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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Frankie Page 11

by Ariana Hawkes


  Two weeks later

  S elma peered through the glass door of the oven for the hundredth time. The cake was rising well, and it smelled amazing. She clasped her hands together in glee. So far, everything had gone without a hitch .

  The rear door of Frankie’s cabin burst open, bringing a gust of crisp air with it. Their cabin. Three days earlier Frankie had helped her to move in with him, and she was about to put her house on the market. He’d been so sweet, worrying that she’d miss her old place. But she loved living with him in the forest, among all the other bears and their amazing mates, who were fast becoming her closest friends. And today she was organizing a surprise birthday party for him, while a couple of the other guys were keeping him occupied .

  Lauren’s head popped through the doorway. “Sure you don’t need any help in there, honey?” she called .

  Selma turned to face her and grinned. “No, I’m good. Everything’s about done now. Unless you want to take some more hot toddy outside ?”

  “Sure do!” Lauren tiptoed into the cabin in her heavy winter boots, and lifted a big pot of the spiced liquid off the stove with the aid of two dish towels, then she took it outside. She’d helped Selma store all the food and drink for the party at her place, but apart from that, Selma had done everything herself. She wanted to prove to Frankie that she was capable of being organized. And it turned out that it wasn’t all that hard. For the past few weeks, she’d bathed in the glow of his love and respect, and because he believed in her and didn’t call her Silly, she’d lost a lot of her flaky, irresponsible urges .

  She ran her eyes over all the food laid out on the kitchen benches. There was a big stew, chili con carne, meat loaf, corn, slaw, baked potatoes, wedges, and outside, the guys were preparing a giant barbecue—of course. The timer alarm went off and she grabbed a pair of oven gloves and took the cake out of the oven. It was fluffy golden perfection. She set it aside to cool, and as she gathered up some silverware and plates from the drawers, there was a long, low whistle—Dalton’s signal that he’d picked up the sound of Frankie’s car in the distance. Everyone streamed into the cabin with a lot of giggling and whispering, and gathered either side of the front door. There had been an early snow fall, and all the kids were in coats and woolly hats, their cheeks glowing .

  “Have you all got streamers?” Selma asked .

  “I handed them out,” Luciana said with a mischievous smile, and Selma put an arm around her best friend’s shoulders and gave her a quick hug. She’d just told Luciana about the shifter secret and signed her up to the app, and she couldn’t wait to find out who she was going to get matched with. She had her fingers crossed it was one of the guys in the clan, but as Tamika had told her, there’s no swaying fate .

  Selma strained her ears for the sound of Frankie’s car, but instead she picked up the grinding and rumbling of a much bigger vehicle .

  “What’s that?” she asked, glancing at the guys .

  “Dunno…” “Search me?” various people said with shrugs .

  The rumbling got louder and louder and there was a final grinding sound and a loud hiss. Selma inched aside one of the curtains covering the front window and peeked through. She couldn’t see anything though, as it was already dusk and the window was covered in frost. There was a silence, and then the sound of someone walking up the porch steps as if they were trying not to make a lot of noise. The front door knob turned and the door opened slowly. Selma held her breath as Frankie entered stealthily. She frowned. Had he guessed the surprise somehow ?

  And then the room erupted with a collective yell of “Surprise!” as streamers flew everywhere and the kids blew whistles .

  Frankie yelled out in shock, and then he burst out laughing. Selma tugged the door open wide and he took one look at her and pulled her into his arms .

  “Happy birthday, baby!” she said .

  “Thank you, baby!” He peppered her face with kisses, then grinned at all his friends. “And thank you, all of you .”

  “Did you guess the surprise?” she demanded .

  “Nope. But—” He took hold of both her hands and led her out of the cabin and onto the porch. “It just so happens that I have a little surprise of my own for you .”

  When she reached the porch steps, it was her turn to let out a little scream. There was a huge flatbed truck parked up at the end of the driveway, and sitting on it was…her gazebo. The entire thing. It hadn’t been dismantled at all, but was in one piece, as perfect as the day Frankie had finished it .

  “How did you…?” she began .

  “Uh, with a winch and a little patience, and a lot of help from my friends!” he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist, as Connor and Niall emerged from the shadows and lifted their hands in a salute. “I thought we could set it up in the middle of the front yard. It’ll look real pretty there .”

  “Thank you so much! I can’t believe you did this .”

  “No chance I was leaving it behind,” Frankie whispered into her ear in a playful tone. “I saw the sadness in your eyes when you said goodbye to it on Wednesday. Plus, we’d have never got together if you hadn’t used it as a ploy to get me to keep working for you .”

  She swatted him. “I know that’s not true .”

  “It’s not.” He planted a kiss on her cheek. “I would’ve found you somehow, Selma. You were fated to be mine .”

  Shivers ran through her body as she turned around and he kissed her on the lips, to a chorus of whoops and whistles .

  “I’ll just get this unloaded, and join you all inside in a minute,” he said .

  Connor stepped forward and clapped him on the shoulder. “No need, bro. We can take the truck back tomorrow—I’ve dealt with it. Now it’s time to celebrate !”

  Everyone trooped through the cabin and out the back door where a couple of canvas shelters had been set up, with a birthday banner strung between them, while a fire at either end of the yard kept the whole area warm. An entire deer was cooking on the barbecue, and there was a big table laden with beers, mug and hot toddy .

  Frankie gasped. “Selma, this is…this is amazing .”

  “And she organized the whole thing herself,” Lauren stage whispered .

  He held Selma close, pressing her against his chest so she could feel the slow, steady beat of his big heart. “Thank you, baby. This is the best birthday ever,” he murmured. “You don’t know how much it means to me .”

  “I wanted to make it special for you. Connor mentioned that you hadn’t celebrated your birthday since you lost your mom .”

  He gently eased away from her, and when she lifted her head to look him in the eye, she saw that his gorgeous, piercing eyes had turned misty blue. “You understand me so well, Selma .”

  She smiled. “And you understand me. How many couples plan to surprise each other at exactly the same moment ?”

  He flashed his sexy, crooked grin. “Not many. Which is why we’re so perfectly matched .”


  A Thank You from Ariana Hawkes

  Hi, thank you so much for reading Frankie’s story! I really hope you enjoyed it and if so please consider leaving a review; even if it’s only a line or two, it’ll make all the difference, and it will be greatly appreciated .

  If you’re up for more Shiftr dating app fun, there are twelve more books waiting for you in the world of Hope Valley !

  I’ve included a free Christmas story for you here - Bear Mine For Christmas. I also have a five-book Christmas collection on sale: Ultimate Bear Christmas Magic Box Set .

  Sign up to my mailing list to receive notifications about future releases, promotions and giveaways .

  Thanks again for reading – and for all your support !



  Ariana loves hearing from readers! You can reach her here :



  Bonus story: Bear Mine For Christmas

  M adison Armstrong spun around the living room of her brand new house, her arms stretched out to the sides .

  “You used to do that when you were five years old,” her mother Elsbeth called from the sofa, her voice full of laughter .

  “And I’ve never stopped,” Madison replied, grinning as she stood still and waited for her head to catch up. “This is so much more than I’d get in Chicago for the money .”

  “It’s not a bad place, is it? Living in Misty Hollow does have some benefits .”

  “I know it does, and I am happy to be back here, mom. It’ll just take me a little while to adjust to life outside of a big city .”

  “Of course, honey. And I’m really grateful to have you here, but I just feel so guilty at dragging you away from your life.” Madison strode across the big living room and sat down next to her mom, taking her hand in hers .

  “Mom, my main priority is taking care of you. And it was high time I left Chicago. It’s a great place to have a high-powered career, but not such a good place to have a life. And now that I’m no longer married to another hotshot lawyer, my priorities have changed.” Elsbeth caught a strand of Madison’s rich brown hair in her fingers, and twisted it back into a perfect corkscrew curl .

  “I’m just worried that you’ll get bored here, and damage your career prospects by working as a small-town lawyer .”

  “No, not at all. I was so over office politics when I left Harbert & Brown. If I ever work in Chicago again, it’ll be a continuation of the law office I’m starting up here. I still have two of my largest clients, who’ve been loyal to me for a long time now, and that’s enough to build on. But to be honest I’m looking forward to working for the community here, and helping to make people’s lives better. And I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon .”

  Elsbeth’s eyes were full of pride as she gazed at her daughter .

  “You always were a sweetheart, even when you were bursting with ambition. I knew you’d be tough enough for the law, although I was a little worried that it would crush your sensitivity. I’ve been so happy to see that hasn’t happened .”

  “Aw, it’ll take more than a cutthroat legal career and a bitter divorce to turn me into a big old meanie!” Madison said, putting her arm around Elsbeth’s shoulders .

  “That’s my girl. Now, tell me – you are going to take the holiday season off, before you start working at your new business, right ?”

  “I’m not going to work until you’re fully recovered from your operation, mom,” Madison said, glancing at her mother’s leg, which was in a cast after her recent knee operation. “I feel like we haven’t seen enough of each other in the past few years, and I want to make up for that .”

  Just then, the front door crashed open and a girl with wild chestnut hair and rosy cheeks hurtled in, carrying a large cardboard box .

  “Hey, Abbey!” Madison called to her 11-year-old niece. “What have you got there ?”

  “Hi Auntie Madison, grandma,” Abbey said, depositing the box in the middle of the room. “Mom asked me to bring some Christmas decorations over for you. And she’s asking if you want to go get a tree tonight ?”

  “Thanks, honey. And yeah, that’d be great! Can you ask her to let me know what time ?”

  “Yeah, she said about 6. She’ll pick you up in the truck .”

  “Perfect. Have you created your costume for the parade yet?” Abbey rolled her eyes .

  “Yeah, but it’s dumb .”

  “Why are you saying that, sweetie?” Elsbeth said, holding her arms out to indicate she wanted a hug. Abbey ran over and squeezed her tight, a smile lighting up her sweet, mischievous face. Madison looked at her fondly, glad that she was such a good-natured kid and hadn’t developed any attitude. After Elsbeth released her, Abbey sighed dramatically .

  “It’s the Santa’s helper costume I always wear. It’s way too small for me, but I don’t want to get a new costume because next year I’ll be too big to go in the parade .”

  “Says who?” Elsbeth said .

  “Melinda at school. She says it’s not cool to go in it when you’re a teen .”

  “Uh, by my reckoning, you won’t be a teen next year. And being cool is about doing what you want, not what somebody else tells you you should do.” Abbey sighed again .

  “I know, I guess,” she said. “Sometimes Melinda can be mean .”

  “You love being in the parade, don’t you? It used to be your favorite part of Christmas.” Abbey’s eyes brightened .

  “Yeah, I do,” she admitted .

  “Well, how about we all make your costume together this year? Then if it is your last year in the parade, it’ll be something to remember, and if it’s not, then it’ll last you for next year too,” Madison said .

  “Yeah!” Abbey yelled, raising her small fist in the air. “I’d love that. Thank you Auntie Madison .”

  “Any time, honey. Have a think about what you want to go as, and we’ll get started tomorrow.” Abbey enveloped her in a fierce hug then hurtled towards the door .

  “She’s such a great kid,” Madison said when she’d gone. “I’m sad that I’ve missed so much of her growing up .”

  “Don’t worry, she’s still young, and you’re here now, which is what counts,” Elsbeth replied .

  * * *

  A t 6.30pm, Madison’s sister Karen pulled up in the driveway in her pickup truck .

  “Make sure you get a nice big one,” Elsbeth called as Madison gathered up her coat and purse .

  “That’s a given!” Madison replied, glancing at the high ceiling of her new house. “I think anything under five feet tall would look ridiculous in here! See you later, mom.” She kissed Elsbeth on the cheek, rushed out of the door and jumped into the truck next to Abbey .

  “Hi, sis. Sorry I was a bit later than I said I’d be,” Karen said cheerfully, pulling away quickly enough to make Madison’s seatbelt snap tight against her chest .

  “No, you were right on time. T-plus 30 minutes is always the time I expect you,” Madison said with a grin. Karen clicked her tongue .

  “A harsh assessment, but a fair one,” she conceded .

  “Where’s Sophia?” Madison asked after her other niece .

  “She’s hanging out with her best friend Marina, as usual. Teens. You know.” Madison nodded knowingly .

  “Auntie Madison, I’ve decided what I want to be in the parade,” Abbey cut in .

  “What’s that ?”

  “The ghost of Christmas past.” Madison let out a shriek of laughter .

  “Really? Um – I mean – that sounds really cool. So, are you going to turn up in a sheet?” Abbey giggled .

  “Nooo! I want people to be able to recognize me! So I’ll just do my face real pale or something. And I need to have a candle on my head .”

  “Yeah, that’s going to happen,” Karen said .

  “Oh, I think we can create something that looks really candle-like?” Madison said, turning in her seat and winking at her niece .

  H alf an hour of mountain driving later, they’d arrived at their destination. It was a big outdoor store that seemed to sell nothing but fir trees .

  “This is new, isn’t it?” Madison said .

  “Yup. It’s been around for about three years now. It’s owned by a family of bear shifters .”

  “Bear shifters. I’d almost forgotten about them .”

  “Yeah, they were more prominent in our high school days, but now they tend to live outside of the community. I think it’s because the information age makes it harder for them to keep their identity a secret from the world at large .”

  “That’s kind of sad. I always knew we weren’t supposed to mention them to outsiders, but I guess nowadays, there’s always going to be someone taking a photo with their phone, or posting something careless on Facebook .”

  “Exactly. So this business is an eco-thing. They grow the trees without chemicals and they hire them out to you at Christmas,
and when Christmas is over, they’ll come by and pick them up. Then they grow them again for the rest of the year and hire them out the following Christmas .”

  “That’s so neat!” Madison said. “I always used to feel so guilty when Christmas was over and the tree went in the trash .”

  They walked into the yard, Abbey skipping ahead .

  “There’s so much choice here, I don’t know where to start,” Madison said, gazing at the bewildering array of trees in all shapes and sizes .

  “Can I help you, ladies?” A tall, dark-haired man said, coming over to them. He was dressed in a red lumberjack shirt and faded jeans, and he was startlingly good-looking. He had intense, hazel eyes, a square jaw and full, well-shaped lips. And – Madison realized with a jolt – he was somebody that she used to know. Her heartbeat sped up a little, and, uncharacteristically for her, she felt slightly shaky as she opened her mouth to speak to him .

  “Weren’t we at high school together?” she said. Recognition dawned in his eyes at the same moment .

  “I think we were,” he said with a grin, holding his hand out to her. “I’m Brock .”

  “Madison!” she replied, temporarily distracted by how firm and warm his handshake was. His brow furrowed .

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you since we left though ?”

  “I’ve been away,” she said. “I’ve lived in Chicago for the past ten years, but I’ve just moved back to Misty Hollow .”

  “Best place to live in the world,” he replied with an easy grin .

  “This is my sister, Karen, and my niece, Abbey .”

  “Pleased to meet you all.” He shook hands with both of them, while Abbey stared up at him wide-eyed. He was very tall, at least 6’4’’, with a stocky, broad-shouldered build .

  “Is this your place?” Madison asked .

  “Yup. I own it along with my uncle Grayson, and my cousin Riley - over there.” He pointed to two equally tall men, chatting away to customers at the opposite side of the store. “Now do you all need some guidance with picking your tree ?”


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