Fire in His Veins: A Post-Apocalyptic Dragon Romance (Fireblood Dragons Book 6)

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Fire in His Veins: A Post-Apocalyptic Dragon Romance (Fireblood Dragons Book 6) Page 26

by Ruby Dixon

  Stay, he tells me sleepily.

  I’m coming back, I promise him, the mental speech still feeling a little strange but oddly intimate. I have to find the bathroom.

  I will come with you. His eyes open and his possessiveness surges.

  God, no. Let a girl take a pee by herself please. When his thoughts flare at the thought of me leaving his side, I poke his nose and try to bring him back down. Do you smell anyone else nearby?

  No, he admits grudgingly.

  Then I’ll be fine. I promise I won’t be long. I lean down, kiss him, and then head off to find the bathroom from last night. There’s one here, and while the toilet doesn’t flush without me pulling on the chain in the tank, the sink works. I do my business and then primp in the mirror for a few moments, trying to smooth out my terrible hair. I give myself a quick freshening up, rinse my mouth out to get rid of morning breath, and eventually re-braid my still-awful hair.

  You’re beautiful, Liam sends to me, his thoughts sleepy. I like your hair messy. It makes me think I’m the one that disheveled you.

  I can feel his thoughts take a decidedly sexy turn, and it makes my body quiver deep inside. That’s because you grab my hair a lot, I tease back. I feel so light and happy that it’s like I’ve swallowed the sun. I hope he can feel my joy. My Atalim, my love, my gorgeous, sexy man, is back and waiting for me to return to his side so we can make love again. Was ever a girl so very lucky?

  When I return, my gorgeous dragon-man is sprawled on the couch, one arm above his head. His torso is nothing but rippling muscle, and he watches me with sleepy, whirling golden eyes that take my breath away. Actually, all of him takes my breath away, especially the half-erect length of him resting on one big thigh. Even like this, he's bigger than any man I've been with in the past, and I'm drawn to him like a moth to flame.

  I like it when you look at me like that.

  "Are you kidding?" I murmur, moving forward. My fingers are itching to touch him all over. "Now I can touch you without worrying if you're going to lose control, so get ready for me to look at you like this a lot."

  Oh, I'll still lose control.

  "Yeah, but that's the point." I sit next to him on a tiny slice of couch, just big enough for my hip to rest on. "I want to see you lose control. I want to be the one that makes you lose control, too." I watch as his big, beautiful cock stiffens and grows even more erect under my gaze, and I sigh with pleasure. I forget all about going back to bed and decide that I've had enough sleep. It's time to explore my Liam's gorgeous body.

  I lightly trail my fingers down one rock-hard side, admiring the flat planes of his belly. He's not hollow from starvation, or flabby from a lifetime of leisure. Instead, he's rippled with muscle, and so damn appealing that I want to lick him all over.

  It reminds me that while he loves to spend time between my thighs, he's never let me reciprocate, not how I wanted to, because he was afraid he'd burn me. But…that was before I took his fires.

  A wicked grin curves my lips.

  Your thoughts. I can hear all of them. His lips are parted, the tips of his fangs showing, and he's panting slightly.

  "I guess there's no surprising you in this relationship, then," I murmur, even as I sink to my knees on the floor so I'm at the proper height to do this.

  You constantly surprise me, he admits, reaching out to caress my braid. With how eager you are for my touch. I am the luckiest male in the world for you to see me and look at me with joy and hunger instead of like I'm a monster.

  "Never," I tell him. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." When he sits upright, I put my hands on his big, golden thighs and lean forward. His cock stabs at the air, mouthwateringly close to my face, but I want to play a little more. I let my breath graze over the tip, noting that it's already beaded with precum. "I'm glad you're mine. I think I'd scratch the eyes out of any woman who looked at you. You can't walk around naked like Rast. I'm too jealous."

  He growls low in his throat, pleased at my covetous thoughts. Because you don't want them to look at me?

  That's right, I say, letting my thoughts speak instead of spoken words. I lightly brush my lips over the head of his cock and taste a sweet spiciness, almost like cinnamon. Amazing. I lick his flavor from my lips, loving that I can do this now. You're mine and I'm a possessive bitch. I'd have to fight anyone that thought she could take you from me.

  Liam growls again. Are you saying such aggressive things because you know it turns me on? That drakoni men like a fierce female?

  Maybe. But it's the truth. I curl my fingers around his length, testing his girth. My, but he's thick. I should know that, since he's been deep inside me, but I'm constantly amazed at him every time we touch. That something so perfect could be mine to touch and caress, mine to lick and stroke and take deep into my mouth and—


  The ragged need in his thoughts makes my pulse race. I waste no more time, lowering my mouth and taking him deep. I slide his length along my tongue, pulling him as far in as I can, wanting to blow his mind with this new way of pleasure. Think of my mouth like my pussy, I tell him. Hot and wet and clasping you tight.

  His breath shudders and his hand goes to my braid. He winds it around his hand twice and then grips it tightly, holding me pinned against him. You…like this?

  Doing this to you? Oh yes. So much. I love the heat of him filling my mouth, the taste of him, the feel against my tongue when I pull back and then take him deep again. I love how he's so big that it makes my jaw ache and my lips feel tight as I strain to take him in, and how I can't even take half of him into my mouth because he's so big, so I tighten my grip on his shaft and use my hand to try and stroke the rest of him. I want to suck on him, but he's too big. All I can do is take him deep and work my mouth over his length.

  Not that it matters to Liam. I can feel the pleasure exploding through his mind, and his hips move in a small thrust, pushing deep until he hits the back of my throat. His thoughts touch mine, as if making sure that I'm still enjoying, and then he participates more, pushing my head down and forcing me ever so slightly deeper with each motion, because he knows it excites us both. I work him with lips and tongue and fist, utterly lost in the moment, his scent enveloping me, his taste in the back of my throat, and the overwhelming power of him in my mouth. I'm so caught up that I don't realize I'm moaning around him until it echoes in his thoughts, how much he loves the sounds I'm making, and how the scent of my arousal hangs heavy in the air.

  Liam's hand tightens on my head, and I can feel a shudder ripple through him. Pull away, Andrea. I need to spill my seed inside you.

  I hold tighter, taking him deeper, until I'm practically choking on him. You're inside me right now.

  With a fierce growl, he floods my mouth with his release, his cock shuttling in my mouth even as he comes. It spills over past my lips and down my chin, overwhelming me. His taste is incredible, but more than that, I love feeling his release through our connection. I can tell how sexy he finds me, how much love he has for me, and suddenly blow jobs just might be my favorite thing in the world.

  You should have let me come in your cunt, he chides me, collapsed back against the couch, his hand stroking my hair as I lift my head and swipe a hand over my lips. Female drakoni do not let a mate spend anywhere but deep inside them.

  Then it's good you mated a human, I tell him, crawling into his lap, because we are freaks in the bedroom.

  He pauses, his hand going around my waist. Should we have been in the bedroom?

  Figure of speech. Just a saying.

  His eyes gleam. Good. His hand steals under my clothing, his fingers pressing against the hot, wet heat of my pussy. Because now it's my turn.

  And who am I to argue?



  After another day of repeated matings, Andrea is so marked with my scent that it’s difficult to tell where her scent ends and mine begins…which is just how I like it. And because she’s so covered in my scent,
her blood singing with my fires, we decide to chance a return to Fort Shreveport.

  “If nothing else,” she says as she gets dressed for the flight, “We can get the rest of my things and return here.”

  I love that she is so willing to be with me, no matter what it costs her, but I want to try to return to the fort. I know she loves it and her people. I know her brother is there, and her friends, and it would be hard for someone as protective as my Andrea to leave them all on their own. We’ll try to return, and I hope it won’t be as bad as I worry it will. I hope that I have enough control that Rast’s presence doesn’t bother me. He’s a good guy, and devoted to his mate.

  Even so…I worry I won’t be able to hold it together for Andrea.

  “It’ll be fine,” she reassures me, and she must have picked up my worry from my thoughts. She moves to my side and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing her cheek to my chest. “Just that you’re trying is enough for me.”

  I hope that she’s right. I hold her close, breathing in her lovely scent and enjoying the feel of her body. It’s distracting, though, and our mating is new enough that having her like this makes me want to claim her again. She chuckles and pulls away, her thoughts promising that we can do whatever we want tonight, but for now we should fly out while it’s not raining.

  She packs her bag full of her things, and throws in extra clothing for me that she found somewhere in this mess, and then she’s ready to go. I give her one last, thorough kiss before I shift to battle form and take her gently in my claws. Since we’re higher up, my launch isn’t as rough on her, but I still feel the sickness well up in her belly as we take off. I need to do better, if nothing else so my mate can fly with me in comfort…because I’m never letting her out of my sights again.

  Being in battle form and flying is hard on my mind. The constant change of scents carried in the wind, the feel of power in my wings and the burn of smoke in my lungs allows the wildness to creep in. I try to keep my focus on Andrea, and when she senses my struggle, she starts a constant stream of conversation, telling me about each building that we pass and what its purpose was back in the Before. This building was just televisions, she tells me. This one for cheap items, this one for crafts. Of course, then she has to explain to me “cheap” and “crafts” and it’s enough to keep both of us focused until Fort Shreveport appears on the horizon. There’s a scent of old smoke in the air and a female lurking nearby, but as I approach, the female takes off.

  She is not interested in challenging, a voice offers, touching my mind. She is just curious. She watches more than she attacks now.

  Rast. I know him without seeing him, and a moment later, when the gold launches into the air and wings out to greet us, I can feel Andrea tense against me. Hello, I greet cautiously, using a human phrase. Long time no see.

  How do you fare, Liam?

  Atalim. And I struggle, but it is easier with my mate at my side. I flood his thoughts with possessive pride in my claiming of Andrea, letting him know that not only is she mine, but that I will tear apart any that try to come between us.

  I can feel his acknowledgment, and he sends a similar barrage of mental images and scents of Amy, his mate. He is sending me the same warning, and for some reason, it makes me feel better. He will not try to interfere with my mate, for all that I am in his territory.

  I understand.

  Will you be staying?

  I am not certain, I admit, as we angle low, flying in.

  Tell him I said hi, Andrea calls to me, patting my scales. Her thoughts interrupt Rast’s connection, flooding my mind with her sweet presence. That’s Rast, right? Tell him and Amy we’re coming to visit. And tell them I’m going to beat Benny’s ass if he took off again.

  I love the surge of her thoughts in mine, and send a flood of affection to her. Rast flits away on the wind, soaring past and then settling on the roof of a nearby building. He shakes his wings out and keeps his head lifted high, and I recognize his stance. He’s not relaxing—this is a watchful drakoni lording over his territory.

  You are welcome here, he tells me. But this is my nest.

  Agreed. I hold Andrea closer to my chest. I will tolerate Rast’s lordship over us temporarily, but I do not know if I will be able to endure it long term. Already my thoughts prick with irritation, demanding a confrontation, a battle for territory. The need to attack flares at the edge of my mind, sending in red tendrils of anger to pollute my thoughts.

  I’m here, Andrea tells me. There’s no need to attack. We’re not interested in taking over his territory. Her hand is small and cool against my scales, a welcome distraction. We’ll visit and then go home, okay? We don’t have to stay. Her thoughts are soothing, as is the love she pushes into my thoughts with all the grace of a sledgehammer.

  I adore her for it. You would make a new home with me, then?

  Pfft. As if you can leave my ass behind. I’m going to bring new definition to the term “clingy girlfriend” so be ready for that.

  Her thoughts make this sound as if it’s a bad thing. I like the thought of you clinging to me. What are you wearing in all this clinging?

  Andrea’s laughter peals through the air. As little as possible?

  I rumble with amusement, even as I settle on the roof of the gym at Fort Shreveport for a landing. Tell me more. I like this clinging idea.

  I’ll save that for later, when we’re alone. She looks up at me, her gold eyes shining bright with affection. For now, let’s go say hi to everyone, okay?

  Very well. I set her down oh-so-gently, watching as she plants her feet on the roof and stretches, working out the cramps in her legs from her long ride. She rolls her shoulders and then does a little bounce that reminds me of that cocky swing of her hips that I love so much.

  With a toss of her fat braid, she looks over her shoulder at me. Can you shift forms? I’ll get your clothes, unless you want to show the world how utterly badass you are in dragon form.

  I love the pride in her voice, and it makes my possessive side surge again. The need to grab her and drag her out of Rast’s territory flares through my thoughts. To take her far away, rip her clothes off, and claim her again.

  Just as quickly, Andrea’s thoughts touch mine and she cools the ferocity warring in my head. We can do that later. I promise. I’ll even wear something you can rend with your claws if that’s your kink.

  I rumble with laughter, and in the next moment, I’m in my two-legged form, crouching low on the roof and utterly naked. My mate walks up to me, that delicious swagger in her hips, and holds out a shirt. “You’re doing fucking fantastic, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  She knows just what I need to hear, it seems, and I straighten, give her a hungry kiss, and then take the shirt from her hands. I still hate human clothing, but it reminds me of how to be Liam instead of Atalim, so I put it on. “Thank you, Andrea,” I tell her as I put on the sweatpants she hands me next.

  “For what?” I can feel her genuine curiosity in her thoughts.

  “For keeping me centered when my thoughts veer off course.” I kiss her again, just because I love kissing her and love the way her mind responds when I do, how it goes blank and then slowly fills with pleasure, as if she forgets the world when my mouth is on hers.

  “We’re a team,” she tells me between kisses, and I can feel her fierce protectiveness of me. “I’m yours and you’re mine and we’re in this together.”

  No wonder I love this female so much.


  To my relief, Liam seems to calm once he’s in his human form. Maybe it’s habit that when he puts on human clothes, it’s time to shore up the mental walls, but whatever it is, I’m relieved when I feel his mind quiet. We go down the ladder to get off the roof, and the moment we step inside the gym, my brother Benny rushes up and gives me a hug.

  “Welcome back, sis,” he gushes, uncharacteristically affectionate for a teenager.

  Startled, I hug Benny close. Was he worried about me? How sweet is that? M
aybe he needs his big sister after all.

  The moment I think that, he pulls away, clears his throat, and then nods at Liam. “’Sup. Glad to see you’re back, bro.”

  “You too, bro,” Liam says, and manages to sound relatively normal, which is hilarious. Surprisingly, he offers a fist, and Benny bumps it. What? I told you I was good at fitting in.

  Yeah, but I didn’t realize you were that good.

  There’s a lot of stuff I’m that good at. His tone is sultry and amused at the same time.

  I can feel my face go crimson. “So how are things?” My voice is a little too light and shaky to be casual. “How’s Katrina?”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “Fine. You gonna bust my balls about having a girlfriend?”

  Oh my god, she’s his girlfriend?

  Her scent is all over him, Liam tells me.

  The parental part of me is freaking out. Benny’s too young for that sort of thing. But I know my brother, and I know he’s as stubborn as I am, and that lecturing wouldn’t do a damn thing. Plus, I’ve decided to go with Liam, haven’t I? I can’t expect to keep an eagle eye on Benny when I’m running off on my own. It’s time to let him grow up a little and give him space. The world’s different now, and maybe the same rules don’t apply like they used to. “No ball busting,” I promise him. “Just swear you’ll use condoms, expired or not.”

  He groans. “Jesus, Andi. We’re barely holding hands.” He crosses his arms at me, his face bright red.

  “Holding hands is a good step.” I want to reach out and tousle his hair like he’s six years old, but I can’t do that anymore, I guess. “I think that’s great. Let me know if you want us to look for something when we go out into the city again. I bet she’d like a present. A surprise.”

  Benny gives me a grudging look. “That’d be great. I’ll make a list.”

  A list? Here I was thinking a makeup mirror and I’m going to get a shopping list? Hope you’re ready to go scavenging, Atalim.


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