A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub)

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A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub) Page 7

by Michelle Hughes

  She was actually floored that he would ask, and couldn’t think of what to say. “I, well thank you so much, um...” she realized she didn't even know his name.

  “Philippe,” he smiled warmly trying to put the young woman at ease without fully taking over her thoughts. He was confident enough in his own abilities that he rarely needed to bother with compulsion.

  “I already have plans this evening,” she told him kindly with a smile, hoping her expression showed that she was flattered.

  “Perhaps another time then, my dear,” he smiled and handed her a hundred dollar bill, “keep the change little one.” He was patient, one of the things that came with immortality was the ability to wait for things that he desired.

  She smiled at him again and walked away, feeling that for some reason that she should have accepted his offer. There was just something about the man that you couldn't put your finger on, she thought to herself. She had so many customers that night that it was impossible to sort out her feelings about him. The night was turning out to be a very profitable one for her. After the last call had been given, it was almost four in the morning. She worked to clean off her tables quickly and met the other workers at the bar. Dante as usual had prepared sandwiches and they sat around nibbling on them, and talking among themselves.

  “So I hear you're going to check out the villas tonight.” Michael said with a smile.

  “Yes I'm really excited,” as if he couldn't tell from the way she fidgeted in her chair or the huge smile on her face. All her earlier feelings of being upset with Angela and Rachel had dissipated, and now she just wanted to see what the place looked like.

  "It's about time you joined the rest of us there," winking at her, he knew she was going to fall in love with the place, they all enjoyed it. "Just let me know if you need any help moving in, Cara," he smiled flirting in his normal way which meant nothing, he just liked to flirt.

  "I'll definitely do that Mike," she smiled, still not comfortably with this whole flirting thing. For some reason, learning that all the other employees lived there made her feel a little wary for a total of about two seconds. As Michael continued to chat about the place, it was pretty apparent that it was just a great place to live, and they all felt honored to have a place to call home.

  Rafe walked downstairs from the office, and walked up behind her, smiling at the others. He asked politely about how the night had gone and spoke about making a few improvements to the menus and such. He allowed his hand to lightly trace over her back without even consciously realizing he was doing it.

  Even the small caresses had her wishing impatiently that he would stop talking to them so they could be alone. She knew it was being really selfish, but just couldn't seem to help herself.

  “Well Cara, are you ready to go?” he questioned with a knowing smile. Pulling his hand back, he couldn't deny that he was pleased that even a small touch from him could have her longing for more.

  She was ready to run out the door right then and beat him to the car, but she simply nodded with a smile. Trying to remember her manner, she told everyone goodnight, hoping her need to be out of the bar wasn't as apparent as it felt.

  He tossed the keys to Anthony with a grin, "Lock up for me tonight, Tony."

  Anthony caught the keys and smiled. "Will do boss man, I might even leave you some liquor to serve tomorrow night."

  "Just remember it's coming out of your check," Rafe laughed and held out his hand for Cara, sensing her impatience. He smiled at the other employees, then led her out the back entrance of the club.

  They stopped in front of his car and although she wasn't normally impressed by them, the limited edition Jaguar he drove was something even she had to admire. He held the door open and she slid into the soft leather seat. For some reason as he got in and pulled off, she felt extremely nervous.

  He found his way into the driver's seat then reached over to pull her seatbelt on. He felt her heart race as his hand lightly grazed her breast as he secured the strap and smiled. The tremble that moved over her gave his ego a huge boost and he reminded himself that this was not about pleasure. He needed her to love the Villa's because her living there allowed him to protect what he now considered his. With that thought he quickly turned his attention back to driving and drove off to his land.

  She clenched her hands in her lap trying to stop them from trembling as they drove, while trying to sort out why she felt this sudden fear about the step she was taking. It made no sense, but it was still in the back of her mind that this was more than just agreeing to move into a new place.

  They were out of the city now and driving into a more residential area. To her it looked more like a farm area with lots of working land around and a few tall trees here and there. He turned off down a long paved road where there seemed to be no other real estate around. It was lined with huge weeping oak trees dripping with moss. There were old lampposts lining the road and she thought it felt like they were driving back in time.

  It was actually very beautiful and serene, she thought. She bit back a gasp as the huge mansion came into view. To her it looked more like a castle. It was breathtaking, with white brick that seemed to glow silver under the full moonlight. And then she noted the small villa's that were off to the right side of the mansion. The villas were simply adorable and she felt herself instantly fall in love with them. Each villa resembled a separate little townhouse. There were eight of them and they all were constructed of white brick like the mansion, with black tiled roofs.

  Rafe pulled up to an empty parking space and stopped the car. He opened her car door and offered his hand. He was pleased that she found them beautiful and a smile of pride found his face. "Welcome to the Villa's little one."

  She felt like she was lost in a dream as they walked up the pebbled walkway into one of the homes. He smiled down at her warmly as they reached the door. He unlocked the door and flipped on a light switch and she couldn't help but gasp in delight. There was a small foyer that led in, and an antique wooden stand that held a phone and a place for your keys and such.

  He led her in further, down into a sunken living room that boasted of a red leather couch, coffee table in a deep black gloss, and a large screen television. The throw rugs were deep plush red and covered parts of the hardwood floors. The walls were graced with different art that she thought looked stylishly old-fashioned. He remained quiet as he continued on to a full kitchen that had a small dining table covered with a red table cloth and a fancy floral centerpiece. There was an island bar with two black bar stools, a stainless steel oven, refrigerator, and microwave even the sink was stainless steel.

  It was incredible, she thought, and there was no other word to describe it. He continued on with the tour and showed her the washroom that was enclosed behind the kitchen. Her smile widened as she saw a washing machine and dryer also in stainless steel. If she could have designed her perfect home, this would have been it.

  There was a small bathroom on the bottom floor which had a sink on a pedestal and a commode in porcelain white. The bathroom was tastefully colored in a light gold as were the fixtures on the sink. After that he led her up a small flight of stairs to where a huge master bedroom and bathroom were located. The bedroom was bigger than any she had ever slept in and was decorated with a four poster bed of cherry wood surrounded by sheer pale curtains and the bedclothes were cherry red. The furniture consisted of a dresser and vanity and a stand that held another huge television, these were also cherry wood. The floors were polished hardwood and I thought whoever had decorated this place had incredible taste.

  She ventured into the bathroom and noted a huge walk in closet on the way that could hold enough clothes for three people. The bathroom was every girls dream; it had a sunken spa tub and a huge separate shower stall that boasted eight heads on it. A large vanity ran across the room with the types of bulbs that she expected only to see in a stars dressing room. It was incredible and she just stood there for a few minutes with her mouth agape.
They hadn't talked at all as he showed her around, and she was glad because it was a lot to take in. As they finished the tour he led her back downstairs to the sofa and we they down.

  “So do you think you would enjoy living here,” he asked seeing in her eyes and reading her thoughts about how incredible she found the little flat.

  “It's really incredible, Rafe,” she smiled at him, but deep in her heart she knew there was no way for her to afford living in a place like this. She hated knowing that this was just out of her budget.

  “I can see the worry in your eyes, but I know the owner I’m sure he will work out something with you,” he laughed deeply.

  She wanted to jump up and down, tell him yes move me in tonight, but there was a part of her that was cautiously worried that maybe he'd want something in return for her new living arrangements. It wasn't as if she wasn't willing to be with him in that way, but not because it was something she felt she owed him. "I really don't want to offend you," she lowered her head unable to meet his eyes, "but well I wouldn't feel right if, I mean it's not like I don't want to…" stomping her foot in frustration she didn't know how to word what she really meant.

  “In all honesty Cara, I don't charge a huge amount of rent to any of the employees,” his hand moved to her chin making her meet his eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking and he understood what she was truly worried about. “I can afford to be generous and I choose to do so,” he smiled allowing his finger to caress her cheek. He named a price that was little more than what she was paying for her room at the present time.

  Closing her eyes at his touch she felt her body tremble. He couldn't touch her without making her forget every concern she had. “How can I say no to that?” whispered breathlessly. Not sure if she was talking about the apartment or the feel of his hands, she blushed deeply.

  He chuckled at her response before growing serious again. “You shouldn't say no," he had no intention of letting her refuse anyway, "There are a few details we have to go over if you decide to accept though.”

  Forcing her eyes to open she nibbled on her lip nervously, a habit she couldn't seem to break. "Should I be afraid what those details are?"

  Shaking his head at her question, he liked that she was leery of taking an opportunity without thinking it through. “I'm not going to ask you to sell your soul to Satan or anything,” he laughed for her benefit but couldn't help but think perhaps in a way he was.

  She wanted to just give in, everything in her heart demanded he accept this incredible gift he was trying to give. Her grandmother had taught her early on, if something looked too good to be true, it usually was. She didn't like to think of her Rafe, being that kind of person, but what did she really know about the world?

  “Actually, I only allow my employees to live here,” he began and he stood up pacing back and forth. “Should you quit or be fired, I would give you time to move out of course, but I couldn't allow you to remain here. Other than that as long as it's legal, I don't object too much,” he wanted to tell her that he had no intention of letting her leave or be fired, because she was his, but he didn't think that would help her decision at the moment. Speaking into her mind, he encouraged her to take his offer.

  It really was a perfect deal, she thought, because she didn't plan on quitting and the rent was definitely affordable. For reasons she couldn’t really fathom, his words made her want to believe this was just business.

  “There is one more thing I need to make very clear,” he didn't smile, because he really didn't like having to bring this up with her. “While all the land at the villas is open to you and the others, my home is strictly off limits unless I personally invite you." He knew this would upset her, but it was imperative that she never arrive at his home with an invitation, he always needed to be prepared.

  She was more than a little upset by his comment, and tried not to let it show on her face. She would have never gone to his house uninvited, because it wasn't how she was raised, but it definitely seemed like a hands off warning. “I understand,” trying to smile, she whispered softly as to not give away her hurt feelings.

  He shook his head speaking quietly, “I'm not sure you do little one.” He couldn't explain to her just what made his request so important without unveiling the truth about himself. ''Trust me, this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with my habits."

  She nodded in understanding but he could still fell the disappointment his words had given her. He caressed her cheek tenderly, his mind melding with hers as he tried to give her comfort. “Cara listen, I think you are an incredibly beautiful woman and you already know that I hope we can move this to a more personal level,” he whispered the words then reached out to hold her hands in his.

  “I want you to live here and not fear that you have to make me happy or lose your job or a place to live,” he smiled again please that her own smile found her beautiful face. “So if things don't work out between you and I, rest assured you will still have a job and a place to live.”

  Her smile brightened even more at his words and doubts concerning his sincerity were completely erased from her mind instantly. “In that case when can I move in?” the thought of leaving the small room she currently lived in for this incredible place, was overwhelming. She wasn't sure why it felt like suddenly this was right where she belonged but it just seemed to fit.

  He had taken over her thoughts again, and felt a small twinge of remorse for doing so. The truth was she was safer here and that was the main concern he had. Smiling back he rationalized away the liberties he was taking with her mind. It was not safe for her to be alone, not now that he had claimed her. At least with her living on his property he could always be sure she was protected.

  “As soon as you like, but rent is not due until the first of the month,” he didn't add that he would find a way to make sure her rent was returned to her, as he did the other employee's that lived here. Their money was of no use to him as he had plenty of his own and the peace of mind it offered him was well worth the small cost of housing them here.

  She looked around the room and considered how great it would be living so close to her friends. Never in her life had she lived in a place this big. Even her granny's house in the country was smaller than her new flat. This place was really going to be her home, she felt the excitement moving through her veins. Her mind started brimming over with the dozens of things she would need to purchase.

  “Let me get you back to your car,” he grinned, “I'm sure you've got some packing to do.” Her excitement was contagious and for the first time in more years than he decided to consider, he was filled with joy.

  She hated to leave, but knew that the sooner she got packed, the sooner she could move in permanently. She followed him back to his car with a happy stride in her step.

  They drove back to the club in companionable silence, her thoughts tied around how quickly she planned on packing and moving out of her drab little rental room. When they finally pulled up to bar, she was shocked at how short the tripped seemed. As excited as she was to move in to her new home, she didn't want to leave him. As he opened the door for her, she couldn't help but reach up and hug him tightly. It was like all her dreams were coming true and she owed it all to this man. He returned the hug and she did something completely out of the ordinary for her, she kissed him.

  He was pleasantly startled at her actions, but returned the kiss passionately. His body responded instantly and pulled her against him with more force than he intended, continuing to taste the sweetness she offered so freely.

  She was breathless as their tongues danced together and even though she was startled at how tightly he held her, she pressed herself against him needing more. She wanted to drink him inside of herself and know every contour of his body. She was almost desperate for this to move beyond a kiss. Her hands tangled in his hair holding him to her.

  His hands caressed her back tenderly, trying to slow down but he could tell it wasn't enough for her, and it definit
ely wasn't enough for him. Breaking the kiss abruptly, he knew it was either throw her on the hood of the car, sink his fangs into her neck, or back away before he showed her just how much of a monster he could be. With a growl of frustration he chose the latter and pushed her back gently, but firmly.

  Her eyes lifted to him, full of confusion and the feeling of rejection. Did he not want her, she wondered if she had made a mistake? Taking a few steps back she tried to keep the hurt look off her face. Her hands tightened into small fists at her side as she tried to catch her breath and understand the overwhelming passion that moved through her body. She wanted this man more desperately than she could ever recall wanting anything in her life. Her body physically ached, the need was so overpowering. Forcing her eyes back to him she could see the desire in his own gaze, she was a virgin, not an idiot. So why was he stopping?

  His body was more aroused than he could recall it every being before. How as it even possible this innocent girl could have this effect on him? He knew she needed answers, but there wasn't enough time before dawn to give them to her.

  “Cara I would love nothing more than to throw you on the hood of this car and make love to you until the sun begins to rise,” he put his fingers on her lips hearing her mind question why he didn't do just that. “Before I do that, there are some things you and I need to talk over,” he smiled tenderly caressing her cheek. She deserved to know the truth about him before she made a decision that could change her entire life. “Tomorrow night, join me at my house and we will discuss everything,” he only hoped that when that discussion was over she would still want him because he was not completely sure he could walk away. The thought of her denying him had his fangs aching to descend and he knew this meeting had to end quickly.

  It definitely wasn't what she wanted to hear, because she wanted him right then, but she nodded her head not sure what he could say that would make her change her mind. What little voice of reason she had left, demanded that she at least hear him out.


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