Strong Temptation [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized)

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Strong Temptation [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 6] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized) Page 1

by Chloe Lang

  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 6

  Strong Temptation

  Charly Wynn isn’t about to settle down in Wilde. She’s got her own plans, though her heart seems to be going another direction. The more time she spends in Wilde, the more entangled with the six Strong brothers she becomes.

  Ever since meeting Charly, Seth Strong can’t get her out of his mind. He vows to make her see that he, Drake, and Dax are perfect for her. Time is running out before Charly leaves Wilde, and him, forever. But Seth won’t let that happen. Somehow he will convince her to stay with him—whatever it takes.

  The new pleasures Seth shows Charly thrill her beyond measure, and she begins to fall hard for him. Will Seth help Charly to trust her instincts and choose love over logic? Or will the killer succeed and snuff out her light forever?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 21,159 words


  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 6

  Chloe Lang


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2012 by Chloe Lang

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-283-9

  First E-book Publication: August 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of Strong Temptation by Chloe Lang from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Chloe Lang’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Lang’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  It takes a village to get any book to publication. Mine are no different.

  For all the books I’ve had published at Siren-BookStrand there have been people behind the scenes who work hard to get them to you. I know a few of them by name but sadly most I do not. These unsung allies toil anonymously on my stories about Wilde, Nevada.

  For all the editors, marketers, cover artists, production staff, and more – I sincerely thank you!


  The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 6


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Seth Strong compressed the gunshot wound in Charly Wynn’s chest. His heart pounded harder and faster than it ever had in his entire life.

  There was no exit wound, which meant the bullet was still lodged inside her. Hoping to keep her lung from collapsing, he applied pressure on the wound when she inhaled and let up when she exhaled.

  He looked at his eldest brother, the only other person within sight. “Call Doc, Tobias.”

  His brother nodded, though clearly shaken from seeing the woman he’d obviously fallen in love with get shot. Tobias wasn’t paralyzed by fear but, in his typical fashion, was ready to act.

  Seth continued, “Have him send the ambulance. She needs to be transported to Elko’s hospital ASAP.”

  “Got it, bro. You just keep doing what you’re doing. I’ve got this part.”

  Seth hadn’t been surprised when Tobias had arrived at the barn with Charly. His brother had been calm at first, unlike the trembling treasure by his side. Charly’s nervousness had only added to her incredible beauty.

  He’d been such an ass, not even dismounting when Charly and Tobias had approached him.

  As secretive as all of them had tried to be with him, he’d known for some time about Heath’s stupid plan to try to corral all the brothers, including him, into getting Charly down the aisle to the altar. Trying to push her away to save himself and Charly from inevitable heartache had been his reason for being such a prick to her. Now, seeing Charly’s blood soak his fingers, he wished he could take it all back.

  “She’s going to be okay?” his brother asked, frantically placing the call.

  “She’s gotta be,” he answered, hearing a tinge of panic in his own voice. His EMT training told him the chances for this woman, who’d turned his life upside down and sideways the second she’d come to town, was at best a coin toss.

  Charly had lost a lot of blood, and her breathing was erratic. It seemed to him that the bullet had come within a fraction of an inch of being instantly fatal. His gut clenched at the thought, which was strange for him, since the reason he was perfectly suited to work emergencies in the first place was his ability to be dispassionate during a crisis. Why was he having trouble keeping his head now? Because the person he was helping wasn’t just anyone. This was Charly.

  “Fuck. I got Doc’s voice mail.”

  Seth looked around the barn. He’d been all alone when Tobias and Charly had arrived. They were on their own. Pressing his hands on her wound seemed to be working, as her bleeding slowed. “Call Dad Greg. He can find him.”

  “Dad, there’s been a shooting.” Tobias spoke fast but clearly. “No. Not an accident. We’re at the main barns, and Charly has been shot. I can’t get ahold of Doc. Seth and I will meet you in town and we can drive her to Elko’s h
ospital. Make sure everyone knows. They can meet us in Elko.” Tobias clicked off the phone. “Is it safe to move her, Seth?”

  “Yes. You’ll have to lift her carefully, and I’ll keep my hands on her wound. The tricky part will be getting her into the backseat of my crew cab.”

  “Tricky or not, we’ll make it work, bro.”

  “Yes, we will. Go open the back door so we can get her in without stopping. I’ve got a blanket that I can use to keep her wrapped up in.”

  Tobias ran to the truck to get it set for her.

  Seth looked down at the unconscious Charly. He’d been holding his breath without realizing it. Damn it, man, focus!

  Deliberately, he inhaled and exhaled as calmly as he could muster.

  He and Tobias had covered her with their own bodies after the first and only gunshot. They’d scanned the perimeter, readying for another attack. But they never saw the shooter, and no other shot came. Whoever had fired the gun had obviously taken off, likely believing they’d hit their target. For an instant of crazed anger, Seth had thought about chasing down the motherfucker but had forced himself to stay and help Charly instead. She needed him.

  Tobias crouched down on the other side of Charly and placed his arms under the back of her knees and her shoulders. “Ready?”

  He nodded.

  Tobias lifted her up, and Seth kept his hands on her chest. Their dual effort worked to keep her stable. Cautiously, they walked with Charly between them to his truck.

  Please, God, let her live.

  * * * *

  Seth, Tobias, and Dad Greg carried Charly into the ER at the Elko Hospital. Since Dad Greg had called ahead, two orderlies were ready to rush her to the back.

  Seth started to follow them, but was stopped by Nicole, the on-duty triage nurse.

  Being an EMT for the past several years, he’d gotten to know Nikki and many of the folks who worked at the tiny hospital. She was one of his favorites, until now.

  “Step aside, Nikki. This is my case. Besides, I always help and you know it.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “She’s only a case to you?”

  He glared at her. “I’m going back there.”

  “I can tell by the look on your face, Seth, that there’s more to this young woman than you’re saying.” The redhead’s eyebrows shot up. “Right?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” He tried to step around her and head to the swinging doors that led to the room where Charly was with the ER staff.

  But Nicole once again stepped between him and the doors. “No you’re not. You’re too close to this girl. You know as well as I do that you’ll only be in the way, Seth.”

  Tobias stood behind the gatekeeping nurse and sent him a wink. Then he tapped Nikki on the shoulder, and she turned around, giving Seth a chance to rush to the doors.

  When he entered the room where Charly was, he shuddered, and his heart jumped up in his throat at what he saw.

  God, no!

  He couldn’t see Charly, since Dr. Champion, who was a personal friend, and a nurse and two orderlies surrounded her. They looked to him to be conducting CPR. Had her heart stopped? Dread blew through him, chilling him to the bone.

  The doctor waved him over. “We could use your help, buddy.”

  But he couldn’t move. He felt as if he were frozen in place.

  Dr. Champion held up some strips of cloth that had been Charly’s top just moments ago and handed them to the nurse. The staff hadn’t been conducting CPR on her, but had been cutting off her clothing, which he knew full well was standard procedure for trauma patients. His legs nearly failed him as relief swept through his body. Her heart was still beating.

  Nikki stepped through the swinging doors and grabbed his arm. “You need to come with me, Seth Strong.”

  “Nurse, let go of him,” Dr. Champion barked. “I need his help.”

  “Yes, sir,” Nikki answered. Then in a low tone, she told Seth, “You better keep your cool. That girl’s life may depend on it. Got me?”

  “I will, Nikki. I swear.”

  “You better.” She turned around and went back into the waiting room.

  Seth stepped up beside the doctor and looked down at Charly. Seeing her lying naked on the stretcher with the gunshot wound in clear view, his emotions went into overdrive. But that was an indulgence he couldn’t allow himself. He needed to quell his fears and operate in a sober, professional manner for Charly.

  “Her lung has collapsed, Seth. Remember when you and I worked on that teenager who got gored by that bull? Same thing here.”

  Seth did recall. “She needs a chest tube?”

  “That’s right.” Dr. Champion took a scalpel and made a small incision near Charly’s armpit. “Seth, you operate the suction and the water seal. Nurse, you feed me the tube.”

  As he, Dr. Champion, and the nurse inserted the plastic into Charly’s chest, Seth thought back to the teenager with the collapsed lung. The chest tube didn’t work for him. The kid had died twenty-four hours later.

  * * * *

  Tobias watched Nikki, the nurse who Seth had spoken with, walk back through the swinging doors.

  “You can’t be Seth’s brother,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “You’ve got dark hair and eyes. He’s got blond hair and blue eyes.”

  “Don’t know what to say to that. We are brothers though.”

  She smiled and then turned to his dad. “And it’s obvious where you get your good looks. You must be their father.”

  “Yes, I’m Greg Strong and Seth is my son.” Tobias could see the worry on his dad’s face.

  “How is she?” Tobias asked. Charly had been so pale and still when they’d moved her from the truck.

  Dad Greg put his arm around his shoulders. “Tobias, she’s in good hands. Your brother is back there. He’ll make sure she’s okay.” His dad turned to the nurse. “It’s Nikki, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Tobias had never seen this curvy nurse in Wilde before. She must’ve been from Elko. Still, he’d noticed how friendly she’d been with Seth. He wondered what kind of relationship the two had.

  “And I’m Tobias. Can you tell us how Charly Wynn is doing?”

  Before Nikki could answer, the entrance door swung open, and his brothers ran into the waiting room frantically.

  Dad Greg swung around and motioned them over. “These are my other sons, Nikki.”

  Tobias saw the surprised look in Nikki’s eyes as she seemed to realize all six of the brothers were there for Charly. “Mr. Strong, are you any relation to Miss Wynn?”

  Dad Greg nodded. “In a way, yes. She’s the cousin of my nephews’ wife.”

  “Close enough. All I can tell you, Mr. Strong, is Dr. Champion is taking care of her. He’s the best in Northern Nevada. Be patient and I’ll try to find out what I can for you.”

  His dad nodded. “Thank you, miss.” He turned back to Tobias and his brothers. “Boys, let’s have a seat and wait for news. There is nothing more we can do right now.”

  Tobias knew what his dad was trying to do. He was trying to calm them. It wasn’t working. He wasn’t about to be calm until he knew Charly was okay.

  Chapter Two

  Seth watched the orderlies take Charly to get an X-ray of her chest.

  Dr. Champion patted him on the back. “Great job, Strong. I think that girl is going to make it.”

  “She has to make it, Doc.” Though he normally played his cards close to the vest, right now, Seth didn’t give a damn about doing that.

  “Is she your woman?”

  “In a way, yes,” he answered frankly.

  “Ah. You folks from Wilde are something else.” Dr. Champion rubbed his chin. “I can’t imagine how you guys up there can share a woman. My two brothers and I are really close, but I’m too possessive to even think of trying such a thing.”

  “It’s not easy, but don’t knock what you don’t understand.”

  The doctor nodded. “Well said
. I’ll keep a close eye on your girl for the next forty-eight hours. Her vitals look good. Her lung function is holding. Once I get the X-ray back and see where the bullet lodged I’ll know whether she’ll have to have surgery or not. My guess is that she won’t. I suggest you go home, but I’m betting you won’t listen to me.”

  “You’d win that bet, Doc.”

  “Suit yourself. I’m going to grab a bite in the cafeteria. Care to join me?”

  “Can’t. I need to go talk to my dad and my brother and give them an update about Charly.”

  “Which brother?” Dr. Champion had met all Seth’s brothers once, long ago.

  “Tobias, but I’m sure the rest of them have shown up by now.”

  The hunting trip with the doc, who had only been a med student at the time, had been a blast, but it had occurred before Seth had ever met Gabby. Likely, the doc thought things were still all smiles and good times between Seth and his brothers. Of course they weren’t. Not after what had happened.

  Dr. Champion patted him on the back. “Let’s go talk to your family.”

  “Before we do that, I want to say something.” He stuck out his hand for the doc. “Thanks for saving her, Alex.”

  “She’s not out of the woods yet, Seth.” Dr. Champion took his hand and shook it. “I couldn’t have done it without you. You being on the scene and reacting so quickly when she got shot saved her life. Do you know who shot her?”

  Every muscle in Seth’s body tightened. “No.” But when I do, that man will never draw a breath again.


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