Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 171

by Nicole Morgan

  His lips stopped at the base of her spine and she felt his hands slowly caress her butt cheeks.

  “I need to kiss it to make it better.” his distant voice told her.

  He kissed the top of her left cheek and intense heat spiraled from it enveloping her whole bottom and causing her to sink her fingers into the pillow. A passionate moan escaped from her lungs and she felt herself get wetter and wondered how much more of this sensuous torture she could endure.

  She felt his lips on her lower right cheek and the spiral heat returned and traveled through her whole body. She moaned louder and gripped the pillow tighter.

  “I think that I’m still missing a spot.” His deep voice rumbled.

  Jessi held her breath, waiting to feel the next part of his sensuous torture.

  The air around her became cooler, a sheer contrast to her flaming body.

  A tiny nip at her wet entrance sent a jolt of fire through her whole body. Her legs instinctively opened wider and she felt Jon’s hot breath at the junction between her legs.

  “Gorgeous.” A moment later his wonderful tongue teased her inflamed clit. Her body jerked and more moisture pooled from her. He continued to lap her, every lick bringing her closer to the edge of pleasure.

  His tongue entered her throbbing channel and pumped in and out of her. The electric currents that moved within her body increased with every thrust and lick to her inner core. Her hands grabbed the sheet surrounding her and moaned as his tongue continued to dance. The sensations increased and her body shook, the need to reach the edge was strong and she wanted to reach it together with him.

  She buckled against his mouth, wanting release.

  He stopped and gently flipped her back up so their eyes locked.

  "I need to see you come apart in my arms." His voice was hoarse, tense, filled with raw need. He captured her lips in a ravenous kiss. She opened her mouth and his tongue penetrated deep inside. His hand traveled down her body until it reached the junction between her legs. It stopped and gradually moved down into her nether lips.

  She released his mouth and gasped as his fingers lazily inched inside of her. The fire burned even hotter inside of her with each inch. She swore that she would burst into flames at any moment.

  She looked into his creamy brown eyes laced with passion. All for her. His fingers pushed in and out of her slick channel, first slowly but then faster. Licks of electricity surged through her body. Every part of her was touched by the current, and she held onto his hair as the sensation intensified. Never had she experienced this kind of passion before. Her body had been asleep all these years. Jon's touch had finally awakened it to excitement she’d only dreamed about.

  He moved away from her and she sighed in distress.

  He lifted his head and looked at her, a dark need etched on his face. "You're so beautiful, Jessi."

  "Jon, take me." It was more of a command than a request. She couldn't take any more of this passionate torture.

  He smiled and pulled her body to the edge of the bed. His legs looked like they disappeared in the dense fog. She opened her legs to his thick shaft as the fog slowly lifted and surrounded her body. She moved closer to it as her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him deeper inside her.

  A primal growl escaped his lips as he plunged into her. Her muscles throbbed around him and the electric currents intensified in her body.

  He bent down and bit the top of her breast as his shaft penetrated deep into her. "So hot." She brought his face up and stopped. Desire was etched in his face but something else in those dark warm eyes, was

  "Jon?" her heart questioned.

  "Jessi, it feels like I waited for you forever." His hand reached down and rubbed her enlarged ball of nerves as he thrust hard into her swollen muscles. Her legs wrapped tighter around him and pulled him deeper in her silky channel. His body kept thrusting as his hand worshiped her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. The room pulsed in time with their passionate rhythm. Jessi matched his thrusts and rode him until they reached the edge together. He groaned as he thrust inside of her one final time and the whole room shook. She took hold of his face and kissed him as she flew over the edge, her nails raking across his back. His body fell limp on top of hers.

  She released his lips. A smile formed on his face as he raked his hands through her hair. "Do you have anything else that needs to be kissed?"

  Her lips curled. "Oh, I have a list."

  Chapter Twelve

  Jon listened to Jessi's slow breathing as she slept curled up in his arms. They fit together perfectly. Only a handful of times in his former life had he stayed with his lover overnight. Many of those became awkward, because he knew he didn't want to be with the woman again. Things with Jessi were different. The intense experience of making love to Jessi made him realize that it was not only physical but emotional.

  The storm outside began to dissipate. The rain still pounded on the roof and the lightning continued to flash.

  Jessi stirred and Jon moved his hand gently from her stomach to her hip. She sighed and fell back asleep. Her body had curves he wanted to continue to touch. The scent of roses lingered around them, making him smile. He’d never had a favorite flower, but now he would never look at a rose again without getting a hard-on.

  He didn't have any need for sleep, so he lay with her and savored being with her. The blanket was wrapped around them like a cocoon. The peace that surrounded him as he held her comforted his turbulent thoughts. His curiosity about the vase kept popping up. The vase gave step by step instructions on how to achieve immortality. It started out with a sacrifice to Huitzilopochtli. Their spilled blood activated the first part of the ritual. After the blood spilled the mortal who wanted immortality needed to hold the pendant close to his heart. If the mortal wanted someone to be his immortal light, that person must be the one to chant the incantation. There were two parts of the incantation, one spoken by the person who wanted immortality and the other by his Eternal Light. He had most of the chant translated. Only the last sentence remained.

  He inched away from Jessi to avoid waking her. He waved his hand and his clothes flew back on him. He glided down the stairs to the kitchen and froze. A small light bounced around the kitchen and stopped. Jon slowly crept in and froze when he saw the source.

  David twisted the vase in his hands and shone the light at Jon's notes in his notebook. He bounced the light from the vase to the notes. A few sheets of ripped paper were laid out next to the notebook.

  His missing notes.

  So David was his killer. Jon stalked into the room. Rage formed inside him. He waved his hand and a burst of wind blew across the room, causing David to fall flat on the floor. The loose papers fell around him and the flashlight rolled off and hit a wall.

  "What the...!?" he exclaimed as he slid into a cabinet.

  "Get the hell out of here!" Jon screamed as the walls started to reverberate with his anger.

  David got up on his feet, snatched the notes and his flashlight.

  David's eyes scanned the notes and he began to chant the incantation. The room around Jon begin to spin and the floor disappeared beneath him. He reached out to push David but with every word David spoke he got weaker. He stared at him and realized the incantation was paralyzing him.

  "Jon?" Jessi's voice carried from the stairs.

  "Jessi, get out! Drive away as far as you can from here!" he warned her as he tried to right himself.

  Jessi walked into the kitchen and her eyes widened.

  David stopped the chant and leered at her. "Just the woman I was looking for."

  Jessi turned and bolted. David grabbed her arm and she swung her arm and nailed him in the nose.

  "Arg!" His fingers released her and reached up to his nose.

  She took her car keys from the hall table and bolted into the garage. She hit the garage door button, ran to the driver's side door, and started the car. She switched the car into reverse and floored the gas pedal. The
car sped out of the garage as David ran out of the house. He reached out to grab her door handle but stumbled and fell on the ground. Once on the street, Jessi switched to drive and floored it.

  Rain poured on her car as her windshield wipers squeaked with every swipe. She stared at the road and gripped the wheel tighter. The rain made it difficult to see the lines. Jessi switched the wipers to full power, causing the squeaky noise to intensify. A quick glance in her rearview mirror confirmed that no cars followed her. She headed to the main street and bolted north, determined to make it to her Aunt Gertrude's home. She would call the police from there and report David breaking in her house. Her eyes glanced to her mirror. No one was behind her.

  She thought of Jon and her eyes teared up. When she’d walked into the kitchen his appearance was faded and ghost-like. And there was fear in his eyes. She never thought she'd see that emotion in him. What did David do to him? She slowed her speed and read the street name. Nope. Not the one she wanted. The streets were all deserted. Her eyes darted to the clock- 1:23am. How long was David in her house before Jon discovered him? The sounds of the storm must have muffled the sound of him breaking in.

  Jessi shivered more from fear than temperature. Her windshield began to fog up and she reached over to turn on her defogger.

  A loud bang shook the car and her airbag deflated in her face. Her mind went blank.

  Moments later she heard the passenger door open. She swore. How many times did she tell herself to get the auto lock fixed? Her mind was solely focused on getting away and in the terror she forgot to lock the door.

  "There's my feisty girl. I knew you'd be heading over to your aunt." The voice made her skin crawl.

  She blinked. Her face had landed on the soft airbag and she lifted it to confirm her grim thought. David sat in the passenger seat and held up Jon's notebook with an evil grin. Her mouth opened to spit out a rye comment but something sharp and cold pushed against her neck. David's blue eyes were cold and emotionless.

  "David? Why are you doing this?" Jessi realized the object he held under her neck was a knife.

  He leaned closer. "I want you to be my lover forever."

  "The hell I will."

  "With this incantation, you will learn to be mine in every way."

  "Doubt it."

  He shoved the notebook in front of her. "Start reading."

  Her eyes skimmed the first few words. "I don't read Aztec."

  The knife fell from her neck and sliced the front of her shirt open. It flew back to her neck before she had a chance to fight back. "Bullshit. I know you minored in history and linguistics. You know a couple languages, so you can read through this. Now read this second part. Don't bother reading the first, because I already did that."

  "This won't work if you don't have the pendant."

  He dropped the notebook on the deflated airbag in front of her and reached under his shirt to pull out the pendant, which hung on a leather string.

  The bastard had everything in place to become immortal. She stared at the notebook and then glanced in the rearview mirror. Jon sat behind her, faded and looking very tired.

  "Jon?" Her voice was soft, filled with terror.

  "Jon can't help you now." David sneered. "The only thing he was good for was the human sacrifice, and man that felt good."

  "Fight him, Jessi. He chanted the first part of the incantation and it has me in some spell. I can't fight and I'm tied to him somehow."

  "No." She shook her head.

  The knife moved away from her neck and sliced her arm.

  "Ah!" she cried as the pain bit into her.

  "Jessi!" Jon yelled at her and tried to push the knife away, but his arm just passed through it.

  David moved the knife back to her neck. "Next time it will be deeper. Now read!" He shoved the notebook in front of her.

  She glanced at Jon and she wished she could tell him so many things. Their eyes locked and she felt his emotions. Fear, longing,

  Tears formed in her eyes. She’d found her soul mate and now she was going to lose him forever.

  She took the notebook and began to read.

  “Mighty Huitzilopochtli you are the most powerful among all the gods. I wish that you take my love and make him an immortal king so he will rule the Earth as you would. He will rule with a hard fist and force everyone's loyalty to you. I ask this in the name of my love..." she paused and saw Jon in the mirror. Tears streamed down her face.

  "Say my name!" David roared in her ear.

  “Don't, Jessi." Jon pleaded as he leaned forward and tried to push the knife away.

  The knife pressed painfully against her throat.

  "Jonathan Lewis," she whispered.

  David's eyes widened as his body began to shake.

  "No!" He dropped the knife. Jessi turned to the backseat. Jon was gone. Her head whipped back towards David. His body went limp and slumped against the seat. Jessi tried to push open her door but realized that David's car t-boned hers and the door jammed. She frantically scanned everything around her and her eyes froze on the image in front of her car. Jon and David were both in ghost form. Jon lifted his arms and blasted David with white beams of light. David rose up ten feet from the ground as Jon roared.

  "I swear I will break you for hurting Jessi!" The white beams slowly turned to red. Jessi bent down to look up at David, whose arms and legs flailed everywhere. Jon brought him down to the ground. David tried to get up and leered at him.

  "I'm so glad I killed you, you bastard! You don't deserve to live or have that pretty little sex toy. I'm going to enjoy riding her!"

  Jon's whole body started to glow a bright yellow. He lifted his arms again and pointed them at David. "No, you won't!" A blood red beam emitted from his hands and it kept pounding David. He tried to shield himself from the force of it as his image started to fade.

  "No, no, no!" Bits and pieces of his essence shattered and nothing remained but small tiny speckles that floated and disappeared.

  Jessi watched Jon glide through the front of the car and hover above David's body.

  "Seems like poetic justice, don't you think?" he asked her as he slowly lowered himself into David's body.

  Jessi tensed and waited.

  David inhaled and sat up. "Whoa!" He looked down at his arms and touched his face, wincing as he touched the swollen bloodied nose.

  Jessi backed against the door, wondering if it really was Jon in David's body.

  His head turned to her. "Jessi?"

  His eyes weren't blue anymore. They were the creamy brown ones she fell in love with.

  "Jon?" she hesitated.

  "Yes, it's me. I'm back!" His voice was different. It wasn't David's, at all.

  Jessi reached over and caressed his face. He took hold of her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist.

  "It is you." She sighed as he released her hand and leaned over to capture his lips in a fiery kiss. Her nose bumped his and he released her with a yelp.

  "Oh, sorry!" She caressed his face. "I'm so sorry!"

  "It actually feels good. I feel alive, for a change." He smiled as he held her. "You took a huge risk switching names like that." His fingers moved the stray strands of her hair away from her face.

  "I wasn't going to lie." Her fingertips touched his face as if to convince her that Jon was indeed there.

  "But he could have killed you." He took hold of her arm to analyze the cut and pulled out some tissues from a tissue box in the back seat. He pressed the tissues on the wound to stop the bleeding. He looked into her eyes as she bit down on her lip. "And that would have carved out my soul because..." Their eyes met. "I love you."

  A smile formed on her face as tears filled her eyes. He loved her, she finally found her soul mate. "I love you, too, my Ghost Mate."

  He leaned in and captured her mouth in another kiss that he didn't want to end.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Jessi stepped around a huge rock. H
er gym shoes crunched on the gravel trail in the national forest.

  "Do you want someone like a serial killer to get his hands on this pendant?" Jon questioned as he moved around another rock. He inhabited David's body quite well, and there were no noticeable side effects aside from the change in his eyes and voice. He had a full physical the day after his transformation to find out what kind of medical problems David had that he needed to deal with. Besides being allergic to cats, he was perfectly healthy. Which kind of surprised Jon, since he had to have been with dozens of women over his lifetime.

  "Yeah, I know. You're right, but I still feel like we could use the power for good."

  He stopped and viewed the vast field in front of him. An entrance to a cave in the side of a mountain was a hundred yards away. It had taken them over three hours to reach this remote area by foot. He’d visited this area of Montana in his former body when he went rock climbing. The view was always incredibly breathtaking and he was thrilled to share such beauty with the love of his life.

  Jon spun around and took hold of Jessi. "We got lucky, Jessi. I don't think that someone else will be as lucky as we are." He gave her a gentle, loving kiss. Every time he kissed her he still felt a surge of love for her. He hadn’t moved into David's house after his transformation. Instead, he’d sold everything and moved in with Jessi to start a new life with her.

  Everyone who knew David was amazed at his transformation, which they all attributed to Jessi. She made more friends, real friends, in her new home than she had ever had back in New York. As David, Jon was able to continue his work at the dig site. Every day was filled with the excitement of finding new artifacts. Every night had long passionate lovemaking sessions where they ended up entwined in each other's arms.

  Jessi smiled when he released her and threaded her fingers through his newly cut short hair. "We were lucky. I can't imagine my life without you now."


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