Dodge Tank

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Dodge Tank Page 11

by Rick Scott

  “Yeah…” Gilly says, somewhat icily. “I guess she would have it as a paladin.”

  Gilly still has something against Val Helena for some reason, even after explaining everything. I try not to let the subject linger. “But great, I feel much better going into the battle with that on.”

  I wait for my new maxes to top up and then charge at the foul looking beast.

  I chop into its flank with a nice solid feeling whack from my short sword, but remove only a tenth of its HP bar.

  Oh crap! I’m in for a fight now!

  The monster roars and regards me with its white, lifeless eyes. It takes a swing with its meaty fists and I try to move out of the way, but the sloshing water hinders me some and I take a clobbering, losing more than a third of my HP. Without Gilly’s spell I’m sure it would be half! I recover and get in two more hits before it punches again.

  I ram into the orc with my shoulder, stunning it for another two easy hits, taking it to half its HP and get a skill up in the process. Okay, maybe we can do this.

  It then lashes out with a double attack that busts me down to a sliver of health!

  “Reece!” Gill shouts and frantically begins casting.

  Gilly casts Heal!

  You recover +25 HP.

  Gilly casts Heal!

  You recover +25 HP.

  Gilly casts Heal!

  You recover +25 HP.

  I’m back up to full and get another chop in, but it’s not looking at me anymore. It charges at Gilly and she screams in fright. “Reece help!”

  “Gilly!” I try to jump in front of her, but the orc is too fast.

  You fail to rescue Gilly.

  Your rescue skill increase by 0.5

  The zombie flattens her in one hit and I hear Gilly’s horrid death cry.

  “No!” I shout and then attack in revenge whacking it in the back.

  Critical Hit!

  Your sword skill increase by 0.5

  Level up! Your sword skill is now 7.

  The orc backhands me as it turns about, taking another huge chunk of my life. It’s down to about a quarter now. We trade blows for the next hit and we’re both down to 10% health. I wait for it to attack again and then hit the orc with Rush, stunning it with my shoulder tackle.

  With two quick swipes of my sword, the zombie orc lets out a moan and falls face first into the swamp with a mighty splash.

  You defeated the Undead Orc Warrior!

  You gain 1200 experience points!

  You find a small wooden shield.

  You find a bronze beast coin.

  Congratulations! You have gained a level!

  You are now level 5.

  You have gained 2 attribute points.

  You learn the ability “Warcry”


  Release a savage Warcry to draw the attention of your enemies.

  Activation: 0.2 Seconds

  Cooldown: 5 seconds.

  Cost: 5 TP

  Congratulations! You have gained a level!

  You are now level 6.

  You have gained 1 attribute point.

  Whoa! Two levels?

  “Double gratz!” Gilly says from face down in the water.

  I laugh. “Thanks! But sorry you died though. You didn’t get any xp.”

  “S’ok. I’ll be right back.”

  She disappears to be replaced by a tombstone and then comes running back into the swamp a few minutes later…in nothing but her underwear!

  “Don’t peek!” she jokes. “This is only our first date!”

  I laugh again but can’t stop looking at her avatar, that is clad in nothing but frilly white undergarments which do nothing but compliment her fit physique. She gathers her stuff and is, much to my disappointment, soon back in her dumpy noob gear again.

  “I think I just got something that will prevent that from happening again,” I say.

  “Good,” she says. “Because we won’t get far if I die on every monster.”

  I equip the shield and check it out.

  A small wooden shield.

  +1 armor

  Light and small, it doesn’t offer much protection, but it’s better than nothing.

  “Nice,” Gilly says when she sees it appear on my arm.

  She recasts Minor Favor and then we’re off looking for another orc. A few minutes later we find one, milling about near a huge hollowed out log.

  “Hey you!” I shout, activating Warcry.

  The orc turns swiftly toward me, letting out a groan and then charges me like a bull.

  Oh geez!

  I raise my shield against its first hit.

  Congratulations! You have unlocked block!

  Your block skill increases by 0.2

  The extra defense from the shield does little difference and I take nearly the same amount of damage as without it. Need a better shield if I’m going to be doing that. But then I strike back with a swiftness I don’t expect.

  Congratulations! You have unlocked “Retaliation Strike”

  Perform an attack with extra damage after a successful Block or Parry.

  Nice! My hit took about 15% off its health. I stun its next attack with Rush and chop it down with a couple more swings before it gets a good hit in on me. Gilly tops me up with heal and I use warcry again to keep its attention.

  “Eyes on me, ugly!”

  The Orc stays glued to me even through another heal and the beast finally crashes into the marsh after a few more hits.

  You defeated the Undead Orc Warrior!

  You gain 600 experience points!

  Gilly gains a Level!

  Gilly gains a Level!

  “Whoa! Double gratz to you too!” I tell her.

  “Thanks,” she beams. “Let’s keep this going!”

  We do so, venturing deeper into the marsh.

  We take down another four undead orcs and even manage to get a kill chain in on the last two. Gilly hits level seven and I reach level nine. At level five Gilly learns a new spell called regeneration that slowly recovers my HP over time. About 2 HP a second. It really helps speed up our kills as there is less resting time between each fight.

  We’re battling our fifth zombie orc and have it to about half health when a scream rings out: “Help! Please! Help me you guys!”

  I look to see a tall elf in nothing but his boxers running full tilt through the marsh, or as fast as the water will allow him to run full tilt, anyway. Right behind him is an orc with a spear, jabbing it into him every few steps.

  Fredric requests to join your party.

  Do you wish to accept? (Y/N)

  I hit yes and his stats appear in the party list.

  Fredric Level 8 Archer (weakened)

  HP 12/39

  STAM: 17/30

  TP: 25/25

  Geez, he’s about to die!

  I use Warcry on the Orc that’s chasing him. The huge beast then stops giving chase and charges toward me. And then the one I’m already fighting knocks me to under half health.

  Uh oh…

  I raise my shield to block a spear attack from the second orc and fail.

  Critical hit! You take -40 damage.

  I check my HP bar. 18/112 HP!

  I’m almost about to die from a punch from the first orc when Gilly throws me a double heal! Bringing me back to 50%.

  “Reece, what are you thinking?” Gilly cries. “We can’t fight two of these at once!”

  “I wasn’t thinking!” I admit freely. “But I couldn’t just let the guy die.”

  The guy in question reappears and runs right past us. “Thanks guys!”

  What the heck? “Where is he going?”

  “What a jerk,” Gilly says as she throws another heal. “Just pay attention. Make sure you don’t die!”

  I need to focus and get one of these things killed and quick.

  I stun the orc with the spear and then take the first orc down to a quarter health with two chops from my sword. I raise my shield to block its attack and ge
t lucky.

  You block the attack!

  Your block skill increases by 0.3

  I hit the orc with a retaliation strike and kill it. But the spear orc gets another good jab at me, taking me down to 20% health. Meanwhile it’s still at full. Gilly gives me another heal and I’m back to half.

  “I’m out of TP,” she cries. “That was my last heal.”

  Oh man!

  I get two hits in and bring the orc to 80% health before it thrusts its spear toward me. I raise my shield at the last minute and return a retaliation strike. I do take damage thought and I almost don’t want to look at my HP, because it’s just a sliver now and flashing red.

  I go for another hit, but my arm feels like lead.

  0/72 STAM!


  The orc is about to kill me when an arrow lands in its shoulder and it cries out.

  Fredric uses paralyzing shot.

  The Undead Orc Warrior is Paralyzed.

  I then see another arrow hit and take a whopping 25% health off the monster HP bar.


  I manage to recover a couple points of stamina and swing for an easy hit.

  It’s down to 20% now!

  I use the last of my TP to Rush it and stun its next attack, right before another arrow comes in and finishes it off. We get a kill chain and both Gilly and I level from it.

  Congratulations! You have gained a level!

  You are now level 10.

  You have gained 1 attribute point.

  You unlock a new ability “Power Attack”

  Power Attack

  Build your rage meter by landing and taking hits. Once full you can unleash a deadly power attack. Can build up to 300% potency.

  My gauges are instantly replenished to full by my new level; if not I’d probably be collapsing into the swamp from exhaustion. “Talk about close!” I say.

  “Any drops?” the new guy, Fredric asks nonchalantly as he strolls toward us placing his bow across his back. He has pretty nice looking gear for his level and his bow is a +3. No wonder he was hitting so hard. I wonder if it’s perhaps time to upgrade my weapon already.

  “Yeah the two of us nearly dropped dead,” Gilly says snarkily. “All thanks to you.”

  “Huh?” Fredric says, clearly not understanding.

  “Thanks for that paralyzing shot,” I say. “It was about to cream me.”

  “Yeah, no worries. Thanks for pulling it off me. I died out here and was trying to get back to my tombstone when I aggroed it. Are you guys here for the boss?”

  “You know where it is?” Gilly asks.

  “Yeah it’s close. I was trying to get to level 12 or so to see if I could take it on, but these things are pretty tough. If you’re going after it, do you mind if I join you?”

  I shrug. “The more the merrier I guess.”

  Gilly sends me a PM: You sure, Reece? XP will be split 3 ways now.

  I consider it for a moment.

  Me: Well if the boss is harder than these things, this guy will probably be a good help.

  Gilly: Okay just making sure. I know you’re on a time line. Plus this is supposed to be a date, remember? : P

  Oh man, I completely forgot about that!

  Me: Sorry, I know it hasn’t been too romantic. : D I promise to make it up to you.

  Gilly: You’d better! <3

  Gilly and I share a private grin and then I turn to Fredric. “Okay, let’s go for the boss, Fredric. You lead the way.”

  Chapter 15 First Boss

  We kill another zombie orc as a trio and Fredric reaches level 9. I’m itching to see what this power attack does, but my new rage meter only got up to 50% full from the battle. We then come to an island that is sticking up out of the marsh. In the center of the island is a small hut and just in front of it, a slab of stone that’s been turned into a crude looking altar. Strapped to the altar by vines is a girl that looks around twelve. Sarah.

  Two zombie orcs with spears are standing guard next to the altar. When I check them, I see they’re level 15. From out of the hut comes a third orc, but this one is apparently female and old, judging by the mop of stringy white hair stemming from its balding head.

  Orc Witch

  Level: 17

  Wielding magic as foul as her stench, this Orc seeks a vessel for her true master to inhabit. The tribe that once banished her for her dark practices now serve as her undead guardians.

  Affinity: Dark

  The Orc Witch begins chanting over the young girl.

  “Okay, so I guess we need to interrupt the ceremony to save Sarah,” I say.

  “Looks like it,” Fredric agrees and readies his bow. “I’ll snipe the witch from here before she can finish the spell.”

  “No wait!” Gilly says. “There’s another way to do this.”

  We both look at her. “Huh?”

  “If we kill the orcs and save Sarah, we only get credit for the main quest. But to get the bonus quest, we need to let it complete the summon ritual and then we get to kill the true boss.”

  “How do you know all this?” Fredric ask.

  “Research, duh!”

  “I dunno,” I say. “Those three look tough enough as it is.”

  “I got an idea,” Fredric says. “Let me lure the guards to us first and then we can take them out one at a time.”

  “You can do that?” I ask.

  “That’s how I normally kill stuff. So long as the other one is looking the other way when I do it.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Well if we can kill the guards first, I’ll then run to the island and use Warcry on the Boss when it’s summoned, but then attack the witch. That way I can keep them both focused on me. If we can kill the witch fast enough, that’ll leave us just the boss to deal with.”

  Gilly doesn’t look so convinced of the plan. “You’ll be taking a lot of damage probably. I hope I have enough TP to heal you through all that.”

  “Me too,” I say and then I remember something. “Why don’t you use this for the fight?”

  I remove the ring Val Helena gave me and offer it to her.

  She backs away from it like it’s poison. “No way. I’m not taking that thing!”

  “Come on, Gilly. It gives +2% TP regen per second. If we’re going to survive this fight, we’re going to need every advantage.”

  “Yes, but she gave it to you.”

  “Who’s she?” Fredric asks.

  “Don’t ask,” I say looking at him and then look back to Gilly. “You can give it back right after.”

  She huffs but I know she can see the logic in it.

  “Okay but just this fight. Makes me sick to think that big bimbo gave this thing to you.” She snatches the ring from me and puts it on. “Let’s go.”

  “Who’s this big bimbo?” Fredric asks.

  “Forget about it,” I say. “Just focus on pulling those guards.”

  “Okay, you got it, man!”

  “Wait!” Gilly shouts. “I almost forgot.”

  She recasts Minor Favor on the party and then regen on myself. “As soon as my TP recovers, go for it.”

  We wait 30 seconds for Gilly’s gage to cap at full and then Fredric looses an arrow.

  It thunks into the nearest zombie orc for 20% damage. It growls and then both of them rush toward us!

  “Oh great!” Gilly says in dismay. “Off to a good start so far!

  “Er…sorry about that, guys,” Fredric says apologetically.

  “Use your paralyzing shot on that same one!” I shout. I had to keep us focused. “I’ll get the other one and try to kill it as fast as I can.”

  “Okay,” Fredric says. “I’ll throw an arrow or two your way as well, if I can.”

  “Sounds like a plan!” Gilly says. “Got get ‘em guys!”

  I run to intercept the second orc before it can reach Fredric. “Over here, meatbag!”

  The orc reacts to my Warcry and changes direction.

  I draw first blood with an opening slash to its fat
stomach and block its attack for a retaliation strike.

  To my chagrin my two hits combined do only 10% damage.

  “This is going to be a tough fight!” I yell.

  Fredric manages to sink an arrow into the one I’m fighting, taking away another 10%. “Yeah, no kidding. These things have some serious armor to them.”

  I take a stab to my chest armor from the Orc and my HP goes down to half. Ow! “They hit hard too!”

  “Hurry it up guys!” Gilly shouts as she heals me. “That witch looks like she’s almost done casting her spell.”

  That spurs me on to get two more attacks in before the orc lands another blow. My rage meter hits 100% and I’m tempted to use my power attack, but I save it. We have a couple more tough enemies to kill and I don’t want to waste it. I get the orc down to 50% when something amazing happens.

  I actually managed to step out of the way when it thrusts at me.

  Congratulations! You have unlocked dodge!

  Your dodge skill increases by 0.4

  “Woot!” I shout elated. “My first actual dodge as a dodge tank! Guess that agility is paying off.”

  “Wouldn’t go calling yourself a dodge tank just yet, sweetie pie!” Gilly says. “Meat tank maybe.”

  “Fine,” I say. “But I like you calling me sweetie pie better.”

  “Hey! Will you guys get serious!” Fredric shouts in a panic. “This thing is nearly to me and I’m out of TP for paralyzing shot!”

  Oh crap!

  I give my orc another chop before using Warcry on the one Fredric is shooting. “Fight me, not him!”

  It responds and I soon have two orcs clobbering me again.


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