
Home > Other > Haven > Page 20
Haven Page 20

by Dria Andersen

  Chapter 21

  "WHAT EXACTLY IS OUR purpose for visiting this shaman, if you don’t mind me asking?" Roy broke the silence minutes later.

  "I want to see if he can undo a spell." She didn’t know how much she was allowed to tell them.

  “The one blocking the Oras?”

  Roy’s question released her from her debate, and she nodded in answer.

  “And what is your plan?" Though Paul’s voice was curious, his face showed his skepticism of the meeting.

  "We go in, you guys look intimidating, he fixes the Oras, and 'Roberto es tu tio'." She shrugged.

  "What does that mean?" Paul frowned, his dark eyebrows lowering over pale eyes.

  "Bob's your uncle." Liliana rolled her eyes.

  "No, Roberto is your uncle." His literal translation made her laugh.

  "Yes, you know, Roberto is Robert in Spanish. Robert…bob…get it." She shook her head as he continued to stare.

  "It's a human expression Paul, you've never heard it?"

  "I don't deal with humans." His lip curled in disgust.

  "How dreadfully snobby, we came from humans you know." She’d only found out recently herself, but he didn’t need to know that. She had to grudgingly give Mistress Yoru a little bit of credit. She’d only been mate to Leo for mere days and already she was using the lessons the stern lady had taught.

  "We are of the gods, humans are simply walking, talking balls of clay." He crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Wow, tell us how you really feel, Paul." Roy’s dry tone surprised a laugh out of her.

  Paul shrugged. "I don't have any interactions with humans, Lady Teagan."

  "Call me Liliana, and you need to get out more. You’re not on Mulu. Unlike the other Benu, you’re going to have to learn to get along with others." Liliana turned back to the window and watched Atlanta pass by as they headed to Sergio's home in the outskirts of the city.

  Soon enough they were pulling into the quiet neighborhood the shaman had chosen as his hiding spot. It wasn’t a bad choice. The houses were far enough apart that the neighbors wouldn’t bother him, but they were close enough to deter unhappy ‘clients’ from displaying their powers. They parked on the street, walking up the cobble driveway to the large brick house. Paul and Roy sandwiched her in between them on their walk.

  Roy held his hand up for her to halt as he first ascended the stairs. He stopped a hairs breath away from the top step, one foot raised and paused midair. He lowered his foot back on the second step and pulled a circular device from his back pocket. Setting it on the step next to him, his hands moved in circular motions until a fine blue light encapsulated his hands. He took two fingers and stabbed it into the air in front of him. A small ping sounded and he lowered his hands. Picking up the device, he motioned for the two of them to join him.

  “What was that?” She moved around him to the front door.

  “A trap.” Roy pocketed the device he’d used.

  She frowned. “What kind of trap? I’ve been here before, and didn’t encounter a trap.”

  “You were invited, no?” Roy raised an eyebrow.

  Yes, she had been. She swallowed hard. She’d originally planned to come see Sergio alone. She shuddered to think what might have happened. She touched her stomach lightly. She had to remember her decisions no longer solely affected her. She had another soul to think about.

  “Can we get on with this, please?” Paul’s impatience spurred her from her thoughts.

  Lily knocked on the door and waited.

  And waited some more.

  She knocked again, this time in irritation. She knew he was inside, the shaman’s energy practically radiated from the door.

  Liliana banged on the door, looking around. “Open the door Sergio, I’m not leaving.”

  The curtain in a window to their right fluttered. She rolled her eyes. Moments later the door opened a crack.

  “Why would you bring the Amanda to my door? I knew I shouldn’t have helped you get into Haven.”

  “I need to see you.”

  Still, he blocked the door, his head nodding towards the guards. “They have to stay outside.”

  Paul snorted. “Not hardly.”

  “They’re my guards, they go where I go.” She pushed on the wooden door, forcing him to take a small step in retreat.

  “You didn’t have guards last time.” He pointed out.

  “Yeah, well...” She held up her arm, showing him the mating marks on her wrist. She left out who she was mated to, knowing that would spook him.

  Sergio stared at her for a moment before sighing and backing up to allow them entrance. Liliana paused in the doorway and waited until she received a nod from her guards. Roy inclined his head and she followed the two into Sergio’s living room. She sat on a plush sofa looking out into his backyard. Roy and Paul stood behind her, each facing a different directions.

  “What do you want?” Sergio stood at the granite island that separated his kitchen from the small sitting room.

  “Have you ever heard of the Oras?” Not wanting to waste time dancing around the subject she got right to it.

  His eyes narrowed into slits, his gaze darting between her and her guards. “What of them?”

  She pulled out the square device Fallon had given her and sat it on the coffee table. “You’re the most powerful shaman I’ve come across on this side of the portal.”

  She pressed the button on top and watched him as the Ora of her sister played out. Once it reached the end and the footage stuttered, his eyes met hers, his mouth pinched.

  “You need to leave.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  The knowledge of what happened to the Oras was on his face. She moved up to the edge of the sofa.

  “Someone is corrupting Oras and I think you know who it is.” She clenched her hands together. “I need your help.”

  “That’s your problem, not mine. I can’t help you.” His gaze once again darted to her guards, fear in his eyes. .

  She growled, searching for words to use to convince him. Looking around, she noticed for the first time since she’d walked in, how empty his house was. Last time she was here, which was mere weeks ago, the house had been cluttered with trinkets and his experiments. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “Where’s all your stuff?”

  Paul and Ross stiffened, their posture straightening at the tone of her voice.

  “If you must know, I’m moving.”

  “To where?” Paul asked sharply.

  Sergio fidgeted with the buttons at the throat of his shirt. “I’ve been invited to visit Legba.”

  "You've been exiled, you won't be allowed into the portal room." Paul’s finger flexed at his sides.

  "There are other ways."

  Roy growled, and turned around, abandoning his gaze on the backyard. Paul changed into his form. The wings expanded and his sharp claws made a ringing sound as he pulled a sword. Where he hid a weapon that massive, she didn’t know, but her heart’s rhythm kicked into full drive.

  Roy changed into his form, the dark marbled skin of the six foot seven Cagyn glowing in anticipation. "You wouldn't think of breaking our laws would you? You understand as Amanda, we can't let that happen."

  Crap, it was getting serious now. "Wait." She stood hastily.

  Sergio’s form flickered, but steadied on his human skin. “You brought them into my house, I ought to curse you.” He hissed.

  “I will cut the first finger off I see move.” Paul pointed his sword towards the shaman.

  Liliana sucked in a nervous breath. Dear gods, now she saw why Leo chose the two. Their faces were set in granite, their expressions ferocious. Sergio couldn’t possibly miss the deadly intent.

  “Hands up, fingers apart.” Paul ordered. “Even the smallest movement will get you beat down.”

  “It was simply a figure of speech, I would…I would never curse her.” Sergio stammered out, his hands shaking as he raised them.

  “What do yo
u know about the corrupted Oras?” She’d better hurry and get what information she could from him before Paul and Roy made good on their threats.

  Sergio shook his head. “The Amanda will only torture me, those responsible will kill me outright. You need to leave.”

  “We aren’t leaving until we can get someone here to strip your powers.” Roy threatened.

  "You can't do that, I've done nothing wrong."

  "You just admitted that you were going to Legba. You've been exiled shaman. Sentenced to spend the rest of your existence here on Adro, in this human skin. The fact that you are obviously plotting and using your magic is grounds for its removal." Roy pulled out a cell phone.

  "Wait." The shaman pushed his hands higher. "I can tell you what I know. Just please, don't take my magic."

  Roy closed the phone. "Talk."

  "Someone came to me years ago. When I was first exiled and asked me distort the Oras." The shaman spoke quickly.

  "Who gave you access?"

  "I don’t have access. I just provide the spell. The person paying has to find a way to get into Haven and disrupt them.” He eyed the computer Liliana had with a hungry look. “You can’t do anything with the Oras outside of Haven."

  Liliana closed the Ora and snatched up the box from the table.

  “Who comes to you for this service?” Paul asked.

  “I don’t ask for names.” Sergio insisted.

  "Not good enough, make the call Roy." Paul crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Wait, ask her, I never ask for the names of my customers.”

  Liliana sighed, but nodded. It’s true, he hadn’t asked her identity when she’d come to him for her fake papers, nor the pass to get into Haven. He just made sure she’d had payment.

  “I don’t know anything else." Sergio pleaded.

  Liliana narrowed her eyes. "You're lying."

  "I swear." His left eye twitched.

  "Call, Roy." Liliana gathered the box and shoved it back into her bag. The visit was wasted. Clearly Sergio wouldn’t give them anything.

  "Wait, wait, please. I kept a copy of it."

  Everyone froze. The sound of Paul’s wings snapping back into place broke the silence.

  "Where?" Liliana's heart thumped. She put a hand to her chest to calm its rhythm.

  "It's in the cabinet behind me." The shaman's body shook.

  "Do not move." Paul ordered as he stomped to the cabinet.

  The room was quiet as he searched the drawers. He opened the last drawer and found a wooden chest.

  “They are in that chest.” Sergio pointed.

  Paul opened the chest, it was full of crystal stones. Liliana swallowed past the lump of fear. She would have answers.

  Roy frowned. "How long have you been distorting the Oras? There are nearly one hundred stones in there."

  Sergio lifted his chin. “I was banished to Adro. I have to make a living. It’s not right for the Amanda to interfere with that.”

  Paul put the box on the table. "Find the one she wants."

  The shaman's hands shook as he searched through the crystals. He pulled one out and handed it to Liliana. It had a date etched on it, three days after the day her sister had left Legba.

  The blood rushed from her face. She was the closest she’d been in the prior years to finding her sister. Kedric assumed she was dead. Thinking back on the footage they saw yesterday and the fact that she was unable to find her sister on anywhere else on the Oras, she was starting to give his thoughts merit. She didn’t want to believe it but the evidence was looking grim. She nodded, and with numb fingers, went through the spells Fallon had taught her. The Ora shimmered to life. Kita smiled, and led her vampire down the stairs. They laughed and Kita backed him into the wall and kissed him. The Ajo pulled her hair back and bit Kita. She smiled and the Ajo closed the wound, his face full of anticipation. Liliana could see the look in his eyes. Kita led him down the stairs into a small room. The Ora shimmered and went out.

  Liliana looked at him. "That's it. That's what you were hiding?"

  “I’m not hiding anything specific. I’ve kept these only as insurance. I don’t look through all of them.”

  She felt let down. But, more than likely Sergio was lying. She’d comb through every last one of these crystals until she found out what happened to her sister. She grabbed the second box and shook the stones out into her bag.

  “Let’s go guys.” She wanted to be safe at Haven before she looked through them. They changed back into their human skin.

  Paul grabbed the shaman. “You’re coming with us to Haven where your powers will be removed.”

  Sergio hissed in anger. “You lied to me.” He snatched his arm from Paul and started to shed his human skin. His form flickered, and his body expanded, growing taller and thicker until the seven foot plus Gu filled the space of the living room, his head skimming the high ceilings. Both Paul and Roy’s change to their Demi form was seamless, the warriors pulling their weapons before charging at the giant. Sergio fought them in earnest, slinging magic throughout the enclosed space. Liliana barely moved before one of his spells obliterated the couch she’d been sitting on moments ago. She scrambled out of the way as Roy released his sword and blocked a spell aimed for him. Paul in his Benu form was magnificent. The colorful wings were spread wide, the red feathers dipped in black on the ends. He kept his eyes on the Gu expertly dodging his escape attempts. Sergio made the mistake of making eye contact with Paul. It took a millisecond for the Benu power to enthrall the giant in its gaze. Sergio froze, stunned. Roy pulled out a set of heavy lead lined gloves and had them on the shaman’s hands before he could shake off Paul’s magic. The gloves would keep Sergio from being able to use his power. Roy handcuffed his arms behind him for extra measure and she watched, heart in her throat as the Sergio’s body shrank back down to size, his human skin once again covering his body.

  “He shouldn’t have been able to do that.” Roy remarked grimly as he grabbed the shaman’s arms to lead him out.

  “Right.” Paul agreed. “I’m sure, the commander will have questions for him as to how he was able to access his original form in exile.”

  Liliana leaned over, hands on her knees as she took her first deep breath in minutes. She’d told them Sergio was powerful, but she herself had taken for granted him being in exile and not having his full power. It had given her a false sense of confidence. Not that she’d be telling Leo that. Rolling her shoulders, she stood straight, grateful it was over, and anxious to be home.

  Paul peeked out the front door to be sure they weren’t being watched, then helped Roy guide Sergio to their SUV. They were all silent as they drove through the neighborhood on their way back to the highway.

  Roy tensed next to her, his gaze darting to the rear view mirror. He cursed. “Hold on tight.”

  Alarm sped her pulse and she grabbed the door handle tightly. ‘What’s happening?”

  “We’re being followed.” He sped up the truck.

  Paul turned in his seat and sighed. “We’re at a disadvantage too.”

  “In what way?” She fought to keep the panic from her voice.

  Paul loaded a gun he’d grabbed from under the seat. “All of these roads lead back to the highway. Evasive moves will be useless.”

  “I’ll try to outrun them, but it will get hairy.” The SUV leapt forward at his words.

  She double checked her seat belt and braced herself. The black car trailed them closely as Roy turned through the neighborhood, speeding through stop signs. Two turns and the car fell behind until she could no longer see it in the mirror. They were moving at a fast clip towards the highway and for a moment she breathed a little easier. At least until the impact to the back of the car. She screamed as they were hit again, this time causing the truck to tilt.

  They turned over, the air leaving her in a whoosh as the SUV landed in a ditch. Paul’s loud expletives were the only sound in the car as an eerie quiet descended. Liliana, afraid for her baby, remembere
d the panic button. She hung upside down in her seat smashing the button repeatedly as someone in a black mask rushed up to the jeep. Roy fumbled with his seatbelt next to her, his movements slow and stiff. He dropped out of his seat, whimpering in pain as he landed on the driver’s side door. The impact shook the car.

  She froze in horror as the male in the mask pulled out some type of gun. As he got closer, she saw a dart sticking out the end of it right as he shot at first Roy, then Paul. Magic swelled in the air, a curse or spell thrummed and thickened the space in the car. Flipping back through her time on Adro, she recognized it as dark magic and fervently prayed as she tried to remember counter spells. Roy’s life force was diminishing right before her eyes as fear threatened to take over her thoughts. First thing first, she needed to stop the masked man. She registered the death grip she’d kept on her satchel and ripped it open. She grabbed the small pistol she’d kept on her during her time alone on Adro. The bullets would do nothing, but it would distract him and buy Roy time. His shoulder whipped back with the impact of the bullet, and she fired another one into his other shoulder. Dropping the gun, she started the counter spell that popped into her head and pushed every bit of her power into it. He staggered under the weight of the power, going to his knees. He clutched his chest, narrowing his eyes on her.

  Her eyes widened as he stood, moving towards the SUV with purpose. He punched the glass of the back door and snatched Sergio from the seat. They held eye contact as he backed away with the shaman thrown over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. His sinister smile raised the hair on her arms. Her energy was waning, but she lifted her hands prepared to throw another spell at him. With a small mocking salute he threw Sergio into his car and drove off. She gingerly moved her body, working to unbuckle her seatbelt and help Roy.


  A high piercing alarm filled Xavier’s office as Leo and Fallon went through personnel records looking for his replacements. He cursed and whipped out his phone.


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