Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale) Page 18

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  He shaved and showered in record time and then got dressed before heading back down to the kitchen. He poured himself a mug of coffee and then got together all the cooking utensils and ingredients that he needed.

  He started a saucepan to boil with water and walked through to the larger living area; one corner was now hidden behind a large drape that he and Tony had secured to the ceiling with small hooks that once removed wouldn’t leave noticeable holes in the ceiling. He walked to the far end of the room and switched on the home entertainment stereo; he quickly found a CD: entitled “Chocabeck” and hit play – the Italian singer Zucchero’s voice sang out throughout the house from various speakers, the whole system was interconnected and he knew that the album was one of Amber’s favourites.

  Back in the kitchen he began to prepare the food; he loved to cook and he tidied up as he went, and when everything was coming along nicely he grabbed his coffee and a cigarette and walked out through the kitchen door and in to a small enclosed porch, he lit up and enjoyed watching the snow falling. Seth closed the kitchen door at his back and opened the porch door, he had to push quite a lot to scatter the accumulating snow back from the door and that made him realise that he would have to get the snow shovel out of the garage and clear the walkway between the offices and the house, he also made a mental note to remember the bag of grit so that he could sprinkle the footpaths.

  Seth looked up at the white sky; the flakes coming down were as large as fifty pence pieces and he found it remarkable that every snowflake was uniquely different to any other; no two flakes were ever alike and he thought about how Mother Nature was without a doubt the most original and creative of all writers. Seth laughed at his own whimsicality and he finished his cigarette and dropped it near the porch door, he’d clear all the butts when the snow finally cleared.

  ‘Whenever that may be,’ he said aloud, he went back inside and quickly closed the door, he brushed the snow from his shoulders and tapped his feet against the wall to release the snow from his shoes and then went back in to the kitchen; his senses were instantly hit by the mouth watering aroma of the meal he was preparing. Seth checked the pasta and the sauces and then started on the dessert; he removed a container of fresh strawberries from the fridge and began to chop them. He checked the clock, he had almost an hour before he’d go and summon Amber, and he just hoped that she liked all of the surprises that he had in store for her.


  Seth finally headed up to the bedroom just after six o’clock and he walked in to find Amber stood at the window looking out at the snow, she was fully dressed and even from behind she looked amazing; the black satin and silk dress clung to her ass perfectly and it accentuated the curves of her hips and her long legs; the dress was cut so that the left side reached her left knee where as the right side ended just far enough down her thigh to cover her stocking tops.

  Amber caught his reflection in the windows and turned to him and smiled, ‘I love that jumper you’re wearing,’ she told him as she walked across the room to him. She stopped toe-to-toe with him and ran her hands up his arms, she loved the lambs-wool sweater that he had on; it was tight and emphasised his wiry frame, she pushed the cuffs of his sleeves up his forearms until the sleeves were bunched at his elbows and she caressed his exposed skin, Seth’s arms were one of her favourite features of his; he had a strength that was hard to see at first but when you looked closer you would be able to see the toned muscle and taught sinew.

  ‘You look amazing Amber,’ Seth said and she kissed him softly on the mouth, he could taste raspberries on her lips from the shade of lipstick that she was wearing.

  ‘Scrubbed up pretty good didn’t I?’ Amber said with a mischievous chuckle.

  Seth slid his hands down her back and grabbed her ass and pulled her against him and he kissed her harder and she responded but they both broke away before things got too steamy.

  ‘Is that your famous chicken pasta I can smell?’ Amber asked.

  ‘It is,’ Seth replied as his eyes settled on her breasts; the upper slopes of both were exposed. ‘That’s one hell of a décolletage.’

  Amber laughed and slapped at his arms, ‘Seth, you’re an idiot, you know that right?’


  ‘Come on, let’s eat, I’m starved.’

  ‘Just one last thing,’ Seth said and he pulled the length of ribbon that he had blindfolded her with earlier from his right trousers pocket.

  ‘What’s this?’ Amber asked playfully.

  ‘I don’t want you seeing more than you have to until the right moment,’ Seth said and he secured the ribbon over her eyes and he tied it behind her head. ‘Can you see anything?’

  ‘Nope,’ Amber replied.

  ‘Okay, take my hand and follow me,’ Seth said and Amber took his left hand in her right and he walked her from the bedroom. Seth noticed that she was almost eye level with him and he looked down at her feet; she was wearing the new six inch heels that he had bought her as a gift and he asked her how they were.

  ‘They’re fine; I just hope I don’t go ass over tit on the stairs.’

  ‘I’ve got you,’ he said and he lead her along the hallway and down the spiral staircase; he was behind her on the staircase and he looked down the front of her dress at her immense cleavage, and as if she possessed x-ray vision Amber elbowed him playfully in the stomach and said, ‘I can feel your gaze on my tits.’

  Seth laughed. ‘Where else should I be looking?’

  ‘No where: where you are is just fine by me just don’t let me trip and fall.’

  They made it down the stairs without incident and Seth led Amber through to the main living area where he had set the dining table up near the French doors looking out over the garden. He guided her to the chair facing away from the curtained divide that he had set up earlier and Amber sat down on the chair.

  ‘Before I take the blindfold off I need you to promise me that you won’t turn around until I tell you to, not even a little, okay?’

  Amber nodded her head.


  Seth untied the blindfold and he lowered his face to her exposed shoulders and he kissed the nape of her neck; Amber’s red hair was coiled on top of her head and she let out a surprised gasp, not only at his lips on her highly sensitive neck but also at what greeted her once the blindfold was removed.

  Amber gasped in surprise, the erogenous flesh on the nape of her neck tingled from the soft lingering touch of Seth’s lips, but she was more shocked by the scene before her once the restrictive blindfold was lifted.

  Before her was the dining table which Seth had decorated with a vase of fresh cut lilies and roses; a dinner service with glasses accompanying it was also laid out on the white linen table cloth; and as wonderful as the table was what really took her breath away was the rest of the living area in front of her; Seth had placed and then lit dozens of coloured candles, they were on the sideboards, the coffee table and in groupings on the wooden floor; the flickering of dozens of flames cast the room in an ethereal light, and with the blinds open to the raging flurries of falling snow outside Amber was struck by how romantic the whole scene was.

  Seth told her not to move and when he returned moments later he poured her a flute of chilled champagne, he filled his own glass and then clinked his flute against hers.

  ‘Happy birthday honey.’

  Amber looked up at Seth and smiled, he could see her eyes were brimming with tears and she laughed as she wiped at her eyes.

  ‘This is so romantic, all these candles, the flowers, everything look so perfect.’

  They sipped their champagne and Seth asked her if she could eat.

  Amber laughed, ‘I could eat you.’

  ‘Later,’ Seth said and he kissed her briefly on the mouth. ‘Again, don’t move, dinner shall be served imminently.’

  Seth was true to his word and within minutes they were both sat at the table eating his famous chicken pasta; Amber was ravenous and was quickly clearing her
plate; Seth had brought in the remainder of the pasta and it waited in a saucepan on the table to the left of the gorgeous flowers.

  Seth refilled their flutes and buttered a fresh bread roll.

  Amber swallowed her mouthful of food and sipped her champagne; she smiled at Seth and said, ‘I’d like to ask you a question.’

  ‘Okay, shoot.’

  ‘What was the first thing that went through your mind the first time you ever saw me?’

  Seth chuckled, ‘What makes you ask that?’

  ‘I was talking to Maria the other day, she said something that made me think of us, and I’m curious.’ Maria was the wife of Tiny, they were all very good friends, and Tiny and Maria had asked Seth and Amber to be god parents to their first child, which Amber and Seth had quickly agreed to.

  ‘What did she say?’ Seth asked, his curiosity piqued.

  Amber waved the comment away. ‘That’s not important, but I’d like to know what you thought the moment you first clapped eyes on me.’

  Seth lifted up the saucepan and offered Amber some more.

  ‘Please,’ she said, ‘I love it when you cook,’ she added.

  Seth filled her plate and added some to his own. He put the saucepan down to the side of him and resumed eating.

  ‘Can you believe that that was a decade ago?’

  Amber shook her head, she couldn’t; the years had flown by.

  ‘That first time I saw you, you were sat in that nightclub and when you looked up, the strobe lights caught your eyes, and for just a flashing moment I could see the blueness of them, and I knew then, without even knowing you that I was ruined; that was my first thought, that you had ruined me with just one drunken glance.’

  Amber laughed. ‘Ruined? That’s what you thought?’

  ‘Let me explain,’ Seth said with a chuckle. ‘I didn’t know you, for all I knew you could have been married, or had a boyfriend that you loved, you could have been gay for that matter, and I realised that if any of those things were true then you had ruined me, I had no chance of love with someone else, when I saw you, I knew there would be no one else for me, that exact moment was the most afraid I have ever been.’

  Amber found herself deeply moved and again she felt her eyes fill with tears.

  ‘That’s so sweet.’

  ‘I couldn’t take my eyes off you; I thought you were the most perfect creature that I had ever seen.’

  Amber laughed and tears ran down her face. She wiped at them with her napkin.

  Seth laughed, ‘Of course the second thing I thought was “those are amazing tits”.’

  Amber laughed harder and took a gulp of champagne to clear her throat.

  ‘Idiot,’ she told him.

  ‘Later that night, when Tiny and I stopped those two men from pawing you, I smelt your perfume, and I swear my head began to spin.’

  ‘I’d forgotten about those guys, I was so drunk, the girls and me had been celebrating one of their birthdays, and they left me all alone,’ Amber said.

  Seth could hear the slight anger in his wife’s voice and he decided to make light of it. ‘The bitches,’ he said and Amber laughed.

  ‘When I told Tiny that we were going to walk you back to your flat, to make sure you got home safely he was so pissed at me.’

  Amber laughed, she could imagine Tiny being like that; his name did not describe his frame, Tiny was, and always had been a very large man.

  ‘I told him to walk a ways behind us; I didn’t want him cramping my style.’

  Amber laughed again; she could always rely on Seth to make her laugh.

  ‘I can hardly remember getting home that night, I do remember that you gave me your jacket to wear, and that you had to practically hold me upright the whole way back to my flat.’

  ‘Tiny told me later it was the longest half mile he’d ever walked, all uphill too,’ Seth said.

  He refilled her champagne and they both drank in silence. Amber looked across the table at Seth and said, ‘I do remember one thing though.’

  ‘That I was copping a feel?’ Seth asked with a grin on his face.

  Amber shook her head, ‘I knew that, you were very careful about it but I could feel your hands on my breasts when I stumbled a few times.’

  Seth put a look of fake shock on his face, ‘I never did, I was just stopping you from falling on your ass,’ he chuckled at the memory; he had indeed copped a crafty feel on a couple of occasions. From that very first moment he had become besotted by her, his obsession with his wife sometimes scared him; he had no clue as to how he would cope without her.

  Amber finished her champagne and asked for a refill. ‘I stumbled on purpose you dolt, I wanted you to feel me, I even kept pushing my ass in to you, but you didn’t get the hint.’

  ‘Oh, I did, but I wanted to make sure that whatever happened between us happened when you were sober.’

  ‘What I remember,’ Amber said, getting serious once again, ‘I remember when we got to my flat and we both looked up at the sky, at all the stars, I swear I’ve never seen so many stars in my life, you looked at me and said that the stars beat any nightclub light show any day of the week.’

  ‘Ouch,’ Seth said.

  ‘No, no, I thought it was sweet and I realised then that you wasn’t like any other twenty year old I knew, you then made sure I got to bed safely, you made sure I was lying on my side and then you put a blanket over me. In the morning I realised that I had fallen asleep wearing your jacket and then in the kitchen I found your note telling me you’d return later that evening for the jacket, I knew then that I wanted to get to know you.’

  ‘The whole way home I couldn’t stop smiling, Tiny called me a love-struck loser, but he knew then what I didn’t know ‘til later.’

  ‘And what was that?’

  ‘That I was in love with you, Tiny told me a few months later that he knew it the moment I told him we were walking you home, he also told me that that night was the first time that he knew that I was going to be alright.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Seth got up and collected their empty plates; he stacked the dishes and grabbed the saucepan.

  ‘Don’t move; I’ll fetch our dessert.’

  Seth went and got their desserts from the fridge and when he returned he saw that Amber was looking over her shoulder at the drape hanging from the ceiling, when she saw Seth she made a face and said, ‘I couldn’t help it, I’m sorry.’

  ‘I will have to punish you for that,’ Seth said as he put their dessert on the table. He remained standing and said in a firmer voice, ‘I mean it Amber, I told you not to move and you broke a direct command, you gave me your word.’

  Amber could tell that Seth was being serious and her stomach did a small flip as she realised that for the first time since she had agreed to be his slave that she had indeed broken an elicit command from her Master.

  ‘I’m sorry; curiosity got the better of me.’

  Seth sat down and smiled at her and said, ‘Well you know what curiosity did to the cat.’

  ‘I am sorry,’ Amber said and she picked her flute up and took a sip, her mouth had suddenly gone dry, ‘Seth; you’re right to be angry, and I should be punished, it won’t happen again.’

  She saw her bowl of fresh strawberries and Cornish clotted cream; it was her favourite dessert dish and she felt a stab of regret shoot through her; her impatience had the power to ruin the whole evening.

  ‘What are you going to do?’ Amber asked softly.

  Seth picked up his spoon and smiled at her, ‘I’ll think of an appropriate punishment, but right now, let’s enjoy our desserts.’

  Amber tucked in to her bowl of strawberries. ‘Mmm, they’re gorgeous,’ she said with a mouthful of strawberries.

  Seth agreed, ‘I think you’re gorgeous, even if you are a disobedient slave.’

  Amber laughed, she could tell from the playful lilt in her husband’s voice that everything was back on track, but she was eager to see what was behind the
draped curtain; she had seen that it blocked off the corner of the room that Seth had told her he wanted clear for a new bookcase; whatever was hidden behind the thick drape was obviously of considerable size.

  ‘Before you caught me cheating you told me that when you met me you realised that you were going to be alright, I’d like to know what you meant.’

  Seth chuckled and refilled their champagne flutes and he said, ‘Oh, you would, would you, even after disobeying me?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she replied, she stretched the sorry out, she fluttered her eyelashes, ‘I’ll make it up to you.’

  ‘I know you will,’ Seth said and he told her to stand up.

  ‘Is this my punishment?’

  ‘No, just do as you’re told,’ he said, his voice a little more commanding.

  Amber put her spoon down and stood up, she had to push the chair backwards a bit, and when she stood up straight she felt a little light-headed, the champagne was obviously having an effect on her.

  ‘Let your dress slip to the floor,’ Seth instructed her and Amber licked her lips. She slipped her right hand beneath the left strap of her dress and pushed the strap down over her shoulder and then she used her left hand to slide the right strap down over that shoulder and she wiggled her hips and the silky dress slid down over her curves and pooled on the floor at her feet.

  ‘Untie your hair,’ Seth said and Amber reached up and released her long red hair; she shook her head and let it fall across her shoulders and breasts.

  Seth could see Amber’s breasts rise and fall in the lacy bra; he could also see her hardened nipples pushing against the lace material of the bra’s cups.

  ‘Okay, you can sit back down now, finish your strawberries.’

  Amber did as he instructed.

  ‘When I met you, and got to know you I knew that I would be alright, that the life I had known before was over and that a new one with you was beginning.’


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