Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky

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Against the Gods - Volume 03 - Name that Shakes the Profound Sky Page 32

by Mars Gravity

  “Hehe, thanks for the praise.” Yun Che smiled, quite pleased with himself.

  “Praise? I was being sarcastic!” Jasmine corrected herself very earnestly: “I can feel that you aren’t that confident about defeating Xia Qingyue yourself, yet you also absolutely won’t permit yourself to lose. So, at that time, even I won’t be able to anticipate what kind of life-threatening actions you’ll make. However, I must warn you, it is best that you don’t try to forcefully activate the third realm of the Evil God. At the Dragon God Trial grounds, you forcefully activated the second realm of the Evil God. If it wasn’t for your Great Way of the Buddha suddenly making a breakthrough, you would have died there. You won’t have such heavenly luck every time!”

  “I’m not really a person who can’t afford to lose; if tomorrow’s opponent was Ling Yun, or even Xiao Jie, I wouldn’t think much about it if I lost, but only Xia Qingyue… I definitely cannot lose! This isn’t an issue of victory or defeat, but an issue of a man’s dignity!”

  “A man’s dignity?”

  “… This is a matter between adults, little kids won’t understand it.” Yun Che answered with a grin.

  “Little kid? Hmph! Everything I know, surpasses your knowledge ten million times!” Jasmine snorted in disdain: “You still haven’t answered my question. What are you gesticulating?”

  “It’s not much. I’ve just been trying to get a feel for the Sirius’ Second Sword Style based off the fundamental stage of the Prison God Sirius’ Tome, but evidently, I’ve been a bit too quixotic.” Yun Che said grudgingly. He had tried to do this numerous times, but each time, his efforts proved to be fruitless.

  “Jasmine, do you really not have any impression at all of the Sirius’ Second Sword Style?” Yun Che suddenly asked. Currently, out of all of his attacking profound techniques, Sky Wolf Slash had the greatest power. And Sky Wolf Slash was only the first sword style of the Prison God Sirius’ Tome, yet it already had such formidable power; the godly might of the following sword styles must be even more frightening.

  “During that time, I had only casually flipped through the Prison God Sirius’ Tome while Big Brother was training, so I only remember the fundamental stage and the first sword style…” Speaking to this point, Jasmine seemed to have thought of something, and after a slight pause, a string of scenes suddenly appeared in Yun Che’s mind… In the scenes, a young man with a handsome figure and unclear facial features was currently brandishing an enormous heavy sword even larger than his body. Every wave of the heavy sword caused the winds and clouds to rumble, and the earth to quake…

  “This… is…”

  “This is a scene of Big Brother training. His heavy sword sword styles are mostly from the Prison God Sirius’ Tome, but there are only movements, and no profound arts. Furthermore, I can’t guarantee that these scenes won’t have mistakes and omissions. Whether or not you can get anything out of this, it’s all up to you.” Jasmine said irresponsibly.

  Yun Che didn’t say anymore. After calming his heart down, he began to silently observe the form of the figure wielding the heavy sword in his mind, over and over again…

  The next day, Heavenly Sword Villa’s Sword Discourse Arena.

  The sun had yet to rise, but the Sword Discourse Arena was already completely packed. This day was the concluding day of the Ranking Tournament, and the two parties in the final battle was an unprecedented pair of a young man and woman who were merely seventeen years of age.

  One was Yun Che, who had the lowest profound strength out of all the participating disciples, yet consecutively defeated opponents with profound strengths far surpassing his, and ultimately, miraculously charged into the final battle. In every one of his fights, he had brought about more or less legendary flair. He was the first ever disciple in the True Profound Realm to have participated in the Ranking Tournament, and furthermore, the first ever True Profound Realm participant to have charged into the finals!

  And the other one was Xia Qingyue, who had revealed her true strength yesterday, defeated Ling Yun, and astonished everyone present. After yesterday’s battle, she had become the Blue Wind Empire’s number one genius. Furthermore, she had replaced Ling Yun, and became the number one of the younger generation. In the future, she would definitely become a king class expert whose name would shake all of Blue Wind.

  And Heavenly Sword Villa, which had always taken the leading role of this decisive battle in the past, had been reduced to mere spectators this time. Ling Yuefeng had arrived very early, but he just sat silently the entire time, and didn’t say a word. Ling Yun, who had lost the fight yesterday, also appeared next to Ling Yuefeng. He was similarly silent, but his expression was very tranquil; at least on the surface, it seemed like he hadn’t taken much of a blow from yesterday’s loss.

  Of course, it wasn’t that he was too weak, but that his opponent was so powerful she completely exceeded everyone’s expectations.

  Today, there were originally two battles scheduled in the Sword Discourse Arena. The first battle was the fight for the third and fourth places, but this fight had directly concluded when Ling Jie conceded the match in advance. Ling Yun, who had originally been expected to take first place, thus ranked third. Before the Ranking Tournament, everyone had made a great deal of predictions as to which competitors would become the top three, and the only unanimous prediction was that Ling Yun would take first place. If he hadn’t gone through the fight with Xia Qingyue yesterday, no would ever think about or even believe this kind of conclusion.

  “… The final battle of the ranking tournament: Blue Wind Imperial Family’s Yun Che, versus Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Xia Qingyue. May both contestants ascend the Sword Discourse Arena!”

  Ling Wugou declared loudly at the center of the Sword Discourse Arena.

  “Junior Brother Yun, good luck!”

  “Brother-in-law, good luck!”

  Yun Che stood up, and suddenly asked to his side: “Yuanba, do you hope that I’ll win, or hope that your sister will win?”

  “Eh…” Xia Yuanba was stumped. He scratched his head, and said: “If Brother-in-law wins, I’ll certainly be happy, and if Big Sis wins, I’ll definitely be happy as well.” Having spoken to this point, Xia Yuanba’s eyes suddenly began to sparkle: “Waaah! Before, the Ranking Tournament could only appear in my dreams, but now Big Sis and Brother-in-law are competing for first place; it’s as if I’m still inside a dream. However, if I had to compare the two of you… I still hope Brother-in-law will win.”

  “Oh? Why?” Yun Che asked with a faint smile.

  “This, this… because Big Sis is still a girl y’know, and is also Brother-in-law’s wife. Being defeated by Brother-in-law seems a bit more reasonable.” Xia Yuanba answered in a somewhat confused manner.

  “Hahahaha.” Yun Che began to laugh. He reached out and patted Xia Yuanba’s shoulder: “Yuanba, well spoken. As a man, it’s not much if I lose to other people, but I definitely can’t lose to my own wife!! So what if she’s a tigress or a phoenix, I must firmly… Mn, ride her!!”

  Xia Yuanba stared wide and nodded blankly. Even though he hadn’t completely digested Yun Che’s words, he felt that they made a lot of sense.

  This crooked reasoning by Yun Che made Cang Yue smile wryly, but she did not rebuke him. These words that were filled with arrogance and machismo ought to have sounded repulsive from a girl’s perspective; but coming from Yun Che’s mouth, it didn’t make her feel odd and repulsed. Instead, she had a fitting feeling that this belonged to a part of his disposition.

  Under the gazes of several thousands of people, Yun Che walked to the center of the Sword Discourse Arena, and stood opposing Xia Qingyue.

  The current Xia Qingyue had an ice veil covering her face, making him unable to see her features even though he was very close. However, that single fleeting glance yesterday, was already enough for him to carve it deep into his heart. The two silently faced each other… Other than the limited few, no one present would have thought that these two people
who seemed to be completely unrelated, were actually a genuine husband and wife pair.

  Recalling the bridal greeting, wedding, and sleeping together back then… At that time, she was the publically acknowledged beloved daughter of the heavens, and what’s more, she had been accepted as a disciple of the Frozen Cloud Asgard even earlier. Yet, he was only a wastrel with crippled profound veins and no future who was looked down in contempt by everyone; the two’s difference could be said to be as far as heaven and earth. But just with a short few days of interacting, Yun Che had already cracked a tiny little fissure in Xia Qingyue’s cold and indifferent heart. However, the unforeseen event that came right after, made them go on their separate ways earlier than expectations… When they met again, the trajectory and height of the two’s lives, both had already turned upside down.

  The her before was a beloved daughter of the heavens, and the dotings of thousands upon thousands of people concentrated on that one body. The her right now, was even more blessed countless times by the heavens, and stood on an unreachable plane that made peers of the same age exclaim in shock.

  And in Xia Qingyue’s eyes, as if a miracle, that youth who was frail and weak yet had a resolute and profound gaze, and was even somewhat bold and audacious in front of her, actually grew into a enormous tree that reached the heavens in less than two short years. The him that time could only be oppressed by others and was driven out of his family in the end; yet the him now, could stand on this profound strength stage of the highest level in the Blue Wind Empire with pride, and declare his name at all of Blue Wind Empire’s peak experts.

  It was like an inexplicable setup by fate; this pair of husband and wife that should by no means have crossed each other again, had nevertheless, simultaneously stood on this stage that represented the pinnacle. The other party, was their last opponent.

  “Qingyue, do you know why I participated in the Ranking Tournament this time?” Yun Che opened his mouth first while looking into Xia Qingyue’s eyes, and asked while smiling faintly.

  Without waiting for Xia Qingyue to inquire, Yun Che followed up: “The first reason is to complete Senior Sister Xueruo’s dream. I have already accomplished this. As for the second reason…”

  Yun Che extended his right hand forward as a gray light flashed, and grasped onto the hilt of Dragon Fault. The tip of the sword, in which a fierce dragon was embedded, naturally drooped down, piercing the ground beneath him with a loud explosion. A gust of thick and domineering imposing force also surged and spread like waves in all directions.

  “I’ll tell you after I defeat you!”

  The instant Dragon Fault was taken out, not in the least unexpected, the might of the Sky Profound sword awed the entire arena. In the Blue Wind Empire, it was well known that only seven Sky Profound weapons existed; this heavy sword, was actually a Sky Profound Weapon that had never before been seen!

  “This imposing force… is a Sky Profound Weapon! And a high-grade Sky Profound Weapon at that!

  “Such a Sky Profound Weapon actually exists in Blue Wind Empire, why haven’t I ever heard of it? Could it be that the Blue Wind Imperial Family has been concealing it this entire time?”

  “It looks as if it’s still a heavy sword… A Sky Profound heavy sword, I’m afraid even an expert at the Sky Profound Realm would find it difficult to control. Can he control it?”

  “Sky… Sky Profound heavy sword?” Ling Jie cried out in surprise, then clenched his teeth silently: “No wonder he didn’t want me to pay him for breaking that Earth Profound heavy sword. It turns out he actually has a Sky Profound heavy sword… In other words, he was still holding back in our fight yesterday, and didn’t use all his strength… Mn? Father, what happened? Ah? Big Bro, your expression has also become really strange.”

  “Father, doesn’t it look like that sword?” Ling Yun suddenly asked.

  Ling Yuefeng didn’t respond, and rapidly withdrew an ancient book of historical records from his spatial ring. He flipped through the first several pages of the historical records, and after his gaze halted for a moment, he raised his hand, looked at the enormous sword in Yun Che’s hands, and said in a low voice: “Based on the information we’ve received about Yun Che in the last few days, for some time before this, did he go to the Wasteland of Death, and spend an entire five months of time there before coming out?”

  “That did indeed happen.” Ling Yun nodded.

  “Looks like it can’t be wrong.” Ling Yuefeng closed the historical records and withdrew it into his spatial ring: “Without a doubt, that sword is indeed Dragon Fault.”

  Chapter 241: Battle Between Husband and Wife (3)

  “Dragon Fault?” Ling Jie felt that this name sounded somewhat familiar. He thought about it for a while before saying with astonishment: “Dragon Fault, wasn’t that the heavy sword recorded in our sect’s history? Don’t tell me…”

  “Dragon Fault’s written accounts could be traced back to a thousand years ago. Heavenly Sword Villa had just been recently established then, and the Villa even had a heavy sword department.” Ling Yuefeng explained slowly: “But it only took two generations for this department to decline. During the third generation, those who practiced the heavy sword dwindled to such a small number that did not even reach ten. At that time, in order to make a breakthrough and revive the heavy sword, the elder of that department left for the Wasteland of Death with Dragon Fault… Records say that the Dragon Fault Sword was forged by our ancestors using Ten Thousand Year Old Ardent Gray Stone. Sealed within the sword is the soul of a young Sky Profound Dragon’s soul, which was why it was named Dragon Fault. But ever since the Dragon Fault Sword had been born in this world, it had never once displayed its true Sky Profound might. After that heavy sword department elder entered the Wasteland of Death with Dragon Fault, he had never once came out. And from that point onwards, the Dragon Fault Sword vanished without a trace.”

  “According to the information that I’ve received, Yun Che had once gone deep into the Wasteland of Death before. The Sky Profound sword in his hands is exactly the same as the Dragon Fault written in our records… Without doubt, that must be Dragon Fault.” Ling Yuefeng creased his brows as he said that. He deeply understood what kind of concept it was to have “gone deep into the Wasteland of Death.”

  “Ah… Father, are you thinking… of demanding to have the Dragon Fault Sword back after the ranking tournament?” Ling Jie probed as he carefully assessed Ling Yuefeng’s reaction.

  “No.” Ling Yuefeng shook his head: “At that time, Heavenly Sword Villa had searched for the Dragon Fault Sword for many years, yet ended up empty-handed. In the end, they gave up. Him obtaining Dragon Fault is due to his own ability and luck. Our Heavenly Sword Villa has no right to demand it… But this can also be regarded as fate between him and our Heavenly Sword Villa. After all, that is a heavy sword that our ancestors themselves, personally casted.”

  “This is the last battle of this session’s ranking tournament. The victor, will become the new leader of Blue Wind Empire’s younger generation and also receive the ‘Dragonscale Armor’ bestowed by one of the Sacred Grounds, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region…”

  When he said the words “Dragonscale Armor”, a pained expression of heartache clearly flashed past Ling Yuefeng’s face. A Sky Profound protective armor was obviously even more rare and precious than a Sky Profound Weapon, and this Dragonscale Armor was also the highest of highest grade. It was originally suppose to belong to their Heavenly Sword Villa. Never did they expect that “making feints” would become a “submissive hand over”. Not feeling brokenhearted would be weird.

  “Blue Wind Imperial Family’s Yun Che against Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Xia Qingyue… Battle start!!”


  Dragon Fault was pulled out by Yun Che from under his foot, bringing along small pieces of broken rock that flew in the air as it released an unrestrained powerful yet dignified imposing aura. Both his hands firmly held onto Dragon Fault. In the blink of an eye, his a
ura had already become one with Dragon Fault’s aura. While watching Xia Qingyue, he spoke lowly: “Do you still remember what I told you that night? If we become adversaries, I hope that you will use all our strength, without ever holding back!!”

  “Burning Heart… Open!”

  Yun Che suddenly roared in a loud voice, and Evil God’s Second Gate —— Burning Heart, opened without the slightest hesitation! In an instant, the profound energy aura on his body suddenly increased explosively at an incomparably shocking rate. The aura’s level was still of the tenth level of the True Profound Realm, but it was not known how many times the thickness of this aura exceeded the limits of the True Profound Realm. It was actually so strong that it quickly drew near to the intensity of Xia Qingyue’s aura.

  “AHHHHHHH!!” Ling Jie leaned forward as his mouth gaped open and released a seemingly frightened yell. Originally, even when he had been defeated yesterday, he still felt that it was not an easy win for Yun Che. However, when he brought out Dragon Fault, his self-confidence immediately took a hit. And at this moment, the intensity of Yun Che’s profound energy suddenly increased explosively. It was obviously not the same as yesterday’s, and this fact ruthlessly hammered at Ling Jie’s heart.

  It turned out that in yesterday’s duel, not only did Yun Che go easy on him weapon-wise, in regards to profound energy, he did not even go all out.

  If Yun Che had displayed such a profound strength and used Dragon Fault for a weapon, wanting to defeat him, would have been a completely easy task.

  However, the situation was not as simple as what Ling Jie believed it to be. Yun Che’s profound strength was just too low. Even with the support of the second stage of the Great Way of the Buddha that he had broken through to, he could barely maintain the Burning Heart state. It was still “barely”, so if the battle lasted too long, it might perhaps leave a definite repercussion.


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