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Haven Page 8

by Dria Andersen

  "How long before the royal family gets here? Deal's off now that we've spoken with your father.” He leaned down, sucking on her neck.

  “Not enough time for what you're thinking.” She tilted her neck to accommodate his kisses.

  He growled and bit her neck. "Gods, you are gorgeous."

  She lifted his head, and kissed him. Leo grabbed her leg through the slit in the dress, wrapping it around his waist. He could feel her mound beneath the silk and he rolled his hips. Her gasp of pleasure spurred him. He needed to feel her skin against his, needed it almost as much as his next breath.

  He started to rip off her dress when there was a knock on the door. Leo snarled in warning, the sound pure animal. Liliana slapped her hand over his mouth to stifle the sound. He licked at her fingers intending to ignore the door.

  With the second knock, her body tensed. Leo sighed in frustration. Panic in her eyes tugged at him, and washed away his erotic plans.

  "All right. Settle, baby." He rubbed her back and moved her from the door.


  "Yes, Bea?" She relaxed and reached to open the door.

  Leo slammed his hand against the wood and shook his head. He sent a pointed look to his groin. Her eyes widened, the color deepening as a flush bloomed in her cheeks.

  "The royal family will be here in five." The maid called through the door.

  The color drained from her face. "Ok, we'll be down."

  "Now, Liliana." Bea said.

  "You have to dress up," she whispered, moving his hand from the door.

  Leo growled. The impending meeting with the royal family was already becoming a pain in his ass. With a simple spell, he changed back into his dress uniform, forgoing his human skin he usually donned. It would be necessary to remind all parties involved of his parentage.

  Liliana nodded in approval and opened the door. A Cagyn maid stood anxiously in the hallway.

  "Cagyn?" Leo raised his eyebrows and gave her a pointed look.

  She flushed in guilt from her earlier words about his race. "Leo, this is Bea. Bea, my mate, Leo."

  He nodded to the maid and guided Liliana down the hallway. The back of his neck itched, and tension tightened his shoulders. Liliana stiff at his side, and the maid's soft tread at his back, the whole procession took on the tone of a funeral march. He hadn't seen the royal family since his mother dragged him before the king when he was a child. Permanently burned into his mind, the incident had kept him from visiting Legba long into his adulthood. He swore he wouldn’t step foot on the realm for as long as he lived. He sighed. And here he was, back for this stubborn slip of a woman fate tied to him. If nothing else, the night was about to get very interesting.

  As they rounded the corner into the receiving room, Liliana stiffened. The royal family stood as they entered, their expressions varying. The king's solicitor stood behind them, his face wary. The queen gasped and looked at her husband with daggers in her eyes. The king nodded to Leo politely.

  He took a long look at the male who was his biological father. The resemblance between them was striking. They carried the same strong jaw, almond shaped eyes, and proud nose. Leo's eyes were a darker shade of gray than the kings. Resentment bubbled and for a moment rage rose. Liliana's body brushed him, her hand gripping his tightly, and just like that the rage dissipated. Bitterness however, was not easily set aside.

  "Your highness, may I present…"

  "We are well acquainted." The queen cut off Liliana.

  Kedric held his hand out to Leo and they shook hands.

  The smirk on the prince's face was puzzling, as was the look he sent to Liliana. "You have done well for yourself, Leonalph."

  "Allow your father to handle this…distasteful situation, Kedric."

  “Mother, there is naught we can do. The Eminzu have marked them.”

  “He's right Kaylin, we're only here to dissolve the agreement between our families and put this business behind us.” The king continued to stare at Leo, his eyes narrowed.

  Fuck you. Leo's lips twitched with the urge to say the words aloud. Gods, he wanted nothing to do with this. Screw protocol, he would take Liliana, complete the bonding and damn the consequences. And if the prince kept eyeing his mate as though he had carnal knowledge of her, he would rip that fucking smirk from his face.

  “Your highness, if you will sit, my mate has the required documents.” Arian flitted around the room nervously, brushing imaginary dust off of their prized possessions. “We're completely embarrassed…“

  “You should be,” Kaylin narrowed her eyes. “This is no way for a noble family to behave.”


  “No, Kedric. I'll not sit quietly while you are disrespected by this usurper, and his silly twit.”

  Leo stiffened. Tales of Kaylin reached well into other realms. She was feared as much for her sharp tongue as well as her quick temper. Liliana's mother looked stricken. It was said she shunned nobles from Eshu society for the slightest infractions. Their current situations would probably put Liliana’s parents well outside of any acceptable social circles.

  “Queen Kaylin, we never intended for this to happen.” Arian rushed to explain.

  “It’s what happens when you allow your children to run around like trampy Dzivas. Had she kept her legs closed we would not be in the situation.” Kaylin pursed her lips in distaste.

  Arian paled.

  Leo shifted, a subtle reminder of his presence in the room. Damned if he would let the queen disrespect Liliana in front of him. What was the penalty for knocking around royalty? He considered it, seething. His violent thought must have reflected in his eyes because the queen opened her mouth to say something, but closed it with an audible snap. Liliana stiffened, her nails digging into his hands. He didn't need to look at his mate to know she was angry. Her body no longer trembled in fear, power vibrated between them, little sharp stings traveling up his arm.

  “Enough, Kaylin.” The reprimand in King Leander's voice whipped through the room.

  Evan rushed in with the documents, passing them to the king’s solicitor standing quietly in the corner. The man read them over quietly.

  Moments later he cleared his throat. “Your highness.”

  “Are they in order?”

  The solicitor's eyes darted around the room. “Your highness, these documents are still valid.”

  “What?” Kaylin lifted an eyebrow and turned to the solicitor.

  Leo winced at the venomous glare. He felt sorry for the lawyer.

  “These documents were signed and witnessed prior to Prince Kedric’s birth. There are no names listed.”

  “What is he saying Leander?” Kaylin tapped her husband with one long tipped nail.

  The solicitor swallowed. “The same loophole…er…loose wording that allowed for the switch between the Marcolev sisters apply. The contract only states that the families have to join.”

  Dark amusement filled him and for once, Leo could appreciate the cruel joke fate had played. “He is saying, your highness, that whatever you promised as a dowry still stands. The contract is still valid.”

  Kaylin ignored him and faced her husband. “Leander, you cannot allow this to happen.”

  “He is my son as well, Kaylin.” Though Leander’s tone was weary, a hint of pride slipped through his gaze.

  Leo’s body tightened like a bowstring. Hearing the king's statement was a bitter pill to swallow. He’d kept his Eshu form to remind the king and queen of his heritage, but hearing Leander’s pride in him left a bad taste in his mouth. Liliana's hand brushed his back, the motion soothing.

  “You will allow him to take what belongs to my son?” The chill in her voice lifted the hair on the back of his neck. He had firsthand knowledge of the lengths the queen would go to rid herself of problems.

  “Mother, please.” Amusement tilted Kedric’s lips, his eyes finding Liliana’s.

  She shuddered. Leo tightened his grip on her hand to still her trembles. He assessed the pri
nce through narrowed eyes. Kedric was a replica of the king. The same brown skin, squared chin, though his chiseled features slid into gaunt. The prince's hair was a riot of reds, from the palest shade of blush to the deepest of burgundy like his mother. His eyes were identical to Leo’s and the irony of it staggered him. He hated that he looked like these strangers instead of the brothers he'd grown up with and loved.

  “You set the terms, Kaylin. If you recall, I warned you against so generous a dowry.” Leander said patiently.

  “It was to go to my son,” she objected.

  “So what have I won?” Leo crossed his arms over his chest, all trace of amusement gone.

  “You have been nothing but a curse to me.” Kaylin narrowed her eyes, her hands clenched tightly into fists. Her caramel face was flushed, anger causing sparks in her eyes.

  “I have been nothing to you, your highness. You made that distinctly clear when we last met.” There was no respect in the title. Memories washed over him igniting his rage. He would never forget her words to a child who'd done nothing to earn her venom.

  “Your mother stole what belonged to me. I'll not allow you to do the same to my son."

  Silence choked the room. His vision changed, sharpening and expanding, signaling his loss of control. Only a thin thread of sanity kept him from the violence clawing at his chest. The touch of Liliana's cool fingers pulled him back…marginally. Only the strict training from his brothers kept his beast leashed. He would need to thank them later. Though, the meeting was not done yet. It remained to be seen if he could keep it together.

  He took a deep breath. "Well, shall we see what exactly I have stolen from my brother?" His brother. It left a foul taste in his mouth. Leo released Liliana's hand and held it out.

  The solicitor looked at the king, who nodded. He passed the forms to Leo. Liliana leaned over his shoulder and gasped.

  "Dear Goddess." She whispered.

  "You cannot let this happen, Leander." Kaylin snatched the forms from Leo's hand.

  Leander stood. "It has happened and there is nothing to be done. It also means that the Marcolev family's portion of the agreement still stands." He gave his wife a pointed look.

  She nodded grudgingly.

  The king shook Evan's hand. "Do send word when you would like the Di êjê to take place."

  "We are not attending." Kaylin brushed her gown and stood.

  "You may stay in your room if you like, but it will be held at the palace as befitting my son. Kedric and I will be in attendance. Let's go."

  Kaylin gave Leo one last nasty look and followed her husband from the house. Leo doubted it was finished between them.

  Kedric stayed behind. "Despite what you think about my mother, or I yours, I don't dislike you Leonalph. I've never harbored any ill will towards you."

  “Nor I you.” At least not until he saw the way the prince looked at Liliana.

  Leo ignored his outstretched hand.

  “Well, I don’t envy you your mate.” Malicious amusement danced in Kedric’s eyes. “She was something of a handful when we were growing up.”

  Leo's eyes narrowed. He shrugged in faked nonchalance and he fought his jealous urge to lash out. “I don’t think that much has changed.”

  “Since we are going to be neighbors we should make the effort to get to know one another.”

  Not in this life. “My work for the Amanda will make it impossible for me to stay in Legba, it won’t be a problem.”

  Kedric nodded, his jaw tightening at Leo’s reminder of who he was. “Lucky for you then.” He left quickly.

  Leo brushed a hand over his face and reigned in his tattered temper. Only a few weeks and he could leave. The ceremony couldn't be over fast enough to suit him.


  "Well, thank you, Liliana." Arian clenched her hands at her sides.

  "Try to contain your pride in me, mother." Still reeling in shock, the words were automatic, the sarcasm a natural response to her mother's taunts.

  Arian sucked in a shocked breath. "Sarcasm is common, but then, you've proven yourself to be just that."

  Leo’s growl closed her mother’s mouth, surely stopping a flood of other insults.

  Liliana pushed down on that well aimed dart, shoving it into a dark place in her heart reserved just for her mother. "Since we obviously don't have anything nice to say to each other, I'll leave. Good night, baba, Leo."

  She prayed her legs would carry her to her room. Her mother's angry words had struck their mark. After two hundred years she should be used to it, but nevertheless it hurt. She'd always hated displeasing her mother.

  Fickle fate.

  The Eminzu had given both she and her mother what they'd asked for. Tears of relief stung her eyes. Her mother would get the palace wedding she so coveted and Liliana avoided mating with Kedric. Hysterical laughter bubbled at her lips. Too bad they would all be shunned because of it. She stopped and braced her arm against the wall of the hallway to give her legs time to stop wobbling.

  The dreadful meeting played through her head and her knees weakened. She could barely focus on what had been said with the looks the prince threw her way. It was a look she knew well, it promised retribution. Bile rose and she lowered her head.

  It was over.

  Kedric wouldn't dare lay hands on her now that she was mated to Death's Messenger. Her back bowed as memories of his lashes snuck past her defenses. She could almost feel the sting. It didn't matter any longer. She took the memories and shoved them back into the black box of her mind. She would not be bonded to him, and now some other poor noble would bear the brunt of his sick pleasures. She thought of her sister and wondered if Kita had known what she was getting into with Kedric. She'd never seen him lay a hand on her sister, but that wasn't saying much. They never allowed her near them, and if they did it was to play some cruel joke on her.

  Liliana sighed. It wasn't as though her sister was mean. She'd simply been used to getting everything her way. In light of their mother's pampering it was no wonder. The clear favorite in their mother's eyes, Kita could do no wrong. Liliana stood straight and released the tight bun from the top of her head. She finger combed through the tresses, leaving the small braids.

  It was done.

  Really done. She was mated, and her mother had no hold over her any longer. She'd searched for Kita to avoid mating Kedric, and now that was unnecessary. But… her sister was still missing. Her parents still suffering, could she in good conscience stop the search for Kita? She prayed Xavier would do what he promised and help.

  Chapter 9

  VERITY WATCHED THE ESHU noble as he nervously paced the club parking lot where they arranged their meeting. His dark multi-hued hair gleamed under the street lights. His tall rangy body stooped, and bent into his coat to hide his face. She rolled her eyes at the cliché. Really, a dark parking lot? The noble certainly had a flair for the dramatic, but what did she care? His love of drama would make him easier to control. She ran her hands down the front of her mini skirt.

  A spurt of anticipation added an extra sway to her hips as she walked over to him. She regretted the human skin she wore. It would keep her from using most of her powers, but one did the best with what one had. She had a feeling the noble had requested the meeting in a place humans frequented exactly for that purpose. Exposing the Demis to humans carried a heavy price.

  She couldn't afford the Amanda's attention.

  So she'd traded her iridescent scales for smooth skin the color of the darkest chocolate. Her normally long hair swung around her chin, black with highlights of her natural pale lavender hair. The noble's eyes widened as she approached him. Men were so easy.

  "You are Verity?" He licked his lips and looked around.

  She inclined her head in acknowledgement.

  He rubbed his hands against the front of his pants. “I’ve never seen you in your human skin.”

  “You know we’re not supposed to meet outside of the guild.”

  His eyes narrowed in
to slits. He crossed his arms over his chest. "We have a problem."

  “What problem could we possibly have?”

  He handed her a sheet of parchment with a single name on it. Cursing, Verity crushed it in her hand using her magic to burn it to a cinder.

  That bitch.

  Verity pushed down her aggravation. Leo had been a useful contact, and damned good in bed. Her body tingled in remembrance. Though he'd not been a good source of information, being his lover did give her access to better informants. Now she would lose him.

  And Verity did not lose.

  “She needs to be taken care of.” His pout did nothing for his handsome face.

  “Why exactly? Getting rid of her would certainly cause more problems.”

  “She’s still looking for her sister. What do you imagine will happen when she gets her mate to help?”


  He was right. The last thing they needed was the Amanda looking into Kita’s disappearance. Although not directly affected, the scrutiny could cost them.

  "She's mated, to royalty no less, it will cost you." She studied his face, using the nuances to determine how far she could push him.

  "I'm told you are the best." He moved closer to her, anticipation shining in his eyes.

  “Of course.” No need in bragging. A fact was a fact.

  His lips tightened a fraction before the arrogant mask descended. "How much?"

  She smiled. That would be easy to remedy. "Money is for common folk. There is something else I require from you."

  He sneered. "I'm not stupid enough to trade favors with a Dziva. Trading favors for you is how I ended up involved in our guild in the first place."

  She smirked at the reminder of how she’d recruited him into their group. "Not even for the removal of one very wealthy nobleman's daughter?" She put a hand on her hip and pushed her full lips into a sultry pout. “I mean, you caused this problem, I could simply allow our friends in the guild to deal with you.”

  Terror sprang into his gaze and she watched him weigh his options. "What is the favor?

  "I understand that you are…intimate… with a few members of the Ajo council. All I ask is an introduction"


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