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Tinsel Page 5

by Manoj (Vaz) Ramchandran

  “Being married to Sunil is like being in a room with no windows. Each day the room gets smaller. Very slowly … in inches. You don’t notice it at first and one day you wake up to find that you have no room to manoeuvre and you are stuck for life.” Rita opened out to him.

  Her young maid, Shobha, was a smart girl and could see what was going on, so Roy would tip her Rs 10 every time he visited the Thakkar household. The maid liked Roy’s charm and ready smile and she also liked Rita.

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  Rita was not bossy, mean or rude like the other mistresses she had worked for. What’s more, she was generous and gifted her with a dress or sari every once in a while.

  Chika was most interested in how their romance bloomed and kept teasing Roy asking if he had fucked her yet. Roy would smile and say nothing which would make Chika break into a fit of laughter.

  Then one day, out of the blue, Rita asked “Roy, will you take me clubbing? It’s been six years since I’ve seen the inside of a disc!”

  Roy’s heart fluttered but he put on a stoic tone and asked “How will you manage to get out?”

  Rita had an answer ready “Sunil is flying to Singapore to meet an NRI/HNI investor next week and Rohan also has a three day school excursion to Ajanta and Ellora caves near Aurangabad at the same time.”

  “I can pack a few things, including a party dress and pretend I am going to a relative’s house. I will take the car and drive down to your office, change there and we can zip off.”

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  Roy smiled. Obviously Rita had been up a couple of nights planning the rendezvous.

  “Sure, I will make reservations for Saturday night at Karma Pavilion!” said Roy, hardly able to contain his thumping heart.

  Karma Pavilion was the ‘it’ place of Bombay. It was situated in Colaba, the heart of South Bombay, close to the Gateway of India. The discotheque was on the sprawling ground floor and the 5 upper floors constituted a 42-room boutique hotel.

  It was run by young entrepreneur, Viju Shetty, who was distantly related to Chika.

  Chika spoke to Viju and arranged reservations and VIP treatment for his guests. He knew how the mind of a woman worked, and he knew that they loved and got impressed by importance.

  Roy was happy. Everything was at last set for the big day.

  He asked Chika “Chika, am I doing the right thing?”

  Chika smiled, “Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. So just go with the flow.”

  At the Thakkar household, Rita couldn’t wait for Saturday either. The thought of spending time with the young generation after being stuck for 6 years with dour, middle-aged people was almost orgasmic for her.

  Sunil had a late night flight on Friday. Rita had carefully packed his bags ensuring that none of his essentials were left behind. After dinner, she herself drove him to the International airport in their new red Maruti 800. At this late hour, it took her just 30 minutes to reach the International Airport at Sahar. She dropped him at the departure gate exactly two and a half hours before the scheduled departure of the Singapore Airlines flight from Bombay to Changi Airport, Singapore with a stopover in Delhi.

  She waited for a bit and watched Sunil trudge into the departure gate; it was like a load off her shoulders. Suddenly she felt free and young again. She took out the cassette of the new chartbusting album “Thriller” by the new pop

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  dancing sensation Michael Jackson and played it at a volume that made the car reverberate. She had never done that in the last 6 years. It was like an expression of her new found freedom.

  The next morning, she woke up in a cheerful mood and went through the same routine of packing for Rohan’s Ajanta Ellora excursion. The bags were ready and Rohan was all spruced up and having breakfast when the phone rang.

  It was Mrs Pinto, the Administrative Manager from the school “Mrs Thakkar, this is Mrs Pinto from Our Lady Convent School, I am afraid there is a problem. The contract bus that was supposed to take the kids has developed a technical snag and cannot go.”

  Rita was dumb-struck; it was like someone had poured a bucket of ice cold water on her. All the waiting, the planning, the anticipation were going down the gutter.

  “We are trying to get another bus,” continued Mrs Pinto “but we are not sure if we can find one. You see we have a limited budget. If we do manage to arrange another bus, I shall give you a buzz. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused.”

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  ‘Bitch, you don’t know how much more than inconvenience you have caused!’ murmured Rita to herself as her mind went into overdrive.

  She remembered that one of Sunil’s friends Ketan Bhai had a transport business involving luxury buses. She remembered him as a creepy, lecherous guy of Sunil’s age who was always undressing her in his dirty mind. She shuddered, then shrugged and picked up the diary kept next to the telephone and hunted his number down and called his home number. It was only 9:00 am and she knew Gujarati businessmen usually went to work after 10:00 am.

  Rita spoke in her most coquettish voice and as expected Ketan Bhai was overwhelmed. This was the first time Rita had spoken to him and he was more than eager to help the damsel in distress and couldn’t help dreaming that this could be the beginning of an amorous friendship.

  Rita explained the situation to him and also the fact that the bus was being used for a good cause and that the school had a limited budget.

  Ketan Bhai agreed to everything. He would have even sold the bus to the school for a peek of Rita’s breasts.

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  Rita immediately called Mrs Pinto and gave her Ketan Bhai’s number and told her to speak to him immediately.

  Ten minutes later, an ecstatic Mrs Pinto called her and thanked her profusely. Mr Ketan Shah had not only agreed to spare a nice luxury bus, he also was charging them much lower than the original bus contractor because Rita Madam had spoken to him.

  “By the way,” she added, “the bus will now leave at 2:00 pm from the school gate.”

  Rita heaved a huge sigh of relief and smiling for the first time in the last hour or so said to herself…

  ‘Wanting is one thing, getting what you want is another!’

  After dropping Rohan to school, Rita went straight to the beauty parlour. She styled her hair, did up her nails and waxed her arms and legs. Then on an impulse asked for a bikini wax too. She was in a good mood and she willingly suffered the pain.

  At around 7:00 pm, she packed a small overnighter which contained a sexy, black, off shoulder dress that showed off her sexy legs, a strapless bra and her makeup kit. She tipped Shobha Rs 100 and asked her to keep the phone off the hook. Phones in Bombay were reliably unreliable, and in case Sunil did call, he would not get suspicious.

  Before leaving, as an after-thought, she told Shobha, that in the event that she did not arrive till 7:30 am the next day, she should place the phone back on the hook, and if Sunil called, she was to tell him that Madam has gone to the beauty parlour.

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  Six years with Sunil and she knew that chances were slim that he would call during the night, but he would definitely call during the day and Singapore was two and half hours ahead of Bombay.

  Shobha smiled and nodded aggressively, she could see herself in a new sari soon.

  Rita parked outside the FCN office and strode in. Chika, Zaheer and the young technicians who were present greeted her warmly. Chika asked her to have a seat as the youngest technician rushed to the restaurant to get her a cup of coffee.

  Just as she was sipping the coffee, Roy arrived looking dapper in black jeans, blue silk party shirt, black boots and a trendy jacket.

  “Hey Roy, you look like that singer … Michael Jackson!” teased Chika.

  There was a little truth in the tease though with his curly hair, sharp features, dark skin and wiry build.

  Rita excused herself into the storeroom and changed int
o her party dress and accessories. When she stepped out, everybody’s jaws fell!

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  She looked absolutely amazing! The black dress was a little tight and bursting at the seams to hold her assets. Her face glowed and her waxed skin shone. Her lovely mane, now free of the clips, curled down to her waist like a cascading waterfall.

  Even the 12 year old technicians could not stop thinking of her way past her exit from the garage with Roy.

  The Karma Pavilion was a sprawling, dark, UV lit discotheque. As usual, on Saturday nights, the place was teeming with rich college kids and young executives. Designer clothes and designer drugs were the mantras of the hip crowd that hung out at the KP.

  Entry was strictly for couples and carried a steep Rs 800 cover charge. Two huge bouncers stood outside the main door and rubber stamped the inside of the wrist of the patrons who were found fit to be allowed inside. No stags were allowed. The men who came with their girlfriends or wives were also frisked before they were let in. The recent murder of model Jessica Lal at a Delhi disco had not gone unnoticed by Viju.

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  He knew that his disco, though popular, was not completely legal and any trouble that brought it to the media limelight would also ensure its closure.

  Parking was a problem, as it usually is in South Bombay; hence the disco had hired half a dozen valets who expertly parked the cars in the nearby parking zones. Viju did not want his patrons to park their own cars as there were many instances of drunken young couples making out in the parked cars before driving out.

  This was India after all and there were groups of voyeurs who would miss their night’s sleep to catch a peek at a naked breast or butt. They would lie in wait and at an opportune time crowd around the car and shine torches inside startling the couple, who would have to get dressed in a jiffy in the awkward confines of the car and drive away.

  Meanwhile, the crowd was just beginning to build up at the KP. When Roy introduced himself to the Guest Relations Officer, the pretty girl smiled and told him that they were expected.

  The disco had bar stools as well as tables around the psychedelic dance floor; the GRO led them

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  to the best table in the disco. It was right in front of the dance floor, yet away from the speakers and close enough to the bar.

  The UV lighting made everything look surreal. It was as if they had been transported to another world. Everything in white, including the white of their eyes glowed. Pastel shades looked fluorescent and lively. Even the table had an outer space design which exuded an out of this world allure!

  As soon as they were seated, a Margarita for the lady and Scotch for the gentleman were served along with some snacks to munch.

  Roy glanced at Rita and could see that she was suitably impressed. As soon as they picked up their respective glasses, a tall, slim, bespectacled, young man came to the table and shook hands with Roy. It was Viju Shetty, the owner of Karma Pavilion.

  “Hi Roy, I have heard so much about you from Chika,” said Viju, and continued, “and you, lovely lady, must be Rita. I am so sorry I could not welcome you. In fact I was having a bit of a trouble with an Excise official. You see we still don’t have a license to stock imported liquor.”

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  Rita immediately liked the friendly and courteous young man who looked more like a banker than an hotelier.

  Soon, the manager came over and whisked Viju away. Viju excused himself, but before he went away, he called the GRO and sternly said “Sapna, these are my special guests, treat them like royalty!”

  And treated like royals, they were! Drinks and snacks of their choice were served and repeated before they could finish what was on the table. And when they hit the dance floor, the DJ himself came down and asked them for their favourite numbers and played them.

  Roy had never seen Rita so happy. She danced with gay abandon to numbers belted out by Tina Turner, Cindy Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson and all her other favourite artistes.

  The continuous flow of Margaritas had her in high spirits literally, but she could feel the effects of the alcohol only after the music stopped at 2:00 am. In fact she seemed reasonably in control, when she visited the rest room, but she threw up

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  there and was totally wasted and could hardly stand straight when she came out and hung on to Roy.

  Viju advised Roy against driving home in their condition and told him that he had already arranged a room for them in the hotel above. Roy also knew that Rita couldn’t go home in that condition and he had no place to take her for the night. So he agreed.

  A waiter immediately handed over the keys to Room 401 and Roy gently held Rita by the waist and led her to the elevator.

  The room was big and cosy. Centrally air- conditioned and well-appointed, it had a large American style double bed, a 33 inch Sony TV, a wardrobe, couch and coffee table. The bathroom too was spacious with imported shower panels, accessories and a medium sized bathtub.

  By the time they entered the room, Rita was ready to pass out. The room was cold and her party dress had gotten wet when she was awkwardly trying to wash her face in the rest room.

  “This dress is all wet,” she slurred “I want to take it off!” struggling with the hooks and pulling off the dress and the strapless bra in one motion.

  Roy was speechless, breathless and witless as her magnificent breasts sprang out like caged animals.

  “Don’t stare, you naughty boy, and give me your shirt.”

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  Roy did as he was instructed and Rita tried in vain to fit her womanhood into his shirt, gave up “I need to lose some weight,” she muttered and passed out on the edge of the bed.

  Roy looked at her lovingly. She looked like an innocent child except for the lovely breasts spilling out of his silk shirt.

  She had managed to fasten only the bottom four buttons, but she had even got them wrong, thought Roy and smiled to himself.

  He kneeled on the bed and lifted her softly and placed her head on the pillow. Then he tucked her in the thick cotton blanket. While tucking her in, his hand brushed her breasts and he was tempted to fondle them, but he didn’t. He kissed her fondly on her forehead and whispered in her ear “Sleep well my princess…”

  “I love you, Mark…” she murmured back.

  Roy smiled. He didn’t feel bad, in fact he was proud that even after all these years, she still loved Mark.

  Slowly, Roy undressed to his boxers. He opened the wardrobe and hung his jeans and jacket on

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  a hanger inside. Then he picked up Rita’s damp dress from the floor and hung it under the fan to dry.

  He lay down on the couch and reminisced the evening and drifted to sleep with a smile on his lips.

  For the first time in his life, he dreamt of his mom. Mark was next to her, smiling at him.

  Her angelic face called out to him and she said “I love you, Roy!” and held her arms open to him.

  First time in his life Roy felt loved and loved the feeling.

  At the break of dawn, he was awakened by the sweetest sensation he had ever experienced. He opened his eyes dreamily to see Rita kneeling beside the couch, her right hand guiding his organ into her lips. The warm, moist confines of her mouth played host while her wet tongue tickled his glans.


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