Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

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Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Page 36


  To keep the reservation Indians peaceful, the Great Father sent out a new commission in september to cajole and threaten

  the chiefs and secure their signatures to legal documents transferring the immeasurable wealth of the Black Hills to white o*rr"r.hip. Several members of this commission were o1d hands

  at stealing Indian lands, notably Newton Edmunds, Bishop Henry Whipple, and the Reverend Samuel D' Hinman' At the

  Red Cloud rg"r"y, Bishop Whipple opened the proceedings with

  a prayer, and then Chairman George Manypenny read the conditions laid down by congress. Because these conditions were

  stated in the usual obfuscated language of lawmakers, Bishop

  whipple attempted to explain them in phrases which could be

  used by the interPreters.

  "My heart has for many years been very warm toward the red man. We came here to bring a message to you from your

  Great Father, and there are certain things we have given to -


  in his exact words. We cannot alter them even to the scratch of

  a pen. . . . When the Great Council made the appropriation this year to continue your supplies they made certain provisions'

  three in number, and unless they were complied with no more

  appropriations would be made by Congress' Those three pro-

  ,ri.iorrr are: First, that you shall give up the Black Hills country

  and the country to the north; second, that you shall receive your rations on- the Missouri River; and third, that the Great

  Father shall be permitted to locate three roads from the Missouri River across the reservation to that new country where the

  Black Hills are. . . . The Great Father said that his heart was full of tenderness for his red children, and he selected this commission of friends of the Indians that they might devise a p1an,

  as he directed them, in order that the Indian nations might be

  saved, and that instead of growing smaller and smaller until

  the last Indian looks upon his own grave, they might become as

  the white man has become, a great and powerful people., 85

  To Bishop Whipple's listeners, this seemed a strange way in_

  deed to save the Indian nations, taking away their Black Hills

  and hunting grounds, and moving them far away to the Mis_

  souri River. Most of the chiefs knew that it was already too late

  to save the Black Hills, but they protested strongly against having their reservations moved to the Missouri. "I ihink ir -


  people should move there," Red Cloud said, , they would all be

  destroyed. There are a great many bad men there and bad whiskey; therefore I don't want to go there., s6

  No Heart said that white men had already ruined the Missouri River country so that Indians could not live there.


  travel up and down the Missouri River and you do not see any

  timber," he declared. "You have probably seen where lots of it

  has beeu, and the Great Father's people have destroyed it.,

  "It is only six years since we came to live on this stream where

  we are living nov," Red Dog said, "and nothing that has been

  promised us has been done." Another chief remembered that

  since the Great Father promised them that they would never be

  moved they had been moved five times. , I think you had better

  put the Indians on wheels," he said sardonically, , and you can

  run them about whenever you wish."

  Spotted Tail accused the government and the commissioners

  of betraying the Indians, of broken promises and false words.

  "This war did not spring up here in our land; this war was brought upon us by the children of the Great Father who came

  to take our laud from us without price, and who, in our land, do

  a great many evil things. . . . This war has come from robbery

  -from the stealing of our land." 3? As for moving to the Missouri, Spotted Tail was utterly opposed, and he told the commissioners he would not sign away the Black Hills until he could

  go to Washington and talk to the Great Father.

  The commissioners gave the Indians a week to discuss the terms among themselves, and it soon beeame evident that they

  were not going to sign anything. The chiefs pointed out that the

  treaty of 1868 required the signatures of three-fourths of the male adults of the Sioux tribes to change anything in it, and Bury My Heart at'lV ounded Knee

  more than half of the warriors were in the north with Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. In reply to this the commissioners explained that the Indians off the reservations were hostiles; only

  friendly Indiaus were covered by the treaty. Most of the chiefs

  did not accept this. To break down their opposition, the commissioners dropped strong hints that unless they signed, the Great

  Council in its anger would cut off ali rations immediately, would

  remove them to the Indian Territory in the south, and the Army

  would take all their guns and horses.

  There was no way out. The Black Hills were stolen; the Powder River country and its herds of wild game were gone.

  Without wild game or rations, the people would starve. The thought of moving far away to a strange country in the south

  was unbearable, and if the Army took their guns and ponies they

  would no longer be men.

  Red Cloud and his subchiefs signed first, and then Spotted Tail and his people signed. After that the commissioners went

  to agencies at Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, Crow Creek, Lower Brul6, and Santee, and badgered the other Sioux tribes

  into signing. Thus did Palta Sopa, its spirits and its mysteries, its

  vast pine forests, and its billion dollars in gold pass forever from

  the hands of the Indians into the domain of the United States.

  Four weeks after Red Cloud and Spotted Tail touched pens to

  the paper, eight companies of Lrnited States cavalry under Three Fingers Nlackenzie (the Eagle Chief who destroyed the

  Kiowas and Comanches in Palo Duro Canyon) marched out of

  Fort Robinson into the agency camps. Under orders of the War

  Department, Nlackenzie had come to take the reservation Indians' ponies and guns. All males were placed under arrest, tepees were searched and dismantled, guns collected, and all ponies

  were rounded up by the soldiers. Nlackenzie gave the women

  permission to use horses to haul their goods into Fort Robinson.

  The males, including Red Cloud and the other chiefs, were forced to walk to the fort. The tribe would have to live henceforth at Fort Robinson under the guns of the soldiers.

  Next morning, to degrade his beaten prisoners even further, Mackenzie presented a company of mercenary Pawnee scouts

  (the same Pawnees the Sioux had once driven out of their PHOTO PAGE 301

  Powder River country) with the horses the soldiers had taken

  from the Sioux.

  Meanwhile, the United States Arrrr5r, thirsting for revenge, was prowling the country north and west of the Black Hills, killing Indians wherever they could be found. In late summer

  of 1876, Three Stars Crook's reinforced column ran out of rations in the Heart River country of Dakota, and started a forced

  march southward to obtain supplies in the Black Hills mining

  camps. On September 9, near SIim Buttes, a forward detachment

  under Captain Anson Mills stumbled upon American Horse's

  village of Oglalas and Minneconjous. These Indians had left Crazy Horse's camp on Grand River a few days before and were

  moving south to spend the winter on their reservation.


  Mills attacked, but the Sioux drove him back, and while he was

  waiting for T
hree Stars to arrive, all the Indians escaped except

  American Horse, four warriors, and fifteen wbmen and children,

  who were trapped in a cave at the end of a small canyon.

  When Crook came up with the main column, he ordered soldiers to positions from which they could fire volleys into the

  mouth of the cave. American Horse and his four warriors returned the fire, and after some hours of continuous dueling, two

  Bluecoats were dead and nine wounded. Crook then sent a scout, Frank Grouard, to ask the Indians to surrender.


  who had lived with the Sioux, spoke to them in their language.

  "They told me they would come out if we would not kill them,

  and upon receiving this promise, they came out." American Horse, two warriors, five women, and several children crawled

  out of the cave; the others were dead or too badly wounded to

  move. American Horse's groin had been ripped open by buckshot. "He was holding his entrails in his hands as he came out,"

  Grouard said. "Holding out one of his bloodstained hands, he

  shook hands with me." 38

  Captain Mills had found a little girl, three or four years old, hiding in the village. "She sprang up and ran away like a young

  partridge," he said. "The soldiers caught her and brought her to

  me." Mills comforted her and gave her some food, and then he

  asked his orderly to bring her along when he went down to the

  cave where the soldiers were dragging out the Indian casualties.

  Two of the dead were women, bloody with many wounds.."The

  little girl began to scream and fought the orderly until he placed

  her on the ground, when she ran and embraeed one of these

  squaws, who was her mother. I told Adjutant Lemly I intended

  to adopt this little girl, as I had slain her mother."

  A surgeon came to examine American Horse's wound. He pronounced it fatal, and the chief sat down before a fire, holding a

  blanket over his bullet-torn abdomen, until he lost consciousness

  and died.

  Crook ordered Captain Mills to ready his men for a resumption

  of the march to the Black Hills. "Before starting," Mills said,

  "Adjutant Lemly asked me if I really intended to take the little

  girl. I told him I did, when he remarked, 'Well, how do you think Mrs. Mills will like it?' It was the first time I had given that side of the matter a thought, and I decided to leave the child where I found her." 3e

  While Three Stars was destroying American Horse's village, some of the Sioux who had escaped made their way to Sitting

  Bull's camp and told him about the attack. Sitting Bull and Gall, with about six hundred warriors, immediately went to help

  American Horse, but they arrived too iate. Although Sitting Bull launched an attack on Crook's soldiers, his warriors had so

  little ammunition that the Bluecoats held them off with rearguard actions while the main column marched on to the Black


  When the soldiers were all gone, Sitting Bull and his warriors

  went into American Horse's devastated village, rescued the helpless survivors, and buried the dead. "What have we done

  that the white people want us to stop?" Sitting Bull asked.


  have been running up and down this country, but they follow us

  from one place to another." ao

  In an effort to get as far away from the soldiers as possible, Sitting Bull took his people north along the Yellowstone, where

  buffalo could be found. In the Moon of Falling Leaves, Gall went out with a hunting party and came upon an Army wagon

  train traveling through the Yellowstone country. The soldiers

  were taking supplies to a new fort they were building where Tongue River flowed into the Yellowstone (Fort Keogh, named

  for Captain Myles Keogh, who was killed at the Littie made passing mention of a reservation for the Hunkpapas, but

  Sitting BulI brushed it aside. He would spend the winter in the

  Black Hills, he said. The parley ended with nothing resolved, but

  the two men agreed to meet again the next day.

  The second meeting quickly became a succession of disagreements. Sitting Bull began by saying that he had not fought the

  soldiers until they came to fight him, and promised that there

  would be no more fighting if the white men would take their

  soldiers and forts out of the Indians' country. Bear Coat replied

  that there could be no peace for the Sioux until they were all on

  reservations. At this, Sitting Bull became angry. He declared that

  the Great Spirit had made him an Indian but not an agency fndian, and he did not intend to become one. He ended the conference abruptly, and returned to his warriors, ordering them

  to scatter because he suspected that Bear Coat's soldiers would

  try to attack them. The soldiers did open fire, and once again

  the Hunkpapas had to start running up and down the country.

  By springtime of 1877 Sitting Bull was tired of running. He decided there was no longer room enough for white men and the

  Sioux to live together in the Great Father's country. He would

  take his people to Canada, to the land of the Grandmother, Queen Victoria. Before he started, he searched for Crazy Horse,

  hoping to persuade him to bring the Oglalas to the Grandmother's land. But Crazy Horse's people were running up and

  down the country trying to escape the soldiers, and Sitting Bull

  could not find them.

  In those same cold moorls, General Crook was also looking for

  Crazy Horse. This time Crook had assembled an enormous army

  of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. This time he took along enough rations to fill 168 wagons and enough powder and ammunition to burden the backs of 400 pack mules. Three Stars,s

  mighty column swept through the Powder Iliver country like a

  swarm of. grizzly bears, mauling and crushing all Indians in its


  The soldiers were looking f.or Crazy Horse, but they found a Cheyenne village first, Dull Knife's village. Most of these Cheyennes had not been in the Little Bighorn battle, but had slipped

  away from Red Cloud agency in search of food after the Army

  took possession there and stopped their rations. General Crook


  sent Three I'ingers Mackenzie against this village of 150


  It was in the Deer Rutting Moon, and very cold, with deep snow in the shaded places and ice-crusted snow in the open

  places. Nlackenzie brought his troopers up to attacking positions

  during the night, aud struck the Cheyennes at first daylight'

  The Pawnee mercenaries went in first, charging on the fast ponies Mackenzie had taken from the reservation Sioux'


  caught the Cheyennes in their lodges, killing many of them as

  they came awake. Others ran out naked into the biting co1d, the

  warriors trying to fight off the Pawnees and the onrushing soldiers long enough for their women and children to escape.

  Some of the best warriors of the Northern Cheyennes sacrificed their lives in those first furious moments of fighting; one

  of them was DulI Knife,s oldest son. Dull Knife and Little wolf

  finally managed to form a rear guard along the upper ledges of

  a canyon, but their scanty supply of ammunition was soon exhausted. Little wolf was shot seven times before he and Dull Knife broke away to join their women and children in lull flight

  toward the Bighorns. Behind them Mackenzie was burning their

  lodges, and after that was done he herded their captured ponies

  against the canyon wal1 and ordered his men to sh
oot them down,

  just as he had done to the ponies of the Comanches and Kiowa's

  in Palo Duro Canyott.

  For Dull Knife's Cheyeuttes, their flight was a repetition of the flight of Two Nloon',s cheyennes after the surprise attack in

  March by the Eagle Chief, Reynolds. But the weather was eolder; they had only a few horses, and scarcely any blankets,

  robes, or even moccasins. Like Two Moon's people, they knew

  only one sanctuary-Crazy Horse's village on Box Elder Creek'

  During the first night of flight, twelve infants and several old people froze to death. The next night, the men killed some of

  ihe ponies, disemboweled them, and thrust small children inside

  to keep them from freezing. The old people put their hands and

  feet in beside the children. For three days they tramped aeross

  the frozen snow, their bare feet leaving a trail of blood, and then

  they reached Crzzy Horse's camp.

  Crury Horse shared food, blankets, and shelter with Dull Knife's people, but warned them to be ready to run. The Oglalas

  did not have enough ammunition left to stand and fight'


  Coat Miles was looking for them in the north, and now Three

  Stars Crook was coming from the south. To survive, they would

  have to keep running up and down the country.

  In the Moon of Popping Trees, Crazy Horse moved the camp

  north along the Tongue to a hiding place not far from the new

  Fort Keogh, where Bear Coat was wintering his soldiers.


  and hunger became so unbearable for the children and old people that some of the chiefs told Crazy Horse it was time to go

  and parley with Bear Coat and find out what he wanted them to

  do. Their women and children were crying for food, and they

  needed warm shelters they would not have to run away from.

  Crazy Horse knew that Bear Coat wanted to rnake prisoners of

  them on a reservation, but he agreed that the chiefs should go if


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