His Devil's Heat (Club Devil's Cove Book 2)

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His Devil's Heat (Club Devil's Cove Book 2) Page 6

by Linzi Basset

  “Brilliant idea, Ethan.”

  They agreed on a time for a strategy meeting at the Precision Secure offices the following morning.

  “I’m not leaving Samantha alone, Keon. Arrange for Jim and Sam to come here and guard her while I’m gone,” Rhone asserted.

  Keon wasn’t surprised and made a quick phone call to Lance before they followed Ethan’s brusque instruction to get everyone out of Samantha’s room.

  Chapter Four

  “I’m not going with you, LeLuc and that’s final.”

  Keon stretched to his full height and glowered at the woman standing against him. She was tapping her foot irritably on the wooden floor. Her gaze was unyielding in front of his ire and he couldn’t help but admire her guts. Not many subs dared to oppose him when he gave an order.

  “I guess Baxter wasn’t much of a Master, if this is how his slave reacts to orders.”

  Her assertive stance dissolved in defeat in front of his eyes. He cursed sotto voce but before he could apologize, she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin defiantly.

  “You are not my master and I’m not your slave. I will never be anyone’s sex slave willingly. Do you hear me, LeLuc? Never.”

  Lauren became enraptured by the change in his eyes and was reminded once again how much Beckie was like him. His eyes had gone soft and it unsettled her. The harsh, brusque man was gone and instead was a man who’d suffered loss and knew how to love deeply. If it were Adam in front of her, she would’ve dropped her gaze, but with him, she felt drawn in, wanting more.

  She’d come to hate these long looks Keon gave her when he thought she wasn’t noticing. They were sometimes filled with bitterness; at times she’d seen flashes of mistrust and hatred, and it scared her. Lauren had realized already that unless he could overcome the bitterness in his heart, for the role she had played in Beckie’s life, her future was doomed.

  Lauren didn’t believe that forgiveness was one of Keon’s strong suits. Not when it came to his daughter.

  Their eyes locked over the kitchen counter and the soft expression had evaporated by then.

  “Are you claiming that he forced you to be his slave?”

  Lauren stubbornly locked her jaw and refused to respond. It wasn’t something she was proud of, the way Adam had manipulated and controlled her. At times so easily that it blew her mind. Especially when their relationship had turned sexual. At first, she’d hated his touch but he had been patient and had played on the sensations she had no control over as he seduced her. Until she’d come to crave it. She’d detested her body for responding to him, loathed that he brought her to climax and more than that, she abhorred the times that she had been reduced to begging him to fuck her.

  She refused to acknowledge her weaknesses in front of Keon LeLuc. She wouldn’t be able to deal with the disgust that would surely reflect in his eyes.

  “I asked you a question, Lauren,” Keon barked. Fury swirled inside him with such force, he battled to contain it. Just the thought, of Adam forcing and torturing this beautiful woman into submission, grated on his nerves.

  Sexual domination, even a Master/slave relationship within the BDSM lifestyle was based on mutually agreed upon rules between two parties. No one should be forced to submit to another. Least of all sexually. In Keon’s mind, it was nothing but abuse.

  Lauren glanced at him. His eyes smoldered.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s in—”

  “It matters to me. Do you hear me? I. Need. To. Know,” he breathed. He did his best to bring the swirling anger under control as he walked closer.

  “Why? It’s not as though it changes anything.”

  “Jesus, Lauren. Are you daft to even ask me that? My daughter was there! How much of this slavery,” he spat the word at her, “was she exposed to? Answer me, damn you!”

  He shook her until her hair tumbled wildly around her head.

  “She wasn’t! Stop, Keon. Please. I love her like my own. Do you honestly think I would allow her to be anywhere near . . . near . . .” The words stammered to a halt when she looked at him.

  Realization dawned. He wasn’t disgusted with her. He was angry at Adam for what he’d done to her—to Lauren.

  “Why?” She wanted to know breathlessly. She couldn’t move, or even blink when he gently neatened her hair. “Why does it anger you so much?”

  “Because no one should ever be forced to give something which they are not prepared to. I abhor men who use the BDSM lifestyle to force themselves on women under the guise of a Master/slave relationship; especially an innocent like you, who wouldn’t know the difference.”

  “I did know—”

  “No,” he intoned softly while wiping the tears from her cheeks. She hadn’t even realized she was crying. “You didn’t. I can see it in your eyes, Lauren. You’re disgusted with what he made you feel and do; the control he had over your body.”

  Keon hesitated and lifted her hand. He traced the plaster that was now covering the wound where her little finger used to be.

  “How did this happen?”

  She turned pale. Her gaze was riveted to his big hand cradling her small one while his fingers traced her fingers. Her stomach heaved and she struggled to breathe as heat surged through her veins. She pressed her thighs together, shocked at the sensual wantonness that sparked the lust to light up inside her loins.

  “Please, Keon. Don’t ask me to tell you.” She lifted tear filled eyes to him, the shock and pain of what Adam had submitted her to, still fresh in her gaze.

  “Yet. Very well, I’ll let it go. For now, but you will tell me, Lauren.”

  He shocked her by pressing his lips against the plaster.

  “Now, get dressed and no,” He lifted his hand in warning, “don’t bother protesting any more. Until I know exactly what kind of relationship you had with Baxter and whether or not you can be trusted, I’m not letting you out of my sight. You are going to the club with me and that’s final.”

  “What about Beckie? We can’t leave her here alone,” she tried one more time.

  “We’re not. I’ve arranged with Jim, one of our operation team managers, to pick her up. She’s going to spend the night with him and his family. He has twin daughters the same age as Beckie. I’ve already discussed it with her and she’s very excited about going.”

  He glanced at his watch. “Jim will be here in ten minutes.” He turned her around and pushed her in the direction of the stairs. “Now, go!”

  “Ouch!” Lauren shrieked when two hard slaps cracked on her jean clad buttocks. She jumped around with her hands covering her cheeks, her eyes wide and disbelieving.

  Keon waited with his eyebrows arched, which caused her to snap her mouth closed and swallow the biting remark on the tip of her tongue. He seemed quite ready to dish out a couple more on her tender behind.

  She stomped up the stairs, muttering all the way. “Just my luck to be saddled with a caveman.”

  Keon smiled as he followed her swaying hips upstairs. The familiar tightening in his groin didn’t surprise him anymore. For the past couple of days it had become more of a nuisance, especially as he had no intention of feeding his lust upon her delectable body.

  But the prospect of fucking a couple of the subs at the club to ease the raging need in his loins, had him whistling a happy tune when he opened the door for Jim.

  Thirty minutes later his voice bellowed up the stairs.

  “Lauren! Get your butt down here. It’s getting late.”

  He stood looking out the front door and didn’t turn around to watch her walk down the stairs but spun around when he heard the clatter of heels on the wooden floor coming toward him. At first he just allowed his gaze to travel over her.

  “This is what you’re wearing?”

  “No, LeLuc, I’m a figment of your imagination,” she snipped back. She looked down at herself. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing.

  She looked gorgeous, sexy and . . . stylish in a tight fitting, red—what h
e imagined would be called a slip dress. It barely covered her generous breasts. the red satin was covered under a black lace halter-neck overlay and finished just above her knees. Perfect; if they were going to a fancy restaurant or cocktail party, especially with the black stiletto pumps she paired it with. Her hair hung in silky strands down her back which shimmered in the dim lights overhead. He tried not to get lost in the beauty of her sky blue eyes, which were enhanced by the carefully applied smoky eye shadow and mascara.

  He tried not to notice how her calves rounded in perfect symmetry above those ridiculous spiked heels.

  “You do know where we’re going?”

  “You said we’re going to a club.”

  “Yes, Lauren. A BDSM club.”

  She stared at him wide-eyed. Although Adam had forced her into a slave relationship, she was somewhat ignorant about what went on in a BDSM club.

  “Oh,” she murmured. “I still don’t understand what’s wrong with what . . . I’m . . . wearing.” Her words slowed as she allowed her eyes to wander over his massive frame.

  He was dressed in tight fitting leathers with black boots and a leather vest that hung open, leaving his gorgeous abs and chest bare. She swallowed and shifted her feet uncomfortably.

  “Let’s go. We’re late already.”

  He picked up a black leather duffel bag which contained all his club ‘tools’, took her by the arm and dragged her resisting body with him through the door.

  “But you said I’m not dressed correctly.” Although she didn’t know if any of her clothes would be appropriate. She’d been relieved when one of his friends, Lance, if she remembered correctly, had fetched their things from her house.

  “I’ll fix it when we get there,” he said gruffly and stalked down the newly laid path in the direction of the club.

  “Slow down, LeLuc! Do you want me to break a leg,” she complained breathlessly, already huffing in an effort to keep up with him—in stilettos, no less! she tried not to worry about the gruff promise to fix what she was wearing, later.

  He slowed down and slanted an irritated look at her. It annoyed her to no end. It wasn’t her fault he was as big as a grizzly bear.

  “Have you ever been to a BDSM club?”


  “Do you know what it stands for?”


  “Do you know what a safeword is?”


  He glowered at her for her continued abrupt answers. She ignored the look and concentrated on the cobbled pathway.

  An evil twinkle appeared in his eyes.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” she gasped when his words registered, “No!” She glared at him. “Very funny, LeLuc.”

  He stopped abruptly and she stumbled into him.

  “I have a name, Lauren. Use it,” he ordered with his nose pressed almost against hers. “But in there, I am Master Blade or Sir. Call me anything else and you will bear the consequences.”

  Lauren glanced toward the large stone building he was pointing at. There were many cars already parked in the well-lit designated area. At first glance, it appeared like a classy restaurant with the dim lights glimmering through the large windows.

  Keon set off again and she huffed irritably as she had to run to keep up. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why call you Master? Are you into slavery as well?” She asked after a brief hesitation. Somehow the thought disappointed her.

  “No, Lauren, but I am a Dominant. Sexual dominance only. I have no interest in a woman subjugating herself to me 24/7. In the club we have different levels of Doms. The senior ones are referred to as Masters and we prefer to have club names, hence, Master Blade. You will be called,” he looked her up and down, “hmm, lemme see. Let’s keep it simple and stick to Red.”

  “Oh, how original, LeLuc,” she sassed him, completely forgetting his recent warning.

  “That’s one.”

  Lauren didn’t pay attention to his words. “And why Sir?”

  “It’s a form of respect, acknowledging his dominance when a sub addresses a Dom, especially inside the club or during play parties.”

  “Play parties?”

  Keon sighed as he pushed through the wide, heavy wooden door. “You’re worse than Beckie was at five years of age with all the questions,” he muttered.

  “Well, then, don’t say things I don’t know anything about. I am naturally curious.”

  “Just a pity you weren’t naturally curious when you first met Adam Baxter,” Keon intoned before he turned to the two beaming subs behind the reception desk, missing her painful wince at his words.

  “Master Blade, you look dashingly handsome, as always.”

  “And you look mouthwateringly edible as usual, Daphne.”

  “Ooh, if that’s an offer, I gladly accept, Master Blade,” she cooed excitedly.

  Lauren might be ignorant of what went on in a BDSM club but she didn’t miss the double entendre. Her loins clenched at the vision of Keon’s face buried between the blonde woman’s legs, feeding from her mouthwatering bits.

  She didn’t like it. Not one bit. If he was that fucking hungry, she had the same bits. He was welcome to . . . Good lord, Lauren! What are you thinking! She was stumped at her reaction to this man. One, who obviously resented and mistrusted her.

  How could her stupid libido not understand that part? Instead, it continued to throb and spike in his presence. Maybe her reaction was due to such close proximity with such a powerful man for the first time in her life. She’d never classed Adam as powerful; although he’d had a power over her that she had no way of deflecting.

  Keon watched the red flush bloom over her cheeks with interest. He tilted her head back with a finger under her chin.

  “What devious thoughts are swirling inside that mind of yours, Red?”

  Lauren stubbornly kept her gaze lowered, remembering how easily he’d managed to read her thoughts. She hardly knew him and it would be beyond embarrassing if he knew what she’d been thinking.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Master Blade,” Daphne questioned with a pout.

  “Ladies, this is Red, sister of Ace, Master Razor’s sub. Red, this is Daphne and Shay.”

  Shay, another redhead, walked closer and shook her hand with a friendly smile. Daphne gave her a brief look before she returned her attention to Keon.

  “Welcome, Red. If you need anything, come and find me. I’ll be happy to help.”

  Lauren immediately felt a sense of camaraderie form between them and returned her smile.

  “I will, thanks, Shay.”

  “Let’s quickly get you registered, otherwise you won’t be able to roam around freely. All the doors are electronically activated with your thumbprint.”

  “Use my address details, Shay. She’s staying with me,” Keon instructed when she began entering Lauren’s details.

  Keon personally assisted with her thumbprint, realizing that Lauren might be uncomfortable or self-conscious with the loss of her finger. That caused a flash of warmth to settle deep within her, to be explored at a later stage.

  “And finally, Red, your limit list. Shall we complete it quickly?” Shay asked with a wink.

  Lauren wasn’t sure how to respond, having no idea what the devil she was talking about. She sighed in relief when Keon interceded, “Leave that to me, Shay. There are a couple of things I need to explain to Red.”

  “But, Master Blade, she . . . ooh,” she said when comprehension struck. “My apologies, Red. I didn’t realize you were vanilla.”

  “Well, ladies, see you later,” Keon said with a wink and guided Lauren through the door leading into the entertainment area before she started asking questions again.

  Shay laughed at the expression on Daphne’s face. “I think you better find another Dom to play with tonight, Daphne. By the looks of it, that’s another senior Master soon to be off limits.”

  “Oh, please, she’s so out of p
lace with that outfit of hers and obviously far out of Master Blade’s league, especially if she’s vanilla, as you said. Master Blade needs a woman with stamina and strength. That puny little sub doesn’t stand a chance,” Daphne snubbed, but she had a feeling that Shay had hit the nail on the head.

  * * * * * * * *

  “What did she mean, I’m vanilla?” Lauren asked the moment they stepped through the door.

  “There you go again,” Keon uttered as he pulled her toward the staircase to the side of the massive room. Lauren gaped at the stylish interior and the warm ambience.

  “It’s what people in the BDSM community call someone new to the lifestyle,” he responded. He’d stopped and was watching the enraptured expression on her face.

  “Are you sure this is a BDSM club? I don’t see any chains, or whips and stuff. It looks like an exclusive club.

  Keon pointed to the landing on the far side of the room. “The dungeon is through that door, where all the stuff is kept and the fun happens.”

  She cocked her head with a snort. “Fun? Being whipped and flogged are classed as fun? Somehow I can’t see the connection but, hey, I’m vanilla, so what do I know.”

  Her face was pinched in painful memory and Keon wondered for the umpteenth time just what she had to endure under Adam’s slavery.

  “You have a lot to learn, kitten. Only punishments aren’t fun for subs. The rest . . . let’s just say it’s an expression of euphoric sensuality, experienced by two likeminded people.”

  “Of course it is, as long as the sub submits to the Dom’s demands.”

  “Again, you have a lot to learn and I will explain it to you shortly. For now, the team is waiting for me in my office. Let’s go,” he ordered and steered her upstairs and down the hallway to his office.

  Keon formally introduced Lauren to the men waiting, all of whom she could remember from the visit to her house a week ago. She didn’t blame them for the looks of mistrust. They had all been witness to her reluctance to leave the house.


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