Owned by the Alpha

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Owned by the Alpha Page 32

by Sam Crescent

  “May,” he muttered.

  Her lips parted. He trailed his fingertips across her jaw, his thumb over her bottom bow. A tremble coursed through her and a small gasp escaped her lips. She stepped back.

  “Thank you for driving me home, Sisu. Good night.”

  Chapter Six

  May bolted. Sisu probably thought she was incredibly rude, but she couldn’t care less.

  She wasn’t sure what had driven her to accept his offer to take her home in the first place. She should have declined. The man scared her in a way that had her knees shaking and her heart skipping beats.

  One moment, he was the big bad wolf, probing her for questions she couldn’t answer, and the next he was piercing her with a gaze which made heat flood her core.

  She couldn’t deny he aroused her. Everything from the possessive twinkle in his eyes to his muscled frame made her body respond in a way she’d never experienced before.

  It was unnatural, just like his talk about them being soulmates.


  The single word thrown into their conversation so casually echoed in her head like church bells calling for mass.


  She didn’t believe in that type of thing. She never had. Her father had used it as an excuse to abandon them. Her mother had toiled through life, throwing her trust into men and relationships which never lasted.

  You are my mate.


  Sisu called out her name, but she ignored him. Couldn’t the guy take a hint? Nausea hit her, accompanied by a sharp, stabbing in the heart, and she tripped on the steps to her porch. She would have fallen, except Sisu materialized out of nowhere, grabbed her arm and pulled her up, steadying her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “How did you get here so fast?”

  She placed her open palm over her breast, hoping to calm her racing heartbeat.

  “Shifters can run a little faster than humans.”

  His eyes sparkled, and his firm, sculpted lips lifted into a smile. She gaped at them. The memory of their kiss was still fresh in her mind. Her panties moistened. The unpleasant sensations of moments before receded.

  Sisu cleared his voice. Heat crept up her face, but she forced herself to look upward.

  Her breath caught at the smoldering heat in his gaze. He tugged her arm and brought her flush against him. With his other hand, he grasped her chin and cocked her head back.

  “You can’t stare at me like that, sunshine, and expect me to act like a gentleman.”

  May opened her mouth to defend herself, but words wouldn’t come out. Sisu’s grin turned devilish. She swallowed. She didn’t want this.

  He slid his thumb across her cheek. Her eyes drifted shut.

  Who was she kidding? She wanted this more than the air she needed to live. “Please.”

  The plea coming from her startled her for a split second before his lips pressed against hers, sweet at first, then more insistent. He touched her bottom lip with his tongue and she opened to him willingly, exploring him as eagerly as he did her. She held onto him, bringing herself closer. Her pussy throbbed insistently.


  The voice in her head barked loud and clear. The ache within her returned, squeezing and expanding, flitting through every one of her nerves.

  “No,” she cried out.

  Sisu immediately released her.

  “It’s okay, May.”

  “No, I can’t, Sisu.”

  Her voice sounded shrill. Sweat beaded at her temples. What was happening to her?

  “Why are you so scared, sunshine?” Sisu whispered. “Is it me?”

  “No. I don’t know what it is. All I know is every time you touch me, it hurts.”

  The words tumbled out and she slapped her hand over her mouth in shock. Sisu gaped at her. Embarrassed, May fumbled in her purse for her keychain.

  “May, look at me.”

  She didn’t acknowledge him, concentrating instead on unlocking her home. She quivered so badly she couldn’t fit the lock. Gently, Sisu plucked them from her and opened the door.

  May hurried past him, hoping to close the door before he could say anything else, but he followed her, blocking the entrance and allowing only a sliver of moonlight to filter inside.

  “Sisu, please go.”

  “What do you mean it hurts every time I touch you?” he insisted.


  “May, this is important. Tell me,” he demanded. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, softening his tone.

  May searched his face. Maybe if she told him the truth, he’d go away. She sighed.

  “Here.” She pointed to the center of her chest. “Every time you come close, touch me, kiss me, it aches.”

  “Describe it.”

  She shrugged. “I can’t.”


  She chewed on her bottom lip, thoughtful. “Sometimes it’s like a vise squeezing me, and other times like claws digging into my flesh from within.”

  “Do you feel warm? Uncomfortable? As if your body was crawling out of your skin?” He pelted her with questions.

  “I-I’m not sure. Please leave. I want to be alone.”

  Sisu regarded her quietly, but didn’t budge. His eyes narrowed into slits, the blue within shifting into a sharper hue, his pupils growing larger and reminding her of what he truly was: an animal. A wolf.

  Someone she couldn’t trust.

  “Go away,” she whispered.

  “I’m not going anywhere, May.” Sisu stepped further into the room and shut the door. “Where’s the light switch?”

  “It’s to your left,” she said softly.

  Light flooded into the room, throwing his features into sharp contrast. Rugged and untamed, he commanded the small space. His jaw was set, his mouth firmed into a determined line. May met his gaze.

  “You can’t stay here,” she said.

  “I must, if only for two reasons. One, I think I know what might be causing your pain and how to stop it, so we need to talk. Two, you said your step-brother owed the Claws money. Have you thought that when they don’t find him, they could come for you?”

  “That’s not possible.”

  He took a step forward. She backed up away from him.

  “The Claws won’t just forgive a bet. I’ve dealt with them before, May.”

  May clenched her purse tightly. He was wrong. He didn’t know. He couldn’t.


  Sisu came closer. Her back hit the wall.

  “No excuses, May. If you don’t let me stay indoors, I’ll camp outside until you let me in.”

  May gawked at him. “Sisu, this is insane. My brother has been dealing with the Claws for some time and they’ve never come here. As for the other thing, I really don’t think it’s necessary to solve the issue. If you go away, it will evaporate. After all, you’re the source. It didn’t exist until I met you.”

  “I’m not leaving you.” He growled. “You’re my mate.”

  His mouth crashed against hers, hot and savage. Her body burst alive whilst her mind blanked. She heard the dull thud of her purse tumbling to the floor when his tongue pushed past her lips, entwining with hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, taking in his taste, seeking more. Sisu threaded her hair between his fingers and pulled her head back. His teeth scraped her jaw. Liquid passion traveled to her core. A low moan racked her body.

  “Does it hurt?” he demanded, his voice husky, like warm honey.

  “No,” she admitted.

  “Good,” he said, before smashing his mouth against hers once more. Grasping her hands with one of his, he held them above her head. The fierce pang began anew, compressing her from within.


  She nodded.

  “Work with it,” he said “Don’t be afraid. Ignore it and concentrate on me, sunshine.”

  May’s head swam. The pain demanded her attention.

  “I can’t,” she choked.
  Sisu pressed closer. His arousal was evident against her hip. His grip on her wrists tightened. He nibbled her earlobe, eliciting a gasp from her.

  “Don’t think about it. Feel instead. The heat of my body. My touch. My hard cock pressing against you.”

  Sisu nipped her neck and then suckled the spot. Goosebumps sprouted across her flesh. He stroked her breasts over her t-shirt. Her nipples pebbled into painful tips.

  “I need to taste these,” Sisu said, hoarsely.

  Darts of desire traveled to her pussy at his words. The crush within her became dull. Lustful fire burned in her veins. She wanted Sisu. Her body yearned for him like it’d never done for any man.

  “Taste me,” she whispered.

  Sisu didn’t waste any time. He tore her t-shirt from her and unclasped her bra. Her breasts spilled onto his waiting hands. He grasped each nipple with his thumb and forefinger and twisted. May arched into his touch. Her pussy convulsed. She wanted more.


  He stroked them and pinched them again, keeping his gaze on her face. Then, he lowered he head and sucked one of her nubs into his mouth. May held onto his shoulders. The gnawing throb returned, accompanied by the voice which resonated deep within her soul.


  May struggled, frightened at the sudden intensity. Sisu grasped her hands again, firmly keeping her in place.

  “May.” He growled. “Ignore it.”

  She melted against him. He snapped open the buttons of her jeans and snaked his hard palm underneath the fabric of her panties. She gasped.

  “So fucking wet for me.”

  He pushed his fingers inside of her. May mewled and rocked her hips in response.

  “Have you ever been this wet for anyone?” Sisu asked.

  “No,” she moaned.

  Sisu pumped his fingers in and out of her slowly.

  “Nor will you ever be, sunshine.” He thumbed her clit in maddening circles, driving her closer to the edge. “Do you know why?”

  May bit her lip. Sweat rolled down her back. She wanted more than this. She wanted Sisu.

  “Do you know why, May?” Sisu repeated.


  “Because you belong to me. My mate.”

  Sisu plunged his fingers into her and pressed down on her clit at the same time.

  My mate.

  A cry tore through her at both his words and the fierce orgasm crashing through her.

  Chapter Seven

  Sisu lay awake in May’s bed. He’d dozed off for a bit, but he couldn’t sleep. His mind returned to the woman in his arms.

  After she’d found her release, he’d picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. His wolf urged him to claim her immediately, but the look in May’s eyes warned him to slow down, so he waited.

  Apparently dazed, May took off her jeans and put on an oversized t-shirt. She slid under the duvet and turned to him.

  “Please, don’t go.”

  Sisu didn’t need to be asked twice. Fully clothed, he kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed next to her. May pressed her back to him, so they were spooning. She tightly clutched his hand and drifted off to sleep.

  Something had changed within his mate. He couldn’t say exactly what it was, but the fact that she appeared not to be struggling against their destiny encouraged him.

  Sisu brushed his lips over her temple. May stirred, snuggling closer to him. His wolf thumped within his chest. The beast was content, but not satisfied. It wouldn’t be until it officially claimed her. For that to happen, however, he knew he’d have to throw down May’s walls and inhibitions.

  The pain she talked about was familiar to him. He’d experienced something similar as a pup, before his wolf had first come out. It was the awakening of a trapped animal, one which yearned for freedom.

  “What are you?” he whispered, inhaling deeply.

  May’s fragrance was human, but there was something else in her which he recognized. It was primal, animal like.

  There was no way around it. They’d have to talk in the morning. He had to know things about her and her past so he could put the puzzle pieces together and create a picture. It was either that, or fucking until something changed again.

  His cock twitched at the prospect. Sisu bit back a frustrated groan. His cock was at half mast, May’s proximity inspiring it to stay forever firm. He closed his eyes. He hadn’t even had a proper look at her pussy, but he could still taste her juices on his lips from when he’d licked his fingers. His erection grew. Fuck. Sisu considered going to the bathroom to take care of himself. He didn’t want to leave May alone, but he was starting to become very uncomfortable. Besides, come morning, how was he going to talk when all he wanted to do was ravage her?

  Carefully, he tried to disengage himself from her embrace. She held on harder.

  “Sisu?” she whispered, sleepily.

  “Yes, sunshine? Sorry to have woken you. I needed to go to the bathroom,” he blurted.

  “Is that your cock digging into my ass?”

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  May turned in his arms and placed her leg over his, bringing him closer. Welcoming warmth radiated from her. Sisu scrutinized her face. Her eyes were wide and luminous under the moonlight filtering through the partially opened windows.

  “I’m so horny,” she whispered. “I’ve never felt anything like this.”

  May placed her hand on his abdomen. Sisu held his breath.

  “I want to touch your skin,” she said.

  Sisu threw off his t-shirt.


  May kneeled on the bed and cupped his cock through his jeans. Sisu groaned. He had to be dreaming. Like an anxious teenager, he jumped out of bed and slipped off his jeans. His cock jutted out proudly, pre-cum leaking from the tip. May reached over and wrapped her hand around his girth.

  “May,” he choked out her name. “Are you sure about this?”


  She started stroking him, top to bottom, bottom to top and repeat. The pressure and speed increased. Sisu’s breath hitched.

  Abruptly, she released him.

  “Get on the bed,” she said.

  He did as she bid, propping his head against some pillows. May leaned over him, running her fingers through his chest hair, teasing his nipples and dipping lower.

  “Is this some kind of shifter magic, Sisu? Am I under a spell?” she asked.

  Sisu swallowed drily.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” she continued, “but I do know I want this, now.”

  Grasping his cock, May swept her tongue across his weeping crown. Sisu groaned. Flattening her tongue, she slid it across his length, before taking him deep. Sisu swore. The feeling was unlike anything he’d experienced before, and he’d gotten his fair share of head. She cupped his balls, toying with them.

  She swirled her tongue across the bulbous head and gave him such a lustful look it made him harder. Inch by tortuous inch, she began her descent over his cock once more. Unable to take her maddening pace, Sisu sunk his fingers into her hair and pushed down. May swallowed convulsively, giving him room to reach the back of her throat.

  “That’s it baby, just like that.” He gasped.

  His hips jerked. Her lips and mouth continued to work him. His balls tightened. He rocked his hips faster. May took him to the root. The reverberations of her moans shot straight into his groin, triggering his release. He howled. His canines pricked his teeth and he sucked in air. He clamped his mouth shut.


  If she saw that, she’d run. He forced himself to breathe through his nose. Slowly, he opened his eyes. May, sat in front of him, licking her lips like a hungry cat.

  Sisu pulled her into his arms and kissed her deep. She melded against him, returning his affection.

  Sisu’s heart beat like a wild drum. He wanted to tell May he loved her. That he was proud she was his mate, but he remained silent. Although she’d just given him the best bl
owjob in his life, he could tell she was still unsure of what was happening. He would have to content himself with keeping her close for the night. Tomorrow they’d talk. Tomorrow they’d sort things out. He yawned. Tomorrow.


  Sisu jumped at the sound of the loud pop music coming from down the hall.

  “There’s someone out there,” he said.

  “My phone,” May mumbled. “Leave it.”

  Sisu lay still for about one minute before the thing started blaring again. He got out of bed, slipped on his jeans, and went in search of the damn machine. If May didn’t want to answer it, he’d at least switch it off. He found the source of the noise in the entrance where she’d dropped her purse. Sisu’s eyes widened. How much money did she carry in that thing? He shook his head. They needed to talk. Grabbing her phone, he started to head back to the bedroom when the name flashing on the screen caught his eye.


  He blinked. He had to be seeing wrong. This had to be another Alkaline. But how many men had the same name? Fury mingled with jealousy built within him. He strode into the room.

  “What is the meaning of this? Is this Alkaline? Lion shifter, Alkaline?”


  May sat up in bed, blinking like an owl under too much light. Her hair curled in messy waves around her flushed face. A pang struck Sisu’s heart. She appeared vulnerable, innocent. Delicious in every way. He pushed the feelings aside. The wolf didn’t understand the complications of real life. The animal had to wait.

  “You lied to me, May. You told me you hardly knew the Claws. You said you were just accompanying your brother and yet Alkaline’s phone number is flashing before me. Why?”

  Sisu held out the vibrating gadget. She took it from him.

  Sisu raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. His mind reeled. He sat on the edge of the bed and took one of May’s hands in his.

  “May, Alkaline and I have never gotten along. He does dirty business. The kind of practices I don’t like. He deals with drugs, prostitutes, gambling rings. I don’t. If you’re involved with them, I need to know.”


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