Sundered Hearts

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Sundered Hearts Page 4

by Anna J. McIntyre

  “Sam, if you haven’t noticed, our divorce is finalized. Our house is gone. There is no us.”

  “I figure we have the money from the sale of the house. I’ll find us another one…”

  “Wait a minute. You honestly expect me to take you back? After everything that happened, everything you said?”

  “I know I said some stupid stuff, but you ended up getting your way. You got to stay in the house, you pretty much picked the real estate agent. I split my referral with you.”

  “So because of that, you think I should take you back?”

  “It’s not like you got screwed in the divorce or anything. I messed up, Susan. I’ve admitted it; can’t we just move past that? People get remarried all the time. If you hadn’t been in such a damn hurry to finalize the divorce, we’d be separated now, and we could just move back in together and get on with our lives. I know this complicates things a little, but it’s doable.”

  “Sam, where are you living?”

  “Living? I told you, I left Loretta.”

  “I got that. But where are you living right now? I understood you were living at her apartment.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not living there anymore.”

  “You aren’t answering my question. Where are you staying tonight?”

  “Tonight? I was hoping here, with you.”

  Susan stood up abruptly.

  “This conversation is over,” she announced.

  “What do you mean, over?” Sam reluctantly got to his feet.

  “Sam, it’s over. I don’t love you anymore. I have no desire to live with you—to marry you again. I hope you find some happiness, but you won’t find it with me.”

  Without waiting for his reply, she marched to the front door and threw it open.

  “Goodbye, Sam.”

  “You’re serious,” Sam stammered, clearly not expecting her reaction.


  • • • •

  “He expected you to let him move in with you?” Linda asked. She and Susan sat at Starbucks, each drinking a cup of coffee.

  “Apparently so.” Susan absently stirred her drink.

  “What an ass. So, he and Loretta are finished?”

  “Who knows? I wouldn’t be surprised if he went back there since he needs a place to stay.”

  “Were you tempted?”


  “I remember there was a time you hoped he’d come to his senses and come back to you—tell you he had made a mistake. Isn’t that what he did today?”

  “Are you saying I should have taken him back?”

  “Of course not. I just wanted to know how you felt about all of it.”

  “I…” Susan stared down into her coffee as she considered the question. Finally, she looked up and said, “I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.”


  “Surprised the hell out of me, Linda. But nothing. Part of me was asking myself—did you really love this jerk? It was like I was seeing Sam for the very first time, and I didn’t like what I saw.”

  “Good girl!” Linda cheered, lifting her coffee cup in a mock salute.

  “What are you so happy about?” Susan chuckled and took a sip of her coffee.

  “You’re over him. Really over him.”

  Susan smiled and looked up at her friend. “You know, I think you’re right. So, what now?”

  “Now you get on with your life.”

  “I thought I was doing that.”

  “You know what I mean. Think about dating again.”

  “I will if you promise not to tell John I’m ready to start dating.”

  Linda laughed, then asked, “Has he called you again?”

  “No, not since the last time I told you about. But I don’t want to hurt his feelings—or Deb’s. But seriously, it was like college all over again.”

  “Yeah, Johnny Boy did have the hots for you back then.”

  “I’ll tell you a secret,” Susan whispered.


  “I know this sounds awful… but you know what I really miss?”


  “How did you know I was going to say that?”

  “Well, how long has it been since you’ve been with anyone?”

  “Anyone? You mean with Sam. Let’s see… I don’t know… almost eight months, I guess.”

  “Eight months! Lordy, girl, you really need to get laid!”

  “I know… I do!” Susan broke into giggles. “Is that awful for me to say?”

  “Nahh, according to Cosmopolitan, you’re in your sexual prime. Or was that Good Housekeeping? So, tell me, did seeing Sam again get you horny? This is the first time you’ve talked like this… at least to me.”

  “Sam? God no! But I suppose… well… seeing him again and not feeling anything, not wanting him… Well, it sort of liberated me. Made me realize I’ve every right to feel those things again… even if it’s just lust.”

  “Whatever you do, make sure he wears a condom. I know you’re on the pill. But still, play it safe.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Anyone you interested in?”

  “You mean for a booty call?” Susan chuckled.


  “No… well… that’s not entirely true. There was this one guy.”

  “Go on…”

  “He’s the one John brought to the bar that night.”

  “Oh, the surfer dude. Debbie said he was hot.”

  “She called him a surfer dude?”

  “I think I heard you call him that, too.”

  “I might have. He did remind me of the quintessential sexy beach bum. Blond hair that needed trimming, hunky tanned bod, and sexy blue eyes.”

  “Said she would have been all over that, but the guy spent the entire night checking you out.”

  “She said that?”


  “I didn’t notice him checking me out—or giving me any more attention than Debbie.” At least not at the bar, Susan told herself.

  “Didn’t he offer to help you move?”

  “Yes, but… It doesn’t matter. I don’t even know his last name.”

  “Isn’t he a friend of John’s?”

  “Not really. They had just met through work. But even if he was, I can’t exactly ask John. I don’t even know Brandon’s last name. I just know he works in construction as a framer.”

  “But he was hot?”

  “Very. But really, Linda, I’m just being silly. It’s not like I’m going to hunt down some man I barely know and drag him off to bed.”

  “Maybe not. But at least now, if the opportunity comes up, go for it!"

  “Yeah, right.” Susan laughed. “Thanks for meeting me here. It’s nice having someone to talk to.”

  “I’m always here for you. So, what are you going to do now?”

  “Now? I think I’m going to go buy a Christmas tree, pick up some new ornaments, go back to my apartment, and maybe bake some chocolate chip cookies.”

  Chapter Six

  Susan celebrated Christmas with her family. On Christmas Eve, she went to church with her parents, something she and Sam used to do together. He didn’t show up at the church service, and according to the grapevine, he had returned to Loretta. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for both Sam and Loretta. Susan realized she would prefer to be alone rather than be with someone she didn’t love and respect. She felt neither love nor respect for Sam.

  Linda and her husband hosted a New Year’s Eve party at their house, which Susan attended. She spent most of the evening dodging unwanted advances from John, who had had too much to drink. But she did accept a date from another man at the party.

  Susan’s date was uneventful, and by the end of the evening, she knew she wouldn’t accept a second date should he ask—which he did. By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, she’d gone out on three different dates—with three different men—and none did she wish to repeat. The furthest any of the dates went was a goodnight

  In spite of her dismal dating record, Susan was willing to keep trying. She figured there had to be some guy out there who was worth a second date. So far, she hadn’t found one she wanted to sleep with, yet that didn’t mean she didn’t want to have sex. Susan definitely wanted to have sex—just not with any of the men she’d gone out with.

  On the first Friday in March, Susan met Debbie for drinks after work. She’d just finished a glass of wine when John happened to drop by. Susan fabricated an excuse to leave prematurely, saying she was going to her sister’s for dinner, and made her exit.

  It is a shame John doesn’t appeal to me sexually, Susan told herself. She thought it might be nice to have a friend to call up for a booty call when needed. Like I would actually do that, she laughed to herself.

  Driving down the street she noticed a bar—After Sundown. Why does that sound familiar? she asked herself. Just as she was about to pass its parking lot’s entrance, she noticed a red pickup truck—Brandon’s red truck. Without thinking, Susan turned into the parking lot.

  She just sat there a minute, her heart pounding. Did she dare go into the bar? Going into a bar alone wasn’t something she would normally do, but Brandon was inside, so she should be safe—at least she hoped so.

  Mustering her courage, Susan thought, What the hell and got out of her parked car. She walked to the bar’s entrance. The moment she walked into the smoky room, it came back to her—After Sundown, the infamous pickup bar.

  It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Country music played from the jukebox while several couples danced toward the back of the room, their movements more reminiscent of sexual intercourse than conventional dance steps. Some of the clientele played pool while others sat at the bar or at picnic tables. Eyes turned in her direction as she walked toward the bar. She could feel them checking her out.

  Nervously, she approached the bartender. The bar top separated them. Her eyes searched the dark room for Brandon, but she didn’t see him. Susan began to wonder if she’d made a mistake coming into After Sundown alone.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked.

  “Vodka tonic, please,” she said nervously.

  “I’ll get it for her,” a gravelly male voice called out. Susan looked toward the voice. The man reminded her of someone who’d just been released from prison. His bald head glistened with sweat while one side of his neck sported an unattractive demonic tattoo. It appeared his nose had suffered one too many breaks and she wondered if the bulging biceps were the product of a prison gym. What the hell am I doing here?

  She was about to decline the drink offer when she heard another voice call out.

  “No, she’s with me. I got it.” It was Brandon’s voice. “Hi, sugar. I wondered what was taking you so long,” Brandon said, speaking loudly for the benefit of Susan’s unsavory suitor.

  The bald man grumbled, yet didn’t argue. She turned toward Brandon.


  “What the hell are you doing here?” Brandon hissed.

  “I… I saw your truck. Just thought I would stop in and say hi.” She felt foolish.

  Brandon took the empty bar stool next to Susan and leaned close to her.

  “Did you forget what we said about this place?” he asked.

  “I sort of forgot,” she said guiltily. The bartender set a cocktail on the bar top in front of her. She grabbed it and took a sip.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking down at her drink.

  “I’m horny,” Brandon snapped.

  Startled by his answer, she quickly turned in his direction and eyed him curiously. He looked more angry than horny.

  “Maybe that’s why I’m here.”

  “Well, sweetheart, by the way all the men are checking you out, you shouldn’t have a problem getting what you came here for.”

  “Well, that sounds disgusting,” she said, now feeling embarrassed.

  “You said it,” he reminded.

  “You started it.”

  “Did I? I don’t recall dragging you in here,” he said.

  She could smell whisky on his breath and wondered if he was drunk. He hadn’t been surly when they’d first met. He’d been funny, sweet, and sexy. He was still sexy. In fact, he was sexier than she remembered. The temptation to run her hands through his messy blond hair was almost too much to resist—but she did.

  While she didn’t find inebriated men attractive, something about Brandon made her restless—needy. Good lord, I am a slut! Susan took another sip of her drink. In her head, she calculated how long it had been since she’d had sex. Almost a year of celibacy for a woman nearing her twenty-seventh birthday was definitely too long.

  “You want to come home with me?” Susan blurted out. Her question startled Brandon as much as it did her. However, Brandon didn’t spend his time considering what she’d just asked. Instead, he stood up, dug one hand in his pocket, and pulled out some money. After slamming the bills on the bar to pay for the drinks, he grabbed Susan’s hand and pulled her off the barstool, leading her toward the exit.

  She insisted on taking her car, believing he had had too much to drink. Sitting sideways in the passenger seat, Brandon watched Susan as she drove the vehicle.

  “Do you always pull men out of bars?” he asked, sounding more amused than concerned.

  “Actually, you’re the first one,” she said nervously, trying to keep her eyes on the road. The way he stared at her sent chills up the back of her neck.

  “I can’t wait until I can take your clothes off,” he told her, his voice low. Brandon reached out and fingered the button on her blouse, then dropped his hand down to her skirt, touching its hem and running his fingertips up her thigh under the skirt’s fabric.

  “Ummm… I think we should wait until we get to my apartment,” Susan stammered.

  “I’m not good at waiting,” Brandon whispered, leaning toward her, kissing the side of her neck. The sensation sent goose bumps over her sensitive skin.

  “Stop that; you’re going to make me get into an accident,” she whispered.

  Brandon chuckled, then moved his hand back to her blouse and unbuttoned the front.

  “I’m serious, Brandon. It’s hard for me to concentrate,” she warned.

  “You make me hard, so it’s only fair.” He laughed and slipped his hand inside her blouse. She wanted to close her eyes and savor the sensation as his fingers wiggled their way inside her bra cup, before nudging her breast from its lacy restraint. His hand covered her right breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. The sensation made her gasp.

  “You have amazing breasts.”

  She almost said they were too small, but by the way his hand moved over her breast, it was obvious he liked what he found. By the time they reached her apartment, he’d unsnapped the front of her bra, freeing both breasts and doing his best to make her nipples hard and erect.

  When she parked the car and turned off the ignition, he moved closer and kissed her lips roughly, pressing his eager tongue inside her mouth before abandoning her lips and moving downward for her nipples. He’d already opened her blouse, exposing her breasts when his mouth claimed her left nipple, and then the right, gently sucking and licking the taut pink nubs.

  Closing her eyes, Susan leaned back in her car seat, ignoring the possibility that someone might walk past her carport. But, it was dark outside, so she pushed such thoughts from her mind.

  Abruptly, Brandon sat back up and pulled her blouse closed.

  “Let’s get inside,” he told her. It sounded more like an order than a request, but she complied.

  Susan didn’t bother to take the time to re-button her blouse for the short walk to her front door. Once they were inside, Brandon’s hand reached for her blouse and stripped it off, followed by the bra, and dropped both garments on the entry floor.

  Tossing her purse to a nearby table, Susan reached for Brandon’s shirt collar as she kicked off her shoes. He kissed her mouth again as
eager hands assisted in the undressing. They slowly made their way toward her bedroom.

  By the time they were at Susan’s bedside, all but Susan’s panties were removed. Brandon lost his shirt and shoes in the entry, and his denims were unzipped. He tugged down his jeans as his eyes fixed on Susan, who stood before him wearing only her silk panties. Her nipples glistened from his wet kisses.

  “You are so hot,” Brandon said breathlessly as he hastily tugged off his jeans and sat on the side of her bed, wearing just his white briefs.

  Standing before Brandon’s spread knees, Susan looked down and noticed his erect penis had escaped the fly of the briefs and was standing impressively at attention. Brandon reached for her hips and pulled her toward him, tugging down her panties.

  “Damn, they are so wet.” Brandon laughed.

  Susan blushed and pushed Brandon back onto the bed, climbing atop him. Impatient, she tugged off his briefs and forgot about Linda’s warning about condoms. Positioning herself atop Brandon, Susan took the dominate position and pressed herself onto his erection. Closing his eyes, Brandon reached out and grabbed hold of Susan’s hips, gently guiding her onto him.

  Once they were joined, it became a frantic, demanding ride. When Brandon felt Susan’s release squeezing him, he couldn’t restrain himself a moment longer and found his own bit of heaven.

  Exhausted, Susan lay sprawled atop Brandon, still joined, not wanting to pull away. Breathing heavily, Brandon closed his eyes and stroked Susan’s bare back.

  “Are you on birth control?” he asked at last.

  “Yes,” she said, not opening her eyes.

  Brandon’s hands moved to her bare bottom, pulling her closer, reminding them both that they were still joined.

  Sometime later, they took a shower together and then made love for a second time. At midnight, they slipped out to the kitchen and ate sandwiches before going back to bed and having sex for a third time.

  When Susan woke the next morning, Brandon was gone, but there was a note by the bed.

  I thought I better go pick up my truck before it gets towed. I called a cab. Thanks for last night. I will call you – Brandon.

  Sitting up in the bed, reading the note, Susan realized she still didn’t know Brandon’s last name. She also didn’t have his phone number—nor did he have hers.


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