Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 131

by Nicole Morgan

  He straightened, licking her wetness from his lips. A deep crimson streaked his pupils.

  He pulled off her wet dress and tossed it aside. His heated gaze glided over her naked, splayed body. Lowering his head, he ran the flat of his tongue over her core as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  She jerked. His green eyes flared brighter.

  He fisted his heavy sex, and pressed the head of his cock into her.

  She stiffened and tried to breathe through the tightness.

  He stopped, concern sweeping across his face. “Saia?”

  “I can’t, it’s too much.”

  His entire body stilled. “Your…first time?”

  She shook her head.

  His jaw tightened slightly. “Then, you can. You can take all of me. Watch.”

  He pulled her up. She rested on her elbows, her gaze lowered between their bodies. Her heart beat faster as he slowly pushed into her, inch by torturous inch. He rolled her clit with his thumb. Desire rebuilt. His jaw tightened. The tendons in his neck strained, and he pulled out in a slow glide. As he pushed inside again, her body spasmed. With a low growl and a hard thrust, he sheathed himself fully.

  Saia gasped. Her body felt stretched to its limits, too full, too tight, and so damn incredible. He withdrew and thrust into her again, and pleasure reignited...

  By the dark gods, she was fucking perfect. Her tight, silky warmth squeezed him so tight, it took every bit of his rigid control not to pound into her and seek his release.

  For a moment there, when he realized there was another male before him, he wanted to go find the unworthy bastard and kill him. Small of him, considering his own past, but there it was.

  Shutting off that thought, he cupped her small, delicious breasts, with those tempting tan nipples, and squeezed lightly. He leaned down and sucked on a stiff nub.

  Her breathing grew raspier, and her legs tightened around his hips.

  “Touch me.” He didn’t recognize the possessive growl that emerged.

  Passion-glazed eyes met his. “Wh-what?”

  He took her hand and brought it down to between her thighs where they were joined. “I want you to feel me take you.”

  As her slender fingers circled the base of his cock, Riley couldn’t breathe. Finally, he had her the way he wanted. He captured that mouth which drove him crazy. The moment those luscious lips latched on to his, he cared little about anything else. She shattered every logical thought he possessed, but one.

  He had to claim her.

  Bond with her.

  Brand her as his, so she’d never forget to whom she belonged.

  The claiming heat in him flared alive. His shields lowered, simmering from his psyche into his body. He slid his hands down to her hips. Heat swirled like a living flame, surrounding them.

  Saia pulled her mouth from his and inhaled a choppy breath. Her body stiffened. Her eyes widened. She pushed at him then grabbed his hands and fought to wrench them off her hips. “It hurts.”

  “It’s the claiming,” he rasped. Being human, she’d feel every moment of his marking—the pain. He could do little with his hands locked in place until the mating mark imprinted.

  But her tears undid him. With his body, he eased her backward, her hands flailing out to the floor to support her. He lightly bit the plump flesh of her breast then sucked and licked her pert nipple until that glazed, slumberous look returned to her eyes.

  Angling his hips, he withdrew then thrust back into her, his cock rubbing against her clit with erotic friction.

  Her inner muscles spasmed, gripping him like a vise. And as she crested, it triggered his response. His balls tightened, his orgasm tore down his spine. A harsh groan erupted from him and he released himself deep inside of her.

  Finally, she was his.

  Her heart pounding like she’d run a thousand miles, Saia sagged against Riley’s chest. He gently stroked her back. Those hands, they’d worked her body like a finely tuned instrument.

  A shudder shook her from just remembering. She eased back and found him watching her, his eyes a burning green.

  Heat flooded her cheeks, and she dropped her gaze. At the erotic sight of his sex still inside her, her breath caught, and another spurt of desire flooded her.

  What was happening to her?

  Despite the pain on her hips where he’d gripped her, her body hummed with the after-effects of being loved so thoroughly by this man who was starting to worm his way into her heart.

  And just as fast, her deep-seated fear crept back. She couldn’t let her heart get involved. After what Ikaria had told her, a man like Riley would not stay. She had to protect herself. Because if she didn’t, she would end up broken when he moved on to another.

  Chin firming, she lifted her gaze to his, breathed. “Just so you know, this means nothing”—a wave of her finger indicated them both—“it’s just sex. In my world, only a wedding ring counts.”

  “Don’t push me, Saia. It is done, you are mine.” He didn’t raise his voice, the cool words were a decree. He eased away, his sex slipping free from her, and stepped under the pelting shower. Washing her scent off him?

  Saia drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, a chill spreading through her.

  “Wherever you go,” he said, dragging her attention back to him. “Always keep the guard I assigned with you. And don’t leave the stronghold.”

  “Why? The deed’s done, shouldn’t I be safe?”

  His hard gaze hardened. “No. You’re still in danger of becoming a feeding vessel to those who feast on blood.”

  Her eyes widened in dismay. She’d forgotten about them.

  “It’s good you do remember. They will keep you alive for the sole purpose of feeding and fucking.” His expression became steel. “And Saia, I better not find that you disobeyed me.”

  Her fear turned to annoyance. “You’re just like your father—dictatorial,” she flung at him. “You’re not the man I thought you were. Are you, Riley?”

  Something shifted in his gaze, then every facet of emotion shut down; like a light had been switched off. “You cannot hold on to something that doesn’t exist, and Riley doesn’t. This is what I am.”

  He leaped from the bath onto the floor and disappeared through the door. Leaving her alone with only the faint scent of their lovemaking and the rhythmic splattering of the shower for company.

  Chapter Thirteen

  In the dressing room, Riley hauled on a change of clothes as anger bled through his mind.

  Saia thought him like Wrath?

  The one person he detested, never wanted to be like, and his mate flings it in his face.

  He walked out of the dressing room, but the sounds of the shower running drew him as if under hypnosis. Despite his frustration, hunger for her still burned within him. He braced his fists on the black door and lowered his head.

  Why had he ever used that name? The past always crept back to bite him in the ass.

  After his foster parents had died, he’d defected to the human world, and as his last act of defiance against his old man, he’d discarded his birth name and used Rile.

  Anger. Rage. Hate.

  Consumed with resentment, he’s struck off on his own, wanting nothing to link him to his sire. Or Stygia. Over the centuries, Rile had become Riley. Now he was stuck with the identity he’d created. It was nothing but a facade concealing the being he truly was.

  Saia wanted the illusion, a male that didn’t exist.

  She wanted the human.

  Afraid of what he’d do if he stayed, teeth gritted, he forced himself to leave.

  Stopping outside in the corridor, he rubbed the ache in his chest where her bright essence had merged with his darker one. This should have been the happiest moment in his messed-up life, mating Saia. The only female to touch that part deep within him; instead, his soul felt heavier, bleaker than before.

  “I don’t believe it,” a soft feminine voice murmured. “The rumors are true.”

/>   Riley looked up, surprised to see anyone on this level. A tall Stygian female, vaguely familiar, stopped several feet from him. Her bright red hair pulled in a high tail shimmered down her back. A cobalt robe fell from her shoulders, held in place by jeweled pins and nipped in at her narrow waist.

  “I have been waiting to see you.” She glided closer, her grayish-green eyes gleaming in excitement. “It has been a while, Réomer.”

  A while? Try his whole damn life. “What are you doing on this level?”

  “Waiting to see you.” She stopped a foot from him. Her musky perfume overpowered Saia’s soft floral scent lingering on his senses and made his stomach roll. He didn’t have time for this. He headed down the corridor, wanting to get to the training fields.

  “Wait—” She hurried after him. “Where are you going?”


  “Oh, good,” she purred, despite his terseness. “Let me walk with you, hmm?”

  If it meant getting out of here faster. Because if he saw Saia right now, chances were he’d go right back in there, reclaim her, and make her recant her words.

  At his brief nod, a delighted smile curved the female’s mouth. Hell, he was no damn prize, as Saia had shoved down his throat moments ago.

  “You don’t remember who I am, do you?” she asked.

  He cut her a sharp look as they headed down the stairwell.

  She laughed. “Nicor is my brother.”

  His sire’s right-hand man? Of course, it’s the only reason the guards had probably allowed her on his level.

  She chatted on about the excitement his return had stirred. About how he so ruthlessly destroyed Móric…

  Riley tuned her out, his mind back on his mate. Saia thought the ritual mortals adhered to, and so easily broken by divorce, was stronger? She had no inkling what it meant to be claimed by him.

  He rubbed a hand over his shorn hair, realized he was on the lower levels. The surprised stares of several soldiers as he passed, pissed him off.

  And Ikaria, she stared like he’d committed a cardinal sin.

  The sentries guarding the vaulted, black entrance threw open the doors and moved aside.

  At his appearance, a sudden hush descended among the many seated in the enormous hall for last meal. All high-ranking members, their eyes fixed on him and Nicor’s sister.

  Riley frowned. Damn, he’d missed the turn to the front entrance. He met his sire’s gaze at the head table. Yeah, no fucking way was he sitting through a repast and pretending all was right in camp Wrath.

  A breeze rushed past. Ikaria reappeared, blocking his path. “My Lord Réomer,” she gasped before he could speak. “What are you doing with Denali?”

  What the hell was it with everyone questioning him? All he wanted was to get to the damn training ground unhindered. His tone hardened. “That is not your concern.”

  Denali stroked his arm and smiled. “You heard him. Be gone, servant!”

  Ikaria ignored her. Even though he could hear the girl’s heart thumping hard against her ribs, her wariness obvious, she remained in his way. “I mean no disrespect, my lord. Have you chosen to renounce your claim on Saia?”

  “Why would I—?” Shit.

  He may have forgotten this female’s name, but he sure as hell should have remembered what it meant to walk into last meal with her. A damn bloody announcement that he’d chosen a new mate. No matter the fight from a few days ago, males could change their minds.

  Riley stepped back, ice flowing in his words. “You think to trick me?”

  Denali shrugged. Being from a high-ranking household, she showed little fear. “You males are so easily seduced by those feeble mortal females.” She ran a finger along her clavicle. “I am by far a better choice, you’ll see.”

  “Saia is my mate and already bonded to me,” he said coldly. “Even if I had walked in there with you, I would never renounce her.”

  And that would have brought dishonor to Denali’s family. Not that he cared. Just because his mate so easily twisted his mind into knots, didn’t mean anyone else could.

  He stalked off down the corridor then staggered to a halt as another truth struck him, recalling the soldiers on his way here.

  Cursing, Riley flashed or tried to—fuck! His sire’s protection spell enfolded the entire fucking fortress, he couldn’t flash. He took off in a hard sprint back to his chambers to make sure no else had taken his slip-up as a bloody invitation to claim his mate.

  Saia loosely braided her long hair and tied it with a piece of leather she’d found in Riley’s dressing room. She glanced around the vacant chamber, the emptiness consuming her, wishing he were here. A wave of guilt swamped her.

  How could she accuse him of being like his father?

  Oh, she’d learned the man could be immovable as a mountain and bossy as hell when he chose, but he didn’t have that underlying cold core she’d sensed in Wrath. Or else he wouldn’t have agreed to be her pretend date…and they wouldn’t have ended up in this situation where he’d been forced to mate her to keep her safe.

  Riley obviously had major issues with his father. But she hadn’t meant to hurt him.

  She needed to apologize. Say she was sorry.

  When Ikaria got back, she’d ask her to find him. If she came back, that was. The girl had practically dropped the tray on the table earlier, soon after Riley had left, and raced out again like hellhounds were on her tail.

  Saia rubbed her damp palms down the long slip dress she’d put on, accidently brushing her hips. Aw, crap! That still hurt. She’d probably have bruises. But at the memory of how Riley had made her beg, warmth flooded her face, and her body hummed as desire rose again.

  Scrubbing a palm over her burning face, she crossed to the table and uncovered the food. With no real appetite, she poured tea in a cup and took a sip when a knock sounded on the door.

  Hastily, she set the cup down, any interruption more welcome than her own company. She hurried over and opened the door. A tall, brown-haired demon with a pronounced forehead and a jutting jaw stood there, his reddish skin bore the appearance of toughened hide.

  Warily, she eyed him as his looks settled into a more human visage. Since her guard remained silent beside her door without frothing at the mouth, she figured this new demon meant her no harm.


  His erect posture didn’t relax, his dark eyes skimmed over her in one quick perusal of…lust. Crap, now what?

  “Réomer has renounced you as his mate.”

  It took her a moment to get her head wrapped around the man’s words. “Wait—what?”

  “Réomer has chosen to mate with another. I’ve come to lay my claim to you—”

  “Like hell, you will!” Riley stormed toward them. His eyes burned with fury, his chest heaved as if fighting a great rage.

  The red demon didn’t flinch, stood taller. “You have chosen Denali, and made your intentions known to all—”

  “Wait-wait.” Saia stepped between them, her gaze fixed on the demon. “What are you talking about? Who’s Denali?”

  “She’s a high-ranking female—”

  “She’s no one important,” Riley snapped from behind her.

  But Saia wasn’t listening as the demon’s words cleared the haze in her head. She spun around to Riley, all thoughts of an apology vanishing. “You renounced me in front of an entire demon population? After you made love to me?”

  He scowled, nostrils flaring. “She asked to walk with me to the lower level. It mattered little since I was on my way out. I had no idea she meant an escort to the dining hall.”

  Feeling as if a huge hand had clamped over her lungs, she stepped back. All Saia’s insecurities hit her hard. Women would always come after him. He’d given her no assurances, nothing for her to believe he wanted more once they left here.

  “And there you go, believing shit about me.”

  “Stop reading my mind.”

  “I don’t need to read your thoughts. I know you.”
r />   A rumble of displeasure emitted from the red demon, his skin turning a darker hue in his ire. “Réomer, you have chosen. Come, female—”

  Before the demon could touch her, Riley slammed him against the wall. “Is your fucking nose not working. This female is bonded to me. Mine! Got it? Now get the fuck out or I will kill you! Pass that on to any who think to do the same.”

  The demon opened his mouth, but at whatever he saw in Riley’s expression, his gaze lowered. Almost cowering, he stumbled off in a hurry.

  Riley swung back to her, and as if pushed to the ends of his limits, he hauled her to him, an arm banding around her waist.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped in indignation, palms flattening on his chest.

  “Trying very hard to keep my hands off you because this—” a hand lowered to lightly touch her sore hips “—has got to hurt. But I know what goes on in that head of yours, Saia. Get rid of those thoughts. I gave you plenty of warning. Every inch of your sexy body is mine.”

  “Yours?” she snapped. “Then it works both ways. I find another skank after you, I will hurt you—not her.”

  Surprise flickered in his green eyes then irritation gave way to amusement, which just made her madder.

  “Arrgh!” She broke free and stomped back to the room, slamming the door on him and blocking his sinfully sexy smile. God help her. How could she keep her walls up, her heart protected when he behaved like she was the only one for him?

  The door opened. Saia spun around as Riley stepped inside.

  His gaze slid over her in a slow caress. “I have to go to the training fields. Ikaria will stay with you in my absence.” He turned to leave, only to pivot to her again. “There’s a little courtyard at the back of this fortress you can use if the walls in here close in on you again. I’ll try not to be too long.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liz leaned back in her armchair, the crackling flames in the enormous fireplace the only sound breaking the heavy silence in the living room as her worry over Saia grew. After the debacle a few days ago, Saia’d left without a word to anyone. But the fact that Riley was with her gave Liz a measure of comfort.


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