The Dirty Divorce

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The Dirty Divorce Page 9

by KP, Miss

  “For a couple of months now. If you weren’t such a stranger you’d know that, Juan.” The waitress looked at me. “Who’s this beautiful lady?”

  “Oh, this is my mom Lisa. Ma this Endiah one of the owners.”

  “Your mom! Wow, I thought you were his sister. It’s a pleasure to meet you. This meal is on me, Juan. Just take care of the waitress.” She looked back at me. “Lisa, let me know how you like your food and make sure you come back and see us,” Endiah said.

  “I sure will, nice meeting you, too.”

  “So, Ma, how are you feeling today?”

  “I don’t know. Mixed emotions I guess. Please don’t tell anyone about what I told you, especially your father.”

  “Ma, I can’t promise you that. I want Rich to pay for this shit. Fuck that!” he yelled.

  “Your father will kill me Juan, you can’t say anything, please.”

  “Fuck that nigga! When are you gonna stop protecting him? If he wasn’t my father man I’d…”

  “Don’t say it, Juan. He’s still your father. Rich just can’t help his womanizing ways. I hate that shit, but I would never want to see harm come his way.”

  “Whatever. Speak for yourself.”

  “Can we have a peaceful meal without mention of Rich?”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right,” Juan agreed.

  After waffles that melted in our mouths and eggs that were cooked just right, we left the restaurant and headed back home. Our twenty minute ride back up 16th Street went by slower than usual. Every slow song on the radio just made me sink more into my already somber mood. Hopefully at some point, I would snap out of it.

  When we pulled up to the house, surprisingly Rich’s truck was parked back in his spot.

  As Juan pulled behind my car, we both gave each other concerned looks. With both of us beyond pissed, we didn’t know what to expect from each other.

  “Juan, please promise me that you’re gonna control your temper, and I’ll do the same.”

  He sighed. “Okay Ma, but the minute that nigga gets out of line, I don’t think I’ma be able to keep that promise.”

  “Fair enough.”

  When Juan got out of the car and opened my door, I could tell he was trying his best to keep everything inside. Hell, I was, too. I even said a silent prayer before we walked inside the house. As soon as I placed my foot on our brand new hardwood floors, it was like everything was in slow motion. I didn’t know how to react. I was so upset with Rich, but at the same time I didn’t have the energy to fight. Denie was the only one in heaven. She had the biggest smile on her face as she and Rich played a bowling game on the Wii.

  “Why the fuck did you do that shit to my car Lisa?” Rich asked. No Hi, how are you? How was your Christmas…nothing.

  “Nigga, fuck you and that car. Don’t come up in here with that bullshit disrespecting my mother. You’ve done enough!” Juan snapped.

  So much for Juan controlling his temper, I thought.

  Rich quickly turned his head. “Who the fuck you talkin’ to, boy? I’ll whoop your ass for disrespectin’ me!” At that moment, Rich threw the Wii remote and lunged toward Juan.

  I quickly stood in between them and placed both hands on Rich’s chest. “Stop it, Rich! I’ll be damned if you’re gonna put your hands on my son. I can’t believe you waltzed your ass back in here like nothing’s wrong. We haven’t heard from you in a damn week!”

  “And it’s gonna be another week, if you don’t watch who you’re talkin’ to,” Rich quickly shot back.

  “Denie obviously doesn’t care how you treat her, but you’re not gonna treat me like shit anymore,” I added.

  “Stop it Ma, before you make him leave again!” Denie interjected.

  “If it wasn’t for these kids, I would’ve left your ass a long time ago. I don’t know how much of this bullshit I can take, Rich. You’re mad at me about a fucking car, but not once have you said you were sorry for what you did. You hit me after you promised that you would never put your hands on me again!” I didn’t even bother mentioning the money. I continued ignoring Denie’s pleas, as I looked Rich right in his eyes. I had to keep him from hitting my son. “Juan and Denie, please go upstairs. I need a moment with your father.”

  “Are you sure, Ma?” Juan asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yes…I’ll be fine.”

  “Yes, she’ll be fine,” Rich repeated. “Juan take your ass upstairs before you get hurt.”

  When Juan and Denie both walked upstairs with attitudes, Rich turned to me.

  “I’m really not in the mood for any questionin’.”

  “You know what, Rich? This is not the fucking 80’s and 90’s. You’re not gonna treat me like an afterthought. I’m tired of this shit!”

  At that moment, Rich reached on the coffee table and threw the Christmas gift that I still hadn’t opened across the room. “You ungrateful bitch. You didn’t even bother to open up your Christmas gift.”

  “Fuck that gift. You think gifts are gonna keep patching up this sorry-ass marriage? That’s real classic, Rich. That’s exactly the type of shit I’m talking about. All you do is fuck up, then buy me gifts like that shit is supposed to patch things up!”

  “Yeah, I left that shit before I went in the garage and saw what you did to my car. Trust me, you’re not gettin’ shit else from me. As a matter of fact, you better go out and get a fuckin’ job because I’ma make your ass pay for that shit!” He obviously hadn’t been upstairs to see what I’d done to his clothes.

  “And it is obvious I never pleased you with all the fucking you’ve been doing.”

  “Lisa, what the hell are you talkin’ about? I just told you that I wasn’t in the mood for this!”

  “Are you finally gonna come clean on why that dude raped me?”

  Rich threw up his hands. “Man, here you go.”

  I cut right to the chase. “Did you fuck Trixie?”

  Rich finally gave me eye contact. “What?” he responded with a dumb look.

  “You heard me. Did you fuck Trixie?” When he didn’t answer fast enough, I went off. “Don’t lie to me! You fucking her, got me kidnapped and raped. That bastard told me you fucked his woman. Why wont you just admit it? Be a man…for once!”

  “I don’t wanna hear this shit. I told you he lied!”

  “So, the news lied, too? I saw Trixie on the news, crying and screaming. She found my attacker’s body in her basement, Rich. You’re the one who’s lying, so just stop it. I don’t know why you can’t face the truth. He was getting back at you for fucking Trixie!” For once, Rich was quiet for a moment, so I took the opportunity to continue ranting while I had the chance. “They showed Trixie on television the next morning talking about how Michael Johnson was such a great man.”

  “How did you know it was the same guy?” Rich had the nerve to say.

  “Because I saw his face!”

  Rich started at me again. “Look, Lisa I…”

  I cut him off. “I’ll never love you the same. I hate you…just leave. Get out!” I yelled.

  “Lisa, did you forget that my daughter is upstairs listenin’ to everything you’re sayin’? Do you know what I’ve been through over this last month? How the fuck you think I felt knowin’ that my wife had been raped right in front of my face and I couldn’t do anythin’ about it?” Suddenly his voice got extremely low. “But I did it. I took care of him. He’s never gonna hurt you again.”

  “So, you can admit to taking care of him, but you can’t seem to admit that you fucked Trixie. She was my friend, Rich. How could you?” I was so furious I couldn’t even wait for a response. “Rich, go to hell!” I went straight upstairs and grabbed all his bleached clothes and jewelry and started hurling his shit at him from the top of the stairs.

  “Get your shit and leave…now!”

  His eyes became enlarged. “What the fuck did you do to my clothes?” Rich began to look around on the floor at each item. “And my watches! Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?”
  “Yes, I have!”

  “Damn Trixie, what do you want from me?”

  I stopped and looked at him like he was crazy. “What the fuck did you call me? Did you just call me Trixie? So, is that the reason why you didn’t want me going to her salon, you bastard. Get your shit and get the fuck out!” I yelled to the top of my lungs.

  “This my house and I’m not leavin’! Bitch, you think it’s gonna be that easy to get rid of me wit’ all the shit you know. You must be fuckin’ crazy. Consider yourself stuck wit’ me for life. You know what comes wit’ the territory wit’ fuckin’ a nigga like me. You know how many bitches would love to be in your shoes.”

  “Let ‘em have your ass. I don’t want you anymore. What is it gonna take for you to go? You need me to go out here and start fucking, too. Maybe I will so you can hate me like I hate you!” I took off my five carat wedding ring, and threw it at him. I used to love showing off the canary yellow diamond, but now none of that shit matter anymore.

  “Fuck you and this marriage!”

  At that moment, Rich ran up the stairs toward me skipping two and three steps at a time. However, by the time he made it to the top, I ran to our bedroom, locked the door, and immediately went to my nightstand. It wasn’t long before Rich knocked down the door, but when he did my .25 was pointing right at his head.

  “Get the fuck out or I swear to God I’ll shoot you in your other fucked up knee!” By this time, Juan and Denie were standing behind him.

  “Ma, please put the gun down,” Denie said. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Denie, fuck him,” Juan said.

  “Fuck this,” Rich said as he lunged at Juan. This time he didn’t miss. He sat on top of my son and took all his anger out and punched him in his face as if he was a stranger.

  I screamed then began firing several shots in the air. It was the only thing that stopped Rich from pounding on Juan. Drywall fell from the ceiling all over my head.

  “Get off of him!” I screamed.

  When Rich quickly did as he was told, Denie ran up and threw her arms around his neck. She was crying uncontrollably.

  “Look, I think all this shit has just gotten completely out of hand, so I’m gone for now, but I’ll be back when shit calms down,” Rich said. He removed Denie’s hands.

  “No, don’t go,” Denie pleaded. She sounded like a little girl.

  “Don’t worry, Baby Girl. I’ll be back. Your mother and I just need some space.”

  Moments later, he finally left with a defeated look.

  What a way to start off the fucking New Year, I thought. Never having the courage to stand up to Rich before, I was proud of myself as I ran over to Juan to see if he was okay. No matter how much pain I was in mentally, I was done with Rich once and for all. There was no way I could forgive him for this shit. He was sadly mistaken if he thought that all we needed was some space or time apart. I needed more than that. It was time for a divorce, and I knew things were about to get dirty.



  Lookin’ into my wife’s eyes, it was the first time she looked as if she had no soul. A cold, blank expression, that I’d never witnessed in the seventeen years we’d been together. I knew she was serious this time and it concerned me. She was tired of me hurtin’ her and I couldn’t even blame her for feelin’ that way. When I pulled out of the garage, I could see Denie lookin’ out of the window in her room cryin’ and tryin’ to get my attention. Pretendin’ not to see her, I just drove off. It was hard to leave that way, but I put my pride aside and decided to give Lisa the space that she needed. The space I hope she needed. Hopefully when I got back, I could turn things around.

  As I drove down I-95, I began to think. Maybe I should meet up wit’ Carlos in New York, and fly back to California wit’ him. A four hour drive is what I need right about now to get my mind right, I thought. I’ll call Los later and tell him what’s up. However, by the time I hit Baltimore, Carlos was callin’ me.

  “What up?

  “Rich, what happened? Lisa called Marisol all upset talking about she put you out. She also said she knew about you and Trixie. What the hell happened?”

  “Man, Lisa saw ole girl on the news cryin’ about her man, and put everything together.” I couldn’t go into so much detail over the phone, but Carlos knew what that meant. “I’m just gonna roll back out for a while and let Lisa get her mind right.”

  “She told Marisol that she was gonna divorce you. What’s up with that?”

  “She just trippin’ right now, cuz. Man on everything I love, I’ll never smash that whore Trixie ever again. Hot-ass bitch fucked my home up.”

  “No doubt, she’s bad news. I told you to stop fucking with her a long time ago.”

  “Shit, don’t front. You’ve had a whore or two like that before, but you’re so scared of Marisol catchin’ your ass you can’t concentrate,” I laughed.

  “Naw, it’s not that, I’m just more discreet with my shit that’s all,” Carlos bragged. “Anyway, so what’s up with you now that you’re homeless?”

  “I see you got jokes. Man, I needed some time to think so I just started drivin’ and ended up on I-95. I’m in B-More right now. I’ll probably go holler at Honey, to get some head real quick, then meet you up top.”

  “So, your ass just got caught up in some shit with Lisa, and you’re thinking about hooking up with another broad already?”

  “Well, I’m stressed, so I need some good head to relieve that shit.” I laughed right along wit’ Carlos.

  “Your ass got a problem. Okay, call me when you get here. You know Marisol wants to stay in New York until after the New Year.”

  “That’s cool. I need to holla at some people in Brooklyn anyway.”

  “Are you gonna fly out of JFK with us?”

  “Yeah. I’ma get Nelson to meet me in B-More so he can ride wit’ me up there, and drive my truck back. I don’t know how long I’ma be in L.A. this time, and I don’t want my shit just sittin’ at the airport.”

  “You like that lil dude, huh?” Carlos asked.

  “Yeah, he cool peoples. He reminds me of myself when I was his age.”

  “Well, hit me when you get up here.”

  “A’ight, cuz.”

  After I hung up wit’ Carlos, I called my man Nelson and told him to meet me in B-More at the strip club I’d invested in, called Lace. Nelson was my young dude from Montgomery County. He was pumpin’ good and was really makin’ shit happen in the D.C. area for me. Nelson reminded me so much of myself when I was his age. He had that swagger like ‘I’m that nigga’ and had been loyal thus far, so puttin’ the young soldier down on my team was a no brainer. He handled business so good that I put him in a crib out in Wheaton. It was a good location for him to still be able to shoot out to Frederick and Gaithersburg, and still get to D.C. Not to mention, it was low key.

  Nelson usually just followed my lead and didn’t ask questions, which I loved, because I didn’t like talkin’ over the phone too much. Wit’ the type of day I had, it was a must to make sure I saw my stripper chick. Honey was phat as shit and had some bomb head. I usually would smash her in one of my private rooms before I hit the road to go to New York every couple of months. This time, her services were desperately needed.

  When Nelson met me in the parkin’ lot, forty-five minutes later, we gave each other a quick pound then walked in together. The spot was packed since it was New Years Eve, and the strippers were dressed in all types of sparkles and shit. The club was decorated for the festivities and it appeared to be a lot goin’ on. As we moved through the crowd, I spotted Honey on stage in the VIP section in the back. She looked good as usual.

  Honey had that caramel complexion wit’ a long weave that fell to her ass. Known for her purple costumes, tonight she wore a purple feather and rhinestone dress that barely covered her ass. I guess wearin’ purple was her tactic of gettin’ more money from the Ravens players. They were in the back makin’ it rain, while Honey s
hook her ass to Arab Money by Busta Rhymes. Nelson and I posted up against the wall as we watched Honey make her way up the pole. As she spun herself upside down and began to make her way down, we finally caught eye contact. When I nodded, she knew what time it was. After landing in a split, the crowd roared and money flew everywhere. I had to give it to her, Honey was definitely about makin’ her bread. Once her act was complete, I sent one of my security guards to help clean her money off the stage, as Nelson and I went to our private room. My day so far had been rough, so I really needed Honey to earn her money tonight.

  “Hey sexy, who’s your fine-ass friend you got here,” Honey flirted while she gave Nelson a wink.

  Wit’ Nelson bein’ my man and all, he was entitled to smash Honey too. “Nelson, this is Honey, Honey, this is Nelson. Now, time for business because we gotta hit the road. I don’t wanna be bringin’ in the New Year in the car.”

  “So, what do you want a threesome, Rich?” Honey asked confused.

  “Naw, you gonna hit me off first, then whatever my man wants you can give to him afterwards. And don’t worry, the pay is good.”

  “Since you’re in such a hurry, how bout I go get Cream and let her hit him off while I take care of you?” Honey suggested.

  “A’ight, cool.”

  Minutes later, Nelson was greeted by Cream and before they left the room I threw Nelson ten one hundred dollar bills rolled up in a rubber band. However, I was surprised when he threw it back.

  “I got this,” he said smilin’ as Cream grabbed his hand and led him out of the door.

  “Un, un Rich, don’t be looking at Cream like you wanna fuck her. She can’t put it down like me, baby. Let me show you,” Honey whispered in my ear. All I could do was smell her sweet perfume and lay back so she could handle her business.

  Honey got right on her knees, unzipped my jeans and put my tool in her mouth. She sucked me like a champ…always did. She definitely gave the best head that I’d ever had in my life. She could make me cum in less than two minutes, while most women couldn’t make me bust like that at all. She was a beautiful woman wit’ a sexy body, which was probably why I just didn’t understand how she could be such a whore. I wasn’t sure how she would ever get a man to wife her. Beyond the sex, what did she have to offer? I knew a lot of dudes down south wifed strippers, but that was some shit D.C. dudes just didn’t do.


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