Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale) Page 11

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  At first Seth had been slow in taking to the position he now held; her boss in more ways than one, but lately he had begun to get in to the role more and the for the last three weeks he had instructed her to only wear stockings and high-heels to the office and around the house. ‘I like seeing you naked,’ he had told her and he was also getting more dominant; he didn’t let her say no to him: ever. They had come up with a safe word for her to use (kangaroo – it was instantly recognisable in any situation) and she had only had to use it once, that had occurred a couple of weeks ago and it hadn’t been Seth that she was saying no to but rather the situation that they had been in and Seth had acted quickly and ensured that she felt safe once again.

  Amber opened her eyes and reached for the can of shaving cream. She put her left foot up on the porcelain edge of the tub and lathered shaving cream up her leg, she picked up her razor and began to shave, and Amber had to smile as she thought about what the evening hopefully had in store for the two of them.


  Seth was leaning against the wooden railing that ran the length of the walkway; resting on his elbows, he inhaled on his cigarette and looked out at his garden; the long hot summer was finally coming to an end and even though it was still a very warm and balmy eighty degrees he knew that Autumn would soon be on them, he could see the leaves in the trees beginning to turn colour. The garden had a mixture of trees and shrubs; acers and maples were the most common, their distinctive red foliage catching the late afternoon sunlight. Along the wooden fence that ran back to the public woods were assorted spruce and birch and at the far end of the property were oak and elm trees; Amber spent a lot of time in the gardens keeping the bushes and roses in shape and they had planted several eucalyptus trees in large wooden barrels all along the front of the house; the twenty foot tall trees were known to keep insects at bay and whether this was true or not Seth couldn’t say, all he did know was that they rarely got flies in the house and he liked the scent that the native-to-Australia trees gave off.

  Seth’s thoughts turned to the evening ahead of them; he and Amber were going to go to the woodland car-park at Tehidy; the west facing spot was near the Cornish coastline and they had been there four times in the last two months: it was a known dogging spot and Seth and Amber were getting in to that “scene” quite a lot. The first time they had gone there they had met a man called Stuart who had mistaken them for doggers and they had talked for a while before they had allowed Stuart to watch them fucking and since then they had met Stuart on the occasions that they had gone to the Tehidy night-spot.

  Seth recalled their second visit and the incident with the dickhead from Newcastle; Seth and Amber had been fooling around near their car; Stuart and three other guys had been standing close-by watching the action as Amber gave Seth a blow-job; the idea of seeing total strangers with their cocks in their hands, ogling Amber should have made Seth uncomfortable but it didn’t, in fact it had the reverse effect on both him and Amber, they both really got off on being watched. The Geordie from Newcastle hadn’t been content with just watching and had gradually moved closer and closer until he had stroked Amber’s naked ass and she had used her safe word and Seth had quickly manoeuvred himself between Amber and the gathered men. Stuart had told the Geordie (an obese man with lanky hair – Seth only noticed the man when he had intruded) to back off but the man wasn’t having any of it so Seth did what he had to and had brought his knee up in to the man’s exposed groin; Seth’s knee had connected solidly with the underside of the fat man’s erection and his ball-sack and the man had screamed very loudly and collapsed on to the ground. Seth had made sure that Amber was safe; she was, she was standing near the car, Stuart was nearby making sure that the other doggers didn’t try anything and Seth had told the writhing figure on the ground to fuck off and to never return; since that night nobody had seen the Geordie and the assumption was that the man had been in Cornwall on holiday.

  Since that night they had been back a couple of times and on each occasion things had got hotter and more involved and on the last trip Amber had finished off Stuart with her hand (after checking with Seth that it was alright to do so) and as Seth fucked Amber doggy-style he watched as Stuart came all over the ground near where Amber was on her hands and knees. They both felt comfortable around Stuart and even if they weren’t exactly friends with the man they were definitely solid acquaintances; who knew what tonight would bring.

  Seth flicked the stub of his cigarette away and went back in to the office to shut everything down for the day; it had been a very productive day, he had written twenty pages of his new novel and he was on schedule for his deadline.

  He shut the computer down and closed the windows; he looked at a huge photographic print on one of the walls; he had taken the picture himself and a printing firm in Penzance had printed it on to a six foot by four foot artist’s canvass. The photograph was a close-up of Amber’s face and breasts; she had her left nipple clenched between her teeth; the swollen nipple stretched out from the surface of her breast; her stunning blue eyes looked directly at the camera lens, it had been raining heavy the day he had taken the photo and her red hair clung to her breasts and down one side of her face and rain water could be seen streaming down her face and over her breasts; they had both agreed that it was one of his best photographs and it now took pride of place among many other pictures hanging on the walls of the offices that Seth had taken of Amber over the years.

  Seth finished up in the office and locked the door; he set the alarm system and then closed the exterior door and locked this also, he walked across the walkway and instead of heading across the balcony and in through the open doorway he crossed to the wooden spiral staircase and headed down to the ground-floor.

  Seth walked across the shale covered drive and opened the garage door; the garage was on the ground-floor of the converted stables immediately below his offices and he walked to the driver’s side of the metallic black Audi A6; it was the two door variant V8 and they had only owned it for the last month; prior to this they had owned the Audi R8 Spyder but after Amber had agreed to come on board as his manager they had decided that they needed something a little more economical; with Amber working with him any business trips would now be done by car rather than by train so they had decided to get a more comfortable ride. Seth’s lifelong friend Tiny had found a buyer for the Spyder and Seth had almost got what he had originally paid for the sports-car, after buying the A6 and the various options that Amber and Seth had wanted he figured that he was only about ten thousand pounds out of pocket, and with the A6 costing a fraction of the Spyder he was still able to bank upwards of fifty thousand; Amber and Seth had a meeting with their accountant (Andrew; another of Seth’s lifelong friends) the following month and they would discuss how best to invest the money.

  Seth got in to the car and started the engine; the noise it made sounded amazing (definitely a “man-thing” Amber had told him) and he reversed out of the garage and drove backwards in an arc until the front of the car was facing the main gates. He switched the engine off and got out of the car, he closed the door and then closed up the garage and once more made his way back up the winding staircase; this time he did go in through the open doors; he needed a shower and a shave before they went out later that night.


  Amber was sat on the edge of the tub; her feet in the still hot water, her groin and pubic area was covered in white shaving cream. She heard Seth call out that he would use the guest bathroom to take a shower and she told him that was fine.

  Amber attached a fresh head to the razor; the four blades would be ideal and she shaved her pubic strip away in four long concise strokes of the razor. She swirled the razor in the bath’s water and then carefully shaved the skin on either side of her vagina; she stretched the flesh to the side as she worked the blade up the strip of skin between her thigh and vaginal lips, and then she mirrored this action on the other side. She quickly rinsed the remainder of the cream away and then a
pplied a fresh layer of shaving foam to her groin and pubic mound and repeated the whole process until finally when she ran her fingertips over her skin she felt nothing but smoothness and she let her fingers slide over her clitoris; she rubbed the sensitive bud between her fingers and thumb and she shuddered at the pleasure rippling through her.

  ‘Enough,’ Amber said aloud and she lowered herself in to the water once more; she picked up a bath sponge and applied liquid soap to it and quickly washed her entire body; she concentrated on her ass and then her breasts; she loved how her breasts aroused such passion in her husband; her breasts were big (32ff) and at this present time in her life they were still full and round and she spent a long time imagining that the hands that caressed the soap in to her mounds of flesh were her husband’s and as her nipples grew hard and large she had to stop as she didn’t want to get carried away.

  Amber finished in the bath and pulled the plug; she then washed her long red hair and spent ten minutes drying it in the bedroom before brushing all the tangles out; Amber used a brush to sweep the hair back from her face and once she had it all nice and tight she secured it with a hair band so that her hair hung in a tight ponytail.

  Amber then attended to her make-up and got dressed in the clothes that Seth had instructed she wear that evening. When she finally slipped her stockinged feet in to the five inch stilettos she looked at a clock and saw that it was a quarter to seven. Amber crossed to the double doors and shut them; she engaged the locks and quickly left the bedroom.


  Seth looked up from the magazine he was flicking through and turned his stall to face the arched entrance to the kitchen; he sipped his coffee as he saw Amber walking down the central spiral staircase that separated kitchen from the remainder of the ground floor.

  ‘Do you want a cup?’ he asked her indicating his own.

  ‘Please,’ Amber replied as she walked in to the kitchen.

  Seth got up from his stall at the breakfast island and poured Amber a coffee; he quickly added milk and sugar and offered the drink to Amber.

  ‘Thank you.’ Amber took the coffee and took a sip; she watched her husband over the rim of the mug and she smiled at the hungry look captured within the greyness of Seth’s eyes. God, how she loved this man; he turned her on in every way that was vital; emotionally and physically, she’d never known anyone like him, he was compassionate, romantic and loving, he could be funny; his sense of humour had her in tears on many an occasion. To look at he ticked all her boxes; tall, lean, with piercing eyes and a sinewy frame; and he had a pretty good butt.

  ‘What?’ Seth asked when he saw her smiling at him.

  Amber chuckled, ‘I love you mister Noonan.’

  ‘Love you too.’

  They finished their coffees and Seth put the mugs in the sink.


  ‘Yes, if you are?’

  ‘I’m ready, and you look stunning by the way.’

  ‘Thank you, you look pretty scrumptious too.’ Amber loved the grey sweater that he was wearing; a thin woollen thing with a v-neck, it was tight and clung to his toned body; he wore the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off his forearms, and as he well knew, his forearms were one of her favourite features of his. He also wore black boot-cut jeans and black leather running shoes, the cuffs of his jeans covering most of his footwear.

  ‘You look fucking stunningly scrumptious,’ he laughed as she did a quick twirl in the middle of the tiled kitchen floor, the high heels added height to her frame. As far as he was concerned Amber had the perfect hour-glass figure; one of his pet-names for her was Rabbit, after the character Jessica Rabbit in the classic film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”. Seth loved the shape of her legs and the curvature of her buttocks, her perfectly created breasts were emphasised by the bra and the plunging neckline of the cashmere dress showed off a perfect deep cleavage; the light through the kitchen window was just so, and he could see the colour of her underwear and the outline of her suspender straps through the thin material of the short dress; the dress just covering her stocking tops.

  ‘Come on, let’s go before I change my mind and decide to ravish you right here and now.’


  The woodland car-park was mostly vacant as Seth turned the Audi in off the main road. They both saw Stuart’s blue escort parked at the far end in his usual spot and they were surprised to see two other cars also parked up; one about half way down the parking area on the opposite side of the area to Stuart’s car, and the other car was about eight spaces in from the road on the same side as Stuart. Seth drove past this parked vehicle and Amber told him that it was empty; he’d seen that for himself and he nodded his head. He drove down the car-park and pulled in two spaces up from Stuart; the car faced towards the towering mass of oak and elm trees and he parked the car and applied the hand brake and shut the engine down.

  The stereo was still on and Ellie Goulding could be heard singing about how anything could happen. They could both hear the engine cooling; a series of ticking sounds and Amber adjusted the lever on her seat, a motor kicked in and her seat moved back about six inches. Both of their windows were down and now they could hear the ocean crashing against the cliffs of Portreath about a half mile away and closer by they could hear ravens and jays in the trees. Amber looked back over her seat and through the rear window, she could see the other car and inside were two occupants, a man and a woman, she figured they were in their thirties and she turned back to the front and told Seth. He nodded his head. He leant back between their seats and pulled a small holdall from off the back seat, he rested the bag in his lap and unzipped it; the contents he had packed earlier, a clean bath towel, a hand towel, a packet of non-scented baby wipes and four cans of coke. He passed one of the cans to Amber and took one for himself and placed the bag on the mat between his feet. He popped the tab and chugged a third of it; he belched and Amber soon followed with her own more feminine burp.

  ‘Here comes Stuart,’ Amber said and they both looked out of Amber’s open window as Stuart walked over from his car.

  Seth had to lean across the arm rest and gear stick and he slipped his right hand along Amber’s left leg, his hand disappeared beneath her dress and she pulled the dress down over his hand as she felt Seth’s fingers slide beneath one of her suspender straps.

  Stuart crouched down outside of Amber’s door and held his balance by gripping the door frame, his fingertips resting against the top of the interior of the passenger door. Stuart was wearing jeans and a Doors t-shirt, he looked nothing like the solicitor that they knew him to be.

  ‘Evening Amber; hi Seth.’

  Seth and Amber said their hellos and Stuart told them that the empty car belonged to an elderly couple who had taken a dog for a walk in the woods about forty minutes ago.

  Amber said, ‘I guess we’ll all have to wait patiently for them to go, what about the couple in the car behind us?’

  Stuart looked briefly at the other car and then turned his attention back to them. He shrugged his shoulder, ‘I’m not sure, they were here before me and they haven’t flashed their lights or anything.’

  Stuart had told them both about this ritual; flashing your headlights on and off a few times was usually an indication that the occupants were “doggers” also.

  ‘Guess we’ll soon find out,’ Seth said and gestured his head at a pathway leading in to the woods. The three of them watched an elderly couple walking a greyhound, the couple walked to their car and within minutes the dog was in the boot and the car was pulling away. The car exited the car-park and Seth opened his door; Amber left her dress riding high on her thigh after Seth’s hand slipped from beneath it and she smiled at Stuart as Stuart’s gaze rested on the sight of her stocking top and suspender strap. Stuart licked his lips and Amber patted one of his hands and said, ‘Stuart, you’re stopping me from getting out.’ She laughed as Stuart stammered a reply and he stood up and back from the door. Amber watched as Seth got out of the car and closed it
, he walked around the back of the car and around to her side; he opened her door and Amber got out. Before she closed the door Seth told her to get the cigarettes and his can of coke and she smiled as she bent over and leant in to the car; she knew the dress had ridden up over her ass showing both men her suspender belt, stocking tops and lacy knickers. Bent over as she was she parted her legs slightly and when she felt hands stroking the backs of her thighs she knew they belonged to her husband.

  ‘Fucking hell,’ Stuart said.

  Amber grabbed the cigarettes and lighter and the two cans of coke and she started to move backwards to get out from the car but Seth stopped her and she felt her husband’s hands on her ass and she wiggled her butt suggestively.

  ‘I’m going to let Stuart take your knickers off okay Amber?’

  Her husband’s words came as a surprise but she didn’t use her safe word and she looked back over her left shoulder and said, ‘I’m waiting Stuart.’

  Stuart moved forward and she could see the man’s hands trembling as he got closer to Amber’s ass, she heard Seth tell him to pull Amber’s knickers off and then she felt unfamiliar hands tugging at her knickers; the lacy garment slid down over her suspender straps and down her stockings and she stepped out of the knickers. Stuart’s hands caressed her ass; she felt his fingers slide very briefly over her already wet cunt lips before Stuart stepped back.

  ‘Keep them as a reminder Stuart,’ Amber said and she smiled as she saw Stuart slip the lacy garment in to the front left pocket of his jeans.

  ‘Okay, you can come out now,’ Seth said and Amber scooted back and Seth pulled her dress down over her now naked groin. Amber stood up straight and nudged the door shut with her hip.


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