The Dirty Divorce

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The Dirty Divorce Page 14

by KP, Miss

  “Rich, you got ten seconds to leave. If not, I’m calling the police!”

  Lisa knew all she had to say was somethin’ about the police and I was out of there.

  “That’s a’ight, bitch. I’ll be back!” I yelled before pullin’ my luggage toward my truck.

  I gave it a quick inspection before I pulled out my spare key, jumped inside, and screeched out of my driveway. As mad as I was, I wasn’t in the mood for anybody’s bullshit. Lisa stood in the window of the livin’ room lookin’ at me wit’ a huge smile as I pulled off. I couldn’t believe she’d actually threatened to call the police on me. She’d stooped to a new low, and my love for her was turnin’ into hate. Drivin’ down the street, I thought of goin’ to Baltimore to see Honey, but then an image of my mother framed my mind. Instantly, I felt guilty. I hadn’t seen my mother in over a month, so I decided to go over to her house for a quick visit. Maybe I should stay wit’ her ‘til I can figure some things out, I thought. Just as I was about to call my mother, my cell phone rang, it was Denie.

  “What’s up, Baby Girl?”

  “Hi Daddy, are you back in town?”

  “Yeah, I just left the house. Your mother changed the fuckin’ locks, so I’m on my way to your grandmother’s house.”

  “What do you mean she changed the locks? I was just there this morning and my key worked fine.”

  “Well, I guess your mother has had a busy damn mornin’.”

  “I gotta see you. I’ll meet you at Grandma’s house.”

  “Okay, Baby Girl. I think she would like that. She hasn’t seen either one of us in a while.”

  Makin’ my way across town, I tried callin’ my mom, but didn’t get an answer. Thinkin’ that she might’ve been takin’ a late bath, I called back at least three more times, but she still didn’t pick up. I immediately began to worry because she always answered the phone. It was obvious I couldn’t depend on anyone to check in on her, especially not Lisa. My mother really never cared for Lisa, but they made their relationship work on the strength of me.

  I pulled into her driveway twenty minutes later, and took a deep breath before I got out of my truck. Knowin’ I was about to get a lecture, I really wasn’t in the mood for an argument or any more drama, but I had to take this one for the team. My mother was definitely disappointed in the lifestyle I’d chosen, but more than that she always stressed to me the importance of the, you only have one mother rule. I cherished both my mother and my daughter, but lately my focus had been off, which had me feelin’ guilty. As I used my key to try and surprise her, I opened the door and was overwhelmed by an awful stench. It smelled as if the trash hadn’t been taken out in days.

  “Ma! Hey, Ma!” I called for her from the foyer.

  When I entered the livin’ room, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her asleep in her rockin’ chair. Tryin’ not to wake her, I crept up behind her and noticed that she’d fallen asleep holdin’ her favorite picture of me and my dad. Not knowin’ how long she’d been asleep, I knew it was best that she got in the bed, so I kissed her forehead to wake her. However, I didn’t get a response. She was stiff and cold as ice.

  “Ma, no, Ma. This can’t be happenin’. No, Ma,” I repeated.

  I was too late. She was gone. Her heart failure must’ve given her a run once again. I picked her up out of the rockin’ chair then laid her on the floor. As I held on to her lifeless body, tears streamed down my face. How long has she been dead? I thought to myself. The fact that she’d died alone had my heart achin’. I couldn’t bring her back. Wit’ all the money and power that I had, the things that ruled my life, there was nothin’ I could do to get back the time I’d lost with my mother. I just wanted to hold her and never let her go.

  “Daddy, what’s going on? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Denie asked when she finally walked in.

  “She’s gone. My mother is gone.”



  I couldn’t believe that Mama Sanchez was really gone, and that today was her funeral. Apparently she’d passed away in her sleep from a heart attack. I couldn’t imagine how Rich must’ve felt when he found his mother dead. We had our differences over the years since she never saw the wrong in her son, but I still loved her. A part of me felt bad for pushing Rich away during this difficult time in his life. I hadn’t even called to say I was sorry to hear about his loss. Hell, I wouldn’t have even known his mother had died if Carlos hadn’t told me. Everything seemed to be spinning out of control lately. With Juan being denied a bail due to his previous charges and now Rich’s mother dying, our family just couldn’t seem to catch a break. Even Denie had moved in with Rich at his mother’s house, and wasn’t talking to me either. I thought it was crazy how everyone was blaming me for trying to move on with my life, but regardless of what anybody thought, I was going through with the divorce.

  Entering my closet, I struggled with what I should wear and then finally decided on a simple black Tracy Reese dress that I’d bought last month at Nordstrom. I then pulled out my black patent leather Louboutin four inch peep toe pumps to finish off the outfit. Afterwards, I went into the bathroom, placed a few curls in my hair then applied some makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was quite pleased how I put it all together. When Carlos laid his eyes on me at the funeral, I wanted him to see what he was missing. Over the past week, we’d hooked up at a hotel once and had a quick sex session, but it was obvious that he didn’t want anything serious with me. He wouldn’t even answer my calls half the time. He feared Rich and Marisol would find out, which was understandable. However, I knew deep down inside he felt more than what he led on. I could see it in his eyes.

  The services were to begin at 10:00 a.m. and I was wondering what was taking the family car so long to come and pick me up. I could’ve sworn that Carlos told me to be ready by 9:00 a.m. and here it is 9:30 a.m. and they still weren’t here. I decided to call Denie’s cell to see where they were.

  “Hello,” she answered unenthused.

  “Denie, I’m waiting on you guys, where are you?”

  “We’re pulling up at the church now.”

  I held a confused expression. “Who is we and why didn’t you all come and pick me up?”

  “Me, Daddy, Uncle Carlos, Aunt Marisol, and her friend.”

  “What? Put your father on the phone now!” The five seconds that I had to wait was entirely too long.

  “What do you want, Lisa?” Rich asked in an annoyed tone.

  “I thought you all were coming to get me? I’ve been sitting her waiting for over thirty minutes. Shouldn’t I be in the family car, too?”

  “Man, I haven’t heard from you since the day you changed the locks. My mother died and you didn’t even have the decency to call me and see if I was okay. Your ass will fuckin’ walk before I pick you up.”

  “But I loved your moth..”

  When Rich hung up on me, it sent me over the edge. Immediately, I went into the office and got the separation papers that Mr. Leach drew up for me and stuffed them in my Valentino bag. He’d fucked with the wrong woman and I was going to show him who was boss today. No disrespect to Mama Sanchez, but I was done with Rich. Not to mention, I just wanted to be done with his ass while I still had the guts to leave. It was time I put an end to this dysfunctional marriage for good.

  I got in my truck and called Marisol’s phone to see how she felt about the whole situation, but she didn’t answer. I was furious with Rich, but then I thought about it. He was right…for once. I was wrong for being stubborn and not reaching out to him when his mother died. I started to feel bad and decided that maybe I should play nice until the funeral service was over.

  By the time I made it to the church, the parking lot was already packed. I was pissed that I even had to search for a parking space since I was supposed to be in the family car in the first place. After circling the lot at least twice, I finally got irritated and decided to just block someone in. Where could they go until the service was o
ver anyway?

  After I raced into the church, I instantly spotted Rich and Denie on the front row along with Carlos and Marisol. After making my way to the front, I motioned for Denie to move down so I could sit beside Rich, but he refused for her to move, which left me sitting between Denie and Carlos. Trying to keep my composure, I shot Rich a look, but he didn’t even look in my direction. However, his frown instantly turned into a smile when he spotted some Spanish chick walking down the aisle. He stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before she sat beside Marisol.

  Hold the fuck up. Is that the friend of Marisol’s Denie was talking about who rode in the family car with them? I thought. Who the hell is this bitch? Shooting Marisol an evil look, I was about to say something when the Bishop called for the last viewing for the family before the service started.

  Carlos, Denie, Marisol, and I walked up to the casket with Rich for support. As much as Rich tried to hold it in, he couldn’t as tears poured from his face. I could see the guilt as he looked at his mom. She looked like an angel, so peaceful lying there in all white. I wanted to reach out to him, but I feared he would push me away and I didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of the entire audience. Moments later, he turned to the Spanish girl who was sitting on the front row like her ass was family, for comfort.

  She even had sadness in her eyes, like she could feel his pain. Like she was the fucking daughter-in-law. I was stunned at the level of disrespect Rich had portrayed and that he’d allowed her to comfort him right before my eyes. As if that wasn’t enough, once we were back in our seats, Trixie sashayed her ass up to the casket in all red looking like a child of the devil. What the fuck is she doing here? I asked myself.

  Holding her two-year old daughter in her arms, she gave the front row a quick look, then proceeded to the casket. I definitely owed that home-wrecking whore an ass whooping. Who did she think she was coming up in my mother-in-law’s funeral as if she belonged?

  “Say bye-bye to your grandma, Nita. Blow grandma a kiss,” Trixie whispered to her daughter, but loud enough for us to hear. When the little girl did as she was told, Trixie then walked over to Rich.

  “Juanita, give your daddy a kiss, and tell him everything is gonna be okay.”

  “Trixie, what the fuck are you doin’ here?” Rich questioned. He tried to keep his voice down.

  “My daughter has every right to be here. Her grandmother just died. Why have you been ignoring my calls? We need to talk.”

  Rich looked around. “Get the fuck outta here,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “So, are you saying fuck our daughter, Rich? Please don’t turn your back on us,” Trixie pleaded in such desperation.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m sayin’,” Rich replied.

  “No, fuck that. I won’t be ignored, and you’re gonna take care of your fucking daughter.”

  Rich was stunned by her words, and I could no longer take any more of her disrespect. At that moment, I jumped up. “You home wrecking bitch. You and your bastard child need to get the fuck out of here!” I yelled.

  The entire church let out a huge gasp. I knew it looked like something straight out of a Jerry Springer episode.

  Rich stood up. “Lisa, lower your voice.”

  Moments later, two men in the same colored jacket, quickly walked down the aisle and placed both of their hands on Trixie’s shoulders. It was obvious that they were there to escort her out. However, Trixie wasn’t going down without a fight.

  “Get your damn hands off of me!” she shouted. “Rich why are you letting them treat me like this?” As her daughter wailed, Trixie continued. “Rich don’t you hear your fucking daughter crying?” Trixie’s obscenities got worse and worse until we could no longer hear her voice.

  “I apologize to the family and friends of Mrs. Marie Sanchez. Mr. Sanchez, are you ready to proceed with the service?” the bishop finally asked.

  “Yes, bishop, I’m sorry,” Rich answered and put his head down with much embarrassment.

  There was so much anger in me that I could barely hold my composure. I felt so alone and wished my son could be here to comfort me. He was all I had and now, I felt like I had nothing. I knew I didn’t have it in me to attend the re-pass or go to the burial. The thought of Trixie’s daughter being Rich’s child made my hate for him escalate to another level. My heart couldn’t bear any more pain. After the funeral service was over we walked out and were all standing outside the family car. Denie had so much pain in her eyes and she wanted answers.

  “Daddy, is it true?” she asked with tears in her eyes.

  Rich seemed at a lost for words. “Denie, I can explain.” He tried to hug her, but she pulled back and got in the car. Rich then looked at me, but luckily my pain was hidden behind my sunglasses.

  I walked up to Rich and tried my best to keep my cool. “Today proved to me that whatever we had is gone. Now, I know for sure that you’ve stooped to a new low and I want you out of my life for good.” I smacked him in his face with the papers. “I want a divorce, so please stay the fuck out of my life.”

  I looked over at Marisol and Carlos before they got in the family car with a look to let them both know it was definitely not over. Carlos looked as if he feared I was about to expose our affair out of anger, but that fear in his eyes did nothing but give me the upper hand. No longer did I feel bad for sleeping with Carlos. Marisol’s mysterious friend who I assumed was Rich’s new sex toy gave me more ammunition to get down-right dirty. Revenge was on my mind. Never fuck with a woman scorned.



  Waking up the next morning was easy to do, but it was still hard to get out of bed. Checking my cell phone, I saw that I had seven missed calls. Hoping that Carlos had called me while I was asleep, I felt a glimpse of hope, until I saw that all the calls were from Denie. After Mama Sanchez’s funeral drained me with all the drama, I came home, popped some pills, and slept the day away. If it wasn’t for someone ringing the door bell like a crazy person, I would’ve still been asleep. I got out of bed and threw on my robe and ran to the door to see who the hell it was.

  When I looked through the peephole and realized, it was Denie, I was instantly irritated. “What’s your problem?” I asked swinging the door open.

  “I have to pee. I’ve been ringing the doorbell and calling your phone for the past ten minutes!” Denie raced past me to the downstairs bathroom. I followed her to see if I could get any information about what happened at the funeral after I left, and more importantly who the Spanish bitch was. Even though I was done with Rich, I wanted to see if my accusations were true.

  “So, how do you feel about having a two year old sister?” I asked opening the door. “You always said you wanted a baby sister growing up, and now you have one.”

  I could tell she didn’t find my joke amusing. “That’s not my sister, and can I pee in peace!” Denie yelled. She stood up a little bit to try and grab the knob, but couldn’t reach it.

  “Why are you taking all this out on me? Your father is the one who cheated on me with my friend and had a baby? Do you ever see any wrong in what he does, Denie? When are you going to see him for the bastard that he really is?”

  “He’s still my father, and I love him! I’m really sorry for all he’s done to hurt you, but I still love him.” Denie placed her head between her hands. “You don’t have to rub it in about him having another daughter. He just buried his mother and all you can think about is how he hurt you. He needs me right now, and no matter how much I’m hurt right now, it’s clear I’m all he has.”

  Sometimes I wish she felt like that about me. “He has that Spanish bitch, right?”

  “That’s Aunt Marisol’s friend. They’re not together. She’s just cool with him that’s all.”

  “It is so sad how that man tells you anything and you believe it.”

  “Just like you. As a matter of fact, let me get my clothes and go back to my grandmother’s house with my dad,” Denie stated.
r />   “Go ahead, and by the way have you even thought about going to see your brother yet? If it wasn’t for you being all in a nigga’s face that night, he wouldn’t be in jail right now.”

  “For your information, I went to see my brother yesterday with my father, and the last time I checked, I don’t believe I told him to put drugs and a gun in his car.”

  “Bitch, get as much of your shit that can fit in your car and get your disrespectful ass out of my house.”

  “I’ll get out of my father’s house, for now!”

  I wanted to beat her ass so bad, but decided to get dressed and pay Trixie a visit instead. I’d been waiting to get at her for pulling that stunt at the funeral, and today was the day. I slipped on a Victoria Secret Pink sweatsuit and some Nike Airmax tennis shoes, which was the closest thing in my closet to street gear. I then pulled my hair back in a ponytail, grabbed my Gucci bag and was out the door. Jumping in my truck, I put my Beyonce CD on full blast. Cruising down Georgia Avenue, I was only five minutes away from the shop when my mind began to race. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t see that Nita was Rich’s daughter. She looked exactly like my husband and the name was a dead giveaway, Juanita. How could I be so blinded by love?

  When I pulled up, valet asked if I needed them to park my car. However, I quickly let them know that I wouldn’t be long and my car was going to stay double parked. When I walked in, I spoke to everyone as I made my way to Trixie’s station. All eyes were on me, and it wasn’t hard to wonder why. I’m sure they all had heard about the drama at the funeral by now, and knew I was there to confront my former friend.

  “What’s up now, Trixie?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Lisa, don’t bring that ghetto shit up in my place of business. If you want to talk to me about Rich, we can handle this as women later on. I have clients right now. This is a bad time.”


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