Betrayal of Cernunnos - Book 3 (Children of the Pomme)

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Betrayal of Cernunnos - Book 3 (Children of the Pomme) Page 17

by Matthew Fish

  A loud crash interrupted their afternoon conversation. Mark quickly got to his feet. He pulled on a pair of old blue jeans and pulled out a gun.

  “What the hell was that?” Emily asked as she opened the door and peeked through.

  “Maybe Lily has returned,” Mark said as he placed his shoulder against the wall and readied his gun. He hadn’t fired it in years—at least he was pretty sure it was loaded.

  “I hope not, she’s about the last person I want to see.”

  The door to Maddie’s old room slowly opened as a woman with long, blonde medium curly hair appeared from the room. She had a very familiar face, though she looked just a bit older—still very pretty. She was wearing a long white dress and nothing else. She looked to Mark and Emily; both of their faces were completely shocked.

  “Maddie…?” Mark whispered. “Are you a ghost?”

  “I don’t think so,” Maddie quietly spoke back.

  “God dammit, you bitch!” Emily said as she rushed over and embraced Maddie who stumbled back from the sudden shock of contact. “What the hell?”

  “I remember going for Abelio’s axe—then a rage…and then I was somewhere for a long time. Sleeping, perhaps? All manner of odd dreams… I don’t know.”

  “Caesar,” Mark said as he wrapped his arms around Emily and Maddie. “It’s Caesar—he was not clear when he wrote that Maddie would live on after her twenty-fourth birthday as a Perpetual. Live on, as in—even if she was to die, she would return on day she turned twenty-four...”

  “I’m really digging the facial hair thing,” Maddie said as she let out a laugh as she rubbed Mark’s scruffy face. “And damn Emily, you’ve filled out a bit more in the chest—though you’re still a little short, but you two are looking good...”

  “You’re looking extremely well yourself, nipples,” Emily said with a laugh. “Especially for a dead girl…”

  “We’ve been really lost without you,” Mark said as he pressed his head against Maddie’s.

  “Well, thank Caesar for unclear wording,” Maddie said as she shrugged. “What have you guys been doing all this time, Mark, Em…?”

  “Honestly, just sex,” Emily said as she refused to let go of Maddie. “Sex, television, video games, and sleep…we buried Mark’s grandmother one day for funsies, but yeah it’s been a lazy fast three years.”

  “We felt like leaving a bunch of times, but we just couldn’t,” Mark said as he nodded. “I guess…maybe, now we know why.”

  “Well—I know I’ve only just returned, but I still feel like I never really left. So, let’s pack and head out today,” Maddie said as she smiled. “After all, Mark, you have a long standing promise to keep with both of us.”

  “We’re not heading back for a long time either,” Emily added as she released Maddie and folded her arms beneath her chest and gave Mark an angry look. “I don’t care what you feel—I’ll tie you down and keep you where we are.”

  “Sounds kinky,” Mark said as he quickly began to pack a bag. “Don’t worry—I have no plans on returning until we feel like it. Also—never again in winter, even when we stay inside all day, this place is still boring.”

  “We did get a giant flatscreen TV, and cable…and all of the new video game systems,” Emily said. “I’ll actually kind of miss that.”

  “They’ll all still be here when we return,” Mark said as he shook his head. “Caesar would be so upset with us.”

  “Heading west then? Maddie said as she returned from her room wearing her dusty old beach hat.

  “You know, I had thought about burying that old ratty thing, because we left your body in the future,” Emily said as she shook her head and attempted to knock it off Maddie’s head. “I couldn’t though, I knew you loved it so much, bitch hat.”

  “West is best,” Mark said as he zipped up his suitcase.

  “That’s my line, ass-shitter.”

  “What was that…that was terrible?” Mark asked as he shot Emily a strange look.

  “It’s been a while okay,” Emily said as she threw her hands up in front of her. “Cut a girl a break, I’ll get the hang of it again.

  Mark loaded up the suitcases into the Charger as Emily and Maddie climbed in. It felt like just before—he was happy that they were all together again. They were just like one small little dysfunctional family once more.

  As the open road lay in front of them, Mark was hopeful. They had a new future, one that was not written out or filled with doom. One that could not be changed…he did not feel like he was leaving any unfinished business behind and for the first time he felt rather proud. After all, he had helped doom all of humankind in two-thousand years, but he didn’t really feel too badly about it. He and Emily had wasted three years doing very little, but they had about one thousand, nine hundred, and ninety-six to make it all up. After all, they weren’t technically getting any older.

  “Stop trying to knock my hat off!” Maddie shouted from the backseat.

  “It’s like a game—I see the ugly thing and I just want to knock it off that silly head of yours,” Emily said as she batted at Maddie’s head like a kitten from the front seat—occasionally jabbing Mark in the side.

  “I’d complain about driving here, but we can all wreck and be fine,” Mark said as he shook his head and attempted to keep his focus on the road. He exited Utica and headed down the highway and caught the first interstate leading west.


  Lily sat at the edge of Red Manor and smiled as she watched the Mustang pull away and disappear down the gravel road. Sun sat beside her.

  “I had hoped that things would work out that way,” Lily spoke as she allowed a small smile to wash over her face.

  “Why did you not go to them?” Sun asked as he looked to Lily with his large yellow eyes.

  “It was not my place, they deserved to enjoy that moment on their own. Once they return, and I know that they will—I will go to them, and I will thank Maddie for saving my mother’s life. She probably saved us all that day,” Lily spoke as she turned her attention to two small white does that stumbled through the forest.

  “Our young ones are being curious,” Sun spoke as he looked to their two small children.

  “It is time we said goodbye to Red Manor for now,” Lily said as she smiled widely at the sight of her young ones. “When we return I will enjoy introducing Maddie, Mark, and Emily to little Madeline and Jenna…”

  “Let us return,” Sun said in a hushed tone.

  Lily got to her feet and wandered off into the woods with Sun. As they passed through the tall trees, she reappeared in the form of a white doe. She nuzzled her face against her small children as they stumbled around a bit—they were still a little off balance.

  A large white stag and a white doe joined them. Elise pressed her head against her daughter’s as she greeted her children. She then gently nudged at the young Madeline, helping her up as she tripped over a small fallen branch. Ryan led the small group far into the summer forest that was filled with an emerald green color. They wandered on for a time until they reached a road. A shimmering glow filled their view as they all stepped through and left Emily and Mark’s time.


  Damara sat upon a large rock as the sea lapped upon a stone laden shore. She scanned the horizon as she spotted more islands that lay just beyond in the distance. A warm and gentle breeze flowed through her long wheat-colored hair. Her cheeks were warm and she felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.

  “I was told I was to be punished,” Cernunnos spoke as he approached Damara. He was in his original form; he had pale grey skin and dark eyes. His face was that of a young man’s, but he still retained his large antlers. “I suppose being stranded upon one of the infinite Emerald Isles with you is punishment enough.”

  “They took your secret passage ways back to Gaia away, did they not?” Damara spoke as she slid off of the rock and landed onto her feet. She looked upon her battered shield and shook her head. “You do owe me a new shield.”r />
  “They did,” Cernunnos said as he nodded. “I only sought to do what was best. I almost believed that the gods favored my actions—seeing as I did achieve them in another timeline. It was only then that their attention was drawn.”

  “I thought I was doing the just thing by attempting to do away with your kind,” Damara said as she lowered her head. “It would appear that my actions have dishonored me after all.”

  “Well, you were slain by your own kind,” Cernunnos said with a snide laugh.

  “I do not find embarrassment in that act,” Damara said as she dismissed Cernunnos’s laughter. “I am rather, in fact, proud of the Mortal called Madeline Willbell. I was promised a return from the Sun Goddess Alexis if I were to help stop you, and bring an end to your folk—but to die in battle and be returned to the Otherworld by my own kind, that is an honor that even the Goddess could not provide.”

  “I do suppose that only leaves Abelio on Earth or Gaia as you prefer to name it,” Cernunnos said as he took in a heavy breath of the warm sea air. It was rather calming upon one’s soul.

  “He cares more for his precious apple trees than he does in the affairs of his own kind,” Damara said as she began to walk through a thick pine forest. “That axe of his is rather troublesome though, I shall hope that he only uses it for just means.”

  “We speak of just as though we know the meaning of it,” Cernunnos spoke as he followed behind and placed his hand against the rough bark of a tall pine. “However, you have gotten your wish, Damara—you woke from your long slumber and have been returned to the Emerald Isles.”

  “That I have,” Damara spoke as she continued to march on through the forest. “Though now I do rather find myself at a loss of what to do next.”

  “We could always find a large island, claim it as our own—we still have the power to create life,” Cernunnos spoke.

  “You would wish us to do that? To risk banishment once more and be set back to the endless sea of stars and planets…have you learned nothing from your time on Gaia?” Damara spoke with as she placed her hand against a large stone bluff that overlooked the ocean. She traced the cool stone with her finger as she turned to look to Cernunnos as she let out a false sigh.

  “It was an idea, lady Damara,” Cernunnos said as he sat upon a large stone and looked out to the sea. “We could do make a better world…if we get bored. You will grow tired of my sole company eventually.”

  “Eventually, lord Cernunnos?” Damara chortled. “I have already grown very well tired of you.”

  “Perhaps, if I may intrude…” A young man with a raspy voice spoke as he approached. The man had dark black hair curly hair and a pencil-thin curled mustache. He had kind, dark eyes and rosy red cheeks. “I could not help but hear you speak of creating a new world, daresay if something such as you speak of were to come to pass—I would most rather enjoy to be a part of this.”

  “And who might you be?” Damara asked as she looked at the curious man who was dressed in a strange white suit.

  I am Iovantucarus, the protector of youth. I slipped into your old world through your dream passages, Lord Cernunnos. Though I do regret arriving into your world rather late…Regardless, I allowed myself to become a Perpetual by contract with a certain White Stag that I do believe you both have met. I do have to admit though, Cernunnos, I did play my hand rather well in stopping your plans—I do wish that you do not hold it against me, you silly little creature.”

  “You are an odd man,” Cernunnos spoke as he grunted. “Why would you wish to create a new world with me when you boast to have thwarted my plans? Why did you not remain on Earth?”

  “To teach you a lesson, which I do hope that you have learned,” Iovantucarus spoke as he flit his hand out and rolled his eyes. “Besides, I sacrificed myself from that old world—it did not need me anymore, and I was never a fighter. The plans I had set in motion ensured that the Earth would endure just fine in my absence. However, I must admit that I do find the idea of this…new world quite intriguing.”

  “I suppose that you have ideas then?” Damara asked as she folded her arms beneath her chest and looked skeptically to the odd man.

  “There are a lot of troubled souls, people who are different—afflicted with many disorders of the mind,” Iovantucarus spoke.

  “I believe I am looking at one of them now,” Cernunnos said as he shrugged. “However, you do have my attention, Lord Iovantucarus.”

  “What if we were to create a world within the world you created—a refuge where these troubled people may live, and we fill it with all manner of new and unique things. Not an underworld, or a place of punishment—but a world of darkness where we are lit by our own emotions. A world of mystery and vast adventure,” Iovantucarus spoke as he attempted to put to words his grand vision.

  “An odd creation, from an odd man,” Damara spoke as she nodded. “We have nothing but time, I am willing help you create this world.”

  “Well it shall be more entertaining than spending the rest of my life stuck beside Damara,” Cernunnos spoke as he conceded. “Let us give your world a try. Banishment be damned.”

  “Oh, banishment will certainly come, my friends,” Iovantucarus spoke as he smiled widely. “But we will find our way back here—in time.”


  Maddie stood at the shore of the beach, her bare feet against the warm sand. Tall mountains loomed on the horizon as a gentle breeze filled the air. The waves crashed against the wide open beach. The water shimmered like a million gemstones faceted in an ever changing, rolling, swirl of the most beautiful bluish-green glass. The noon sun bore down overhead as she placed her old ratty beach hat upon her head and closed her eyes. An overwhelming sense of contentment filled her mind as she listened to the waves and the sounds of birds overhead.

  “Bare ass…!” Emily shouted as she ran up behind Maddie and pulled down her shorts, revealing Maddie’s untanned bottom.

  “Damn it, Em!” Maddie said as she looked around as her cheeks grew red and pulled up her short red swim shorts. Luckily the beach was completely vacant. She then began to chase Emily as they headed towards the water. “I was having a moment!”

  “She did that to me the other day, and…there was a family nearby, kids and everything,” Mark said as he caught up with Maddie. “I was half afraid I’d be put on some kind of list.”

  “Get your asses into the water!” Emily shouted as she splashed Mark and Maddie as they approached.

  Mark picked up Emily and dropped her into the ocean. She emerged and climbed atop his back as Maddie helped pull him under water. He went down and emerged moments later—attempting to clear the salt water from his eyes.

  “No fair, teaming up on me,” Mark said as he shook the water from his ear.

  “You didn’t complain about that last night,” Emily spoke as she laughed and splashed Mark in the face.

  “This is what I needed, guys,” Maddie said as her eyes flashed happily against the waves and she smiled brightly. “You two…the ocean—this is all I’ll ever need from life, there is no shame in living a simple life…”


  To be continued at another time.




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