Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 93

by Nicole Morgan

  “Rest assured, size did not matter. Precautions were of course taken. You have my word.” Perhaps she had answered too quickly, as her pussy creamed handsomely around his intrusion.

  “A word of a traitorous bitch isn’t one I wish to acknowledge,” he snapped. His stormy gaze appeared murderous. Yet his finger explored her channel gently. His restrained control was, however, apparent in his eyes.

  Guilt rammed through Megan as she realized perhaps she had hurt him too much with her lies. Perhaps she should tell him the truth? That she could never lie with any male she did not love?

  Oh, she was being silly thinking such thoughts. After everything she’d done to him, he had every right to be angry with her. They both did. They could not still love her. Lust after her, yes, but not love her.

  She watched as his other hand settled upon her lower belly, a hot brand. He pressed his palm gently there. It was as if he were making a skittish colt used to his master’s touch. And she surely was skittish with these wanton sensations zipping through her.

  “You lie to me, my Queen. You are still as tight as ever. No male has used you as Zane and I have.”

  “You sound sure of yourself, husband.” She could barely breathe now as his thumb pressed against her sphincter muscle.

  “Hmm, you have not had a male here either.”

  Megan gasped at the prick of pain as he pushed into her and quickly slid out. One of his eyebrows rose in question.

  “Why do you lie? You have not lain with another. Do you wish my anger to make me rougher with you? I know how you enjoy rough. That is why I will do the opposite.”

  Reaching for something beneath the table, she inhaled as he brought up a two-foot-long bar, padded, with bindings dangling from both ends. Placing the bar between her knees, he strapped it there, preventing her from closing her thighs.

  Damn him! She knew what he was up to and she creamed so warmly, her arousal so blatantly betraying her. He dropped to his knees between her widespread legs. She moaned as he drew his callused fingers across the heated flesh of her inner thighs. He touched her so softly and so close to her pussy, it sent shivers of need slamming into her.

  Oh, have mercy! Megan could not stand his gentle touch. She remembered it well now. How tenderly and how intimately he caressed her. How tight and aroused her body would become, to the point where she would beg both of them to take her.

  But she would not beg now. Not give him the satisfaction of seeing her writhe beneath his pleasurous touch.

  “Let the torture begin, my love.” He said the last two words so gently she wasn’t sure she’d even heard him right.

  His head dipped between her legs and she couldn’t stop the moan from exploding from her as his tongue massaged her clit. Within seconds, he had her so sensitive she had to fight from moaning again. She shuddered as the nipple vibrators pulsed harder.

  Oh! This feels so wonderful.

  Megan’s eyelids fluttered and grew heavy from the lust. She could barely keep them open. Could barely breathe as she panted. He sank a finger inside her vagina, making her cry out at the intrusion. Quickly he withdrew. Anxiously she awaited another penetration, and to her irritation, it did not come.

  Instead, the palm on her lower abdomen began a gentle pumping motion. Frustration zipped through Megan as her arousal soared. If she could just tighten her legs somehow…but there was that padded bar between her knees, which prevented her from doing what she needed to do. Which was to get herself off!

  Damn his lethal mouth! Damn this torture! Damn him!

  She needed to get away. To bring herself back to how it all began.

  Forty years ago

  He tasted of dark addiction. Of domination. His lips controlled her every emotion. He didn’t come in with his tongue. He didn’t let his fangs graze her lips. The absence of both only made her want them. The firm pressure of his mouth over hers drove her toward a world of wicked bliss and then yanked her back again. Whipped her body into a feverish state and soothed her fears — well, most of them. All in one claiming, hot kiss that sent her senses reeling so badly she forgot she was kissing the enemy. That is, until he broke their connection. His fresh, hot breath feathered against her face and he grinned at her.

  “I can see you enjoyed it as well as I,” he breathed. His brown eyes twinkled with that amusement that sent spears of irritation through her. Had he not been holding her wrists hostage above her head and pinning her body against the rocks, she would have slapped him a good one, just so he would not know how carried away his succulent kiss had made her.

  He nodded, and she felt the other Warrior’s steel fingers curl around one of her wrists and felt the soft lash of leather bind her there. The one who had her pinned to the rocks moved away slightly, allowing the other to grab her other wrist. He brought her arm down and kissed an erotic line of fire along its inside, making her inhale at the sharp bite of pain as he rasped her flesh with a fang. She trembled as she smelled her blood, the crimson scent of arousal flooding her nostrils. One of the males pulled up her top and she felt a cold rush of air against her breast. When she opened her eyes and saw Zane’s face twisted with agonizing arousal, she knew she was a captive in every way.

  Present Day

  Christian tried hard not to groan and give away his pleasure as he listened to Megan’s heavy pants, whimpers of sexual distress and frustrated sighs as he continued the slow, leisurely torture, lashing her clit with his tongue. But he’d been too long without her. He knew that now. She smelled most appetizing and tasted as sweet as ever and he drank greedily of her warm cream.

  When he’d informed her the torture would now begin, her eyes flared with defiance, but her body betrayed her with its warm wetness. Her sensual erotic whimpers wrapped around his cock, making him swell quickly and grow so hard, he hurt and he knew he had to stop stroking her clit for a moment to gather his self control. Lifting his head from her aromatic pussy, he suddenly wished he hadn’t.

  Exquisite pleasure laced her face and he ached to bring her the relief she so obviously craved. But he couldn’t. He needed to remember he wasn’t here to pleasure her but to torture her. Unfortunately, in the process, he was torturing himself!

  Drawing in a ragged breath, he resisted the dominating urge to stroke his engorged cock and bring relief to his aching shaft. No, he had to suffer along with her. He needed to suffer to remember why he was doing this.

  “Who gave you the security information for this castle? Were you going to blow it up next? Blow us up?” he ground out. He could barely keep his voice steady, he was so aroused. And in such a short time. This was going to be much harder than he thought.

  She gave no reply. As if he’d expected one.

  He noticed her fists were clenched, her eyes tearing as she stared back at him.

  Defiance flashed in her blue eyes and by the red flush sweeping across her cheeks he knew she was angry and frustrated. Not angry at being aroused, but because he wouldn’t fuck her. Oh, he knew her so well.

  “You arouse too easily, Megan. It is obvious you haven’t been pleasured in quite some time. Have you been as plagued by those memories of our time together as I have?” The question burst from his mouth before he could stop himself. In the way she shivered, he knew she had been tormented. At the same time, he realized he’d given her too much information with that question. No longer did he see fear in her eyes. She knew he had suffered as much as he.

  She smiled. Damn her!

  “Many aching and lonely nights, my Dark Heart,” she breathed. Her eyes filled with a longing that matched his. Nothing made sense. Why had she run away then? He was about to pose that question when he thought the better of it. She would only lie again. Lowering his head again, he lazily circled her clit, lapping at the warm cream as it gushed from her vagina. Her tortured moans ripped at his heart and he realized she’d named him well.

  Dark Heart. For only the darkest of hearts could torture a female in such a way. Torture the vamp he still loved.
r />   Megan was burning. Perspiration dotted every inch of her flesh. The area between her thighs became drenched, her clit throbbed with agonizing need and her breasts felt so swollen she swore they might explode.

  Yet she wanted more. She wanted him to lick her body. To touch her breasts. To fuck her with his wondrous shaft.

  She felt tortured. Empty. Needy.

  He drew her to the edge of climax, then pulled her away. She gyrated her hips as his face stayed buried between her thighs. Oh the wanton things his tongue did to her!

  It circled her clit like a vulture. Dabbing here and there, sweeping across her sensitive nub until she writhed in helpless unfulfilled arousal.

  Oh mercy! Would he ever stop? Oh please, don’t stop!

  Confusion zapped her and she pleaded for him to continue. Fighting the restraints, she begged for him to let her go. So she could fuck him. She didn’t realize he’d stopped tonguing her until she opened her eyes to find him standing now between her legs. The bar keeping her knees apart was gone; his cock was in his hands and he gazed at her face.

  “Name names, Megan, and I’ll give you what you want. I’ll give you the biggest climax you’ve ever had. Just tell me who’s supplied you with the information. I’ll bring you relief, and then we’ll go on to the next question.”

  Next question? How many were there?

  “I…I can’t,” she mumbled. She couldn’t tell him because if she did he wouldn’t believe her anyway. That he was torturing her in this way only proved it.

  At her answer, Christian’s eyes flared with both lust and anger.

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Can’t. I…don’t know,” she replied truthfully.

  He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing like mad.

  “That’s the oldest trick in the book, Megan. Telling your captor you know nothing because you think I’ll take pity. I won’t take pity on you, Megan.” His voice sounded harsh and he grabbed her ankles and moved in, giving her what she craved.

  Christian thrust into her in one sweet solid plunge, growling as he entered. She shattered as mind-numbing pleasure exploded through her.

  “Dark Heart! Harder!” she pleaded as he withdrew and came in a little slower this time.

  Thankfully, he complied. He took her where she wanted to go. Muscle-wrenching pleasure spasms destroyed her mind. Her vagina pulsed around his cock as he slammed into her over and over again. She heard his strangled groans of pleasure as he thrust in a sensual rhythm she couldn’t get enough of.

  He pumped. Hard and oh so thoroughly. Her orgasm continued. By the time they both came down, exhaustion claimed her. Her limbs weakened, her heart pounded and yet her body still burned for him. Dark Heart had always been like this for her, like a fantastic drug. The more he gave her, the more she wanted from him.

  And she wanted more. So much more.

  Dark Heart. He should forbid her to use her nickname for them, Christian thought as he slipped into his silk drawers and watched Megan sleep. She looked so beautiful after a good fucking. Always did. Pink roses flushed her cheeks. Her full lips were parted in her sleep and her auburn hair framed her closed eyes. And her body… Christian blew out a slow breath as the craving to fuck her again began its maddening pulse. He moaned at the sight of her lush body splayed out on the table for him to take again and again.

  But he would wait. She needed some rest. Then they would begin the next phase of his torture of her. In the meantime, he would stand here and watch her. Watch and remember how it once had been.

  Megan had brought them much pleasure in their short time together. Too much pleasure, and he had loved her to the very depths of his soul. But he needed to remember things had changed between them. He must remember his mission, he mused angrily as he quietly rolled the stirrups down the interrogation table. Replacing the middle padded board, he quickly removed her feet from the stirrups and did not relatch her ankles.

  For the next phase of her interrogation she needed to be free for the Master Pleasurers. It would be an exciting time, watching her being pleasured. Exciting indeed.

  Megan knew she was dreaming. Knew it because over the past forty years she was happiest when she spent time dreaming of her Dark Hearts. Christian had the gift of mesmerizing and mind touching whereas Zane had the gift of materializing and dematerializing. She remembered the instant she didn’t fear them during sex. It had been during their first time together. They’d splayed her out naked, bound her to a moss-covered fallen log and quickly brought her to orgasm over and over again. At one point Zane had been finger-fucking her and Christian had been sucking her nipples, both vamps bringing her close to the edge of yet another orgasm, but this time holding back her release. She’d been keening her frustration, on the verge of begging them to take her, when Christian had raised his head from her naked breast and grinned. It was a most handsome grin and she didn’t know why, but she believed him when he said they would not hurt her. That they wished only to take her as their mate. Then he boasted that with a lethal tongue such as his, she was sure to have many a pleasurable night.

  “What…what are your names?” Megan asked him and she watched him lower his head again and lash her other nipple with another bolt of fire.

  “Why don’t you name us, Crystal Clan female.” Zane lifted his head from between her thighs and Megan’s belly clenched at the wondrous smile on his wet lips. In a flash, he dropped his face between her thighs again and licked her clit, making exquisite sensations flare through her.

  She could feel the blush of their mouths on her body. Oh she loved the feel of males’ mouths upon her. She trembled as the older one’s hands cupped her breasts, held them steady so he could take turns with her nipples. Wet heat pulsed from her pussy and the younger vamp fused his mouth over her entrance and drank from her.

  They had her struggling for breath and her heart pounding against her chest, her body so sensitized as nerve endings sparkled with need that she cried out what she wanted.

  “Fuck me, please!” she gasped. “Fuck me!”

  She could barely see them through her heavy-lidded gaze, as they both stopped and drew away from her. Their faces were flushed as they realized her surrender, their win. As they stood she spied their erections, so enormous and swollen, and heat whipped in a frenzy through her. Mercy vampires! But they both were so huge. She just couldn’t get over it.

  She was so weak with desire from their pleasure she could barely think straight. Barely realize that every time they mouthed her, or looked at her, or even came closer to her, her heart would pound with dark sensual excitement. Licking her lips as her gaze flew from one huge cock to the other, she realized she truly was a lucky female to have such well-hung brutes. All her female friends would be quite envious and the Crystal Clan males put to shame.

  “Your breasts taste like no other female’s breasts,” the older one whispered, cupping his swollen balls, showing them off to her, no doubt.

  “Your pussy like no other female’s,” the younger one groaned as he stroked his long cock. Oh so long.

  She shivered at the lust shimmering in their eyes.

  The other Warrior came around to her other side. He cupped her breast tenderly.

  “Have you named us, Crystal Cave female?” the younger one asked.

  “Dark Hearts,” she whispered, finding herself mesmerized by his brown eyes.

  They both nodded as if understanding her meaning at the same time.

  “For none with dark hearts could sexually torture you as we do…” the older one said in appreciation.

  “You name us well,” the younger one said. “I am called Zane. This is my older brother, Christian.”

  Well-named Warriors. She liked their names instantly.

  Her pussy creamed as Christian turned his gaze upon her again.

  “And have no doubt, Megan, you will enjoy it every time we make love to you.”

  Please, make love to me, now! she screamed silently. Desperation began a slow spiral through
her as Christian moved his hands from his swollen scrotum and massaged the length of his upturned cock. He drew closer, his breath hot on her face. She trembled with excitement and fear. Felt the bonds at her ankles drop free as Zane untied her. Barely felt the ones at her wrists release her as Christian’s heated mouth fused over hers, the searing impact making her moan at his intoxicating taste. He tasted of power, sweat and cool mountain air. His kiss made her think of dark naughty things she’d never thought of before. Yes, she’d named Dark Heart well.

  Chapter Four

  When Megan awoke, mixed emotions shifted through her as she found herself not on the interrogation table in the dungeon, but lying upon several golden-colored puffy huge cushions with a gold spun sheet draped over her nakedness. Beneath the sheet she could feel the throb of her shoulder wound. Knew instinctively the bandages had been changed while she’d slept. A faint odor of medicine drifted to her nostrils, verifying what she believed. A pack of bandages pressed against her skin and Megan swallowed in anticipation. She could also feel the sex toys secured on various parts of her body. The butt plug, the nipple clamps, a clit stimulator. They were all softly teasing, playing and titillating her. Thankfully, not the torturous sexual arousal, which she craved satisfaction from, but something pleasant that had her body humming sweetly. She smiled and closed her eyes again, moaning as the clit stimulator quieted and then stopped. But the plug continued inflating and deflating, preparing her, the nipple clamps purring and tweaking and keeping her breasts aroused.

  It seemed as if this were an interlude before Christian decided to have her again. Megan swallowed at that thought.

  I won’t take pity on you, he’d said. And yet he had, hadn’t he? Grabbing her ankles and plunging into her with his magnificent cock, giving her the orgasm she’d been crying for. The one he made her crave. Now, he’d brought her to the pleasure room, where so many intoxicating memories lingered.


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