Love and Neckties (Rockland Falls Book 4)

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Love and Neckties (Rockland Falls Book 4) Page 23

by Lacey Black

  “Great. See you tomorrow,” I tell her.

  “Yes. Oh, and, Samuel?”


  “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  I lean my hip against the counter, spying the marriage certificate still propped against the wall. “Everything’s exactly as it’s supposed to be,” I tell her honestly.

  We sign off, and I take a few minutes to make a grocery list for dinner tomorrow night. I’ll grill steaks and portabella mushrooms. Freedom loves the mushrooms with loads of grilled vegetables and cheese. She also prefers chopped potatoes in a foil packet over a big baked potato, so I add a few additional ingredients to my list before setting the paper on the counter for tomorrow.

  Making sure the doors are locked for a second time tonight, I grab the glass of water and head back to my bedroom. Our bedroom. I set the glass on the nightstand and slip into bed. “Hey,” I whisper, pulling her into my chest.

  “What time is it?” she whispers in a sleepy voice.

  I run my hand over her head, loving the way the long locks feel sliding between my fingers. “Almost ten thirty. I brought you some more water.”

  She yawns. “If I drink that, I’m going to pee for the tenth time since we got home, and I’m tired of peeing.”

  I chuckle as she burrows into my side. “You’re tired of peeing?”

  “Yes. They pumped me full of a bag of fluids at the hospital, and you’ve made me drink two glasses of water since we’ve been home.”

  Home. I love the way she says it.

  “How about just part of the glass?” I coax, moving and reaching for the glass. Freedom grumbles but takes the glass from my hand. She ends up gulping more than half the glass. “Jesus, remind me to never challenge you to a chugging contest.”

  She exhales loudly as she sets the glass back on the table. “Don’t do that, Sammy. I could chug cheap beer like no other when I was younger.”

  We turn on our sides, her back pressed to my front. Freedom yawns again and rests her cheek against my arm. “This is comfy.”

  “It’s perfect,” I tell her as I kiss her head. “Go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  “What’s tomorrow?” she asks.

  “Mom is coming over for dinner. We have some big news to share,” I reply, running my hand over her arm.


  “Yes. Well, you’re okay to tell her, right?” I ask, worrying she isn’t ready to tell people about the baby. I, on the other hand, am ready to scream it from the rooftop.

  “Definitely,” she replies through another yawn. “I mean, Harper and Latham know, so it wouldn’t be fair to keep it from everyone else.”

  I hug her to my chest. “Good. And I’m going to tell her we’re married, Freedom. I want her to hear it from me, but also that we’re planning a re-do.”

  “Well, considering we want to do it on the beach, we should probably let her know,” she teases, but all I heard was do it on the beach.

  “Go to sleep, Free. We’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

  She sighs. “Okay.” After a few minutes, she asks, “Samuel?”

  “Yeah, love?”

  “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  I groan. “Jesus, Freedom.”

  She giggles the sweetest sound. “I’m just saying. It wouldn’t take much to free the willy and slide ‘er home.”

  My cock responds immediately, hard and ready to go. “Good night, Freedom.”

  “Fine, but I expect to be woken up with your dick between my legs,” she says just as another yawn erupts.

  Sighing, I settle in to sleep. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sammy.”

  With a smile on my face, I let myself drift off to sleep, my wife in my arms and our child nestled protectively in her body. This may not be the life I expected, but there’s no other life I’d choose to live.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “I’m so glad you called,” Mary Ann says, as Samuel places a kiss on her cheek. “It’s been forever since I’ve enjoyed a meal with you and talked about what’s going on in your world.”

  My heart tries to gallop right out of my chest as I think about the bombs he’s about to lay on her.

  “And Freedom,” she says when she sees me. Her arms are extended and she immediately pulls me into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here still.” She glances at her son before adding, “Someone has to keep my oldest in line.”

  I chuckle, but it feels awkward. “Well, I appreciate Samuel letting me stay here.” He gives me a look, letting me know he doesn’t really like my answer. Shrugging, I lead the way to the kitchen. “Come on, Mary Ann. Sammy made some delicious dip and crackers.” My stomach growls at the thought of enjoying more dip. He had me taste it this afternoon when he was making it, and I’ve been itching to get more since.

  “It smells delicious,” Mary Ann says as she heads to the table.

  I dive in right away, but feel bad when I see her looking at me, the slightest hint of a smile on her lips. “Oh, sorry. Guests first,” I mumble over the chip I’m trying to chew.

  She waves me off. “Girl, please eat. You’ve always had a hearty appetite when you’d come over as a child.”

  If she only knew…

  Samuel clears his throat and joins us at the table. He’s wearing a collared polo shirt, a look that’s much more casual than his usual suit and tie, but looks amazing just the same. He’s in a pair of nice Dockers, which make his ass look amazing. He gives me a look, as if he knows I’m objectifying him in my head. I grin as he takes a seat and filling up my small plate with yummy snacks.

  “So, there was something I wanted to tell you. A couple of things, actually,” he says to him mom.

  “Oh, yes,” she replies, sitting up straight in her chair.

  “You know the night before Harper and Latham’s wedding, we all went to the magic show? Well, when you and the Douglases went back to the hotel, we all went to a club and celebrated.” Mary Ann nods her head. “Anyway, Freedom and I, well, we went out. Alone.”

  She glances my way and smiles, looking as cool as a cucumber. While I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest.

  “We ended up…doing something,” he adds.

  “Doing something?” she asks, glancing back to her son.

  “Yeah. We, uh…”

  I can tell he’s struggling with how to put this, so I decide to help him out a bit. “We went and got completely schnockered, and then found this all-night wedding chapel place and got hitched.”

  She looks surprised. Samuel looks shocked. I shovel a little more dip in my face.

  “Freedom,” he sighs. “That’s not exactly how I was going to tell her.”

  “Well, you seemed to be struggling finding the right words.”

  “Wait, you’re married?” Mary Ann asks, bringing us back to the other issue at hand. The fact we just told his mom that we got married. A month ago. And didn’t tell her.

  “We did,” Samuel answers, as he reaches over and grabs my hand.

  She glances back and forth between the two of us, and I start to feel a little moisture in the pit area. Is she mad? Happy? Shocked speechless? Finally, her eyes water as a smile crosses her face. “You’re married,” she says again, as if trying it on for size.

  “We are,” I confirm.

  The scrape of her chair pushing back startles me. Mary Ann gets up, and panic starts to set in. She’s leaving?

  But she doesn’t leave. Instead, she stops in front of me, throws her arms around my shoulders, and…cries. “I’m so happy for you two! I can’t believe you’re actually married,” she says, running a motherly hand across my cheek. “You have always been a part of my family, Freedom, and I’m so excited to make it official.”

  My vision blurs with my own tears. “Really?”

  “Oh, sweet girl, really. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I mean, I’m a little shocked, to be honest. If any of my kids were going to e
lope in Vegas, Samuel is the last one I’d suspect,” she says with a giggle.

  Then, she goes over to her oldest son and hugs him tightly. She places her palm on his cheek as well, and grins up at him. “I’m so thrilled.”

  “Well, if you think that’s exciting, just wait for the rest,” he says with a chuckle.

  “There’s more?” she asks, her eyes wide with surprise. “Don’t make me wait.”

  “Well, Freedom and I would like to renew our vows next month behind the house on the beach. We’d like to invite close family and friends only.”

  “And we’d have the entire meal catered, so you don’t have to do a thing,” I add quickly. Even though Mary Ann and Marissa love to cook and bake, I could never expect them to prepare a meal for our wedding.

  She holds up her hands. “What if I insist? Marissa and I would love to prepare the meal. I’m not the best baker when it comes to elaborate cakes, but we could whip up so many specialty desserts. I mean, if that’s what you want. You pick what you two want, but just know the offer stands,” Mary Ann says.

  “Thanks, Mom. We’ll discuss it later and let you know?”

  “Sounds good,” she says with a wide smile. “Wow, I can’t believe it. Married and getting remarried. What a great surprise,” she says, as she takes her seat again and places a little food on her small plate.

  “Actually,” Samuel says, struggling to hide his excitement.

  Mary Ann’s hand stops halfway to her mouth. “There’s more?”

  Samuel glances my way, his eyes so full of love and joy. “You’re going to be a grandma again.”

  Well, if I thought Mary Ann was excited with the wedding and renewal of vows part, the scream that fly lets me know this surprise is her favorite of all. She jumps up and throws her arms around her son. “Really?” she asks, glancing my way with more of those pesky tears in her eyes.

  “Really,” I confirm with a nod, my hand automatically going to my abdomen.

  She hugs me next, rocking us back and forth as she holds me in her arms. When she pulls back, her tears lay, unchecked, on her cheeks. “You, my dear, are glowing. I’ve never seen you look lovelier than you do right now. Thank you for making my son the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”

  My throat is too thick to speak, so I just hug her in return. I want to tell her she has it wrong. That it’s the other way around. In fact, it’s her son who makes me the happiest I’ve ever been. But then I glance his way and see the look in his eyes, and I realize the happiness is a two-way street. We’re in this together, Samuel and me.

  Mary Ann squeezes me one last time, but before she releases me whispers, “Thank you for loving my Samuel.”

  Her blue eyes shine brightly as she smiles at me, her hand cupping my cheek in that tender way she does. I can’t speak, so I just nod.

  Mary Ann nods before finally stepping back. We return to the table and start to snack on the appetizers Samuel made this afternoon. With a plate full of food and a smile on her face, she turns to me and says, “Now, let’s talk about this wedding.”


  “Where are we going?” I ask as I slip into Harper’s car.

  “It’s a surprise.” She gives me an ornery grin as she pulls out of the driveway.

  To be honest, I’m a little surprised Samuel allowed my bestie to whisk me away for a few hours. He’s been completely overprotective, hovering almost, since we got home from the emergency room Friday night. Now, here we are on Sunday, and he practically pushed me out the door.

  “I’m just happy to be free for a few hours,” I tell her with a smile. “What’s first on our list of debauchery?”

  “Lunch!” Harper declares, as if she knew I’d be hungry.

  My stomach growls, making us both giggle. “Perfect.”

  She drives to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It’s not yet quite as busy as it will be, but there aren’t too many tables open. Sundays after church are a very popular day for dining in Rockland Falls, and it always seems like every place you go is packed.

  I order an ice water and dive into the chips and salsa the moment the server sets them down on the table. “How have you been feeling?” she asks, toying with her napkin.

  “Fine,” I tell her over the large smothered chip I just shoved into my mouth.

  “Good. No nausea?”

  I shrug. “Maybe a little every now and then, but not too bad. I haven’t actually thrown up, which is a plus, because I really, really hate throwing up.”

  “Ugh, yeah, so gross.” Harper reaches over and dips a chip in the tomato goodness and munches away. “I hear you had company for dinner last night.”

  The smile is already crossing my lips. “Yeah, we did. Samuel told her about the wedding, the rewedding, and the baby.”

  “I bet Mom was about to burst with excitement.”

  “You know it. She was really surprised it was Samuel who ended up eloping in Vegas,” I tell her.

  “No shit! We all are. I mean, I’d pick Marissa or Jensen hand-over-fist to run off and get married before Samuel.”

  I laugh. “That’s pretty much exactly what she said.”

  “Well, I’m super happy for your two. And just so you know, Latham and I were totally out in the hallway at the hospital, listening.”

  I glance up, my eyes wide with shock and humor. “Shut up!”

  She’s already nodding. “Totally. He didn’t want to, but the moment Samuel started talking, he was glued in place like a teenager girl.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Well, I was a bit surprised by his confession. I mean, I was prepared to go to my apartment Friday night. Finding those papers, well, I thought there was no way we could move forward.”

  “I probably would have thought the same. Actually, in a way, I did think the same. When Latham won the bid on that building, I was so pissed off. I had no idea he wanted to share it with me. Not until he put in all that work and made it a joint space.”

  “Then you shagged like rabbits,” I tease, recalling exactly how everything played out that night he told her he loved her and showed her the building. I was a part of it, making sure she was still there that night.

  Harper snorts. “He’s definitely a male rabbit. He could go anytime, anywhere.”

  “He’s a man, so…”

  She snorts and smiles at me. “You know, I love oversharing with you, right?” When I nod, she continues, “But I really don’t ever want to know about my brother’s rabbit tendencies. Deal?”

  “So, you don’t want to know that he really likes to take me from behind?”

  Her mouth falls open and a look of disgust mars her beautiful face. “Shut up!” she gasps.

  “He’s really good with his—”

  Harper’s hands go to her ears as she makes noises to block out my words, drawing attention from a few tables around us.

  I reach over and move her hands. “Sorry, I’ll be more considerate.”

  “Thank you,” she says, dropping her hands completely and grabbing another chip.

  “I won’t tell you how much I love riding your oldest brother’s massive cock.”

  I hear a gasp, but it’s not from Harper. It’s from the sweet old lady at the table across from us. She looks horrified by my statement, which makes me blush a little.

  “See? That’s what you get for being disgusting and talking about my brother,” Harper whisper-yells.

  I just shrug my shoulders, relaxing and enjoying the rest of my lunch with my bestie.

  After we eat and she pays the bill—actually, I was told it was Samuel who paid the bill—we head out to stop number two. Relaxation Spa is across town and is the best place for mani/pedis. The place is busy, but when Harper approaches the counter and gives our names, they quickly usher us back to the two open pedicure chairs.

  We spend the next hour having our feet and hands pampered. Just when I think we’re done, we make our third stop of the day. The massage parlor. When I glance her way, she just smiles. “You’re here for yo
ur own relaxation massage, not to give one. Samuel wanted to treat you,” she tells me as we exit her vehicle.

  Inside, I find two coworkers and smile warmly. Patti takes me back to her room, and for the next hour, proceeds to massage me from head to toe. At one point, I think I fall asleep, which is crazy considering the amount of sleep I’ve been getting lately. Man, growing a baby sure is tiring work.

  Harper’s just coming out of her room as I exit, a sleepy smile on her face. “That was heaven,” she says, handing a stack of bills to both massage therapists.

  “Here, let me,” I start, digging in my bag for some money.

  “No, Samuel got it. Tip too.”

  Finally, we make our way to our fourth and final stop of the day. The ice cream parlor. I feel like a kid as I order a double scoop of Rocky Road and Cherry Jubilee ice cream in a dish, with whipped cream and a cherry. Harper goes with a scoop of chocolate chunk and banana split, and at the table in front of the window, we eat our sweet treats.

  By the time we’re done, I feel truly pampered and loved.

  “Ready to head home?” Harper asks, as she throws our bowls in the trash.

  “Ready,” I confirm, anxious to get home and thank Samuel for such a wonderful day.

  When we pull up to the house, Samuel and Latham are standing on the porch. Latham waves goodbye to Samuel, gives me a kiss on the cheek as he passes, and climbs in the passenger seat I just vacated. I turn around just in time to wave goodbye, curious as to what the hurry is.

  “Where’s the fire?” I ask as I walk up the steps.

  “They just wanted to give us a little privacy,” Samuel says, taking me in his arms and kissing me hello.

  “Well, good afternoon to you too,” I tell him.

  He takes my hand and leads me into the house. “Come on, I have something to show you.”

  We head inside, bypassing the kitchen and heading straight for the master bedroom. The door is shut, but I can smell the fresh paint. The anticipation is getting the best of me as I try to picture what he’s done. When he opens the door, my imagination didn’t do any justice of the actual finished product.

  “Wow,” I whisper as we step inside.

  Samuel clears his throat and moves us to the center of the bedroom. “One of my favorite things to do with you is watch the stars, so I brought them inside.”


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