will happen to you and it'll be his fault."

  "I know," Lillian sighed. She hated that he felt that stress, but even if something did happen, it wouldn't be his fault. She was a big girl. One who made her own decisions and lived with the consequences, whatever they might be. And she'd decided to get involved with this case. Maybe she hadn't had all of the pieces of the puzzle, but even had Jason been up front with her, she wasn't so sure it would have changed her decision any at all. In all likelihood, she still would have said yes, and she and Tristan would be exactly where they were now. Because she'd wanted to help him.

  "He seems better today."

  "We had a discussion last night," Lillian answered carefully.

  "I take it you came out the champion in this discussion?"

  Had she?

  "I hope so," she murmured, glancing up at Tristan as he started across the kitchen toward her and Zoë, a beer in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

  She really, really hoped so.

  "Is Tristan behaving himself?" Katherine slid into the seat across from her, a glass of wine in her hand.

  "Ah, yes, ma'am. He's been great," Lillian answered, swallowing a mouthful of wine and shooting a quick glance at Tristan. He was seated beside her and Zoë at the little breakfast table, one hand wrapped around his beer bottle, the other rubbing distracting circles on the back of her neck.

  A small smile played at the corners of his lips, amusement glinting in his eyes.

  Zoë bit her lip to hold back a giggle.

  Jordan, John, and Rachel stood around the table, each looking as interested in her answer as Katherine herself. Lillian had no idea how much they knew about her relationship with Tristan, but judging from the matching looks on Zoë, Jordan, and Rachel's faces, they probably knew more than she wanted to think about.

  "That's good." Katherine smiled and sipped her own wine, seemingly oblivious to the heat taking over Lillian's face. "He can be very authoritative at times. He's all bark and no bite though, dear. Remember that and you'll do fine."

  Oh lord.

  Tristan snorted and shook his head, but didn't try to correct his aunt. Besides, what could he really say? He was bossy as all hell, which drove her crazy. But he could also be incredibly gentle. And so passionate! Not only when he fucked her—though he was amazing at that, too—but about the things that mattered to him.

  "I think she has it under control, Mom," Zoë said before lifting her own glass to her lips to hide a grin.

  Jordan snickered.

  Katherine glared at the two of them before refocusing on Lillian. "How are you doing since your surgery?"

  Tristan's hand on her neck tightened as if he sensed her distress. "Aunt Katherine–" he started.

  Lillian laid a hand on his arm, halting him. "It's okay," she said when he turned to look at her, concern in his gaze. "I'm okay." She held his gaze until he relaxed, pulling her a little closer to him as if to lend her some of his strength.

  "John and I watched you perform about two years ago," Katherine said. "You were brilliant, destined for stardom. I'm so sorry how things worked out, sweetie. I cannot even imagine what you've gone through."

  "Thank you," Lillian mumbled, a lump forming in her throat at the realization that Katherine and John had seen her on stage. Just like with Emma, she hadn't expected that, and the sudden flash of pain, of loss, was intense. It was also short lived. She would never perform again, but she could still dance. Maybe not the same way or with the same grace, but she danced with Tristan. "It hasn't been easy to adjust, but it's getting easier."

  Because of him. Because of mornings in the studio, and nights in his arms. Because of those random moments during the day when he'd walk up behind her, wrap his arms around her and begin to kiss her neck. Because of him, she felt whole. She wasn't sure she'd ever hear music quite the same way as she had. Before Tristan, music had made her ache to move with it. Now though, that painful ache had lessened, giving way to an overpowering desire to feel his arms around her, to feel him moving inside of her. Not that she was going to admit that to his aunt, of course.

  "Did you dance very long?" John asked.

  "Yes. I started when I was three."

  "Why so young?"

  "I had horrible balance and someone told my dad dancing would help," she said, laughing softly. "Turns out, I still couldn't walk on a flat surface for a good three or four more years without tripping, but I could dance."

  Katherine and John both chuckled.

  "I always wanted to dance," Zoë mused. "Mom put me in ballet lessons for a while, but I was terrible at it."

  "So was I," Rachel said with a little laugh. "My body was not designed to move like a ballerina's. Especially not now." She patted her stomach affectionately.

  "Do you know what you're having?" Lillian asked.

nbsp; "We don't know. We wanted to be surprised."

  "You wanted to be surprised," Jordan teased. "I already know I'm having a son."

  "You okay?" Tristan leaned over to ask as Jordan and Rachel playfully bickered back and forth about the sex of their baby, claiming everyone else's attention.

  "I'm okay."


  "I promise."

  "You comfortable?" he asked instead of pushing further, rubbing small circles into the muscles of her neck. His other hand trailed down her thigh to indicate what he meant. He didn't look away from her, instead leaning so close his breath fanned across her cheek.

  As usual, the little bubble that surrounded them whenever he got close to her sprang into existence, pushing out everyone else. All that remained was him, his blue eyes locked on hers and his hand cupping the nape of her neck while the other trailed across her thigh. Familiar crackles hummed to life where his fingers skimmed across her flesh, warming her from the inside out.

  He leaned closer, his gaze moving to her mouth.

  She bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud and embarrassing herself.

  "Let's go shoot!"

  She and Tristan both jumped as Jordan's exclamation shattered their interlude. They broke away from each other like they'd been caught doing something wrong. Lillian flushed bright red when her gaze caught on Katherine who watched them with a soft smile hovering on her lips. Lillian hurriedly shifted her eyes down to her wine glass, embarrassed at having been caught ready to attack Tristan at the table.

  "Jordan," he sighed and leaned back in his chair, dropping his hand from her neck to capture her fingers with his. He squeezed her fingertips before turning to look at his cousin's best friend, already back in control. "Do you remember the last time I took you to shoot?"


  "Remember the soda can?"


  "And do you remember missing the can, almost hitting a deer, and then screaming like a girl when the deer spooked?"

  Everyone looked at Jordan expectantly, Lillian included.

  Tristan lifted a brow.

  "Aww, come on!" Jordan groaned, rolling his eyes. "The deer was huge, and pissed off. And he chased me!"

  "It was Bambi," Zoë supplied in a mock-whisper, holding two fingers about a centimeter apart to demonstrate the size of the deer in question. "Remember in the Lion King where Pumba runs away, screaming that Nala is going to eat him?"

  "It went down exactly like that," Rachel finished with a laugh. "He ran all the way back here, screaming at the top of his lungs. We thought he'd shot Tristan."

  Lillian clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at the image of a little deer chasing Jordan through the woods while he screeched that the poor thing was going to eat him. Even though she'd just met him, she could absolutely see that happening. He was so different from Jason, so much more open and approachable.

  "And he had a loaded gun," Tristan added with a smirk.

  "I forgot!" Jordan huffed, though a smile twitched at his lips, too. He didn't mind the teasing. "Besides, deer weren't in season."

  "They aren't in season now, either."

  "Aww, come on, man. I'm having a kid in three months. I gotta learn to protect my baby, and Jase refuses to shoot with me," he cajoled, ignoring Tristan's teasing and the accompanying laughter from the rest of the group.

  "I wouldn't mind going out for a bit," John said.

  Tristan heaved a sigh and glanced at Lillian, looking torn.

  "Go." She smiled at him. "I'll be fine."

  "Are you su-?"

  She covered his mouth with her hand. "Yes, I'm sure. Your aunt, and Rachel and Zoë will keep me company until you get back."

  "Yeah," Zoë inserted, making a shooing gesture, "go! Jase won't be here for another forty-five minutes or so. You have plenty of time."

  Katherine nodded her agreement.

  He tugged her hand away from his mouth, looking reluctant. But he knew when he was outnumbered, and gave in with displeased grumble. "Fine. We won't be far."

  "Tristan," she warned, rolling her eyes. They were safe here, miles from Teplo. He needed to relax. Besides, she got the impression that Jordan really admired him. Who knows how long it had been since they'd last had male bonding time?

  "Just call me if you need anything, baby. I mean it." He stood before leaning down to brush his mouth across her cheek. "We'll be back before dinner. Can I borrow your gun?"

  She leaned forward and slid the weapon out of the small clutch at her feet.

  "Damn," Jordan whistled as she held her gun out to Tristan. "She carries a gun? That is hot."



  "Shut up." Tristan tucked her gun into his waistband and kissing her hard on the mouth. "We'll be back soon."

  "Have fun." Her insides twisted at the affectionate, desire-filled look in his eyes, like she was the center of his world, the only thing he saw.

  Jordan dropped a kiss atop Rachel's head before he and John headed toward the kitchen door. Tristan pulled his eyes away from Lillian and followed reluctantly along. He glanced back at her once before Jordan dragged him outside and closed the door behind them, going on about retrieving bullets. Lots of bullets.

  Her stomach did a flip at the look in his eye. So torn, so protective. So Tristan. He drove her insane with his overprotectiveness, but a little part of her loved that he cared so much about her. Aside from her dad, no one had ever cared for her like that. The Company had taken good care of her, sure, but that had been different. She'd been an asset to them, nothing more. With Tristan, she felt like she mattered. He genuinely cared about whether she was safe and comfortable. Too much, sometimes.

  "Sorry," she mumbled, her cheeks heating when she realized that Katherine, Zoë, and Rachel were all watching her. "He's–"

  "A pain in the ass?" Rachel supplied helpfully.

  "Worried. I guess you know someone else was murdered?"

  Everyone nodded.

  "She was still a kid. We talked to her last week. He thinks it's his fault they killed the girl." She frowned, twisting the glass stem around in her hands, unsure if she still felt the same or not. Part of her did. Part of her probably always would, but Anton and Paulo Vetrov and Pedro Francisco were responsible for Emma's death. They were the ones who had beaten and stabbed her to death, not her and Tristan.

  "He's always been like that," Katherine said with a sad shake of her head. "He blames himself for a lot that isn't his fault."

  "Yeah, he does."

  "Seems like you have him under control though," Rachel said, sliding into the chair he had vacated, her brow arched. "I've never seen him like this with anyone. Ever."

  Lillian met her gaze but said nothing, not really sure how to respond to that. She wasn't ready to share what she and Tristan had with everyone. Not yet. They were still new. Still fragile.

  "Jason's like that, too," Zoë said. "He won't even let me anywhere near the office right now because he's so worried about what's going on, but Rachel's right. Tristan never listens to anyone like he does to you."

  "I wouldn't say he listens to me either," she snorted dryly.

  "He left, didn't he?" Rachel said.

  Lillian shrugged.

  "Then you're obviously doing something right."

  "I think what she means, dear," Katherine said, reaching out to squeeze her hand, "is that Tristan does what he thinks is best regardless of what anyone else wants. He listens to what you have to say, and cares enough to dial down the innate caveman to make you happy." She lifted her glass to her lips and sipped. "You're good for him. He requires someone that will tell him what's what once in a while. Lord knows, none of us have ever been successful at that."

  Zoë and Rachel nodded their agreement.

  "I'm not sure how much good I'm doing in that department," Lillian confessed. "He tends to overrule me more often than not." He listened to what she had to say; he just had a habit of doing exactly what Katherine had sai
d: what he thought was best regardless of what anyone else wanted.

  "Well, it's obvious he's crazy about you," Rachel said, her green eyes narrowing. "If you don't feel the same, do us all a favor and break it off now."

  "Rachel!" Katherine chided when Lillian blanched.

  "Sorry," Rachel said with a grimace. "I didn't mean it like that. I think it's safe to say that everyone here likes you, but I've known Tristan for a long time, and he's a good guy. He deserves to be happy. He needs someone who will stand up to him and tell him to go to hell when he needs to hear it. And he will need to hear it because he's the biggest pain in the ass I know. He's arrogant as hell and can be a bossy son of a bitch, too. I think you know what I mean." She waited for Lillian's reluctant nod before continuing. "He's in love with you, so if this is only fucking to you–"

  "Rachel," Katherine hissed. "Enough!"

  "I'm not trying to be a bitch, Mrs. Angelo. I'm just telling her the truth. If she doesn't care about him, she shouldn't be with him because he's a big enough dick without having his heart broken, too. If that's where this is headed, he's better off alone."

  Lillian's heart raced and moisture built in her eyes. She was not a violent person, but she had the sudden urge to wrap her hands around Rachel's beautiful neck and strangle her for even thinking that Tristan would be better off alone. No way in hell.

  "With all due respect, what happens between me and Tristan is our business. But since you obviously care enough to look out for him, I will say this: I would do anything for him. And if you really think he'd be better off alone, it's obvious that you don't know him nearly as well as you seem to think. He's been alone far too long already."

  Her eyes swept around the table, taking in Zoë and Katherine before turning back to Rachel. "He may be a pain in the ass like you said, but he does it because he's scared to lose anyone else. His parents were murdered by the kind of people he deals with every day, and he doesn't want the same thing to happen to any of you. Judging him for that isn't fair." She narrowed her eyes at Rachel. "He's an amazing person and I will fight for him if that's what it takes. I will fight him if necessary, but I won't let you tear him down because you don't agree with the way he does things. At the very least, he deserves your respect, because I guarantee you, no one else will ever watch out for you or sacrifice for this family the way he does."


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