Stranger In His Bed

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Stranger In His Bed Page 13

by Lauren Canan

  All in all, it had been a remarkable evening. A fairy-tale night. But even in the arms of the man she loved, sailing through the darkness in a flying chariot, she still carried that tiny feeling of trepidation that all was not right. Wade picked up on it.

  “What’s the matter, Victoria?”

  “Nothing.” She shrugged and touched his cheek. “This trip has all been so great. I think I’m just sad that it’s over. I already miss the ranch.”

  “We’ll go back again. The Governor’s Ball is coming up next month. It’s an event you usually look forward to. I had completely forgotten about it, but my assistant just sent a reminder. This is a charity we sponsor each year. You need to have your dress fittings, and I’ve got some work I must see to before then. But I had your art supplies sent ahead to the house. You should have plenty to keep you busy.”

  “The Governor’s Ball?” she asked. “Wade, I can’t go to something like that.”

  “Why not?” He frowned.

  “I won’t know anyone. I won’t remember anything, what to do, how to react... I can’t go to something so important. I haven’t even been out of the house to speak of.”

  “Victoria, it’s just an annual event for charity. The people there won’t know if you remember them or not. It just isn’t a big deal.”

  “It sounds like a very big deal.”

  “The designer will come to refit your dress. And we will attend together. Don’t worry.”

  “I would imagine there’s quite a bit of work waiting for you, especially knowing how much time I caused you to miss.”

  Wade lowered the mic and kissed her on the end of her nose. “I haven’t had any time off since... I can’t remember. The company is at a point where it pretty much runs itself day-to-day. I have to step in for mergers and certain other corporate dealings, but Cole is there to handle things almost every day. Once he gets back from London and we take care of a few matters, including our conference call Monday morning, I should have more time to spend with you.”

  “It must be a big deal if you’re both needed on the call.”

  “When you’re dealing with foreign dignitaries, it helps to have backup.” He lowered her mouthpiece for the mic and leaned over and stole a kiss. He held her eyes with his as he replaced both microphones. “It won’t take long, I promise. I should be back by late afternoon.”

  “Take as long as you need. Your business comes first. I’ll sleep in, paint and enjoy the pool while you’re gone.”

  “Be careful of the pool—” he began, and Victoria cut him off.

  “I will, and we’ve had this discussion.”

  “I’ll agree to you sleeping in, getting some rest.” He raised his microphone and pulled her headset away from her ear. “’Cause you’re gonna need it,” he said against her ear, his voice low and sexy. He replaced the microphone and sat back satisfied as a fat pampered cat.

  The chopper landed on the Masterses’ private airfield, and the pilot killed the motor. A car was waiting to take them to the mansion. The sounds in the city were so different from the ranch. There, while they’d eaten their dinner, in the distance the coyotes howled at the moon, cows mooed and birds sang their song.

  It was a short ride from the landing pad to the mansion. Once they reached the house, Victoria excused herself to take a quick shower and change her clothes. When she stepped under the gentle spray in the shower enclosure, she regulated the heat and shampooed her hair. With her eyes closed, she didn’t see Wade step into the shower. His big hands, loaded with soap, proceeded to lather every inch of her body. Her heartbeat tripled at knowing he was here with her. He paid special attention to her breasts, which swelled under his touch. Then his hands moved lower, gently rubbing the sensitive area between her legs. He knelt before her, his mouth finding and enjoying the little nub of her womanhood.

  Just as Victoria lost the strength to stand, he stood and grabbed her hips, lifting her to him. Her back was against the cool wall of the shower, the water coming down all around her. She gasped as Wade settled her onto his erection. With one push, he was all the way inside her. Her legs came around his hips, her arms around his neck as he began to move.

  “I can’t hold it back for long, Victoria. I have no willpower where you’re concerned.”

  She could only nod her head in understanding.

  He began to move faster and faster, pumping into her until they both were frantic for release. Wade pulled out, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, drying her with a soft blanket before helping her onto the bed. He reached into the nightstand drawer for a silver packet and quickly got it open and slipped the condom into place. Then he was inside her again, working his magic and bringing them both to the edge of ecstasy. Victoria let out a cry and felt the electric current run down her spine as her body detonated. She held on to Wade with all the strength she had left. Wade followed seconds later. She glowed in the aftermath, listening to his heart beating in a rhythm as fast as her own, surrounded by the warmth and the scent of this man she loved.

  After holding her and allowing time for them both to catch their breath, he reached over to the night table and picked up a small black velvet case. He held it out to her. Victoria sat up, not fully understanding. When he opened the lid, there was the most exquisite diamond ring in the world. Wade took it out of the box and took her left hand.

  “I realized, belatedly, my wife isn’t wearing her wedding ring. Could it be because the other was given as merely a token to wear out in public and not with the feelings that are supposed to come with it?”

  “I took it off after you told me about our marriage. It’s in the drawer in the side table.”

  He shook his head as though it amazed him. “Will you please accept this until you can pick out your own wedding band to go with it?” he asked as he slipped it on her finger.

  It was beyond breathtaking, with an enormous diamond surrounded by clusters of smaller ones. It fit perfectly. “Wade. You didn’t have to do this. Especially since...well, since we are kind of only just married on paper.”

  “Then marry me for real, Victoria.” His voice was deep and soft; his eyes indicated his sincerity. “Be mine in every way a man and a woman can be joined.”

  There were no words. She scrambled up on her knees to get closer, fell against him and found his lips with hers. “I love you, Wade Masters.”

  * * *

  The next few days were the paradigm of perfection, with Victoria alternately painting and enjoying the pool while Wade went to his office. The nights were pure magic. They talked about anything and everything. Wade told her some of what he contended with at his business, talked about his family and his childhood. Victoria hung on each and every word and hoped someday she could regain her memory and share herself with Wade in the same way.

  Today, they were having lunch together at the house. It was one of the rare occasions that Wade could get away from work to be here with her during the day. They sat in the nook Victoria had designed for them, eating sandwiches and discussing her latest canvas.

  “Mr. Masters,” Curtis interrupted, approaching them with a tentative air. “Excuse me, sir, but your assistant is on line four.”

  “Excuse me, Victoria. I’d better take this.”

  “No, you go ahead. She probably misses you, since you’re so seldom away from the office.”

  Wade stood from the table, kissed her on the head and disappeared. After only a few minutes, he was back.

  “Everything okay?”

  He nodded, sitting back down and taking up his fork and knife.

  “My assistant was just updating me on the second conference call with the Japanese dignitaries next week. She has all the requested information gathered and in order. She wanted to know if there was anything else I would need.”

  Victoria nodded her head in understanding.

  “I know,” Wade sai
d, setting his cutlery on the table and reaching for her hand. “Reality always finds a way of rearing its ugly head just about the time I start to relax and enjoy myself. It’s just one of the drawbacks of being CEO of Masters International. At least I won’t be coming home to an empty house. I thank you for that, Victoria.”

  “I love you, Wade.”

  “All right, that’s it—I quit. I’ll have my notice on...somebody’s desk this afternoon.”

  She giggled. “I don’t think you can do that. Think of all the people that are counting on you. You can’t let them down.”

  “Seriously, thank you for understanding.”

  Victoria smiled. “So, what does Cinderella do at the Governor’s Ball?”

  “Stand in a receiving line that goes on for miles, pretend you’re having a wonderful time, ensure the governor and his wife are having a wonderful time. Enjoy the desserts and dance with your husband until your feet scream no more! And as soon as we can get an opening, we’re out of there.”

  Victoria laughed.

  “Actually, you attended last year and didn’t stop talking about it for weeks. Before the accident, you were looking forward to it this year, too, as I recall. Most of the people you encounter there are nice enough, and the music is provided by a special touring section of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

  “But the main thing will be for you to have an enjoyable evening, make some new friends, say hello to the old ones you can’t remember and know that I’ll be right there with you.”

  “It’s scary meeting the outside world without knowing anyone. It’s one thing to not have my close friends—if I have any—drop by. But this...this is a big deal. It’s important to you. What if I mess up?”

  “You won’t mess up, Victoria. The attendees will be glad to see you after news of your accident. Just try to relax and have a good time.”

  “Okay, then. If you’re sure you’re okay with what might happen, I’ll do my best and let my Prince Charming escort me to the ball.”


  In the days that followed, she saw less and less of Wade. But as insane as her schedule became as she prepared for the ball, she could only imagine what his must be like. At least it would only be for a few more days. Then they could return to the ranch for a while.

  The dress designer and his staff had arrived for the final fitting of her gown and set up in one of the guest bedrooms. When they removed the protective cover, Victoria gasped in amazement. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. The black-sequined silk clung to her body, falling all the way to the floor, a plunging neckline and scooped back adding to the dramatic effect. Though she couldn’t remember, it was more than likely the most daring dress she’d ever worn.

  “Oh, madam, you have lost weight over the past few months since your original fitting,” said the designer. “Still, we have time. We will take it in, and it will be perfect and ready for you before the ball.”

  Something about the fitting brought it all home. She was going to attend one of the most important functions in Wade’s year. She wouldn’t be able to remember names or faces. She would be a laughingstock and bring embarrassment to the entire family.

  When Wade arrived home that evening, he immediately sensed something was wrong and asked what was the matter.

  She sat in a chair staring out the bedroom window. “Nothing. I’m glad you’re home.”

  “Honey.” He tossed his jacket on the nearest chair. “Don’t be concerned about the gala. It’s really not a big deal. There will be over three hundred people in attendance, but you’ll be the most exquisite woman there. Just stick close to my side. No one will notice if you remember them from a year ago. In fact, most of the attendees won’t know I’m married, so there will be plenty of congratulations. If asked, just say we decided against a big wedding.”

  She nodded. What else could she do?

  The next morning a package was delivered from a local art gallery. Victoria fretted for a while as to whether to open it or wait for Wade. In the end she gave in to her curiosity and pulled the brown paper away from the gold-edged frame. It was a simple painting of a Siamese cat perched on the edge of a small table, completely absorbed in watching the antics of a butterfly in metallic blues and golds, with one paw raised in alert concentration and fascination. The combination of mute tones and shadows and the bright effervescent colors of the eyes of the cat and the butterfly combined to make a painting of near photographic quality.

  She leaned in closer and gazed at the delicate brushstrokes. Despite the overall beauty of the painting, Victoria saw flaws. The fur of the cat could have been made to appear thicker, fluffier. The eyes were the color typical of that breed of cat, but they also should have reflected the color of the objects surrounding it.

  Suddenly Victoria realized she was viewing the canvas with a professional eye for detail. Her hand closed as though she was holding a paintbrush, ready to finish an incomplete work of art, to add the tiny minute strokes and bring the painting to its full completion.

  Wade’s heavy hands came to rest on her shoulders, breaking her out of the spell. “I like it,” he said, leaning over to kiss the side of her face.

  “It’s not finished.” She frowned.

  “What? Victoria, you bought this painting a few days before the accident. You called and told me about a small gallery you’d discovered and an up-and-coming artist you’d met there. You said you had arranged to have the painting delivered when the show was taken down, which is now.”

  “That must be why it looks recognizable.” She shrugged, a slight headache taking hold. “I couldn’t understand where I might have seen it before, yet it looked incredibly familiar. Maybe it’s a sign of my memory returning.”

  “Maybe it is. We’ll have it hung in the library. Seems fitting for that room. It’s a beautiful painting,” he added.

  “I guess so.” Again she leaned forward intently, gazing at the details. “But it needs to be finished before it’s hung.”

  Wade shrugged and looked at his wife. “It looks finished to me. Are you hungry? Victoria?”

  “I guess.”

  “Maybe your memory is returning. Familiar is a good thing.”

  She nodded her head.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he prompted, taking her hand. “I’m starved. Don’t worry about the painting. Apparently you selected it before the accident. It will all come back eventually.”

  She sighed, nodding. “I hope you’re right.”

  * * *

  It was now just two days until the Governor’s Ball. Her gown hung in what used to be her bedroom, and her shoes had been placed on the floor beneath it. The makeup artist was scheduled to arrive four hours before they were due to leave, just after the hairdresser and manicurist finished their jobs. Everything was all set.

  But Victoria’s nerves were tied in knots. Wade had continually assured her it wasn’t a big deal, but Victoria knew better. It was the event of the year, with a list of attending dignitaries as long as her arm. She wouldn’t know anyone there. Even those she’d met last year she wouldn’t recognize. That had to be the reason for her trepidation.

  Wade’s brothers and their wives would be in attendance. Holly had been calling every day to try to alleviate Victoria’s fears, assuring her no one would notice if she forgot a name or two. Or three. Victoria wasn’t convinced. But Wade was depending on her to go with him, and there was no way she would let him down.

  Wade was due back from his office in a few hours, and Victoria wanted to do something nice for him. She ventured down to the kitchen area and asked the chef to prepare Wade’s favorite meal to be served around seven. Every moment they had together became more and more special. She was truly in love with her husband. Head over heels.

  Despite his massive wealth, she still liked him best when he was on the ranch, dressed in his worn, tight-fitting jeans, wi
th a laid-back look on his face that said all was right with the world. And the ranch was so beautiful. She was so grateful he’d shared that part of his life.

  The candles were lit and burning in the center of the small table. Jacob had brought his amazing insight to bear, apparently guessing this was to be a special night. He’d covered the table with linens and arranged a small bouquet of flowers.

  She’d dressed in a daring black creation with a mesh fabric between the areas of lace that covered only the briefest parts of her anatomy. Its plunging neckline and low back finished the overall effect. Her hair was pulled back with a silver comb.

  Wade arrived home a little before six thirty. His eyes lit up the instant he saw her. Then he frowned, a question forming in his eyes.

  “Did I miss an invitation? Are we having guests?”

  “Nope. Just the two of us.”

  “Mmm. Brings all sorts of possibilities to mind. You look delicious, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. “So do you.”

  He grinned. That gorgeous, sexy grin that made her want to make love to him where they stood. Wade loosened his tie and shed his jacket, tossing it over a chair. “Hope you don’t mind. I’m going to take a shower.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  Smiling, Victoria followed him up the stairs. “The sea bass will be ready in about half an hour.”

  “That may be too soon.”

  “Too soon?”

  He entered his suite and walked to the phone, dialing the kitchen. “Yeah, Jacob? Put a hold on that dinner until you hear from me.” He looked over at Victoria. “At least an hour. Maybe two,” he said into the receiver. Hanging up, he unbuttoned his silk shirt. Next went the belt, socks and shoes. She couldn’t help but notice a slight, almost devious smile cross his face.

  Without preamble he approached her, spun her around and unzipped her dress. He gave it a slight push and it fell off her shoulders and onto the floor. Soon she stood before him in only her lacy bikini underwear and black heels.

  “Wade, I don’t understand...”


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