A Falling Starr: The Complete Trilogy

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A Falling Starr: The Complete Trilogy Page 15

by Dani Hoots

  Elwood gave me a hug. “I am glad that you are doing better and that you were here for this. We didn’t know if you would be well enough to attend.”

  King Kwai joined us in our conversation. “I knew seeing her people and how they support her would bring her energy back. Call it a leader’s intuition.”

  I smiled. “Thank you, friend, I hope that this battle will bring us everlasting peace between our people, if not the entire world.”

  “As do I, Empress Starr. Now, I believe these two boys want to catch you up on the plan they have come up with. I will be with my people, readying them as well. I will see you before you leave?”

  I nodded. “Yes, you will.”

  He returned the nod and I watched as he left the ballroom.

  “Now,” I turned to Emmerich and Elwood. “Let me see this genius plan you developed.”

  Emmerich and Elwood led me to the briefing room that the Galaftns had set up in the palace for them. The rest of the men and the Galaftns were getting ready for the battle while they laid out the plan for me and went over the last details. It felt as if everything was moving so fast, but it was a good change from not knowing what was going on. I knew we needed to act fast in order to defeat Michael, so I tried to take in as much as I could in the time that was given to me.

  “Here is the plan we put together,” Emmerich pointed at the map he had laid out on the table, as Isaac joined us, “While the main forces are attacking the palace, drawing most of the guards into battle to make sure no one gets near the palace, we are going to insert you, Isaac, and Elwood into the palace to get to Michael.”

  “What then?” I asked.

  “We either get him to call off this war, or kill him,” Elwood answered simply.

  I bit my lip. Even after everything, Michael was still someone I held dear to my heart. We had grown up together, had always been at each other’s side. Although he tried to kill me, I don’t think I could do the same. “I don’t think I can kill him. He was like a brother to me.”

  Emmerich shook his head, not able to believe what I was saying. “He tried to kill you, Angel. If you don’t kill him, he will kill you. I can’t let that happen.”

  “Just kill the little weasel and get it over with,” Isaac added.

  I gave him a look, but couldn’t help but chuckle at him calling Michael as weasel. He was one, I had to admit, but hearing Isaac use that word was rather humorous. I shook my head in the end. “No one deserves to die, not if I can help it.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Isaac whispered under his breath.

  I glanced at Isaac, curious as what he had meant by that. I felt a memory try to come to my mind, but there was no time to try to figure out what that itchy feeling was, we had a battle to wage. “What about the rest of my people?”

  Emmerich pointed at the map. “I will be commanding the armies below, making sure the distraction works.”

  He was going to leave me? I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want that to happen. “You are going to lead them?”

  He nodded, not meeting my eyes. “Yes. I have been leading them for a while, they look up to me. The only other person that they look up to is you, but you need to be stopping Michael.”

  I didn’t want to be separated from Emmerich, not after having almost lost him when I was in Portland. It was still a long time that I had been away from him and now that I could actually remember who he was, I didn’t want to spend another minute apart. “Why can’t Isaac do that and you come with Elwood and I?”

  “Because they trust me and know that I can lead them to victory. We have been planning for a very long time, I know it better than anyone else. If we want this to work, I have to be out there making sure you can get in without any trouble,” he stroked my cheek with his hand. “Don’t worry, Angel, I will be careful. The sooner you three defeat Michael, the sooner all of this will be over.”

  I nodded. He was right, he needed to lead the people into battle and it was up to me to truly bring Michael down. I had been trained for war my entire life, never did I think I would have to fight for my throne and for peace.

  “Don’t worry,” Isaac slapped his hand on my back. “I’ll keep ya safe.”

  When Isaac said that, I felt less than reassured that everything would be all right. Isaac had been close to Michael, and I was surprised he had found himself on this side of the battle. He was a strong warrior, so I was happy he was on our side, but I had this aching feeling that it would be better if Emmerich was with me instead of Isaac.

  “And I will be with you as well,” Elwood added and slapped Isaac’s back as well. “But I don’t think I can take them down as well as tree-stump here.”

  Isaac turned to him and glared. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Elwood shrugged. “Nothing. Just that you are big, and strong. Like a large tree.”

  I laughed at their bickering. I remembered it well from before, the two of them never seemed to get along. Elwood always loved joking with Isaac, it was fun to watch since Isaac would always get so mad and could potentially hurt Elwood. Hell, he could probably beat Elwood with just his pinky finger. Even with all this chaos, some things never changed.

  Once the briefing was over, I headed to the hangar to check on the progress of my men. The Galaftns had stolen a bunch of ships from our junkyards and repaired them. They knew how to recycle parts very well and once this battle was over, I was going to need their expertise to help strengthen both our armies. It would be great to have their knowledge on our side and be able to reuse material like they do.

  The war ships were from my grandfather’s time—large, heavy, and very slow. Now after the Galaftns reconditioning, they still had the strong armor, but were stealthy and fast. I could see the amazement on each of my men’s faces as they helped put the finishing touches on the ships. They were impressed as well.

  We readied for battle, knowing we would only have one chance. The tension was palpable throughout the entire city. Thousands of King Kwai’s men had vowed their allegiance to me and I felt honored they still believed in me, despite the actions of my people. I was lucky to have such a great nation on my side.

  I did everything I could to help, to make sure my men were ready for battle. They insisted they were, but I could feel their fear in the air, along with the excitement that everything was coming to a head. I was afraid for them and the rest of the people in Capital City. I hoped they would see the truth that Michael wasn’t the leader they saw him as, and that peace was always better than war.

  I found King Kwai with his men, helping them with anything they needed, as if he were one of them instead of their leader. He was very compassionate, knowing he couldn’t act like he stood above them all but was actually at the same level as them.

  He nodded to me. “Empress Starr, I take it you are feeling better now?”

  “Yes, thank you for all your help. I hope that this battle succeeds so that we may be great allies. We have much that we can teach each other, I have a feeling that our two people can live in harmony, given the chance.”

  “Indeed, your people are lucky to have such a leader as yourself. I am sure that Emmerich will do a fine job leading them into battle. He is a very strong man, you are lucky to have him on your side,” he explained.

  “Yes, I know. He is a blessing to us all. I am glad he stood up when I couldn’t,” I agreed, the thought of him bringing a warm sensation in my chest.

  King Kwai stepped closer. “You two are in love, aren’t you?”

  I blinked, surprised. “I... uh...”

  “I thought so. I just wanted to say you have nothing to worry about while he is leading the battle. He will be okay. Keep your mind on your own mission and the faster you finish, the faster this will all be over.”

  I nodded, knowing he was right. I had to do my part and not worry about Emmerich. I understood that he needed to be there leading the soldiers into battle. He was a born leader, even though he had never wanted to be one.
/>   King Kwai went back to his men. I decided to do the same and make sure that my own men didn’t need anything from me as well.

  Although the talk with King Kwai had made me feel a bit better, I was still worried about Emmerich—that we wouldn’t see each other again. After everything that we had been through, I was afraid that this could be the end. If that was true, then Michael would have won. He would have destroyed the one thing I cared about most. I cared about my people a lot, but Emmerich was the one who was always there for me, through thick and thin. If I were to lose him, I didn’t know what I would do. I would be strong for him, I supposed, and know that he would want me to lead with head held high no matter what.

  I checked up on my men, seeing if they needed any help. They all seemed to be fine, not needing my help as they readied their own ship and suited up for the fight. Lasers were energized, engines were checked, and defense mechanisms were double checked. It all seemed to be running smoothly with Emmerich and King Kwai’s lead.

  Which made me feel a little helpless, honestly. If they could do all this, did they really need me? Emmerich had said they did, that the people wanted me leading them. I had seen everyone at the rally. It made me feel warm inside that they cared that much about me, that they still looked up to me as being the true leader.

  Suiting up in my white and orange jumpsuit, I made sure my dryll - what they would have called guns on Earth - were charged and ready to go. Two were strapped on my legs and one behind my back. I couldn’t be too careful, it was all or nothing. I also had a knife in my boot. Primitive compared to the dryll, but I knew it could come in handy.

  As I finished up, Emmerich came over to the ship I had been helping to prepare with Elwood and Isaac. He leaned against the doorframe. “Are you ready to do this?”

  I looked at him and smiled. He appeared as handsome as ever, a little bit of grease smeared across his face and in his blonde hair. I gently wiped it off his cheek with my thumb. “As ready as I will ever be.”

  He gently stroked my hand. “I love you Angel, don’t you ever forget that.”

  I leaned in and kissed him. “I love you too, Emmerich.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and held me. I wished for a moment that the world would stop and we could stay like this forever. His warm body chased away any coldness that had crept inside of me. I felt strong and powerful when he was near, as if I could do anything. I tried to hold onto that feeling, knowing once he stepped off the ship, it would slip away. No, I wouldn’t allow that. I would stay strong for him, for me and all of my people.

  After a moment, Emmerich backed away and kissed my forehead. “I have to go. We are leaving soon, Elwood and Isaac will be joining you.”

  I nodded, trying to hold back the tears. “Will you promise to be careful?”

  “I will. Just make sure to follow the plan, alright? To the letter. Then everything will be just fine.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  He smiled as he placed his hand on my cheek. I rested my own hand on his and enjoyed the warmth once more.

  “After all this, we will go somewhere. Just you and me,” he said

  “That sounds like a plan. We will go somewhere we have never been before, I know of some great beaches on the other side of Cartref.”

  Emmerich kissed me once more, long and hard. I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to let him go. He drew back and I reached out for him, but knew I couldn’t keep him there.

  “I have to go now. Elwood and Isaac will take care of you, I promise.”

  I couldn’t say anything, in fear that the tears would come. I simply nodded.

  With that, he left me. I stood there, in the doorway, half hoping he would come back, but I knew he wouldn’t. I turned back to finish getting ready.

  It wasn’t long before Isaac and Elwood arrived, also ready to fly out. It was T-minus one hour before we would begin our attack.

  Elwood saw the seriousness on my face as I tried to hold back all the emotions that were trying to escape me. “Are you alright?”

  I turned to him and nodded. “Yes, now let’s get this war over with.”

  Our ships were old fighters from the Goedwig war. I was amazed at the upgrades the Galaftns had given them, including additional thrusters to increase their speed. Technology had evolved since the Goedwig war, after all. Despite their sleek design, they could take a beating, in fact they were stronger than those we flew now which were lighter, but not quite as sturdy. These were like the tanks on Earth that Emmerich had told me about.

  I admit at first I was a little afraid to board the old ships—I couldn’t believe they could be made to fly again. I thought the only thing they were good for was scrap metal and homes for scavengers.

  I hoped I was wrong.

  They had been modified to move in both air and water. How, I had no clue, I wasn’t an engineer. Emmerich probably helped with the design, and I was sure that the Galaftns knew a thing or two on how to make underwater machines.

  They must have been working on this plan for a while, not just since my appearance back onto this world. Emmerich must have turned to them right away, knowing they trusted me and they had nothing to do with the assassination. I was surprised they would take Emmerich’s word that he wanted to help them, especially after everything Michael had done. They must had seen he was sincere, not to mention Emmerich could charm his way out of any situation. He had a smile most politicians would die for. They must have had everything in place for this battle, all they needed was to find me.

  It was crazy to think just a week ago I had been on Earth, not remembering any of this. I was a college student, thinking I had no idea where my life was heading. Life seemed so much different now, as if that experience wasn’t even real. It was an eye-opener, though, to see how different life could be. If I ever went back, people would think I was crazy. Mandy probably would assume I had a traumatic experience. I understood why Emmerich didn’t want to return, because no one would believe where he had gone. I know I couldn’t live like that.

  Now I wouldn’t let anything stop my future. Not even Michael.

  Elwood, Isaac, and I were all ready to go in the remodeled Goedwig warship. The pilot went through the checklist, as did all of the other ships. I could hear the radio crackle as he gave the order to launch. I could feel my body shaking a bit, as I had never actually flown into a battle before, although it wasn’t like I had never been close to losing my life before. Father would always talk about how gruesome war was and I just hoped I would have the stomach to follow through. I knew it was the only way to stop Michael. So I took a deep breath and prepared for what was ahead of me.

  “You ready for this Angela?” Elwood asked as the pilot was just finishing the pre-flight check.

  I grinned. “I think, for once, I am.”

  He nodded to the pilot and he spoke into the speaker. “This is Star Leader. We are ready to go.”

  An ear-piercing warning siren echoed through the bay. Finally after a minute it stopped and water began to pour into the hangar, submerging the ships. It was just like a hangar in space, except instead of vacuum, it let in water. I watched as the water rose, making the aircraft sway back and forth. Once we were completely underwater, the hangar doors opened up completely and craft after craft moved out and headed for battle.

  Our own craft swayed back and forth as we began to move out. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I had been holding and we began to ascend towards the surface of the ocean.

  We rose out of the sea and into the air. Water poured off the wings of the craft, and fell back into the ocean. I watched as my fighters became airborne, glad their design was sound and the craft could both fly in air and travel through water. It was one of my biggest worries, truly. The engines switched to thrusters and we were on our way.

  It wasn’t long before we were met by some of Michael’s fighters that had been waiting for us to make our appearance. Lasers were fired between the craft, both by my people and by Michael’s.
I watched as a ship from each side exploded, metal chunks raining down on the water below. My heart ached for the lives of both crews. Even though they fought for Michael, they were still my people. Either way I would be losing a lot of men whom I considered to be mine today.

  More and more of Michael’s craft appeared and lasers rained down on each side of the battle. Ships moved back and forth, zigzagging to avoid getting hit. Although our ships could take a beating and could outmaneuver theirs, it seemed Michael’s men were anticipating our next move. More of our ships crashed into the water below.

  Elwood must have noticed my nervousness. “It’s going to be okay, this is what they swore to do. They knew the risks.”

  I understood but it didn’t make the pain go away. I still couldn’t believe how many people were willing to die for me. I was both proud and scared—worried that this could be all for nothing and that we would lose. But I wouldn’t give up, I knew. I would have faith that this plan would work. “I know, but it doesn’t mean I don’t feel for them. It’s what separates me from Michael. I care about my people.”

  We stayed back, four large warcraft surrounded us, protecting us. Lasers fired at Michael’s men if they came near. The Galaftns’ crafts circled the warcrafts as well, making sure no one came close to my craft, their goal in protecting me so that we could stop Michael. I felt helpless as I watched, unable to do anything other than wait to get to the palace. I took a deep breath as I watched a Galaftn craft get hit, black smoke pouring out of the cockpit. It crashed into one of Michael’s ships, as if with their last breath, they decided to take out an enemy. I believed on Earth they called it a Kamikaze maneuver.

  This line of Michael’s defense began to dwindle in numbers. Although it felt as if our whole squadron had been lost, I looked out the glass to find many more ships rising out of the water and entering the battle. I was surprised at the numbers, but they had been assembling the army since I had disappeared, with many Cartrefians joining Emmerich’s cause. Now we would see if all the effort was worthwhile, but I trusted that it was. I trusted that this plan would work.


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