A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub)

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A Night at Tears of Crimson (Tears of Crimson Vampire Nightclub) Page 14

by Michelle Hughes

  “If you permit me Miss, I will send one of the servants over to your home and secure some clothing for you,” he noted instantly her discomfort in her manner of dress and wanted to please his Master by seeing to her needs.

  “Only if it’s no trouble to you, Sir,” She had no idea how to talk to this man, but would definitely feel more comfortable having some of her own things to wear.

  “It would be an honor to do this small task, Miss,” he smiled warmly, finding Master Rafe’s friend utterly charming. It had been months since the Master had brought a human companion home, and never had he allowed one of his pets to stay overnight. It had been so long since he and his lovely wife Jasmine had the opportunity to care for guests. “Please follow me into the dining area, and I will have my wife prepare your lunch.”

  Feeling like a pampered princess, she followed him into the room and sat down at the end of the long table. “Thank you for treating me so kindly,” She was still blushing as he bowed and exited the room. Cara couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be pampered this way every day of her life and then felt guilty for thinking the thought. A large antique grandfather clock chimed in the room and she nearly jumped out of her seat it had been so quiet. It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon and she gasped at how long she'd actually slept.

  Calvin walked in with a tray, and Jasmine was right behind him with a glass of orange juice and sweetened tea. “If you would let us know of your preferences I will make sure they appear on the table,” Jasmine smiled warmly, enjoying having the opportunity to actually cook for a guest again.

  “Please don’t trouble yourself on my account,” She could have kicked herself as the woman's face seemed to lose the warm smile it had earlier. “What I meant to say is that I will make a list, as long as it doesn’t inconvenience you.”

  “Believe me Miss, there is no inconvenience at all,” Jasmine smiled again, finding the manners of the Master’s new friend impeccable. “We get very few opportunities to serve guests and enjoy those we are given,” she felt guilty for giving out such personal information to the young woman and glanced at her husband apologetically.

  “You have both been so incredibly kind to me, and please call me Cara,” she smiled warmly. She definitely wasn't use to all this formality and in all honestly it made her feel a little nervous.

  “Thank you Miss Cara,” Calvin bowed slightly, “you honor us with your kindness.” He gave a knowing look to his wife, and she walked out of the room. It wouldn't be proper to get overly involved with the Master's pet, especially since the Master had not yet made his intentions known toward her.

  “If you have need of anything Miss Cara, please do not hesitate to ask,” Calvin bowed slightly.

  It was readily apparent that they were not going to relax their formalities, and she sighed under her breath. "Thank you, I'll be sure to do that, Sir." She watched him bow again and walk out of the room with a dignity that had her feeling as if she should curtsy. It was definitely going to take some time to get used to having someone wait on her in such a way, she thought to herself.

  She glanced down on the plate of red beans and rice, and various other dishes and thought it would definitely be nice to enjoy this every day. Drinking the glass of orange juice first, she quickly devoured her meal. For reasons unknown to her, since being with Rafe she was always extremely thirsty and starving. She wondered if it was because she didn't think about eating when he was around. As she sat back at the table looking down at her empty tray, she made a mental note to start paying more attention to her eating habits.

  Calvin walked in and smiled noticing how the young woman had enjoyed her fare. "Your clothes are settled in Master Rafe's room Miss, should you require anything else, please do not hesitate to ask." He had personally retrieved the young ladies things and it gave him a deeper understanding of her nature. It was apparent that the Master had made a wise choice in a companion, and he knew that Rafe's generosity would well serve the young human.

  She thanked him politely before making her way back upstairs. As she opened the small suitcase, it appeared that the servant had been incredibly thorough. It made her feel a little strange knowing that someone had been through her things, but she quickly shook that feeling off because she felt much more comfortable having her own things here. She pulled on her bra and girly boxers and found a pair of walking shorts and a t-shirt. They had even found her favorite sandals. She shook her head at how efficient they were before sliding them on. Rafe was still asleep so she decided to explore the maze he had shown her. She walked downstairs and out through the back door, still in awe of the beautiful landscape.

  She glanced over to her right on the cobblestoned floor, and her eyes were drawn to a circular swing hanging from the rafters. Deciding that later she'd definitely have to try that out, it was something she'd never seen before. A fire pit was a few feet away she couldn't help but notice again how everything about this place screamed elegance.

  She walked down the steps, and the soft scent of jasmine surrounded her, she inhaled deeply feeling as if she was walking through paradise. Every flower imaginable seemed to grace the huge garden, and she couldn’t help but be amazed by the beautiful colors and the landscape. The maze reached as far as the eye could see, but as she made her way down the stone stairs, a huge Olympic sized swimming pool off to her completely mesmerized me with its overwhelming beauty.

  It wasn’t the enormity of the pool that caught her attention so much as the bridge crossing over the center and the cascading waterfall that rushed beneath it. She could only gasp at how the waterfall reminded her of the forest where she and Rafe had loved so passionately the night before. It was pretty apparent that he had it recreated after that location. Just staring at the falls brought the memory of their lovemaking back into her mind full force. Turning away from the pool, she decided a walk through the maze would probably be the best idea as the thought of being in Rafe’s arms under that waterfall was enough to make her want to run back to his bed.

  Blushing at her own thoughts, she forced herself to the maze and began weaving in and out of the paths, giggling as she got lost over and over again. After hours had passed, she finally made it to the center of the maze and sat down breathlessly on one of the huge iron wrought benches, enjoying the scenery. The sun had already set and she knew she'd been lost in the maze for quite a while, but it didn’t matter.

  “A garden nymph has found her way to me,” Rafe laughed softly watching her eyes widened at the sight of him. It was apparent that she had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t heard him walk in. Walking over, he knelt before the bench where she sat and placed his hands on her knees enjoying the swift intake of her breath as her body instantly responded to him.

  Feeling her body flush, she couldn't help but allow her eyes to roam over his beauty, and sighed in longing. He took her breath away as he stood there, his hair still damp from his shower and his beautiful body shown off to perfection in the pair of black shorts and tank top he was wearing. When he knelt before her, her body instantly became aroused. As he parted her legs and moved in between her thighs, she moaned slightly, feeling even more embarrassed.

  Laying his head on her chest, he heard the drumming of her heart and his arms surrounded her holding her to him for long moments. His body instantly hardened as he felt the peaks of her breasts stiffen against his face, and he lifted her shirt and bra in one fluid movement lowering his head to the rosy bud. Suckling deeply, he almost groaned himself as her back arched to push against his mouth. His fangs descended and he released her breast long enough to toss the offending garment away before quickly unclasping her bra, casting it aside, before returning to the other breast. Cupping the weight in his hand he allowed his fangs to graze the sensitive bud. Needing more, his mouth trailed lower across her ribs and to her navel, his tongue delving in there and enjoying how she tensed at the sensation.

  Stopped by band of her shorts from tasting her further, he quickly stood and br
ought her to her feet before pulling her shorts and underwear off, casting them aside in one quick movement before laying her down on the grass. “You drive me insane with desire love,” he growled as his head lowered and he parted her thighs. His mouth found the fragrant scent of her curls and his tongue lapped at the silken folds.

  She pressed her hips upward at the sensation of his mouth, and her body flooded with desire on the verge of coming undone almost instantly. Merciful heaven, she thought to herself as his tongue laved across her flesh and delved deeply inside. Her body tensed as it struggled to find release. Her legs moved over his shoulders without hesitation, and he continued driving her insane with mouth. She knew she would surely die from all the pleasure he was giving. Whimpers escaped her lips as each stroke of his tongue brought her closer to pure ecstasy, and she cried out in abandonment.

  Pulling away from her delightful taste was agonizing he thought, as he stood to remove his shorts and underwear quickly. He wanted to bury himself so deeply inside of her that neither of them knew where one began and the other ended. Coming back between her parted thighs, he drove into her deeply stretching her tight core. Her gasp at being filled so completely urged him on and he rode her like a man possessed. Driving into her tight hot core and retreating, only to plunge faster and harder again. Her legs wrapped around him, making him even hungrier and the frenzy of their passion increased.

  Every thrust of his body claimed her and she arched up to meet him greedily. He stretched her so deliciously and she couldn't stop herself from screaming his name out loudly, aching to find that point of release where heaven awaited. Her nails dug into his back unknowingly as she demanded everything he had to give and more.

  Pumping faster as he felt her body clench on the edge of release, he never wanted to stop driving into her soft folds. She fit him perfectly and he fought to gain control until her body flooded his with her passion. Knowing she had found fulfillment as he felt the clenching and releasing of her velvet glove milking him, caused his own body to release deep inside her beautiful body. A growl escaped his lips as her silken sheath tightened draining every ounce of his passion. Holding her tightly, he refused to leave her body allowing himself to grow soft inside of her. Placing small kisses on her cheeks, and her eyelids, he felt completely undone. After long minutes he rolled over pulling her to lay on top of him, not wanting to burden her body with his weight.

  She tried to catch her breath and couldn't help but wonder if every time they made love, if it would be this incredible. Rubbing her cheek against his strong chest, she felt like purring. The soft rumble of laughter coming from his chest made her flush and she laughed softly. His arms held her securely, his hands caressed her hair softly and she knew without doubt that she could have happily died in his arms at that moment, she was so content.

  “I prefer you living,” he spoke softly against the lobe of her ear, before lightly grazing it. He enjoyed knowing how much pleasure he gave her. He thought to himself that she would always be like an intoxicating wine to him, his fangs descended aching to pierce her flesh. Rolling her onto her back, he trailed kisses from her cheek to her neck. Allowing his tongue to trace over the artery there, he decided that wasn't where he wanted to dine. Forcing his lips lower, across her collarbone then moving downward between the soft downy hair of her femininity, he found the pale rosy bud of her sex that called out for his mouth and suckled the sensitive nub. As she groaned in painful pleasure he lifted his head only long enough to grab her heart shaped rear in his hands, and allowed his fangs to strike the artery so close to her sex.

  She strained her hips upward as desire once again overcame her and screamed his name out loudly at the pleasure of his fangs. She found release again almost immediately, and that fueled his blood lust even more. Holding her tightly against his mouth he allowed her blood to drizzle down his throat like an intoxicating brew until he felt her heartbeat slow. Licking the wounds closed, a growl escaped his lips at how overwhelming her flavor was and the sensation was as great as any orgasm he had ever felt. Lifting his head he watched as the sensual delight crossed her beautiful face. He knew that never before had he known a paradise such as this.

  Pulling her into his arms he held her tightly. He wanted to hold her this way forever, but he sensed through his bond, that Gabe would arrive soon. It was unlike him to forget things, and something this important was unacceptable. Thrown back into harsh reality, he knew he needed to prepare her for what was to come. Sitting up with her in his arms, he tried to decide how to explain to her what needed to be done tonight.

  Concern filled her as his body stiffened. She could only hope she hadn't displeased him somehow. “What is it Rafe?” she asked the question, when all she truly wanted was to lay back in his arms and hold him tightly. His form was now completely rigid, and it was easily apparent to her that his mind was now a million miles away from pleasing her.

  Helping her to her feet, he quickly retrieved her discarded clothing and helped her dress without speaking. Gabe was arriving on the land, he wasn't going to have time to explain much and it angered him. She deserved so much more than this, he thought to himself as he dressed himself quickly. He could see the fear in her eyes at his strange behavior and gave a tentative smile for her benefit.

  Taking her hand in his he led her to the bench and sat down. Glad that she sat down beside him he fought with his words. “There is something that has to take place tonight that I am sure you will find uncomfortable,” his eyes met hers, knowing she would not understand.

  Fear moved through her at his words because she instinctively he didn't want to tell her something. It must be something horrible if he was worried about her reaction, she thought feeling her hands start to shake. “You’re scaring me Rafe, please just tell me what is going on?” She was trying to keep the panic from her voice and failing miserably.

  “Last night with Eduardo, he only let you go because he feared he would drain you if he kept you,” ignoring the shock in her eyes he continued quickly. “He agreed to let Gabe track you in lieu of him taking you as his own,” he saw the confusion and fear in her eyes, and it angered him that he had to submit her to something like this. “Gabe will drink from you tonight Cara, to assure Eduardo that you can be found anytime if you choose to speak of our race.”

  She was floored by his revelation and felt a full blown panic attack coming on. There was no way in hell that man was coming anywhere near her, she thought. The trembling in her hands made its way through her body as the fear and anger filled her. “You tell him I won’t allow it Rafe,” standing up to her feet her hands balled into fists by her side her chest heaving now with emotion. She had seen firsthand what kind of monster his Creator was with Angela the other night, and she had no plans on letting him touch her.

  “Cara, if you choose not to allow it, Gabe or Eduardo will remove all your thoughts about our race and me,” he hated forcing her into this decision, but this was the truth of the situation. As her eyes filled with tears that she fought to hold back, he felt like the monster he truly was.

  “When?” she forced herself to whisper the question, not wanting the answer. She knew without doubt that there was no choice here. She would rather take her own life, rather than allow either of the vampires to take her memories with her Rafe.

  “He is arriving now,” mentally he felt his brother entering the mansion. Holding out his hand to her, he only felt more like a cad as her hand trembled in fear. Without words, he walked back toward the house and promised himself that somehow he would make this up to her. They walked silently through the back door and he led her into the living room where Gabe awaited them impatiently.

  10 tears of agony

  “If you two are done fucking each other, I have places to be,” Gabe could smell the sex coming off of them and it sent a longing through him that pissed him off. Ignoring Rafe’s growl of anger, and not giving a damn about the human at all, he walked over to the long black leather couch and sat down. “Are we doing this
or not?” At the moment he thought it better that the girls' memory be wiped, and they could all get back to their normal activities. Something about the girl pissed him off, and he wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Perhaps, he thought to himself, it was the way Rafe looked at her as if he would give up his immortality to keep her safe.

  “The sooner this is over the better brother,” he was having a hard time accepting the fate Eduardo had dealt, and the idea of anyone touching his lover enraged him to the point of wanting to draw blood. “Cara love come,” his voice lost the angry edge as he glanced at her still form and felt the fear filling her mind.

  She forced her feet to walk toward the couch, even though they felt like weights with each step closer to Gabe. The man seriously frightened her and that angered her enough that her chin raised in defiance. “Where do you want me?” She was happy that her words didn’t come out in a stutter, because her body was shaking in terror even as she tried to put on the brave front. Her knees threatened to give out at any moment.

  Gabe looked to Rafe impatiently, “Your call brother,” he knew the answer before he asked, because there was no way Rafe was going to allow her to feel pain.

  “Do not harm her,” balling his hands into fists he forced himself to remain still. He wanted to wrap his hands around Gabe’s neck and snap it from his body at the moment. Controlling his rage was definitely not going to prove easy.

  She could only stare back and forth between the two of them having no idea what decision they had made. As Gabe summoned her to him, she noticed his tone had lost the anger and lowered to an almost seductive drawl as he spoke her name. The thought terrified her even more than his anger. All she could think about was how she had caught Angela and him together and remember that Rafe said he couldn't control what happened when it came to his Creator. Without thinking it through she threw herself into Rafe's arms and sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't want this to happen, how did she know he wouldn't take it further than a bite? It wasn't as if Rafe could put on the breaks if he chose to drain her, or for that matter something that would be worse in her opinion.


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