Smut by the Sea

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Smut by the Sea Page 6

by Lucy Felthouse

  “Go for it, Sylvie,” I reassured myself.

  I closed my eyes and lifted my arms up the sky with my palms up and started towards the water. I felt the sand become damp and then wet under my bare feet. I squealed as the cold water lapped at my ankles. According to the instructions, I needed to submerse myself completely in the water in sort of a pagan baptism rite. The directions said I would know when the right time to leave the water was. I’m betting the right time for me was when I couldn’t feel my toes anymore.

  I took a deep breath and started to walk out into the water as fast as I could. It swallowed me up as though eager to have me in its depths. I suppressed a shiver at that thought. The briny water seemed to stroke my body as it washed over me. When I was completely submersed, except for my face, I closed my eyes and repeated the verse I’d committed to memory. Under normal circumstances, I would have felt ridiculous but nothing about this was normal.

  “Mighty Neptune, guardian of all waters, hear me now. I performed the ritual and have offered up the bounty of the land. Thank you for your assistance. Thank you for your safe passage. I offer you my devotion.”

  As soon as I finished speaking, the ground beneath me began to quake. Not enough to be a full-scale earthquake but enough to cause me to want to run for shore. I started to turn but my feet were rooted to the ground. I couldn’t raise them up no matter what I did. I even grabbed a hold of my knees to try to pry my feet up and I nearly drowned in the process. To make matters worse, bubbles began to cascade up from the depths. Large bouncing bubbles that streaked by my thighs and up my body before hitting the surface. It was like I’d stepped onto an underground geyser. Luckily, it wasn’t hurting me. It was like the ocean was stroking me, welcoming me. Fondling me.

  That’s when I felt something brush against my leg. I tried to scramble away but it was useless. Whatever it was had been impossibly smooth and slick. It felt large, like a porpoise or a whale. What if I’d accidentally conjured up some sea creature from the ocean’s depths?

  I dazedly tried to think of something appropriate to say the Loch Ness monster or whatever I’d conjured up. The thing brushed against my hip but, unlike the bubbles, this touch was deliberate. I felt like I’d somehow become someone on the cover of a tabloid that people pretended not to notice, but secretly enjoyed reading in the grocery store. I even imagined my own headline: Creature Caresses Cold Co-Ed. I gasped as I noticed something emerge from the deep; something large. At first I thought it was a dolphin but it was something uncommon. A merman.

  It was as if Field and Stream combined with GQ to produce the ideal cover model. His hair was long and black. Large wet tendrils clung to his face and neck. His face was perfection, symmetrical in every way. Two long arching brows covered eyes that were startling blue and pearlescent in the darkness. His lips were full and soft, with a slight pout to them. By contrast, his jaw was square, with just a hint of beard. It almost shadowed the small slits on his throat that were obviously gills. Water beaded on his chest, which was muscular and well defined. And then lower, well, that was a different story. I could barely see through the darkened water but below the waist he was a true merman. I could make out the slick sea creature skin he had. Not that it detracted from his beauty. Hell, even with the fish tail, he was a hottie.

  “Sylvie, I have come for you,” he said formally.

  I was thrown out of my admittedly sexual perusal by a cool, logical voice in my head. A voice that reminded me that mermen weren’t real. Of course, it was difficult to trust that voice since I was in the middle of a pagan ritual performed in the buff.

  “Yeah, I’m sure that line works on a lot of surfer chicks, but I’m not interested. So, why don’t you take your ass out of here, okay?” I reached out and grabbed a hold of an oh-so-obvious rubber fin. “What is this? A custom made wetsuit? Are you some kind of Dungeons and Dragons of the Sea nerd?”

  The merman looked at me hungrily. His voice was deep and seemed to skitter down my spine, physically touching me. “That’s it, sweet Sylvie, touch me there.” He arched an eyebrow. “I enjoy rough lovemaking.”

  Oh, God. It was real. He was real! I let go of him immediately. “I don’t wanna go back to the ocean. You don’t understand. I kept my promise. I came here and I did the pagan rite. I brought all of the ingredients and followed the instructions exactly.”

  “And that is why I am here.” The merman smiled indulgently, as though he were pacifying a small child. “You imagine that I am here to punish you in some way, yes?”

  Gulp. “Yes.”

  “On the contrary, Neptune is impressed with your loyalty and devotion. I have come to bestow upon you a wondrous gift, fair one. My name is Llyn and I am a lord from Neptune’s court. I speak for him. I have come here to reward you.”

  I sighed, feeling nearly boneless in my relief. “Oh, um, thank you.” Inane? Yes, but I didn’t have much practice talking to mermen while I was naked. Or, talking with merman at all, actually. Cool. A gift. I was hoping for some kind of jewellery.

  “You are most welcome. Neptune does not have as many supporters as he once did. Your greedy Christian god insists humans pray to only him. Neptune gave you his assistance one year ago this night and he wishes you to continue your commitment to him.”

  My friend and I had rented a boat for spring break. A storm had overtaken us, capsizing the pontoon boat. My friend, Abbey, had hit her head and had been knocked unconscious. We were miles from shore and there was no possible way I could swim to land carrying both of us. Due to the cold, I was afraid we wouldn’t survive the night.

  Asking Neptune for help was a silly idea, but I’d had a semester of Greek and Roman mythology. I also knew that many modern day sailors ask Neptune’s blessing before they go on a long journey. Some sailors even do a little ritual when they reach the equator. And in the chilly water, surrounded by the remains of the boat, I had cried out for help and begged for Neptune’s protection and safe passage. I promised that I would pay him tribute. He granted my request in the form of a school of dolphins. As soon as I’d made my promise, they had surfaced around us, buoying us up with their bodies, and carrying us safely to this very inlet, where I was able to drag Abbey to safety. Of course, I had no proof that Neptune had sent the dolphins until now. But, I thought I had better repay my supposed debt to be safe. I didn’t intend to spend the rest of my life on dry land.

  “Oh, but I can’t. I’m a Christian.”

  Llyn smiled condescendingly. “Many of the ancients practiced more than one religion and honoured more than one God. So, it shall be with you.”

  “But the Bible - “

  “Your one god did not pull you from the yawning depths of the ocean. He did not send his creatures to save you.”

  Right. Not a good thing to argue with the merman. “You’ve got a point.” I could take this up with my minister at a later time.

  “Neptune shall further show his devotion to you. He has imbued me with his essence, which I, in turn, shall give to you.”

  “His essence?” Was I going to be part god? That was, well, cool.

  “His life force,” the merman explained, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “He wishes us to….commune.”

  “Commune? Like pray together?” This was sounding dangerously like a cult.

  “No, he would like us to have a connection. A physical connection.”

  “He wants me to, um, bump uglies with you?”

  “I do not know of this bumping uglies you speak of, but I assure you that our lovemaking will be quite beautiful and pleasurable. Mighty Neptune wishes to thank you, not punish you, for your devotion and ensure your continued dedication.”

  “By having me do the deed with the original Aqua Man?” I asked incredulously.

  However, Llyn didn’t seem to understand my insult. “No, by bathing in his essence, his spirit. Accepting his love into your body, to cherish it always. It is quite an honour.”

  “While I appreciate the gift, I’m not sure that I want to
bathe in his essence. I hardly know you and—”

  “You do not wish to offend mighty Neptune,” Llyn warned, watching me carefully. “After all, you offered yourself to him with your ritual. You allowed him to sample the sweet honey between your thighs and the milk that would flow from your breasts should his seed take root. You have blessed him with the rite of a son.”

  My eyes widened. The ritual finally made sense. “Son of a bitch. Always read the fine print.”

  “I will have you, Sylvie,” Llyn said huskily, eyes straying to my body.

  The words were said so matter-of-factly and with such desire. It was contagious. I could feel a rush of welcoming warmth between my thighs. Communing with Llyn wouldn’t be such a chore, but the anatomical issues were going to be a problem. This was madness.

  “Um, I don’t want to offend you but isn’t this verging on bestiality?” I babbled desperately. “I mean, maybe it doesn’t count if I don’t do anything with what’s down below and focus all my attention on the upper body parts. But, down below is kind of an issue for me. Besides which, you don’t seem exactly equipped to-”

  Llyn gave me a smile that was distinctly male. “Oh, but I am equipped in every way. You might be surprised of what I’m capable of.”

  “This can’t be real. I’m having some sort of delusion. Maybe I’ve been studying too long or not getting enough sleep. I need to take better care of myself. I probably fell asleep looking at a hunky guy in Cosmo and maybe a fishing program was on the background. That’s it. It’s all perfectly—”

  “I assure you that I’m quite real. In fact, I shall leave my mark on you so that you will know this entire experience really occurred. But, that is not all I will leave, sweet Sylvie. You and I are connected now.”

  With that, he reached forward and pulled me close. I was finally free of the ocean floor. “Thank goodness! I was beginning to think I’d grown roots,” I said with a genuine smile.

  He pulled me even closer so that my naked breasts were pressed against him. It was then that I noticed just how nice his chest really was. It was firm and glistened with water droplets. I had a wild urge to lick the salty water off. “Kiss me, sweet Sylvie.”

  Admittedly, I’d had very little experience with men. I’d had a very disappointing incident my freshman year with a football player with an overblown ego. Then, there had been a drunken romp with an equally drunk fraternity brother that I didn’t really remember much about. All in all, it was pretty tame and yawn-worthy. I didn’t know if I could handle someone like Llyn. I felt like I should have been trying the bunny hill in the sexual ski resort, not the Olympics course.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. It might-”

  “Surely, there is no harm in a simple kiss.”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to deny his request but then I thought about my incredibly weird and strangely wonderful predicament. At the very least, it would be a new experience. How many women can say they kissed a real live merman?

  “Just a kiss?”

  “Just a kiss.”

  I knew he was lying. He wanted much more than a kiss. Hell, I wanted much more than a kiss. But, I didn’t feel like resisting too much.

  With a naughty look in his eyes, his mouth captured mine. He coaxed me with soft nibbles and gentle licks. His tongue was expert, exploring my lips softly before daring to explore the heated cavern within. When he’d teased me for what seemed like ever, Llyn finally took my mouth with his, demanding complete surrender. I was more than happy to oblige him. It wasn’t a simple kiss. It was as if our mouths were making love.

  He broke away, breathing heavily. “Wrap your legs around me,” his voice was rough. My body seemed to comply with his request on its own. I took in a shuddering breath at the sensation of my heated flesh against his cool textured tail. With a knowing look, he gathered me close and settled his large hands under my bottom, rubbing me against him “Doesn’t that feel good, sweet Sylvie?”

  Oh, God. I could only nod furiously.

  Llyn’s mouth closed on one of my stiff nipples. I arched my back, giving him complete access, hoping I wouldn’t accidentally drown. The contrast between my chilled flesh and his hot mouth was nearly unbearable. He suckled both of them, taking as much of my breast into his mouth as possible. All the while, he rocked me against his body. Llyn moaned, as if the taste and touch was delicious.

  “I could do this for hours,” he growled. “Would you like that, Sylvie? Would you like me to do this all night?”

  “I don’t think I could stand it.”

  Llyn’s smile was wicked as he bent his face, to abrade my nipples with the roughness of his beard. It was as if he was wallowing in the experience of touching and tasting me.

  “Oh!” I moaned, squirming against him. Nothing had prepared me for this. I’d never been able to have an orgasm with a man before and I was perilously close. It was thrilling how mindless I was. I don’t think I’d ever felt so free.

  Llyn began to thrust himself upwards in the water, sliding me up and down his body as he did. I moved slickly against his skin. Llyn was my entire world, pushing me to ride the waves of pleasure that washed through me. I felt as though the ocean itself were churning inside of me, relentlessly driving me onward.

  “Give yourself to me. Let me have all of you, Sylvie. I must have all of you.”

  It was all too much and I came against him with a broken wail. He stopped moving me and I subsided against him, shaking. Llyn tucked my head under his chin, pulling my body flush with his. He held me close, as though he were afraid I’d leave him. At that moment, the thought of leaving his arms was unthinkable. I belonged here with him, to him, somehow. Llyn stroked and cuddled me as though I were a favoured child, making soothing noises every once in a while.

  As I came back to myself, his hands grew more and more possessive.

  “You were made for this. Made for pleasure.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re right.”

  His stroking became more intimate and intense. He ran his hands down my body, squeezing my breasts, cupping my ass, and pushing between my thighs into the place that still craved him. Craved to be filled with him.

  “You didn’t - ”

  “I am patient at times. Enjoy this moment and our inevitable joining.”

  “I barely know you, why am I letting you have my body?”

  “Because you need me and I need you,” he said simply.

  I realised that he was right. We were bound together and had no choice but to see where it was headed. I had nothing to say, no snappy comebacks or arguments.

  “Beautiful,” he said, sliding his hands down me, moving the water across my body, as though he were brushing down a fine horse he owned.

  I was a die-hard feminist and it should have offended me, yet it didn’t somehow. I wanted to belong to him. No, more than that. I wanted to be owned by him.

  We lazily drifted in the water. I’d never felt so relaxed in my life. I had sex with a merman. Poor, plodding Ariel gave this up for a foolish human prince?

  Eventually, Llyn pulled me from the water and laid me on my back, so I was draped across the edge of a flat rock I hadn’t even noticed. It was a little harsh on my backside, but I wasn’t really feeling any pain. I was all too eager for what was to come. The rock was barely submerged in the water and my lower half floated up. I was more than a little exposed.

  “Lift yourself up on your elbows.” I did so, which thrust my breasts forward. “That’s it, sweet Sylvie.” He licked his lips.

  I felt like I was a centrefold shoot, only his eyes were photographing me. I felt beautiful and sexy as hell.

  “What would have from me, Sylvie? I want to give you anything you desire.”

  I drank in these words. Really, it was too much to offer. I smiled. “All of you.”

  “That you shall have and I will have my desire.” His hungry gaze focused on the delicate lips between my legs that were completely open to him. “I have waited centuries for the ta
ste of a human female.”

  “You haven’t ever - ”

  “No, I serve my liege.” He was drawn to my body once more. “Did you know that mermen dream about snatching human women like you from boats and holding you captive for weeks on end while we indulge ourselves? That you are a delicacy? That most mermen ache for the sugared taste of a ripe fruit like yours?”

  Drawn from his spell to the practicality of the situation, I couldn’t help but ask a puzzling question. “How do you sleep with mermaids?” I looked at his body suspiciously.

  His lips curved. “I assure you it isn’t as pleasurable as this. They don’t have the appeal that you do. Tonight I shall taste true honey.”

  I have to admit, I wasn’t sure if he was talking about physical hunger or sexual hunger. His gaze was intense. I yelped as he wrapped my legs over his shoulders and slipped beneath the surface of the water to fill his mouth with me. His tongue was slightly rough and darted inside me eagerly. I relaxed a little. Sexual hunger. Llyn greedily lapped as much of me as he could. I was moving against his mouth as he did, shameless in my behaviour. When he could withstand temptation no longer, he slipped his tongue deep inside of me, bathing his tongue in my core. He thrust in and out, persistently. So nice to have a lover that doesn’t breathe the way humans do.

  “Oh, God!” I screamed. I held on to the rock for dear life as I experienced another wave of pleasure.

  Llyn pulled himself from my body with great effort, to lay his cheek on my belly. His mouth glistened and his gaze was scorching. “Your only god is Neptune now and you will worship me in his stead.” His hand settled over my open sex. “Mine.” He clasped me in his hand.

  “Yours,” I agreed steadily. Even if I never saw him again, I would still be his.

  With a triumphant smile, Llyn lifted himself up on the rock beside me. His silvery blue tail glinted in the moonlight. I watched in wonder as, before my eyes, it changed. His tail fin transformed into two large male feet. The lustrous scales and sharp fins began disappearing into tanned, muscled thighs and calves. Between his legs formed an immense erection, nested in a deep thicket of hair. The tip glowed blue and I knew without being told that it held Neptune’s seed. He was pulsing and eager to give me his child. However, I wasn’t certain Llyn would even fit inside of me.


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