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Haven Page 4

by Dria Andersen

  "I didn’t have a plan per se.” Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. She had a plan, but she didn’t think telling the head of the Amanda she planned to seduce someone in his security room to look through footage would be prudent.

  “My gods Trouble, do you not know who you are? You can’t be traipsing around Adro as though you aren’t a noble." Fallon stared at her like she was crazy.

  “Do you have any idea how many times your father has been in this office pacing the floor? How many times the Queen has been in here chewing on my ass? And you’re walking around playing Veronica fucking Mars.” Xavier leaned back in his chair with a look that sent a shaft of mind-numbing fear through her.

  “You don’t understand.” She swallowed down the rest of her tears. They couldn’t possible understand what she had on the line. There was no way she could’ve returned without Kita. She flinched as she remembered the night she left Legba. She still carried scars from that night.

  She would do anything to find her sister.

  “You have to go back.”

  Liliana jerked. Xavier’s words landed like a blow. She shook her head. “I can’t” the words came out barely a whisper.

  “It’s not negotiable. You go home, to the Queen.” Xavier slid her wallet across his desk to her. "Leo, take your mate to your room. Don't let her out of your sight until we can figure out how to transport her without a royal stink. And for goddess's sake, make sure no one sees her."

  “I can’t. I won’t.” Her throat closed as panic seized her. She whipped her head around to Leo. "You can't make me stay here."

  Leo grabbed her arm. She jerked her arm fighting his grip.

  "Give it a rest, Liliana. As you can tell, no one's happy about this little clusterfuck you have us in." Leo led her from the room.

  Liliana desperately tried to keep track of their route, but soon gave up, as one hallway ran into the next, becoming a blur until they came to a pair of steel doors.

  Leo entered the security code and pushed her into his suite. The spacious room was airy. Daylights gave the room a soft morning glow, despite the fact that the room was underground. The living area was large, the plush sofas surrounding a large T.V. in the middle of the room. They skirted the large entertainment center that cordoned the room off from the foyer and headed to the dining area to the left. Liliana whipped around and stared at him, anger, fear and frustration burning her chest. Neither of them spoke, but continued to stare at the other.

  "I don't know why you're so mad, it's not like you're the one being held hostage here." Her chest heaved as she battled to control her temper and fight the tide of fear.

  Leo scoffed. "This band around my wrist says otherwise." He held up his arm showing her the dark red band that encircled his wrist with her name etched in the middle.

  "What's your problem?" She threw up her hands. "You're not the one being mated with a Cagyn, the least faithful race of all the Demis. " Of all races, the reputation of the Cagyns as rogues and rakes was the most talked about. Females whispered about it to their friends with lusty sighs, and males kept tight locks on their wives and daughters. The look he gave her froze the air in her lungs. She took a step back.

  "Don’t presume to know anything about me or my race. Hell, you don't even know what I am."

  "I know what Xavier is and he's your brother. I hear the stories, Cagyns change their appearance to suit their lovers, hopping from one bed to the next, unleashing pheromones on unsuspecting innocents, seducing them to get their way." She sneered. "You said as much about your mother. You obviously know it to be true."

  Leo's smile did nothing to comfort her. "Then I suggest you keep your mate satisfied, and you won't have that problem."

  "I'm leaving." She tried to push past him. Gods, how did everything go so wrong? It should've been simple: sneak into Haven, and find out if someone here had seen her sister and leave. Now she was locked up downstairs with a jerk her ancestors had seen fit to tie her to. And worst, she was headed back to Legba where her punishment for leaving would make banishment seem like a vacation.

  "You're not leaving, Liliana." Leo pulled her back to face him. "You rushed head long into this situation and now you're stuck.”

  She attempted one last appeal. She’d heard of how males spoiled their mates, perhaps if she softened her tone. "Look, I can't stay here. The queen's hunters will find me, and I'm not leaving until I find my sister." Gods, please help her find Kita.

  "You mean to tell me, that after you were told your sister disappeared from here, you thought it was a good idea to follow in her footsteps? Did it occur to you that something could’ve happened to you?"

  "You can't possibly understand." Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I need to find Kita." Her knees weakened, exhaustion finally caught up with her.

  "Damn it.” Leo ran a hand over his face. "Why Liliana? Why risk your life for this?"

  "She's my sister. What would you if one of your brothers were missing?"

  He flinched, but the anger left his face. He stared at her for a moment. "Arguing will get us nowhere. Are you hungry?"

  The abrupt change of subject threw her off, but she understood the olive branch he'd extended. At her nod, he went to the phone and ordered them a late lunch. When it arrived they ate in silence, neither of them sure what to say to the other. Once they were done, Leo cleaned the table and set the dishes into his sink.

  "Don't even think about trying to leave. You would get lost in the catacombs and having to look for you would piss me off." He left the threat in the air and went to take a shower.

  So much for their truce.

  Liliana's heart lurched in fear as she finally realized what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. She wandered into his living area and took off her sneakers. The cherry wood floor was surprisingly warm beneath her feet. Plush microfiber was soft as she ran her hand across the arm. She sat and stretched out on the sofa at a loss. How in the name of the Gods was she going to get out of this? She closed her eyes for just a moment, she told herself.

  Chapter 5

  COOL AIR WHIPPED AROUND HIM, moist and carrying the scent of forest life. Tendrils of sunlight fought to reach the bottom of the lush canopy of trees. Rugaba strode through the thick vegetation, his footsteps silent. Movement in his peripheral confirmed the natives knew he walked through their land. He paused at the center of the forest, a centuries old tree, the largest one in the forest loomed, its power intimidating. He watched dispassionately with only a trace of impatience as two knots on the tree bark opened and blinked at him. Brown eyes, ringed with the barest trace of gray stared at him warily before mist from the ground gathered and surrounded the tree. Moments later a form separated from the tree, joining the mist.

  “Rugaba, my lord, how may I serve you?” The thin, musical voice floated to him.

  “Take your form, Aleah, I need to confer with you.” Rugaba’s gaze flickered to the trees surrounding them.

  The forest held its breath, the Mina inhabiting the trees hoping to catch a bit of gossip. For a race of people able to foresee the future, they were obsessive about gossip in the here and now. They constantly sought validation of their visions, observing others as lab rats. Rugaba narrowed his eyes and shook his head as the leaves rustled and shifted with their curiosity.

  The mist that was Aleah firmed into a rail thin body, translucent and pale. Her brown eyes dominated her thin face, surrounded by thick lashes, blinking lazily. Hair the color of a stormy day floated around her body, its tendrils sweeping the forest floor. Her tapered fingers moved nervously through the air, her thin pink lips moving silently in a spell. Fallen leaves gathered, circled her body at her command, until they formed a strapless gown, covering her naked form. The corset like top hugged her slender waist and small breasts, while the rest of the gown flared around her hips, falling to her ankles.

  “If you’ll follow me, my lord.”

  Rugaba inclined his head in agreement and followed the Mina deeper into the forest. The
foliage became dense, the trees closer together, the gnarled branches lower as they walked. Almost as if the forest tried to stop their movement. He ducked through hanging moss and pushed aside wide leaves until they came to a clearing. The log cabin where she led them was the only structure in the entire realm. Used as a meeting place, it kept prying eyes and ears from observing their conversation.

  A quick flick of her wrist opened the door, and released the stale air of the cabin into the forest.

  “How may I serve you, Rugaba?” Aleah’s voice firmed along with her body, gleaming brown skin covering her translucent form. She sat at a scarred wooden table, and waved him into one of the hard back chairs.

  “War is coming.” He settled into the narrow chair, eyes scanning the room. The bare walls and floor made him feel as though they were in a cardboard box. He noticed how the inside stretched to fit his tall stature.

  Aleah shuddered. “The elders have seen it, and confirmed it with Oya. What do you need from me?”

  Rugaba sat silent a moment. There were many things he needed to know, but this small female could not answer all. Though she occupied the centuries old tree, the position of seer had just passed to her some decades ago. He worried she would be too young to give him the information he needed. But there were few options.

  “Oya has released the Kokoro souls. Have you seen them?”

  Aleah pushed her hands through her hair. “I have seen them.”

  Rugaba swallowed his frustrated sigh. The Mina would only answer the question he asked, no elaboration. Patience was needed in spades when dealing with them. “Are they active?”


  Rugaba growled.

  Aleah blinked, her owlish expression not wavering.

  He stood and paced the room. As a sun god, he could create life, he ruled the skies, but he could only see the future, as he affected it, not before. Even the smallest action from him could alter the natural course of someone’s fate, so he’d stepped back from the Demis, gave them over to his councils. The Amanda and the Eminzu policed them, advised them, and in most cases punished them. He only interacted when there were problems that affected the world in its entirety. And war, certainly qualified. Someone was trying to unleash the ultimate evil and though he couldn’t interfere, he’d make sure the scales were balanced.

  “Who…” he stopped. She wouldn't give him a name. That he had to find himself. “How soon before one is active?”


  “What exactly does that mean?” He ran his hand over his head in frustration. What was soon to immortal creatures? Soon could be anywhere from a day to a decade.

  “The one prophesied to change the tide of war has found the one which will influence that decision. Soon they will mate and shortly after the Kokoro soul will activate.”

  “Aleah, I need more to go on. I cannot help with these half-assed answers.” He stood and paced the room, rotating his shoulders to push way the trapped feeling.

  “My Lord, I can only answer your questions. I can't interfere any more than you can. We’ve given you, and anyone else seeking, the prophecy. It’s all we can do.” She was right. The Minas were the closest to the gods, they were bound by the same rules.


  Rugaba stopped mid-stride. “Someone else has asked for the prophecy?”

  Her shoulders slumped in relief. “There have been two who’ve come to us for the prophecy.”

  He frowned at her answer. No longer succinct, it sounded like a warning. Her eyes beseeched him to understand what she could not use words to say. He lowered his mental shields, probing her aura for impressions, information. “Who?”

  “I can’t give you a name.” Aleah held up her hand to halt his anger. “It’s because I do not know, my lord. They didn't come to me.” Frustration played across her face and tickled the edge of his senses. The admission was rare, as puzzling and troubling to her as it was him.

  “Who did they see?”

  “It’s shrouded.” Her form wavered, her anxiousness evident. She wiped her brow with shaking hands. “Much about this war is shrouded. We were given the prophecy, but anything to do with Ofeeree, is…”

  Rugaba nodded. Hidden. It was how Ofeeree worked. Those who followed him kept his secrets. “Are those of the Kokoro protected?”

  “All three will be protected, my Lord.”

  “By who?”

  “Their mates.”

  Rugaba frowned. “Mates? They are female?”

  “They are female.”

  “All three?”

  A small smile tilted Aleah’s thin mouth. “Yes, my lord.”

  “This amuses you?” Females. It explained the smug expression on Oya’s face as she told him of their release. Protecting them would be a nightmare.

  “Your confusion is amusing.”

  “Females are vulnerable, would you rest the fate of the world on their dainty shoulders?”

  “Females are the reason this world is worth fighting for, my lord. I would rest much on our capable dainty shoulders.”

  He smiled ruefully. This new seer was a feminist. Who would’ve thought? “Now that I've been put in my place, I’ll leave.” He ducked under the cabin door and strode back through the clearing.

  For the moment, the souls of the Kokoro were safe. He’d warn Xavier, and have the Amanda protect the women as soon as he found out their identities. That was paramount. He glanced back at the log cabin, an odd sense of unease trickling down his spine. His head started a dull throb as a vision flashed before his eyes.

  He hissed in impotent anger and rushed back into the cabin.

  It was too late, the Mina’s form wavered as her life force diminished.

  “Demis… helping…searching for his corporal…” The Mina died, her form fading away and blowing from the cabin on an unseen wind.

  “Damn it.” The cabin was empty, no signs of her killer or how she died. He opened his senses, but felt nothing. There should have been some trace of the energy left behind. Great pains were taken to hide the killer’s trail. He knew only one group capable of hiding their magic. He said a quick prayer for the Mina’s soul, sending it to Alafia, and left. Earth’s war had started and earned its first casualty.


  LEO WRAPPED A TOWEL AROUND his waist and pulled another out of the closet for his hair. In his natural form, the midnight black strands reached the middle of his back and were a pain to dry. He stopped, his apartment was quiet, alarmingly so. He rushed from the bathroom and his bedroom to find her stretched out on his sectional, sleep, and completely oblivious to the world. Her beautiful hair wrapped around her waist like a blanket. Her lush lips were slack, her face relaxed as she slept.

  His heart melted… just a little. She was gorgeous. He allowed himself a moment to feel pride in the fact that he'd been given such a beautiful mate, and strong too. He changed back into his human form, and gathered her in his arms. He could imagine the weight she'd been holding on her shoulders. The search for her sister couldn’t have been easy, especially for a noble who was surely coddled her entire life. Earth was a rough world with its occupants selfish and unforgiving of anything different. Most Demis only stayed for as long as was needed to replenish their life force and then they headed back to their own realm. This Haven was located in Atlanta, the metropolis made it easier for the Demis to blend in with the humans, but the city had its rough days. He marveled at the strength it would’ve taken Liliana to survive alone and unprotected. How she escaped the hunters his brother and the queen sent after her was beyond him. It filled him with a sense of pride.

  He settled her onto his bed, and crawled in behind her. His body was protesting its lack of sleep. He'd had maybe four hours of sleep in the last two days, and soon, the proverbial shit would hit the fan. It would be good to catch a few hours of sleep before that happened.

  He'd barely closed his eyes when she moved. His body reacted immediately, burning, a fire of need centering on his groin, pressing into her back. Lili
ana wiggled, a drowsy moan left her lips and he tightened his arm around her waist.

  "Unless you are inviting me inside that hot body of yours, I suggest you quit squirming." Exhaustion had roughened his voice making it a deep rumble.

  Her body tensed. Fully awake, she kicked her legs, trying to scramble from the bed.

  "Rest." He dragged her struggling body back into his, spooning her. "I haven’t slept well in a week and since I doubt you're waking for entertainment, I’d much rather go to sleep."

  "Yes, well we don't have to sleep in the same bed."

  "Ah, but I don't trust you, Destiny, so sleep in the same bed we shall."

  He laughed at her frustrated growl, grabbed her hair and draped it over his body, luxuriating in its silky texture. He burrowed his face into her neck and inhaled. She was intoxicating. Goosebumps ghosted down his arms as he laid a small kiss to her neck. Her sigh of pleasure slid past his defenses, and for once the craving he had was not for sex, but for this small intimate moment. He kissed her neck again, pleased when her hand lifted to caress his face.

  "Stop that." A weak protest, especially given the way her hips arched into his.

  He traced the shell of her ear with his tongue. He'd heard it could be this way with mates, but nothing prepared him for the way his body strained to be in hers. Tender feelings assaulted him, confused him. Only hours ago he was pissed about being mated and now…he had no idea. He nipped the base of her neck, loosening the clasp of the gown, pulling a ragged moan from her. Her cheeks heated, her embarrassment at her reaction evident. A blush traveled the length of her body, her skin heating under the rush of blood as he moved the gown down her body. As tempted as he was, he would leave her alone, didn't mean he would allow her to cover her body from him though.

  "Sleep, darlin’." He covered them with a sheet and tucked her head under his chin.


  Hours later, he woke again, this time he found her draped across his body. He opened his eyes in slits as she lightly ran a hand across his chest. She thought herself unobserved as she explored his body. Her finger trailed his stomach, moving lower. He lay there, riveted, her touch shy but no less effective. He grit his teeth, and fought to keep his body still under her ministrations. She looked up and he was speared by the lust in her eyes. His hand tangled in her hair and brought her lips up to his for a kiss that sent fire through his blood.


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