Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale) Page 5

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  Amber felt comfortable with Tiny; for a man so large he was so soft and graceful on the floor, and as they danced away from Seth and Marie, Amber said, ‘Seth got another card from his brother today.’

  Tiny nodded his head and said, ‘He bin it as usual?’

  Amber nodded her head and Tiny raised his hand so that she could pirouette beneath his raised arm.

  ‘What happened to Seth as a child Tiny? He never talks about it.’

  Tiny looked at Amber; his eyes locked on hers and he said in a soft voice, ‘Amber, it’s not my place to talk, Seth will do what he has to, if he doesn’t want anything to do with his brother that’s his business.’

  ‘I know, I just worry about him, sometimes he has really bad dreams, I don’t think he knows how bad they are sometimes; was his childhood that terrible?’

  Tiny opened his mouth and then closed it and then he said, ‘I can tell you this much Amber, you know his mum died when he was still a baby?’


  ‘After that it was just Seth, his brother and their step-father, look,’ he paused to collect his thoughts, ‘imagine the worst case of abuse that you can, you’ve seen his scars, imagine the worst thing that you possibly can, what terrible things some children suffer, times that by a hundred and you’re still nowhere near what happened to your husband.’

  Amber looked at Tiny with a look of abject misery; luckily she had her back to Seth as she had tears in her eyes. ‘That bad?’

  Tiny shrugged, ‘Worse, I think, and I’m not saying anymore, now blink those tears back as your husband is coming.’

  Amber nodded and planted a gentle kiss on Tiny’s bearded face.

  The song ended and they all headed back to the table, Amber picked up her purse and said, ‘I fancy a cigarette, anyone else?’

  Seth said that he’d join her, everyone else declined. Tiny shrugged and said, ‘I’d love to but the little lady’ll kill me.’ Marie dug her husband in his ribs and said, ‘I made him give up, it’s been two weeks.’

  ‘Back in a minute,’ Seth said and he escorted Amber across the pub’s floor towards the doors.

  Seth stepped outside with Amber and said, ‘Whoa, look at this.’ Amber let the pub door close behind her, dampening the noise from within.

  ‘My god,’ she said; even to her own hearing her voice sounded slurred from the alcohol.

  ‘Told you it was going to be foggy.’

  It was as if they had stepped out in to a mass of off-white cotton wool, it was so thick that they couldn’t see beyond their own immediate selves. Seth hand his arm out and watched as his arm disappeared from the elbow down.

  ‘This is spooky,’ Amber added as her own hands disappeared in to the thickness. They could hear the waves on the beach and other sounds from the village but it was as if they were on an alien planet.

  Seth took Amber’s right hand and told her to follow him and he moved confidently in to the all-encompassing mass of fog.

  ‘Where are we going, I can’t see a thing?’

  ‘There’s a picnic table just down here.’

  ‘How can you see it?’

  ‘I can’t but I know where it is,’ and within moments they were at the wooden picnic table/bench. They sat on the table top and put their feet on the bench seat. Amber sparked up two cigarettes and handed one to Seth. She could see his upper body and face but everything else was hidden in the bank of fog. Seth pulled her close and slipped his arm around her waist, she rested her head on his shoulder. ‘I’m drunk,’ she told him with a laugh and Seth said he already knew that.

  ‘That was lovely what Tiny said about you in there.’

  ‘I didn’t do that much when we were growing up, we would have all made it out.’

  ‘Tiny doesn’t think so.’

  ‘They give me too much credit.’

  They smoked their cigarettes. ‘Are you having a good time?’


  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Just after ten.’

  Amber stood up and ground the stub of her cigarette out and she managed after a couple of stumbling attempts to climb in to Seth’s lap. Her legs stretched out across the table behind him and she wrapped her hands around his neck and he held her in his lap, his hands cupping her buttocks through the smoothness of her dress. Her face was inches away from his and she said, ‘I want you to know that Tiny’s not the only one that’s grateful for you, I am too.’

  Seth kissed her mouth, he could taste the alcohol and after-taste of cigarette on her lips, he was trying to shut her up but she leaned back from him and he had to quickly slide his hands up her back to stop her falling backwards out of his lap.

  ‘Whoa,’ he said.

  Amber hiccupped, ‘I mean it baby, when I was training to be a vet I know you made sacrifices for me, gave up things that you wanted to do, you worked shitty jobs to support me for six years.’

  ‘Support us,’ he interjected.

  ‘No, me, you worked in that shitty meat factory, you hated it, and when we moved in with my parents to help save some money I know how hard my mum made it for you, I know she’s a bitch, but you never said anything, never complained, never argued, you just persevered with it.’

  ‘I love what I do.’

  ‘Yeah now, we have a good life, but we wouldn’t have what we’ve got if not for you, I’d have never become a vet, I’d probably still be at Tesco’s stacking shelves.’

  ‘Fuck you would, you would have done it on your own.’

  Amber sighed and said, ‘I wouldn’t have, you enabled me to, I will always love you for that, I love you so much that it hurts sometimes, like I’m suffocating and I love it, do you know how amazing you are?’

  Seth pressed his hands against her shoulders and her face met his and staring in to her stunningly blue eyes Seth said, ‘I love you more.’

  ‘Why?’ whispered Amber and Seth heard the seriousness of her tone, she really wanted to know and he couldn’t believe that she hadn’t figured it out yet.

  ‘You bring me peace,’ he said softly.

  Amber felt tears spring to her eyes. ‘Really?’


  Amber kissed him, her tongue flicking between his lips seeking his out. Her hands gripped his hair as the passion she felt for this man overwhelmed her and she felt him grow beneath her ass and she wiggled in his lap.

  Seth got to his feet and holding Amber in his arms turned her and moved forward so that her back was towards the table and he lowered her down on to the picnic table. Amber released her legs from around his waist, her knees were at the end of the table edge and her feet dangled inches above the ground. She raised her arms behind her, her hands found the other end of the table top and she stretched herself out. Seth looked down at his wife lying on the table top and the diamonds at her throat sparkled in the strange fog induced light. He unzipped the front of her dress until it was at her navel and her breasts spilled free, he lowered his hands to the mounds of her breasts and he moved his face down to her left breast and the nipple was huge and dark and he took it between his teeth and pulled at the sensitive bud and Amber cried out.

  Seth heard the pub’s door open and they both heard Andrew say, ‘Fuck me look at this fog; hey everyone, come look it’s like a horror movie.’

  Amber zipped her dress up and sat up and whispered in Seth’s ear, ‘I’m all yours later baby.’

  ‘Where’s the birthday boy,’ Tiny’s disembodied voice said through the thickness and Seth said, ‘I’m over here.’

  ‘Where’s over here dickhead, I can’t see fuck all, look at this weather, you ever seen anything like it, especially during the summer and this heat?’

  ‘Nope,’ Seth replied and grabbed his friend’s arm. Tiny jumped and screamed like a girl. Everyone laughed.

  ‘Gee-Zus I almost pissed myself, come on lets go back inside.’ Tiny led the charge back in to the pub.

  Midnight: and the pub was near-empty, and only Seth and Amber, and Tiny and Marie wer
e left sat at the table. Everyone else had begun their goodbyes an hour ago, and Kathy had been the last to leave ten minutes ago with her husband.

  Barry had turned out all the lights except for the ones behind the bar and he was busy filling a glass washer.

  Tiny was sat opposite Amber and Seth, Marie was sat to the side of her husband; her head resting against his expansive chest. Amber was sat next to Seth, her right leg hanging over Seth’s two legs; in the semi-darkness she didn’t have to worry about the other couple seeing her exposed thighs. Seth’s hand was rested high on her right thigh, his fingers snaking beneath the curve of her thigh; his thumb beneath the patterned lace top of her hold-up stocking. Amber was drinking another large vodka tonic and she sucked an ice-cube between her lips.

  ‘We wanted to wait until we were the only ones left, we have a favour to ask of you both,’ Tiny said. Seth nodded his head. ‘Go on.’

  He looked down at Amber’s lap; her black dress had ridden up and he could see the neat one inch wide vertical rectangle of neatly trimmed red pubic hair and she parted her thighs slightly and he could see her glistening slit. Amber smiled drunkenly at her husband; she was well and truly “trolleyed” as the Cornish liked to say. She looked at Tiny and Marie to see if they had any suspicions about what was going on across the table from them but the couple were intent on Seth and Amber’s faces.

  ‘We’ve talked about this a lot and we’d love for you to be our child’s god-parents,’ Tiny said and Marie nodded her head as she rubbed at her distended belly

  Amber blinked several times and managed to sit up straighter on the bench seat. She looked at Seth, who had the same look of surprise on his face.

  ‘We know neither of you are religious people, but when it comes to two people who would look out for our child in case something were to happen to us we can’t think of anyone better.’

  Tiny finished the rest of his beer and put the empty glass down on the table. Amber downed the rest of the contents of her own glass and looked at Seth who was looking at her. Amber nodded agreement with her eyes and Seth said, ‘Tiny, Marie; we would be honoured.’

  ‘Excellent!’ exclaimed Tiny. ‘Barry! We’ll have that bottle of Champagne now.’

  Champagne was popped and flutes filled and they toasted the occasion; even Seth and Marie had a glass.


  Seth was driving, they headed up the hill away from Portreath and as the Audi climbed out of the valley floor the fog began to thin until after several scary minutes he could actually see beyond the front of the car. The roof was still down; even with the unexpected fog and the lateness of the evening; it was just after one in the morning, the night was still stiflingly warm. Amber was next to him; the opened champagne bottle clutched between her thighs; Tiny had told them to take it with them when the four of them had finally called it a night.

  Amber unzipped the front of her dress down to just beneath her belly button and parted it exposing her breasts; the breeze caused her nipples to harden immediately and gooseflesh puckered across the swells of her breasts.

  ‘It’s so fucking hot baby.’

  Seth had to agree; he risked a quick glance at his wife and could see beads of sweat running between her marvellous breasts.

  ‘The fresh air is helping; I don’t feel so “mullered”.’

  Seth laughed. The road levelled out and here on the coastal road (the cliffs only a hundred yards away to their right) the visibility was a lot better and he drove on for half a mile.

  ‘You just passed the turning for Illogan baby.’

  ‘I know; we’re not going home yet.’

  Amber sat up in her seat and looked at Seth. ‘We’re not?’


  He continued along the coastal road until he saw a wooden sign proclaiming Tehidy North mounted on a high hedge, he slowed and turned in to the secluded coastal parking area. Amber looked around at the tall trees crowding at the edge of the parking spot; here the fog was heavy but visibility was about twenty feet beyond the vehicle, Seth drove slowly along the cleared area and pulled in to a parking bay; his headlights facing the dense woodland. He shut the engine off and apart from the ticking of the cooling engine they couldn’t hear a thing.

  ‘What are we doing here?’ Amber asked and Seth smiled and opened his door and got out. He walked around the back of the sports-car. He opened her door and she climbed out of the car; he closed her door and they walked around to the front of the vehicle. Amber carried the three quarter full bottle of champagne and Seth withdrew a pack of cigarettes and lit two before handing one to Amber. They both sat back against the car and looked out at the darkness of the forest. They could now hear the night sounds of the forest; nocturnal creatures moving about and birds in the high treetops.

  ‘Why are we here?’ Amber asked again.

  ‘No reason at all, it was a spur of the moment thing; we can go if you like?’

  ‘No, this is fine, the fresh air is helping to clear my head; I drank way too much tonight.’

  Seth chuckled and indicated the bottle in her hand. She raised the bottle to her mouth and took a deep gulp; it fizzed and champagne spilled from her mouth and ran down her chin and downwards over the contours of her exposed breasts. She pulled the bottle away and did a mixture of a cough and a laugh. Seth took a final drag on his cigarette and flicked the butt in to the night.

  Seth turned to Amber and pushed her back on to the bonnet; her breasts swayed as she settled back on to the car and he lowered his face to her breasts, he traced the tip of his tongue across first one engorged nipple and then the other. They were huge and a darker colour to the rest of her exposed skin; he could see that the areolae were puckered with tiny lumps and he took her right nipple in to his mouth and sucked the papilla between his teeth.

  ‘God that’s so good,’ Amber said and she flicked her cigarette away. Seth raised his head and moved his tongue between her breasts and traced a trickle of champagne up her throat and across her chin before his mouth met hers and she kissed him vigorously. Seth’s hands massaged her breasts; his fingers and thumbs pulling hard on her erect nipples; he twisted them and tugged on them; stretching them out just like Amber liked and she moaned in to his mouth.

  Seth stood up and Amber whined as his hands let go of her breasts. Seth began to unzip the rest of her dress but they both froze when they heard the crunch of gravel beneath someone’s shoes. They both looked in the same direction and saw a man in his early forties about fifteen feet away and Amber took a gulp of air; she’d thought they were alone in the secluded spot but she realised that in this fog they hadn’t been able to see the whole length of the car-park.

  The man raised his hands before him, palms towards them. ‘Sorry folks, I thought you’d seen my car when you pulled in, I did hit my break lights a couple of times to let you know I was parked there.’

  Amber wasn’t sure what the man meant by this. Seth stepped between the man and Amber; shielding her and she sat up on the bonnet and quickly zipped her dress up.

  ‘No we didn’t see you in this fog,’ Seth said, ‘I thought we were alone.’

  The man walked a few more paces towards them and stopped about six feet away from Seth. Seth sidled along the car and Amber turned to look at the man; he didn’t appear threatening in his shirt and trousers; he was a little shorter that Seth but a little heavier with blonde hair.

  ‘I didn’t mean to startle you; it’s just been a really quiet night and when I saw you both get out of the car I thought that was my invite.’

  ‘Your what?’ Amber said and she stepped around the car and leant back against the side of the bonnet next to Seth; who she was pleased to see was alert and ready should this unimposing man suddenly turn violent; she had no worries about the stranger hurting them, she knew what her husband was capable of.

  ‘My invite; this is a dogging site.’

  Seth said, ‘I didn’t think, we’d heard about some of these forest car-parks, but I, we, didn’t think about it
, we’re not here for that.’

  The man laughed, it was warm and full of good humour. ‘You could have fooled me.’ The man was looking directly at Amber. ‘When he started to suck your nipples I thought you were both up for it, I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t scare you both, really I’m not a threat.’

  Amber took a sip from the bottle and said to Seth, ‘I didn’t think about being seen here, did you?’

  Seth shook his head. ‘I didn’t see his car.’ Seth looked at the man. ‘Sorry for getting your hopes up buddy but we just parked up for some fun.’

  ‘Bugger,’ the man said with a smile. ‘I knew tonight was going to be a waste of time.’

  ‘How long have you been here for?’

  ‘Since about seven o-clock.’

  ‘Shit,’ Amber said. ‘That was hours ago, weren’t you bored out of your mind?’

  ‘I didn’t have anything else planned, and this has been a good spot in the past, but I guess the fog kept them all away.’

  ‘How many normally come up here?’ Amber asked and she relaxed in to Seth, she could feel his initial tenseness begin to lighten but she knew he’d spring in to action immediately if things took a turn for the worst; she didn’t think they would, the man looked totally harmless and to just sit here for over six hours in the hope of something happening; he had to have the patience of a saint.

  Seth cast a quick glance at Amber, he was happy to see that she was covered up; the stranger had seen a fair bit already. Seth wasn’t concerned about the unexpected visitor but he was a bit pissed off at being interrupted; he’d really started to enjoy himself until the man turned up.

  ‘Most weekends you get three or four different couples up here; sometimes they let others watch, a few let you join in.’

  Amber was intrigued. ‘Join in?’

  ‘Yeah, some just let you watch, you can play with yourself whilst you watch but they don’t let you touch them, others let you touch the woman, sometimes even fuck them, or they’ll suck me off, or give me a hand-job.’

  ‘Damn,’ Seth said.

  The man chuckled and introduced himself, ‘I’m Stuart.’


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