Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 19

by Nicole Morgan

  Again, I pushed him away, questions yet to be answered. “I have to know…why? It can’t just be that my pheromones are off the scale. Most people see each other, like what they see, get to know each other then jump in the sack. I ask again…why? Why here – why now?”

  He sighed then, nothing telling, just a minor release of tension while he thought about his answer. “Can we go completely in your room and finish this discussion?”

  I licked my lips, conscious he watched my every move. “As long as you sit in the chair and far away from me. I think there are things we need to talk about first.”

  “I can understand your concern. You’ve had a lot happen to you in the last few weeks.” His set mouth told me more than words.

  I frowned. Again, thoughts hovered on the fringe, things I couldn’t quite grasp or even understand. “Or not happen. I’m not used to being this inactive. And sparring matches, no matter who they are with, are not going to keep me happy.”

  “I can understand that one too. You’re used to being active and on the hunt for those things. I get it.” He gave me one more quick kiss before releasing me. “After you.” He made the gentlemanly gesture of ushering me into my own room.

  I smiled. “No, it’s my room and you’re the guest.”

  Laughing, he walked in first as I glanced around to see if anyone had seen his entrance. Satisfied no one had noticed, I went in and firmly shut the door behind me. I propped myself against the door for a moment as he went to sit in the chair, wetness pooling in my underwear for the umpteenth time today. Right now, giving into this man looked damn good but I had to make sure it was for all the right reasons and not some damn mission from a faraway homeland.

  “How did Darien find you?” I questioned softly and went to sit on the only other piece of furniture in the room. My bed.

  “He was my commanding officer in the Special Forces. An incident we had seen in Iraq made him come back and start this unit.”

  “Unit?” I frowned at him.

  Lukas frowned, confusion plain on his face. “He didn’t tell you?”

  “Obviously not.”

  He breathed deeply and stared for a few moments at his hands resting on his legs. “Crap. I guess I should have let him finish his briefing with you first today. I thought he had already completed that portion of your training.”

  I was not the type of person who could stand everything required of being a military person in any form. “I guess you better tell me since he didn’t.”

  He looked up at me again, his ice blue eyes fascinating to watch as they would flash darker when he looked at me in a sweeping head-to-toe gesture but turn softer when looking at someone he cared for. How I knew that I couldn’t fathom. “We’re a special paranormal military branch. We basically handle all the weird stuff. And believe me there has been some weird shit going on recently.”

  I winced as I pushed myself to lean back against the wall, a fact which did not go unnoticed. Again. “Tell me about it.”

  “Did you ever notice sometimes it seems the things you’re fighting are as strong as you?” His solemn gaze never left my face.

  I laughed. “And here I just figured it was because I was a girl.”

  “My men wouldn’t have been able to catch you at all the other night if they hadn’t had the EMD net. You do know and understand what I mean, don’t you?”

  He sat there waiting for me to acknowledge his statement, waited for me to tell him what I didn’t begin to recognize. Sure, those things had been strong and odd looking but that didn’t take away from the deep desire for their deaths I felt when fighting them.

  “I kinda figured that part out. What’s strange about the whole incident is the fact I had been wondering about how much was too much myself. I’ve never tried to find out what my limits are. And suddenly, there they were ready to test all I had been curious about.”

  He nodded. “It’s probably something we better do before we go out again.”

  “I take it we do patrol?” This would have done wonders to take the edge of my restlessness had I even been given an option.

  “Yeah…there are certain areas which we’ve found have higher incidents of the ones we call the Q’Dahds.”

  “The Q’Dahds?” A jolt went through my system hearing the name as it sounded strange coming off my tongue. It was as if I’d known their names all along.

  “Darien thinks they come through some kind of portal to here. He’s not sure where they are from exactly, yet I get the feeling he knows more than he’s saying. And I get the feeling from him I’m supposed to know more as well.” He watched me for a moment. “And after today, I think you’re supposed to know more too.”

  “What? Like they’re from outer space or something?” Lukas sat there staring at me as waves of relief flowed off him like water and I swallowed hard. “You’re not kidding.”

  “I’m not kidding. Surely, you’ve noticed them. They seem to only go after certain people, certain groups.” His mouth tightened and again I noticed his somber glance.

  I probed my memory, thinking about the last few incidents I had and on at least two occasions, the people who were the aggressors were different, very different. “I think I know who you’re talking about. Most normal humans take off when they see my force orbs or me pushing a bullet out of my body. But there have been a few who continued the attack no matter what. I could hurl energy at them and they kept coming. It took everything I had to get away from them. I’ve never been able to get a good look at them or even where they go once I wound them.”

  He nodded again. “That would be them and they’re exactly who Darien believes we were meant to fight. The trouble is he only has bits and pieces of information gleaned from years of research.”

  “How can it be years of research? My memory doesn’t go so far back. I mean it was as if one day I went to sleep and woke up here. Strange as it may sound, it’s what happened.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “I know what you mean as it was very similar for me. But Darien thinks we may have come through those portals as well, either from a different world or maybe from a rebel faction of this group of Q’Dahds. He hasn’t really said much about it.”

  I stared down at my hands, not knowing what to say. I had always known I was different…just not that…different. I sighed heavily. “What does that make us?”

  He shook his head. “He doesn’t know or say, even what he might know of our origins. He does know we’re not like the Q’Dahds in many ways, especially the ones who count.” He remained still, hands on his thighs as if anything else would get him off track.

  I gave an unladylike snort. “I’m sure they are bent on world domination or something of the sort. Most assholes seem to be that way.”

  “You’re correct in your assumption. At least it’s what Darien suspects is part of their motive. I believe it’s the why which bothers him.”

  I continued to stare, my mind suddenly a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and images. My eyes snapped to his face and I could see no subterfuge there. “But that can’t be right.”


  “I’m human…,” I was surprised when he didn’t agree with me, “…at least part way, so what Darien knows can’t be completely correct. I – I know it. I can feel it.”

  Lukas finally moved and came to kneel in front of me. “You know we’ll need to talk to Darien about this more.” I nodded. “But I’d much rather be doing you right now instead of wondering about a past neither of us can remember completely.”

  My heart beat faster in my chest. His very essence had wrapped me up tight while we’d been talking. I hadn’t even noticed at all but now it came at me full force. “You’re the man in the car, aren’t you?”

  He gave me another one of those endearing lopsided grins. “Finally figured it out, did you?”

  “How long had you been following me?” My eyes narrowed as I speculated just what I had gotten myself into.

  “Darien tries to keep tabs on any
one showing our abilities. You popped up on our radar about three months ago. Each one of us is different but we all have certain things in common.”

  I arched an eyebrow and pushed myself further back on the bed. “Such as?”

  “We all can heal and all of us have some form of the use of electricity or other elemental forces. But there may be other powers as well.”

  I nodded as I remembered that much myself. “Wow. A group of us. I always felt there were a few of us and all of us had similar powers. It still doesn’t explain why you’ve been following me.” My eyes narrowed as I tried to guess just what this man really wanted of me.

  “At first it was because Darien wanted me to do so.”

  My whole body tingled. “And now?” I whispered, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

  “And now, nothing is going to change the fact I want you.” The earnest expression on his face held all his wants and desire for me.

  I couldn’t help but stare at him, thankful he hadn’t used the ‘L’ word. He was so handsome and everything a woman could want in a man. “I know.”

  “You know?” he asked incredulous.

  “Yeah…you’re not the only one who has the ability to perceive another person’s pheromones. Guys produce them too.” I smiled.

  He chuckled then and grabbed my legs pulling me toward him. “Here…let me make your body betray you…I know I can.”

  His hands ran up the sides of my legs, to my shoulders, back down across my breast to end up on my inner thighs. Reaching up, I pulled his black shirt from his pants and put my hands all along his hard body. Finding his nipples, I tweaked them gently and relished the fact he groaned with pleasure.

  Suddenly, it was as if we were the only two people on the planet. I strained forward, moving even closer to the edge of the bed and wrapped my arms around him. He felt so good there, so right as I caressed the bulging muscles of his upper torso. I moved against him, confident of my effect on him. I wanted him on me and in me as fast as I could make it happen. I wanted him in the worst conceivable way and I had never wanted anyone as much as I wanted this man. I was hot and cold and feeling all soft inside, something I’d never been.

  Leaning back, I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and began to pull. “I want this off. Now.” There was no hesitation on my part as I pulled off his shirt and threw it in the corner. Searching his eyes, I saw lust and need and want all rolled into one. Groaning, I pushed my mouth onto his, nibbling his bottom lip.

  “A little anxious?” Lukas pulled back.

  I nodded. “What I said in Darien’s office was true…it’s been a long time.”

  “For me as well…but we have all night…and I intend to take my time.”

  Waiting wasn’t what I was good at and didn’t know if I could. Leisurely, he pushed me back on the bed and moved his hands up my ribcage. Without thinking I winced, sucking in a rapid breath as he frowned at the noise. “Sit up. I need to get this off you.”

  Sitting up, I allowed him to pull the sports bra over my head. He touched my body tenderly. “I did that to you?” Nodding, I watched in awe of his gentle fingers as the traced the contours of the huge bruise. “I’m sorry.”

  I grabbed his hair and pulled him to my face. “Don’t be. We both knew it could happen. I’m sure I inflicted some damage as well.” I gave him a quick kiss. “Besides, our healing ability comes in real handy right now.”

  He nodded then and began to rub my breasts in tantalizing strokes, firm but gentle. Laying me back yet again, he followed me down with his mouth, kissing my bruise then moving on to my breasts. He went from one to the other, like a bee on a flower, making sure he got what he needed before moving on. Soon my nipples were hard peaks as I breathed heavier, wanting and needing more. Kneading my soft mounds, he squeezed me as his thumbs ran along each peak, making each a point of hot need.

  “Please…” I whispered. My body longed for his touch in all my hidden places.

  “Please what, Aingeal?” He questioned against my stomach, laving my navel with his delicious tongue.

  “You know what,” I murmured and arched into him. “Most men don’t want women to tell them what they want. They just want to do what they think we want.”

  “I’m not most men, sweetheart. You can tell me anything.” He looked up at me, chin perched on my lower abdomen.

  Somehow, I knew this was very true. “Then fuck me…please…I don’t think I can stand any more suspense.”

  He quickly pulled off our clothes in record time. Still on the bed, I glanced up and couldn’t believe how huge his cock stood stiff from his body. He was beautiful in all his male glory and I swelled with pride knowing he wanted only me.

  Spreading my legs, he slid the head of his cock up and down my now slick folds. I tried to impale myself on him, smiling when he kept himself just slightly out of my reach. Rubbing up and down a few more times, I wasn’t surprised when he reached a hand between us and rubbed the hard nub he found in my slickness. As he moved over me, I felt myself tighten and it felt oh so good.

  “I’m trying to prepare you, but I have one question. Want it fast or slow?” His eyes had taken on a darker shade of blue, passion blazing within the depths.

  “No preference,” I managed to gasp.

  Slamming into me, I grunted at the sheer size of the man. While I can’t say I was a virgin, I could say this man took home the prize. He groaned in response and again reached between us to rub his large thumb over my clit until I was a quivering mass, bucking against him, begging for a release I knew would shatter my world. Continuing to pound into me hard and fast, he pinched my clit and sent me headlong into an orgasm as the colors swirled around me.

  Lifting my ankles to his shoulders, he continued to pump into me as my body still quaked from the big O. Delving into me, deeper than anyone had ever gone, I felt surprised when he touched something inside which drove me wild. Screaming out my pleasure, he pounded into me again and again as my universe collapsed around me in a million hot pieces of fire like planets crashing, reaching into my very soul as the feelings clutched me and held me tight.

  I lay there, feeling him still moving in me, his strokes getting shorter and shorter before one final thrust as he cried his own release. Bending down and taking my mouth in a savage kiss, he gazed into my eyes.

  “I will never be able to let you go. You know it now, don’t you?”

  Breathing heavy, all I could do was nod. Lukas rested his head on my breast as my fingers caressed his hair. I felt drained of all emotion and sensation and it didn’t take me long to drift to sleep thinking of ice blue eyes and a body made for sin.

  Chapter Three

  The annoying poke in my side just would not go away. Finally, I managed to open one eye and almost popped out of bed immediately. Shaking my head to clear the cobwebs, I realized where I was and who was with me. “Lukas,” I murmured and tried to pull him to me as I remembered our glorious evening so far. It would take little to get me dripping and begging for more.

  Instead I saw him put his finger to his lips. “Shhh. There’s something wrong.”

  Sitting up quickly, I didn’t like what he implied, and I certainly wasn’t sure I was ready for what might be outside my door. “What?”

  “The alarm sounded a minute ago and then total silence.” The furrow between his eyes etched deeper than I had ever seen. He gave me a quick smile to soothe whatever fears he saw on my face, but it didn’t reach those ice blue eyes of his. This would be the first test we’d have to face together.

  “I guess this means we need to move.” I gave him a hard stare as I allowed myself to go into protector mode.

  He nodded and gave me a hard kiss. “We’ll continue this later when the world isn’t intruding.”

  “Agreed.” This time I did smile because it meant we’d end up back in my bed before too long.

  Sliding to the edge of the bed, he began to put his clothes on his magnificent body and caught me watching him. “Do you have any weapons in
this room?”

  “Do I have any weapons? You say such nice things to a girl,” I quipped and moved to sit beside him.

  He gave me a frown. “You’ll need clothes too.”

  I could tell from the darkening of his eyes he really didn’t want to remind me about the clothes. I walked around the room and pulled on items as I found them, surprised my underwear occupied the furthest spot from the bed. “Ah, you mean beside myself? Sure. I have a couple of knives and a couple of guns. But that’s basically it and those I took off some punks within the last couple of years. I’m not sure I even have bullets for them anymore as I’m usually enough for anything I’ve encountered. We can look.”

  My belongings had been meager when we picked them up at the flea-ridden place I had been staying in. Darien had taken me and frowned once he knew where I’d been living but he hadn’t said a word. I could have lived in a better apartment, but I didn’t know how long my money would last. Thinking about it now, I should have realized I’d always had enough even though my work habits had been sporadic. The hows and the whys were two more things to put on the list to ask Darien. Putting on my bra, I was happy to find the bruise was almost gone, the only reminder a faded yellowish patch where it had been. Healing was just one of the miraculous things I had put to great use over the years.

  For once I was glad I hadn’t put all my gear away yet. Normally I was a neat freak as each piece had to have its own special place but this time it was to my advantage to have my stuff out in the open. I went to the case where I stored my weapons and opened it. Lukas peered over my shoulder as I rummaged through it, finding not only the two guns and knives but two full boxes of bullets for each of the guns. The case also stored the arrows for my bow and crossbows as they were my one indulgence.

  “Are the bows here?” His questioning gaze bore into mine.

  “They’re in a special case under my bed.” I frowned wondering where he was going with this.


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