This is Love (High Stakes Billionaires)

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This is Love (High Stakes Billionaires) Page 10

by C. J. Thomas

  My parents hadn’t even met Sophia. They didn’t know how great she was. How happy I was when we were together. Yes, our relationship was new and this was only our first date, but something about her made me want to already ask for a second. My heart knew how special she was, even if my mind couldn’t yet fully explain what it was that was happening between us.

  But there was definitely something happening.

  I knew that she was real.

  And that I couldn’t get rid of her. No fucking way. She had to be mine.

  When I finally left my father’s study, I knew that I needed to get back to Sophia before she started to doubt if I was ever going to come back.

  Opening the door, I hoped that Mrs. Rothschild wasn’t waiting. Finding the hallway clear, I knew that I had to take the back stairs if only to avoid putting myself in the crosshairs of Mr. Rothschild.

  Ironing my hand down the front of my tuxedo, I knew I’d had enough drama for one day. And I certainly wasn’t in the mood to put on a fake smile and pretend that I was sorry for having chosen Sophia over Audrey.

  I wasn’t even sure Audrey was here. I hadn’t seen her yet. And knowing her as well as I did, it was probably safe for me to assume that since she wouldn’t be coming with me, she’d stayed home to pout and further drive her point home in making sure I was painted as the only guilty one in all of this.

  Pushing through the ballroom doors, I wasn’t even smiling anymore. The party was still in full swing, and the faces of the guests told me they were all having a wonderful time. Though I was satisfied by the work I had done, not even that could get me to loosen up.

  I needed to find Sophia. Know that she was okay. Know that if she had to leave, then I would be leaving with her.

  Scanning the room, I searched for the purple gown that took my breath away.

  My toes tapped along with my fingers on my thigh, and the moment my eyes landed on her relief swept over me. Then, suddenly my body tensed as my fingers recoiled into my palm, forming a tight fist. “Cormack,” I hissed under my breath when I saw his hands all over my woman.

  I rushed across the room with my head down and yanked him away from Sophia with a force he didn’t see coming. Cormack stumbled backwards and held up his palms in retreat. “Easy, Nolan. We were just getting to know each other.” He laughed.

  I stepped forward, towering over him, before glancing to Sophia. She was visibly shaken and only confirmed what I already knew to be true. Cormack had a reputation of not keeping his hands to himself, and tonight he picked the wrong woman to touch. “I think it’s time for you to go,” I said to Cormack.

  He laughed it off like it was no big deal and retreated back into the crowd.

  Spinning around, I turned my attention to Sophia.

  Her eyes were round and watery and it wasn’t hard for me to recognize her desire to leave. It was in her eyes. The way her shoulders curled over and how she held her hands close to her waist.

  I felt sick to my stomach for having left her alone. If only I had taken her with me, or I had ignored the phone call all together, then Cormack would have never been able to make her look as sad and violated as she did now.

  Closing the gap that kept us separated, my fingers stretched for hers. Finding her wrist, I clamped them around her bone as I pulled her closer to me. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, loosening a single tear.

  It scurried down her face and I reached my hand up, brushing it away from her cheek before anyone saw.

  Sophia glanced up at me from beneath a bowed head and flashed me a small, appreciative smile.

  “I’ve had enough for one night, how about you?” I squeezed her hands, needing to reassure her that I was back—here to shield her from the harm that should have never made its way to her.

  She nodded as I laced my fingers through hers and we began to walk.

  I was fully aware of how people in this crowd treated outsiders. Like they were inferior, not like the rest of us. But it couldn’t have been further from the truth. Sophia was the innocent victim in all this. And I was at fault for thinking that people would show her the same respect they showed me. But apparently they hadn’t, and I’d had enough. After talking to Dad, my job here was done.

  Brushing shoulders with the people I passed, I pushed through the crowd, determined to leave as fast as we could without drawing attention to ourselves.

  This was for the best.

  Dad would get what he requested and I could keep focused on the only genuine person I talked with tonight—Sophia.

  When I glanced over my shoulder, Sophia was keeping her gaze down and was glued to my side. She was completely rattled and I wanted to know more about what happened, how far Cormack took it, and if there was more to it than what I witnessed myself.

  “Nolan.” Christine caught sight of me and hurried over. “Everyone is having a blast.” Her eyes flicked over to Sophia and laughed. “It’s okay for you to relax and smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better showing than what we have here tonight.”

  With Sophia clenching onto my arm, I said, “Unfortunately something has come up and we have to leave.”

  Christine’s smile disappeared as her brow wrinkled. Her eyes darted between Sophia and me. “I hope it’s not serious.”

  I glanced to Sophia who held her head up high despite the tremors I felt shaking the inside of her hand. “Nothing that can’t be handled,” I said.

  Christine drew her limbs close by her sides saying how saddened she was by the news but, “Don’t worry, Nolan. You can count on me to close the night out properly.”

  “Before I go, will you do me one last favor?” I asked.

  Christine perked up. “Anything.”

  Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the personal check I had written in Dad’s study and handed it to Christine. “Make sure you give that to Mr. Rothschild personally.”

  I watched Christine’s eyes cast down to read the insanely large amount I had written it for. “Certainly.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “And call me if anything comes up.”

  I escorted Sophia out of the house without any further interruptions, and as soon as we were breathing in the fresh mountain air I could feel both of us begin to relax. It felt good to have it just be the two of us again. Free from worrying about what people were saying. Free from drama concerning Audrey. As we made our way to the limo, I hoped my check would repair whatever damage I’d caused when choosing to leave Audrey home.

  Peter was quick to greet us. He opened the back door and I assisted Sophia inside. Once we were each tucked away and the doors were closed, I said, “I should have never left you alone.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know how these people can get and I should have known.”

  Sophia scooted her body closer to me as Peter began meandering down the winding mountain road. Lowering her head, she rested her ear over my heart as I held her tight against my body. Then her soft voice broke the silence, saying, “Thank you.”

  She never said what she was thankful for, and I wasn’t even sure I fully knew myself. Because it could have been anything. From taking her out, to rescuing her from Cormack, or simply for leaving early when I had noticed that the fun had escaped her. Either way, it didn’t matter because, really, she was the one I should be thanking.

  Instead, I just held her.

  I noticed the way she melted against me that being held was what she wanted—what she needed—from me. Just to be held in secure arms and protected from the monsters we’d left behind.

  The short ride back to the condo was filled with silent thought. There was more going on inside her head than what she was saying. And that was what really had me worried. I didn’t know what it could be, what demons she was battling. And it wasn’t until Peter parked that I asked if I could walk her up.

  Sophia happily agreed before she gathered her things.

  Stepping out onto the pavement, I took her by her hand, appreciating the way she allowe
d me to properly close out our evening. But, really, I wanted to make sure she arrived safely and without further incident. After all, she had already forgotten her keys once this weekend, and after witnessing the events that transpired tonight, anything was possible.

  Sophia looped her arm through the crook of mine and together we marched up the stairs and gently glided to the condo in small steps that made me think she wasn’t ready to fully call it quits on tonight.

  Holding her hands, I stared into her glimmering eyes, appreciating the way the moonlight reflected off her pale skin so beautifully. She looked incredible and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

  But I didn’t know if it was right.

  Wasn’t sure if I deserved it after feeling like I had let her down.

  It wasn’t how I expected tonight to go, but it was what it was. So when she turned her back to unlock the door, my stomach fell out from under me.

  Taking a step back, I watched the door crack open. Thinking I had blown my shot at getting to know the incredibly sexy Sophia Monroe, she completely surprised me when she lurched her hand toward my constricted heart and gripped my shirt to yank me inside the condo with our mouths crashing against each other in a frenzied, passionate kiss.



  He didn’t expect it, but he sure as hell deserved it.

  The moment his sexy hot lips slid across mine, my heart fluttered.

  I had wanted this since I’d first laid eyes on him. Wanted it even more after I saw him swimming and then saved me from the disaster I’d created when locking myself out of my condo. And after all the stops he pulled to get us where we were now, there wasn’t any way I could let him return home—or worse, back to the party—without first making it clear I wanted more.

  He caught me at the hips and dug his fingers in deeper.

  His tongue dipped between the seam of my lips, and all I could think about was how amazing Nolan Foster was.

  He was a savior, and not just from that asshole who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. But also a friend who saved me from having to endure further public humiliation, knowing I was the topic of people’s gossiping.

  My fingers grazed over the dark stubble that marked his strong angular jaw as I curled my tongue over his. I kissed him feverishly as he extended his hot, skillful tongue further into my mouth.

  His brows were raised in continual surprise.

  Even I didn’t think that I could have found the courage to do something like this. Where it came from, even I wasn’t positive. But he kept proving himself worthy without trying to win me over. And I knew that if I didn’t get him inside my condo tonight, then it would be all over before it ever started. I couldn’t allow that to happen. He needed to be mine. Even if I was so out of my league when it came to Nolan Foster.

  Because that was the cold hard truth. I didn’t deserve him. And it wasn’t just learning that he came from money. It was everything about him—from his over-the-top gifts to his amazing physique—that reminded me I wasn’t worthy of his love.

  Yet I wasn’t about to let go. And neither was he.

  Kicking the door shut behind him, he spun me around and pushed me up against the door.

  My breath hitched as I lowered my brow and panted.

  He pressed his large body against mine. Catching my chin with his finger, he tipped my head back and fixed his sexy gaze directly on mine.

  My heart raced as I clenched onto his shirt and watched him lower his mouth over mine.

  Stars exploded behind my lids as he kissed me with added intensity. And the harder our tongues flicked and probed against the other’s, the surer I became that he was more than just a fling.

  Nolan cared. Had sacrificed all the hard work and time he had put into tonight’s fundraiser to leave early with me. He didn’t have to do that. And it was all because he had this incredible ability to recognize the feelings of insecurity and despair boiling up inside me during a time of need.

  Shifting the angle of our kiss, I wrapped one hand around his neck and tugged his shirt free with the other. “Should you let your driver know you’ll be staying?”

  His hooded eyes glimmered above his soft pink lips. “He’ll get the message when I don’t come back.”

  I bent a knee as he pressed his groin deeper into my hot center.

  Diving my hands beneath his shirt, I touched his chiseled body for the first time. And as I stared into the depths of his eyes, memories of seeing him swimming yesterday came rushing back, spreading the fire across my core. What my fingers were feeling now was one hundred times better than I’d imagined and I couldn’t stop them from exploring more of his hard body.

  Lowering his head, Nolan kissed me again as he worked to free his bowtie.

  Moaning into his mouth, he tasted incredible. There was a hint of wine left over on his tongue, but really what I was tasting was true masculinity—a testosterone infused concoction that had me lightheaded and dizzy.

  I managed to kick off my heels somewhere during his tongue-thrusting kiss. And the moment my heels dropped flat on the floor, Nolan started laughing.

  I arched a brow, feeling my kiss-swollen lips curl at the corners. He was incredibly tall—and I noticed just how much shorter I was when standing next to him now that I didn’t have the added height from my shoes helping me compete.

  Reaching my hand up to his neck, I cupped the back of his skull with my fingers and pulled his mouth back over mine.

  I was addicted to his sensual lips, his intoxicating tongue.

  And as he continued to preoccupy me with his kisses, he worked to unbutton his collared shirt, sliding his arms free from his tuxedo jacket. Tossing it carelessly over his shoulder, my body was on fire with the passion exploding around us.

  His ability to romance me—stealing my heart in the process—was far sexier than I could have imagined, and I knew that it was going to be impossible to stop.

  Since he’d laid his dark eyes on me, I’d become weaker.

  Melting into him, I knew that I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.

  I needed this. Needed him.

  And when he finally pulled away, my body immediately went into withdrawal.

  Raking him over with my gaze, I watched his eyes darken as his chest rose and fell through heavy breaths of air. And just when I thought that maybe this was over, he lurched forward and went to kiss me again.

  Except, this time, I stopped him before he could distract me any further.

  Pressing the tip of my finger to his hot, wet lips, I said, “Let’s take this to the back.”

  His pupils dilated as a slow smile filled his beautiful face.

  Taking him by his hand, I pulled him further into the condo. Together, we made our way to the bedroom while shedding easy-to-remove and unnecessary items of clothing along the way. And as soon we entered the intimate room, I sat him on the edge of the bed, knowing he wasn’t going anywhere soon.

  He opened his shirt enough to cause my sex to throb.

  I wanted him to stay.

  He circled the spot next to him with his hand, patting the bedding as if calling me to come sit next to him.

  I was sick and tired of not getting what I knew I deserved. And when my eyes drifted over his tight waist, the agony I was feeling spread between my thighs.

  I needed this more than he knew. More than I would ever want him to know. He was my salvation from the rough week I’d had. When nothing was going my way, he came along and made me believe that it was still possible to live out my dreams.

  “Kick your shoes off,” I demanded.

  Nolan arched a perfect brow, snickered, and did as I said.

  Then I motioned for him to remove his shirt.

  He leaned forward and shed his shirt.

  My nipples tightened into tiny balls of sweet agony at the sight of this amazing man undressing before my eyes.

  Then he casually leaned back as his muscles flexed. “What about you? Are you going to lose the gown?”
/>   I bit the corner of my lip as I felt my pulse tick higher. I had been daring up until now, and I didn’t want to lose the confidence I was feeling, but the sudden thought of showing Nolan what lay beneath this gown had my stomach roiling with insecurity.

  Teasing me, he began unbuckling his belt.

  My gaze locked on his arousal straining in his pants.

  And when he started to unbutton his pants, I turned around and took a deep breath before unzipping myself out of my gown. Gravity pulled it down my body, and as it floated around my ankles I lifted my arms and instinctively covered myself.

  Feeling his eyes on me, I glanced over my shoulder before spinning fully around. Holding my hair up with my hands, Nolan took one glance at me before letting out a deep, approving groan. Sitting forward, his erection swelled and I questioned what I had gotten myself into.

  Inching closer to him, I said, “I want you to touch me.”

  His glimmering eyes flickered up to mine and he slowly raised his hands to my shoulders.

  My breath hitched upon contact.

  His eyes glowed, eager to take me into his world of sex and power.

  The roughness of his palms sent delicious, uncontrollable shivers down my spine as he ironed out the hairs on my arm he had caused to stand on end. “You have the softest, most beautiful skin I have ever seen,” he murmured.

  With a fluttering stomach and racing heart I took his handsome face between my hands and lowered my lips to his. He kissed me gently, still holding firmly onto my wrists as if he possessed me. And when I deepened our kiss, he reached behind my back and unclasped my bra.

  My tits spilled out and I crawled onto his lap, straddling him on the bed as our tongues continued to tangle. His large hands smoothed up my sides and down around the globes of my ass before coming around to the front, pressing my boobs together as one.

  Pulling back, he sucked one peaked nipple between his teeth before spitting it out and moving to the next.

  My body tingled with tiny explosions of pleasure and when he teased my hardened bud with sharp little swirls between his teeth, I began whimpering like a baby.


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