Michaels: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 5)

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Michaels: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 5) Page 5

by M. Merin

  All I can do is feel his body wrap around mine, our tongues wrapping around each other’s as I feel a liquid heat flood my core. It occurs to me that this is the kiss I’ve read about in countless novels late at night. The kiss I never thought I would experience myself. So I go all in, pulling him closer.

  His long arms reach down to grip my ass and I squeal, breaking our kiss as he pulls me up his body.

  “Put me down!” I’m blushing furiously. It’s not that he’s struggling with my weight but that deeply embedded insecurity rears its head.

  “Shh, wrap your legs around my waist, Princess,” he murmurs right before he nibbles on my earlobe. His teeth holding it in place as he flicks it with his tongue. A loud groan escapes me as I imagine him treating other parts of my anatomy to that motion.

  Yet again, I obey him and as he secures me in his arms, he dips his head down to nuzzle my breasts through my T-shirt and the tank below it. Within moments, my nipples are taunt and aching for more attention.

  “Wait,” I pant, pushing my hands against his shoulders. “What are we doing?”

  He pulls his head back from my breasts and standing up straight, he looks down at me. A smug smile forms on his lips.

  “You’re still grinding on me, Princess,” he whispers, no recrimination in his voice. And I actually have to look down to verify what he says. Forcing my hips to stop their movement, I groan at the loss of friction. “Keep going, if you want to…” the Sheriff offers.

  “Let me down,” I say as firmly as possible. And Michaels—and fuck! I realize I don’t even know his first name—drops a kiss to my forehead before he complies. We both let out a sigh as I slide down his length, enjoying the feel of his well-defined body on my way back to solid ground.

  “Dinner?” he asks, not having even stepped back from me. I can still feel his bulging cock against my abdomen. I look halfway up his chest, not ready to make eye contact so I simply nod in answer to his question.

  He turns away from me, turning on the stove and preparing our meal in silence.

  “I told you,” I begin again. “I don’t know anything about the MC.”

  “Yep, heard you.”

  “I’ve had a long week already and I have to unpack, sooo…”

  “Princess, you owe me a date. I called in a favor for a reservation tonight and had to look like an ass cancelling it at the last minute. Now, I’m cooking for you instead. And there, sure as shit, isn’t anything you could tell me about the MC that I don’t already know,” he doesn’t look back at me as he continues cooking. “Well, not about the MC, but about your brother and sister-in-law’s roommate. What the fuck is up with that?”

  A laugh escapes my lips. I can’t help it but my amusement earns me major side-eye from the Sheriff.

  “That’s what sent me into a tailspin the other day, actually,” I pause. “They’re all, well, I shouldn’t…”

  “Shit! I thought that, but then Jake married her. Fuck, Charlie doesn’t come across like the MC girls…” His voice trails off.

  “I don’t think she is,” I find myself bristling at his dismissal of her. “I think they’re really happy together and decided that’s what they want.”

  “Polyamorous?” He looks at me with wide eyes.

  “Let’s get back to what you’re doing here,” I say in as firm a voice as I can muster while he dishes up our omelets.

  “I’m here for you,” his deep voice vibrates inside of me and the carefree, inner me starts jumping up and down before I tell her to calm her shit down. I’m pretty certain that guys like him simply want to fuck the new meat in town and I’m not going for it.

  Without replying, I just eat my meal in silence, ignoring the expectant stare I see every time I look up.

  “Where did you go to school?” he finally breaks the silence.

  “Let me guess, next you’re going to ask me why I’m not married yet? Because that’s my favorite question,” I roll my eyes at his pitiful attempt at first date conversation.

  He leans back in his chair, smirking at me as I finish eating. Finally, I can’t take any more of his quiet appraisal.

  “What?” I hiss.

  “I knew it would be like that when we kissed,” he says so softly I almost miss it. My jaw drops open as his words wash over me. “I’ve been thinking about it all week, but having you in my arms was even hotter than I imagined.”

  “Thanks for dinner and the flowers. I have another shift in the morning and I’m pretty tired as it is,” I repeat, reaching for his plate. Ignoring my attempt at kicking him out, he just sits back. The next words out of his mouth surprising me further.

  “I had a full ride to the Naval Academy. Football, but my grades weren’t bad either. I took a hit my junior year and blew my knee out. Lost the scholarship plus most of the people I thought were my friends. I came back here and finished my Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice while I was on the job. The old Sheriff, he took me under his wing, taught me a lot.

  “Most of my family’s in the graveyard nowadays. I grew up in this house and plan to hold onto it, this and a couple other family properties that I rent out. Election season rolls around every four years and no one runs against me. The MC keeps the crime rate down to non-existent levels around here but the locals like to pretend that I’m responsible for it.

  “I’m not on the take, just if the Northern Grizzlies want this county as a safe place to raise their families, who am I to get in their way?” His voice is smooth as silk and I’m enjoying listening to him as much as I’m curious about why he’s telling me so much, so I stay silent. “I saw a coffee pot. May I have a cup?”

  It takes me a moment to process his request on top of all the other information but before I know it, I’m brewing a pot.

  “I don’t know your first name,” I say as I hand him a mug.

  “Michael,” he grimaces before taking a sip.

  “Michael Michaels?” I manage to get out without giggling.

  “I, for one, will never understand why my parents couldn’t have spent an extra ten seconds to come up with a different name.” The earlier smoothness of his voice gives way to annoyance and I finally do start to laugh. “You should do that more often,” he smiles at me.

  It takes me a minute to register his meaning and it saddens me because it occurs to me that I haven’t had much reason to laugh in years. Maybe, at the end of the day, that’s why I finally took the leap and left all I’ve known.

  “Tabitha?” he gently says my name, regaining my attention. “Where’d you go?”

  “You’re a horrible investigator,” I smile at him, shaking off my melancholy. “You couldn’t get me to answer one question before you spilled your guts.”

  At that, the Sheriff clicks his tongue at me, “You’re forgetting, Dr. Forsythe. I’ve already run your license. I also took the liberty of reading your LinkedIn page, so I actually knew the answers to the typical first date questions.”

  “That’s the thing about our jobs though, isn’t it?” I retort and he raises his eyebrows at me. “I think we both know that there’s always a lot more going on than what we find in reports.”

  “Exactly,” he quickly agrees. “That’s why our next date won’t be over dinner.”

  “You shouldn’t assume things, Michael.”


  “I prefer Michaels,” I stand to face her. “What about you? I heard Jake call you Tabby and Tabs.”

  “He’s the only one who’s ever shortened it. I don’t care one way or the other.”

  “When’s your next day off?”

  “Is this a bet of some sort?” What is it with her? I’m itching to get my hands back around her, to kiss her again, but she’s looking around like she’s trying to escape.

  “What are you talking about?” I step towards her and she side-steps me.

  “We aren’t a thing,” she announces, her hands going to her hips.

  “Why don’t you give me another one of those kisses, Princess?” I reach out f
or her just as she backs into the island. “I don’t think I was imagining what we both felt.”

  “I’m not interested in games,” she grinds out before my lips hit hers and I feel like I’ve been set on fire. I’ve never wanted another woman as much as I want her and as her lips part beneath mine, I start to hope she’ll admit to it also.

  “When’s your next day off, Tabitha?” I murmur against her earlobe, finding that same sensitive spot I hit earlier.

  “Monday,” she whispers.

  “I’ll have to work that night, but I’ll pick you up at nine a.m.” I easily lift her up and set her on the island, annoyed at how she tenses up, as if I’d collapse from holding her. I fit myself in between her lush thighs and wrap her lower legs around my waist before I start nibbling on her juicy bottom lip.

  “Why?” she pulls back from me with a groan, her gray eyes look almost black right now, but it’s the confusion in them that unravel me.

  “Is it so unbelievable that I want this sexy body wrapped around me?” I press my raging boner into the apex of her thighs, feeling the heat of her through her jeans.

  “I’m not your type,” she shrugs and looks away, making me think there’s a guy or two back east that need their asses kicked.

  “You’re beautiful, Princess. Your curves do it for me, not to mention your fire.” I gently kiss her as I list her attributes. “Plus, I’m guessing you’re pretty fucking smart and all of the above are my type, Tabitha.”

  “My fire?” she pushes me further away and tries to slide off the counter. “Don’t you mean my bank account?”

  “I got all I need. Don’t want anything but the chance to see where this goes.” I start to get angry as her words continue to spell out her past experiences for me.

  “And my brother?” she throws out next, seemingly not noticing how her head is leaning to the side as I massage her neck.

  “That,” I sigh, “…that might get complicated for me. I was hoping we could have a chance to see if this is something before we advertise it?”

  “So you want to keep me on the down-low?” Anger flares in her eyes again, as her neck stiffens under my hands.

  “NO,” I say louder than I should. “I’m just asking for a couple dates before we start hanging out around town…” She still doesn’t look convinced and dodges my next attempt to kiss her. “Okay, here’s the deal. No sex. We’ll go out for what? A month? Make out like we’re in junior high, but until you trust me, until we both know this is something, nothing else.”

  “Can I ask if you’re sleeping with anyone else around town?” her eyes are narrowed but hold a look that’s more cautious than jealous.

  “I’m not,” I wait until she studies me another moment. When Tabitha finally gives me a slight nod in agreement, I feel like I’ve won a major battle. Cupping her face in my hands, I press my lips to hers. “Come lock up behind me, Princess.”

  “What?” she looks startled.

  “You’re tired and have to work tomorrow, remember?” I smile at her, lifting her down from the island. “So do I, for that matter.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah, don’t forget about our next date now?” I tug her towards the front door, programming her number into my phone and reminding her to lock the door. I pull out of space in front of the garage, pleased to see her watching me from the window.

  Chapter 10


  Goddamn, Saturday morning. Isn’t William Maddock at the station before I am?

  “I expected you here earlier,” he snaps, standing in the reception area with two other men I don’t recognize, all in very expensive suits. I nod at him and keep walking.

  “Ellie, may I please have a cup of coffee?” I ask her, closing the partition behind me, cutting off Maddock’s attempt to follow me back to my office.

  “What are you doing?” he squares his shoulders, looking up at me.

  “I have some items to clear,” I look at him. “What time is your appointment? Ellie, did I have an appointment I forgot about?”

  “You listen to me, you two-bit, imitation…”

  “Sheriff, he wasn’t in your calendar,” Ellie says softly, her normally calm façade has been shaken and that pisses me off more than anything.

  “I’ll call for you after I handle a few things,” I tell him, ignoring his insult that Ellie wisely cut off. “Coffee, please?” I ask her again, getting her out of the line of fire.

  “I’m sorry, Sheriff,” she says coming in with my gloriously, hot caffeine a moment later. “He, well, he’s Maddock, and he was so pushy. I didn’t get a chance to warn you.”

  “You did nothing wrong, Ellie,” I start trying to calm her down. “I’ll go up front and get him in a couple minutes. Why don’t you go for a little walk to catch your breath?”

  She nods at me, pausing for a long moment. “Sheriff, there’s something I…well, it isn’t my place to tell you. I really shouldn’t even know it, but if he starts causing you any problems you need to go see Mrs. Riley. You go to her, tell her what’s happening and ask for her advice. I can’t say anything else, but will you promise me you’ll do that? Before things get bad?”

  I nod slowly, wishing I knew what Ellie does and why she won’t say anything else. I respect her too much to push.

  Not wanting to piss the man off anymore, I go and escort him and his companions back shortly after Ellie steps out of the back door of the station.

  “These men are in the employ of our great State, Sheriff Michaels,” Maddock begins the moment he sits down. “They should have full rights in this station for the duration of their investigation.”

  I raise my eyebrow, looking at each man. The older one starts talking.

  “I’m Rod Addison, a Private Investigator. I was previously with the ATF. This is James Thompson, my associate. We would actually be better off staying away from the station, but I understand that you have a house that you rent out. We can take that,” says the blowhard in the thousand dollar suit.

  “It’s been rented,” I say sitting back, crossing my arms and not mentioning the empty two bedroom apartment I have.

  “Well, that’s recent. If the tenant isn’t in yet, you can cancel the…” Rod starts in.

  “Tenant has moved in,” I growl. “And unless I hire you on to work for me, you won’t be working out of my station. Maddock, are they employed by the State or by you?” I turn on him next.

  “I’m a representative of the State…”

  “You’re a political appointee of the Governors. I’m an elected official and passed my last audit and ethics review five weeks ago. I’m not going to risk my job over parking two of your people in here.”

  “Just so you’re clear, I will relay this discussion to the Governor over dinner tomorrow night,” Maddock huffs.

  “Sure thing, Maddock. Sure thing,” I shrug off his comment.

  “Sheriff?” Ellie pops her head into the office, struggling to look innocent. “Mrs. Riley asked that you join her for lunch today, I said that would be fine…”

  Maddock’s jaw drops but he stiffens his shoulders and leads the other two out of my office. I can do nothing but lean back and wonder what in the fuck he has going on.

  “Ellie!” I call out.

  “Yes, Sheriff?” She smiles at me as she re-enters my office.

  “Knock that shit out, were you serious?”

  “Yes, actually her assistant was next door when you sent me out and…you don’t mind do you?” She starts to look a little embarrassed for overstepping, but I wave it off as it works in my favor.

  “Oh,” she turns back. “Did you give any more thought to bringing Jessa on full-time? She could really use the hours, with her little one on the way.”

  “About that, I know she lives with you but will her childcare be consistent enough to sustain longer hours?”

  “Absolutely,” Ellie vouches, giving me a wink. I sigh again, now fairly certain that Ellie will handle the childcare.

Fine, just handle the paperwork and tell me when it goes into effect.” I sigh, hoping this will work out.


  Saturday afternoon finds me, hat in hand, knocking on Mrs. Riley’s door. Her assistant, Rogers, ushers me into the parlor.

  “Good day, Sheriff Michaels,” Mrs. Riley smiles at me. “I understand my son-in-law paid you a visit?” she says, immediately cutting to the chase.

  I nod, slowly, not saying a word. Every time I’ve been summoned by Mrs. Riley, she’s run the show. Today, I want some answers. Instead of trying to fill the silence, she sits back and watches me.

  “I was friends with his grandmother, Sheriff,” she finally answers my unspoken question. “Gunner accompanied her on her weekly visits once a week from the time he was seven. I understand exactly who and what he is, but more importantly, why.”

  “He killed my deputy. I can’t prove it, but he killed Kennelly for touching your granddaughter.”

  “Is that why you’re here today?” The old woman smiles at me like I’m missing something.

  “It doesn’t concern you that your granddaughter is with a man like that?” I counter after noticing she has no reaction to my statement.

  “Well, if what you say is true, isn’t she better protected by his side than in the company of men like your deputy?” Mrs. Riley shrugs at me. “But, we have more pressing matters to discuss, particularly if you wish to hold on to your badge.”

  My eyebrows shoot up.

  “My dear boy, Bill is laying the groundwork to either run against you or put his man in your place,” she sounds exasperated with me. “Now, I understand you’ve expressed some interest in Jake’s sister?”

  My jaw drops and I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything this woman knows anymore, but she really is frightening sometimes.

  “We have plans on Monday,” I concede.

  “Don’t worry about the MC, she doesn’t sound like the type to party at their clubhouse or steal drugs from the hospital for them,” Mrs. Riley continues. “She’s new to town, a doctor, and her family is extremely well connected. That alone will stop any talk, as long as you’re sure about a relationship with her, of course?”


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