The Real Deal: A Dublin Nights Novel

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The Real Deal: A Dublin Nights Novel Page 28

by Sahin, Brittney

  “And you really want this movie deal with Reed, huh?”

  “To make a movie in my own city,” she began, and I’d swear there were stars in her eyes, “would be amazing.”

  “So, do it anyway. If he backs out, why not? What’s stopping you?”

  The side of her mouth crooked. “You’d prefer that, right?”

  I shook my head. “I fell in love with a dreamer, and all I want is to see her dreams come true.” God, I was becoming a romantic, wasn’t I? I’d become anything to see her smiling and happy.

  “So, we’ve been asking questions for about thirty minutes now. I think we’ve covered all the major topics and officially know everything about each other.”

  “Maybe one more.” I slipped my hand into the pocket of my jeans, which was all I had on. No trunks beneath.


  I took a deep breath and tried to steady my pulse. I was pretty sure this was the most nervous I’d been in my life. “How about a Christmas wedding?” I tightened my hand around the diamond but kept it on my lap. “This Christmas.”

  Her eyes narrowed as if she didn’t quite grasp my words, and her mind was busy trying to make sense of what I’d said.

  “Will you be my wife in two weeks?” I cleared my throat, moved off the seat, and dropped to one knee next to her. I reached for her hand and brought the 2-carat princess cut diamond in a platinum setting to the top of her ring finger and held it there as I waited for an answer.

  Every second of waiting had my heart diving into my stomach.

  She closed her eyes, and a tear escaped.

  Was it going to be a no?

  My body tensed, and I closed my eyes as I tried not to lose my balance in my crouched position as worry took hold of me.

  “Look at me.” Her command was whisper-soft, and I swallowed the lump in my throat at the feel of her other hand on my cheek.

  I slowly opened my eyes. More tears dampened her cheeks.

  “We only started dating last month, and I spent most of the year before that trying to hate you.” She kept her palm in place, and I sucked in a sharp breath of disappointment. I’d thought for sure she felt the same, but . . . “None of that matters because I love you more than anything.” She looked down at the ring then back at me. “I want to be Holly Ryan, though, if that’s okay with you?”

  She bowed her head to mine, and I fought back the rise of emotion, the threat of something I’d never felt before—happy tears.

  My real name paired with hers.

  I’d once envisioned League leader of Ireland as my dream. I’d been wrong.

  This woman sitting before me was it. My ma had loved my father, arsehole or not, with everything she had, and she’d never been able to love another man. I understood that now because my heart belonged to Holly. Forever.

  “I’d love nothing more.” I blinked back the tears and slid the ring on her finger. “It’s simple, like me.”

  She sniffled and wiped more tears from her cheeks. “It’s perfect.” She brought her mouth to mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you more,” I whispered against her lips and kissed her again.

  “Two weeks, huh?” she asked a few minutes later after we both got our hearts to work at the proper speeds.

  “I asked your father. He said Feck off, at first, but Adam managed to convince him. And Anna has offered to help plan a lightning-fast wedding. Emilia even offered to help, and she hates weddings.”

  She half laughed, half cried. “Adam really gave his blessing?”

  “Sean, too.” I stood all the way up, and she rose as well. “I, uh, don’t know Ethan all that well, so I didn’t ask. Sorry.”

  “I really love you.” She looped her hands around my neck. “Christmas, though? Are you trying to use that day so you’ll never forget our anniversary?”

  I laughed. “No, but damn, that would’ve been smart thinking.”

  “Then why?” She lifted a brow. “I mean, aside from your desire to marry me ASAP because I’m awesome.” She nibbled on her bottom lip as she observed me, her beautiful green eyes glossy.

  “Christmas was my favorite time of the year when Ma was alive. Christmas in Paris was even better,” I admitted.

  “Then let’s do a Christmas wedding in Paris.”

  I swallowed, my breath catching. “You’re serious?”

  “What girl wouldn’t want a Christmas wedding in Paris and to the man of her dreams?”

  “I do know a guy who owns a hotel there.”

  She brought her lips close to mine. “Maybe fairy tales really do exist,” she murmured before kissing me.


  Paris, France


  Fifty guests on Christmas Eve, I hadn’t expected so many family members and close friends would be able to pop over to Paris for a last-minute wedding, but I was one lucky woman.

  I glanced at my husband as I danced with Da for my second time that evening. He was standing on the other side of the cozy reception salon talking with my brothers, all three of them, and they were laughing—so much so that Adam had to bend forward as he clutched his stomach. I had no idea who had caused the laughter, but it was one of the best wedding gifts I could ask for.

  I wasn’t sure where Cole was, but I didn’t see Alessia either, so maybe they stole a moment alone on the terrace to talk.

  “You as surprised as I am that this night happened so fast?” Da stepped back when the band changed over to a new song.

  “Well, I’m beginning to think Anna should open her own party planning business. I couldn’t have pulled this off without her.”

  “It helps your husband owns the hotel.”

  And we’re worth billions, but I kept that to myself. I didn’t want to verbalize my guilt that not everyone could experience a fairy tale ceremony in front of the Champs-Élysées beneath the moonlight on Christmas Eve.

  And beyond where we were now was the Eiffel Tower. Sebastian had great taste in hotel locations, that was for sure. And the reception was intimate and cozy, just how I’d imagined.

  Snowy white and silver colors with a hint of Christmas. Twinkling lights, garlands, amaryllis flowers with pine branches and silver leaves with candles for centerpieces. Eggnog for the signature cocktail, and a strawberry Nutcracker-themed wedding cake. Oh, and it was a minor detail, but it was spot on—glass ornaments with the guest names stenciled on them to identify their place at one of the eight tables off to the side of the dance floor.

  Da took my hand and guided me to where Ma sat with my cousin Bree, her son, Jack, and Anna. Sebastian had opted not to invite many friends. Emilia, Édouard Moreau, his bartender Ola, as well as Declan and Samuel, were in attendance. The boys’ mother had a month left at rehab before she moved into the hotel for a fresh start, all thanks to my incredible husband.

  Ma stood at the sight of me, her eyes sparkling as she eyed my ball gown, which was every bit Cinderella-like. An Ines di Santi Gracie dress with a cathedral train that had been bustled. I still had no idea how Ma pulled off the miracle to not only get the dress in time but ensure it fit. And it did fit to perfection. A strapless neckline, natural waist, silk and tulle fabric with gorgeous beads on the bodice, as well as detachable embroidered sleeves. It was stunning, and when I first stood in front of Sebastian to say our vows, he’d been speechless. Tears in his eyes.

  “There’s something your mother and I would like to tell you. A bit of a wedding gift, if you will.” Da motioned for the terrace.

  “Be back,” I said to the others at the table with a smile.

  Ma pushed in the white infinity seat to the table. Two overlapping circles were at the back of the chair to represent love being eternal. Anna had thought of everything.

  “Save a dance for me!” Bree’s son, Jack, exclaimed, and I blew him a kiss, then followed my parents to the terrace. Heaters were outside to keep the area warm so we didn’t have to wear jackets.

  . . . And that’s where Cole and Alessia had gone. Cole�
�s hand was on her back as they looked at the view. The intimate gesture had my heart palpitating.

  Da cleared his throat, making our presence known, and he immediately lowered his hand from Alessia’s back as they both faced us.

  “So damn stunning, cuz.” Cole strode closer and placed a kiss on both my cheeks. When in France, right?

  “You clean up nice yourself,” I teased.

  He was in the same tuxedo as Sebastian and my brothers. All men wore Brioni. Of course. Tuxedo jackets with satin collars, suspenders, and a black bow tie.

  “Thanks for picking a bridesmaid dress that’s not hideous.” Alessia looked stunning and ethereal in her pink halter sequin dress embellished with metallic beads on the bodice.

  “I wanted to avoid any bridal payback later when I wear a bridesmaid dress at your wedding,” I joked.

  She reached for my arm and squeezed. “I’m so glad to have a sister.”

  Cole tipped his head goodbye, and they went back into the reception area inside.

  “So.” I rubbed my palms together and faced Ma and Da.

  Da laced his hand with Ma’s and looked up at me. “We’ve called off the divorce. We’re staying together.”

  I leapt toward them, unable to stop myself, doing my best not to trip in my gown, and hugged them tightly.

  “You reminded us what it means to love again,” Ma said when pulling back. It was honestly her fault I loved fairy tales since she used to be a professor of literature at Trinity, and I grew up hearing stories of happily ever afters.

  “Mind if I steal your daughter for a moment?”

  I stepped back to find Harrison there. If anyone should steal me, it ought to be my husband, but I was glad he showed up. Extremely surprised, but thankful, because I hoped it meant he wanted to continue our friendship.

  “Save me another dance.” Da patted Harrison on the shoulder, then took Ma’s hand and escorted her back inside.

  Harrison tipped his head, motioning to go closer to the balcony. “You came,” I said under my breath, my eyes on the Eiffel Tower.

  “It was unexpected news, and I’ll be flying home early to get to my family for Christmas dinner, but I couldn’t miss your wedding.” He set his forearms over the railing, leaning forward. “We are friends, right?”

  “I’d like to be,” I admitted.

  “I doubt you’d marry a guy you didn’t trust and so fast, so . . . what I’m trying to say is that we have a deal.” He stood tall and extended his hand. “If you still want to work together, that is?”

  First, my brothers bonded with Sebastian. Then, my parents reconciled. Now this? The gifts kept coming. “One condition. You, at least, let my cousin audition for a role in the film. You don’t have to say yes, but she’s a brilliant actress.”


  “Yeah. She’d have to get the all clear from her soon-to-be ex-husband to come over here with her son if she lands a role, but it’d mean a lot if she could audition.”

  “She does have the look.”

  “Are looks all that matter?” I challenged, fighting a smile. “And why, Harrison, are you blushing?”

  His hand raced through his hair, and he shook his head, but then a smirk stretched his lips. “You McGregor women apparently have that effect on me.”

  “Hm.” And if Anna had heard him, she’d be planning their wedding next in her head. But I knew better. Bree would never fall for a Hollywood player, and I was pretty sure Harrison had sworn off actresses, so nope, no wedding for them. It was too bad. It’d be kind of nice to have him as part of the family.

  We went back inside a few moments later, and everyone was crowded on the dance floor as a traditional Irish folk song was playing by the band. “Wedding may be in Paris, but we had to bring a little home with us,” Sebastian said, catching me by surprise from behind. “Reed,” he greeted and shook his hand. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Well, you did call and make a convincing argument for it.”

  “Wait, what?” I lifted my brows in surprise, and Sebastian smiled. “Who are you, and what have you done with my husband?” I whispered into his ear, and he laughed.

  “Excuse us.” He pulled me to the dance floor and secured his hands around me. “Your husband would very much like to rip that dress off you.”

  I blushed, worried someone on the dance floor overheard him. “I thought you said I looked beautiful in this dress. Like an angel. A tempting goddess.”

  “All of those things.” He pulled me tighter so our bodies were flush. “And more. But I still prefer you sans vêtements.”

  “Yeah, you look pretty damn hot without clothes, too,” I said as he spun and dipped me. “Is this real? This night, I mean?”

  “Want me to pinch you?” He flashed his white teeth, and his smile met his eyes.

  I startled when he pinched my arse. “Not there!”

  He bit into his lip as we moved, as we danced together. I didn’t know what would happen with The Alliance next year, but I knew for sure we’d be okay. We could get through anything if we stuck together as a family.

  Family was everything, and now mine felt complete.

  “Alessia seems to be doing well, right?”

  “I think she’s doing amazing.” Especially after everything she’s been through. “I wish your ma could have been here tonight.”

  “I can feel her here. Is that crazy?” His Adam’s apple moved with a swallow.

  “Not at all,” I answered softly.

  His eyes tightened on me, and I brought my lips to his for a soft kiss, but he deepened it when his tongue dipped into my mouth.

  At the feel of someone tugging on my gown, I forced my lips from my husband and glimpsed back to see Jack there. “My turn!”

  “Can this little guy cut in?”

  Sebastian crouched to eye level with Jack and gave him a high five. “For you, of course.” He stood again and brought his mouth to my ear. “Maybe we’ll try for one of those, at some point.”

  “One of those?” I laughed and swatted his chest before lifting Jack up to dance.

  I looked over at Anna dancing with Adam not far away. They were so happy and with a child on the way. I had Sebastian now, but maybe after The Alliance matter was settled, we could try for kids.

  Sebastian took Jack a few minutes later, as if knowing my arms were growing tired. Sean motioned for him to hand him over, and he hoisted Jack over his shoulders and carried him around the room, which had Jack cracking up.

  “Your brother has a surprise for you.” Sebastian took my hand and guided me toward the band. “Which brother?” And another surprise? I was far too spoiled tonight.

  Sebastian pulled me tight to his side as Ethan dropped onto a stool in front of a mic, then winked at me. “This song is for you two. Hope you like it.”

  It’d been years since I’d heard Ethan sing, and when the background music began, I realized he was going to sing a song by one of my all-time favorite artists who I’d forever mourn, Avicii.

  I grinned from ear to ear when he began singing the song Broken Arrows. Ethan stood when the beats intensified, and every lyric captured my heart and moved right to my soul . . . it was perfect. This entire night was heaven.

  Sebastian turned me to face him as Ethan continued to sing, and emotion swelled in my chest. He held on to my cheeks and stared deep into my eyes, and I wanted to cry. Happy tears, of course, because in this moment, something became as clear as day. “You,” I mouthed, my eyes blurry. “You’re it. My dream,” I cried, hoping he could hear me over the music.

  “You, too, my love.” He kissed me, and the entire room erupted into applause just as the song finished. “You. Always.”

  I hugged my brother after the song, then Sebastian took my hand, guided me to the balcony, and closed the door behind us.

  “Cold?” I shook my head no, and he tossed his jacket, got rid of the bow tie, then knelt before me and lifted my skirt. I braced my hands on his shoulders, not sure what he was doing, then laugh
ed when I realized he was getting rid of my heels. “Don’t want you in pain.” He tossed my shoes over his shoulder.

  I nearly moaned from the relief at losing the heels.

  “I’ve been waiting to get you alone all night,” he said, his voice husky. He set his eyes on me, and I was fairly certain the world stopped at that moment. Just for one blink of an eye, absolutely everything stopped.

  He brought his thumb to my lip and pulled it down before cupping the back of my head.

  “I need you to know I’ll never let anything happen to you. You’re my wife. My family. My everything.” His voice was hoarse with emotion.

  I arched a brow. “Well, our relationship began with you trying to protect me. I guess I can’t expect you to stop now.”

  His mouth edged closer to mine. “Never.”

  I held a finger in front of my lips before he could kiss me. “As long as you let me have your back, too, then I guess we have a deal,” I said before his mouth slanted over mine.

  As far as happily ever afters go?

  Yeah, our story may have had some bumps and a few twists and turns, but I couldn’t have asked for more. And all I could hope was the rest of my family would find happiness and love, too . . .

  *Continue for a special bonus epilogue from Alessia’s point-of-view.

  Special Bonus Epilogue

  The Wedding Night


  “This a new Taylor Swift song?” I asked as I danced with my brother. I missed out on years of new music, and if I was going to run a club, I had my homework cut out for me on catching up.

  He smiled. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “Right. Why would you?” The song was a bit too romantic given I was dancing with my brother, but it was his wedding night, and wow, we were together again, and he was married. It was insane.


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