Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky Page 16

by Mars Gravity

  “That’s right.” Qin Wushang smiled. “Unfortunately, good fortune did not fall on Palace Chief Dongfang, he actually did not follow us here this time. He had always dreamed of being able to investigate the legendary Heaven Basin Secret Realm at least once. But, speaking of which, even I didn’t think that Yun Che would actually be able to get this far…”

  He deeply looked at Yun Che, and said. “Challenging someone with a higher level of profound strength is not uncommon, but defeating someone with strength at the late stage Spirit Profound Realm with just the strength at the True Profound Realm, I have never heard of such a thing. I don’t know what method you used to accomplish this; it might be your talent, or it might be the opportunities you have gotten, but what I can confirm is that after this Ranking Tournament, your name will spread throughout the entire Blue Wind Empire, or even, the entire Profound Sky Continent. Are you prepared for this?”

  “It can’t be that exaggerated, right?” Yun Che said casually.

  “No! It will only be more exaggerated than what I described. If you obtained victory with oppressing profound strength, then that will simply be some new news to know about. However, obtaining consecutive victories with just the strength at the True Profound Realm, this has completely broken history, and has even exceeded everyone’s understanding. Currently, all of the sects, including the Four Major Sects, are already targeting you, investigating your personal history, looking for all the information regarding your life. After the tournament, there will definitely be many people inviting you to join their sects, like what Mu Tianbei did. I possess no authority to intervene in your decision to stay or leave, but, I hope that you can remember this. No matter who you’re facing, do not offend that person like how you did yesterday, because every person you offend, may bring about a danger to yourself that can explode at any time. Yesterday, you made it difficult for Mu Tianbei, and today, you even seriously injured his son, Mu Xiongyan, he will definitely not simply leave this matter at it is. Within this Heavenly Sword Villa, he does not possess the guts to act against you, but after the tournament, Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress might possess the qualifications to enter the Heaven Basin Secret Realm as well. When that time comes, I doubt they will not take the opportunity to exact vengeance.”

  “I completely understand what Palace Chief Qin is trying to say. Although I have never been afraid of offending others, I have never casually offended others as well. If Mu Tianbei did not ridicule our Blue Wind Profound Palace nor mock the Blue Wind Imperial Family yesterday, I would not have made things difficult for him either. Seriously injuring Mu Xiongyan was intentional as well. But, since I have already done it, I will not regret it. If he wishes to exact vengeance, then I will take responsibility for it.” The corner of Yun Che’s lips moved, curving up to a dangerously cold smile. “Who shall suffer under whose hands has yet to be determined.”

  Knowing that he was unable to persuade Yun Che, Qin Wushang simply sighed, and said. “You must definitely be cautious in tomorrow’s match. Although Fen Juebi’s level of profound strength is the same as Mu Xiongyan’s, he is someone who has inherited the profound arts of the Burning Heaven Clan, his abilities can be said to be a few levels above Mu Xiongyan’s. And, this person, Fen Juebi, is ruthless, brutal, and likes to humiliate his opponents. The reason why Fen Juechen left the Burning Heaven Clan and was so focused on exacting vengeance on Fen Juebi, was due to the huge shame he received after being defeated by him. When you’re exchanging blows with him, you must definitely, definitely, be careful.”

  Fen Juecheng’s expression, which was filled with killing intent, flashed past in Yun Che’s mind. Smiling coldly, with a voice which only he could hear, he muttered to himself. “Hmm… Humiliating opponents… I’m an expert in that field too…”

  Chapter 220: Yun Che VS Fen Juebi

  Today’s Sword Discourse Arena was filled with a peculiar kind of atmosphere. Especially members of the Burning Heaven Clan; their complexions were all quite unsightly.

  The first match of the Quarterfinals was Yun Che versus Fen Juebi. Although Yun Che had surprised people time and time again in every one of his previous matches, to the majority of the audience, this competition was still not suspenseful at all. It wasn’t because they still held Yun Che in contempt after being shocked again and again, rather, it was because the image of the Four Major Sects prime positions had long since been deeply ingrained.

  “You must win this match no matter what! Yuange was defeated by Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Xia Qingyue, and Jin’er had the misfortune of going up against Ling Yun. Out of all of us, the one remaining that entered the Quarterfinals, is only you! Looks like, in this session, the fact that we are still ranked fourth out of the Four Major Sects has essentially been decided. But, if you lose to this Yun Che brat, then we would not even be able to enter the top four and can only rank fifth! For our Burning Heaven Clan, this is an absolutely unacceptable humiliation… You understand?”

  Fen Moli said with a heavy expression. In yesterday’s Round of 16, Burning Heaven Clan’s core disciple, his last grandson, Fen Jin, had the misfortune of going against Ling Yun, so he had to leave the stage prematurely. This made him suddenly feel extremely pressured. He could accept being at the bottom of the Four Major Sects’ rankings, after all, it had basically been that way for all these years. But if they placed outside of fourth place… This was a matter that had not happened for several hundreds of years! It was enough to bring shame to the entire Burning Heaven Clan, so he was absolutely positively unwilling to accept that.

  And the first match of the Quarterfinals just happened to be the battle that decided that outcome! If they defeat Yun Che, Burning Heaven Clan would enter the top four, and even placing in the top three would become a possibility. But if they lose…

  “Rest assured Great Elder. Coming across anyone of the six people outside of Yun Che and I, would have to make me carefully consider the match. But this Yun Che…” Fen Juebi laughed with extreme disdain: “Trash that completely relied on luck to get here doesn’t even have the qualifications to go against me. If I can’t even defeat him, then I seriously do not even have the face to continue living.”

  Fen Moli nodded his head slowly. Even though the strength that Yun Che had displayed was more shocking than the next, he still had never believed that Fen Juebi could lose. However, his complexion was still as tense as before as he spoke in a low voice: “For you to have such self-confidence is naturally good. You can be confident in yourself but you must not, by any means, be too arrogant! Because that will deceive your eyes. Also, when going against Yun Che, you must not underestimate him. Yesterday, he suddenly revealed a bizarre and unpredictable movement skill that even I did not see through clearly. Not only that, he can also control fire as well, and it cannot be certain that he does not have the ability to restrain our Burning Heaven Fire. The most important thing worthy of careful attention, is that it does not seem like he has completely revealed his true strength… You must be careful!”

  “Great Elder is overthinking it. His movement skill is merely a simple instantaneous displacement. How could it possibly compare to our Burning Heaven Clan’s ‘Burning Phantom Illusion’. Besides, even if his profound movement skill is a hundred times more delicately fine, it is useless within a Sword Discourse Arena entirely enveloped in the Burning Heaven Fire that has no blind spots. As for his control over fire, hahahaha… The fire he released yesterday was clearly the lowest level of profound fire, so how could it possibly compare to our Burning Heaven Fire? If you’re saying that he could possibly restrain my power, you might as well say that I could completely control his power.”

  Fen Juebi’s expression was filled with complete disdain. His words made Fen Moli crease his brows as he said in a somewhat grave voice: “Juebi, there is one thing that I must remind you about. If you lose this match, then the entire Burning Heaven Clan would be humiliated. You must not become our Burning Heaven Clan’s sinner. If that happens, it is not certain if
Clan Master would forgive you.”

  Fen Moli’s last words finally made Fen Juebi retract his sloppy attitude and made him nod quite seriously: “Great Elder’s instructions are, that in this match, even if the opponent is many times weaker, I still should not hold back… To only win, and not lose.”

  Fen Juebi closed in next to Fen Juecheng’s ear and softly said with half-narrowed eyes: “Big bro, the match is about to start soon. Do you want to cripple both his legs, burn his face off, or turn him into an eunuch?”

  “Burn his face off!” Fen Juecheng’s eyebrows sunk as he answered without the slightest hesitation. Because during a match, this kind of matter could completely be regarded as an “unexpected accident”.

  “I won’t let big bro down.” Fen Juebi stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his lips. He quietly laughed sinisterly: “To me, instead of saying that this is a competition, I’d rather say that this is a… Mn, incomparably wonderful game.”

  Time was approaching in the blink of an eye. Yun Che and Fen Juebi leapt to the center of the Sword Discourse Arena at almost the same time with a distance of more than thirty meters between them.

  Yun Che’s expression was completely tranquil. But in the eyes of the Fen Juebi in front of him, he saw a distinct disdain and mockery, as well as a close to perverted cruelty mixed within. The corner of Yun Che’s mouth twitched, as a hint of a sneer flitted by.

  In Fen Juebi’s eyes, Yun Che was a mere dish that he could flatten or make round.

  But in Yun Che’s eyes, Fen Juebi was not even considered a dish. He was not even as threatening as yesterday’s Mu Xiongyan. Mu Xiongyan’s various unknown firearms had at least, scared him enough to choose to win by a surprise move in the shortest time possible. This Fen Juebi however, could be said to not even be a threat since the very beginning… Because this guy only played with fire.

  “Say, do you think it’s possible for Yun Che to defeat Fen Juebi?”

  “Isn’t this fundamentally impossible? While Fen Juebi’s profound strength is the same as yesterday’s Mu Xiongyan, his true strength is in a different level. He’s Fen Duanhun’s second son!”

  “If Fen Juebi actually loses, Burning Heaven Clan would be kicked out of the top four and that would surely be fun to watch.”

  “How could that kind of thing even happen…”

  “Quick, look at what’s in Fen Juebi’s hands… That must be the legendary Sky Profound Weapon —— the Demon Flame Blade! It looks like that Fen Juebi’s not going to give Yun Che any chances whatsoever.”

  “That’s only natural. To the Burning Heaven Clan, they have no other choice but to win and not lose this match. Even if the opponent is a mere grasshopper, they definitely cannot hold back.”

  Even though the two on the Sword Discourse Arena had not exchanged words, the atmosphere was filled with a strangeness that was difficult to describe. Seeing that the two were already prepared, Ling Wugou did not wait any longer and waved his hand: “The first showdown of the Quarterfinals… Blue Wind Imperial Family’s Yun Che versus Burning Heaven Clan’s Fen Juebi, battle start!”

  “Heh!” Fen Juebi laughed sinisterly: “If you had chosen to not get on stage and directly surrender, I seriously would not have known what to do. Luckily, you did not disappoint me and obediently came up here. It is already too late if you wish to surrender right now. Today, is going to be the most unforgettable day of your life.”

  “Tch.” Yun Che curled his lips in disdain: “I never expected that not only are you ugly, you also say this much rubbish. No wonder Burning Heaven Clan could only stand at the bottom of the Four Major Sects, it’s actually made up of these piles of trash.”

  With his poisonous tongue, Yun Che was indeed an expert in the same field. Fen Juebi immediately went into a violent rage once those words of his came out: “Die!!”

  Scarlet flame ignited atop Fen Juebi’s body. Then, it all concentrated onto the Demon Flame Blade. The flame’s dazzling light reflected upon the surrounding profound energy barrier and revealed its shape, while bringing along an incomparably shocking high temperature. In the wake of Fen Juebi’s blade thrust, the flame on the blade’s body immediately swirled into a huge flaming tornado. Like a ferocious flame beast, it came at Yun Che with opened deadly fangs.

  This power behind this strike made several tens of meters of audience cry out in alarm. Yun Che slightly lowered his brows as he instantaneously retreated backwards. The Overlord’s Colossal Sword immediately came out with a wave, and was then swung outwards, conjuring up a tyrannical profound energy tornado that collided with Fen Juebi’s flaming tornado. In a split second, Yun Che’s heavy sword energy was burnt out by Burning Heaven Fire. In turn, the Burning Heaven was extinguished by the heavy sword energy layer after layer. At the location of the two force’s collision, fire and space began to violently distort.


  Following the loud explosion, the heavy sword energy and the flaming tornado were simultaneously exterminated. The two were pushed into the distance by the tremendous windstorm. Fen Juebi stood in place as his expression became even more dangerous: “Heh. You have truly surprised me. To have actually received a strike containing sixty percent of my strength, it looks like you did not entirely rely on luck to reach this place. Oh, but what a pity. In front of me, you are still merely trash.”

  He pointed the Demon Flame Blade forward with slightly narrowed eyes and a proud posture, as if he was issuing Yun Che his life’s trial: “I was just greeting earlier. I’ll let you properly see and experience our Burning Heaven Clan’s Burning Heaven Fire next. Believe me, it is something that you will remember for a whole lifetime. Even until death, you would probably never forget its exquisite scenery. Hahahaha!!”

  In the midst of his wild laughter, Fen Juebi suddenly dashed forward at a great speed as fire ignited once more on his body and the Demon Flame Blade. Bringing along a strand of fiery silhouettes, he immediately attacked Yun Che. Before he was even fifteen meters away from Yun Che, the flames on his body suddenly changed from scarlet to blue.

  Orange colored flame was known as “ordinary fire”, and was the weakest level fire. Above orange fire, was scarlet colored fire. Middle-low level profound flame was also scarlet in color, and above scarlet, from the lowest level to the highest, was Blue Flame, Purple Flame, White Flame, Gold Flame, as well as the rumored Star Scorching Flame and Primordial Flame of legends.

  When transforming profound energy into fire, its power could more or less be determined by the color of the flame. But as for the special flames of the Phoenix, Vermilion Bird, and Golden Crow, they were not ordinary profound fire, rather, they were the Divine Beast’s personal “Divine Fire” that possessed their own properties and color, which did not follow that sort of procedure.

  Blue Flame, was profound fire that surpasses the Scarlet Flame by one level!

  To everyone’s knowledge, only those who have reached the Earth Profound Realm were capable of releasing such high level profound flame!

  Once this blue colored flame came out, it undoubtedly made the entire audience cry out in surprise.

  “Blue… Blue Flame!!”

  “It has been said that one needed to have profound strength in at least the Earth Profound Realm to have the capability of igniting blue colored profound flame… Fen Juebi’s innate talent for flames was actually this high! To actually have the capability of igniting blue colored profound flames at only the eighth level of the Spirit Profound Realm.”

  “As expected of the son of Burning Heaven Clan’s Clan Master, looks like Fen Juebi’s true strength needs to be evaluated once more. With him igniting blue colored profound flames, it seems like Yun Che does not even have a little bit of hope left.”

  At the Burning Heaven Clan’s seating area, Fen Moli faintly laughed as he thought out loud: “Looks like this Great Elder’s words had frightened him. To have actually revealed his trump card so early, it is simply making a big deal out of a small matter, and using a butcher knife f
or oxes to kill chicken.”

  “Come, let me hear the sounds of you crying, begging, and struggling!”

  Fen Juebi laughed wildly as he closed in on Yun Che. The blue colored flames on his body suddenly exploded, dispersing into more than a dozen different sized flaming tornados. The flaming tornados quickly combusted in the air, spreading directly towards Yun Che as well as every nook and cranny within the profound energy barrier. It was as if it wanted to completely cover the space within the profound energy barrier and change the surroundings into a sea of blue colored fire without any blind spots…

  Chapter 221: Extinguished

  The difference between blue colored profound flames and scarlet colored profound flames was not merely power, but also their different levels of plane. The profound defense at the Spirit Profound Realm could mostly defend against high powered scarlet flames, but would usually be burnt down like a thin sheet of paper against low level blue flames.

  Along with the quickly expanding blue flame tornado, Yun Che also continually retreated, and was forced back to the arena’s border step by step. With a loud laugh, Fen Juebi’s body suddenly became illusory and a great amount of his figures suddenly appeared within the soaring blue colored profound flames, as if an innumerable amount of his clones were born from this blue sea of fire.

  Of course, these “clones” were merely illusions he produced using blue colored profound flames. But because they were extremely similar to his original body, they were hard to differentiate from his true body and was enough to confuse the opponent’s eyesight, dazzling them and rendering them unable to choose and attack. The “clones” went from a few to a dozen, then grew from a dozen into a few dozens. They all shifted around chaotically in the blue colored sea of fire, bringing up countless strings of blue colored light mirages. Under the protection and interference of these clones, the true body slashed toward Yun Che from different directions, and made it perilous for Yun Che as he retreated step by step.


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