Hush: Family Secrets

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Hush: Family Secrets Page 2

by Blue Saffire

  The sun had set and risen again before I heard my papa’s voice roaring through the house. My tummy was hurting and I was tired but I stayed right where I promised. As Papa burst into the room a roar left his chest as he dropped to his knees by Lisette’s broken body.

  Papa looked like he wanted to fix her but didn’t know where to start. He kept reaching for her but stopping just short of touching her. He turned to see mama’s body and roared in agony again. This time he did move to Mama’s body and cradled her bloody body to him.

  “My Beautiful love,” he sobbed in Italian.

  Daddy’s men rushed in the room along with Uncle Valentine. They all looked like they were going to be sick. Uncle Valentine looked around the room. He locked eyes back on my father.

  “I haven’t found Valentina,” my uncle seethed.

  “Find her,” my father barked.

  Something told me it was time to come out of hiding. I stood onto my little legs shakily. Slowly I made my way out of the closet. At the sound of my movement all the men drew their guns. When they saw it was me they quickly put them away.

  I saw the moment my father and uncle realized I had witnessed the whole thing. Uncle Valentine’s face took on a look of rage. My father shook in agony.

  “No,” he bellowed. “No!”

  I will never forget that day. It changed everything. My father didn’t know what to do with me. At times he would keep his distance, other times he would smother me. Uncle Valentine, who I was named after, was the one who saw what I needed. He saw me for who I had become.

  When I turned ten Uncle Valentine began my training. He taught me everything he knew about dealing death. He taught me how to be like him, a family enforcer, a hitter. Uncle Valentine fixed problems, but he saved my problem for me to fix.

  I was eighteen when I reached the point of no return. I knew from experience that sick bastard had a thing for young girls. So I wasn’t surprised to find him at a bath house that provided young girls to their clients.

  Uncle Valentine took care of getting me inside. The rest was on me. I stripped to my panties and bra and entered the private bathing room where Corrade Ferro sat awaiting some poor young girl. His eyes lit up at the sight of my young body. He was entranced as I swayed my hips stepping down into the water.

  I gave him a smile that promised pleasure but I was there to deliver anything but. When I finally stood before him I licked my lips tasting his death in the air. I sank under the water watching his eyes as I went.

  His hungry gaze stayed locked on mine. His chest began to heave as the big fuck thought I was going to suck his disgusting cock. If he had been paying attention he would have seen me coming. I pulled the hunting knife from the back of my panties and sliced his dirty dick right off.

  I popped up from the water to hear his bellowing screams of pain just before I slit his throat. “That was for my mama and my sister you pig,” I screamed before spitting on him.

  I made my way out of the bloody water and never looked back. I slipped from the bath house without a trace. Uncle Valentine flew me to Florence for the rest of that summer were he trained me some more. From that day he started to send me on jobs to handle the family’s problems.

  Rumors quickly surfaced of Val, from the Caprisi family. It took sometime before they realize that it was me, Don Carpisi’s little princess that had become a swifter dealer of death than my Uncle Valentine. Although I knew my father was livid he never said so to me. I think overtime he began to fear me too, but for different reasons.

  So here I sit in this room with my father Don Vincent Caprisi and the head of the Giordano family. I know I am making him nervous. I haven’t stopped staring him in his eyes. I don’t like this man. I hate his son even more, which is why I am so hostile toward the men in this room that are not my family.

  My father chose a Donati for my little sister Shannon, but he thinks he is going to arrange a marriage for me into this family of slime balls. Raphael Giordano couldn’t lick the bottom of my shoe. I’d never marry him.

  The thought makes me finally break eye contact with Gio Giordano’s fat ass for a moment to look down at my heels. They are the silver ones I tried on earlier. I felt that sex God watching me the whole time I tried them on. I had purposely put on a show for him. I didn’t like his girlfriend she was rude and whiny.

  When I felt his eyes on me I wanted to show her the world didn’t revolve around her. The bitch had actually growled at me to get her a pair of shoes she wanted to try. Trust me I didn’t look anything like I worked in the store. The whiny heifer probably only took in my skin color.

  Well I have news for her. My daddy is probably whiter than hers and I am three parts Italian. While my father is full blooded Italian, my mother’s father was Italian and her mother was half African American, half Malaysian.

  I thought for an older man he was very attractive from a distance but up close he was absolutely gorgeous. Oh God, that accent. My panties were wet the moment he spoke to me. It’s an odd accent, as if he spent a lot of time between somewhere in Italy and somewhere with a British tongue. It’s hot! I mean really hot.

  Sue me, but I have a thing for hot Italian men and he was beyond hot. That dark blonde hair, those icy blue eyes, oh, that well-trimmed beard. My nipples tingled at the thought of him brushing his face against them. When he pulled me close I felt weak in the knees as his cologne wrapped me in a cocoon of mountain rain, musk and man.

  If I wanted a man he would be the prototype. My panties are moist even now thinking of him. Phew… that was a lot of cock poking me in my belly. I shake away my lusty thoughts as the weasel, Raphael speaks up.

  “I think Valentina and I will make a great match,” the weasel drools as his hungry eyes roam over my form fitting purple and silver dress.

  The dress is strapless with a sweetheart neckline. The top of the dress is silver and fades into a rich purple as the fabric flares mid-thigh. After shoe shopping I went to have my hair swept up into a waterfall ponytail. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have visions of a certain blue eyes stud pulling at my ponytail. This is so not like me, but that man did something to me this afternoon.

  I snort in disgust at Raphael but I won’t disrespect father in front of these men. Visions of slitting Raphael’s throat in his sleep makes the grin grow wider on my face. The creep licks his lips at me and my skin crawls. He is too fucking stupid to fear me like he should.

  This is why I make his father nervous. Gio doesn’t really want this union. He wanted Shannon for Raphael. He wants the connection with the Caprisi name just not the black sheep. I guess Don Donati felt the same way. I should be relieved my father passed over me for Shannon, but I’ve been insulted since he announced her engagement a year ago.

  Believe me I want nothing to do with an arrange marriage and the only reason I am sitting in this room entertaining this foolishness is because Uncle Valentine asked me to be here. He doesn’t trust this family any more than I do.

  I turn to Uncle Valentine and he winks at me. I roll my eyes but wink back. He knows he owes me for this one. Maybe I can talk him into finding blue eyes for me. Not that I plan to see him again. I just want to know who he is.

  I don’t think there is a man alive that can handle all the fucked up in my head. That is why I don’t date, but that man. I would love to just sit and watch him for a while.

  “I don’t think we should rush this,” My father’s voice rasps breaking me from my thoughts once again. “If I agree to this arrangement I want Valentina’s happiness. Raphael, I have seen your brash way of approaching my daughter. I’m not so sure that is in either of your best interests.”

  I almost burst into laughter. What my father is really saying is that I will kill Raphael before we make it to the honeymoon. The idiot thinks he holds some type of power I should bend to. I’m not even attracted to him. He is five eight with a stocky build. His green eyes are cold and dead. I hate his thin pink lips and someone really should have fixed his teeth when he was
little. They’re not terrible, but they’re not straight either.

  “I would at least like to know you are serious in your consideration of my son,” Gio says with a pinched face.

  “Actually, I have another offer on the table,” my father informs.

  My head whips in his direction. This is the first I am hearing of this. Raphael has been in hot pursuit of me for years now. He has always been so confident that we would end up together. I can’t even begin to name all the times he has shown up at an event to stalk me.

  My father looks unfazed by delivering this news, but Gio and Raphael both look pissed. Raphael’s ears have turned bright red. I swear I can see him foaming at the mouth.

  However, it is his father that is first to speak. “Who,” he asks simply.

  “Uri Donati,” my father says with indifference.

  I play the name in my head. It should mean something to me. I have heard it before. I’m a bit puzzled because I was sure the Donati family didn’t want me.

  I watch Raphael’s face go white as a sheet before he reddens again. I might like this Uri. Raphael looks like he might just piss his pants.

  “Bullshit,” Gio growls. “I have heard he is in the States but there has been talk of a pending engagement between him and Genève Bandini.”

  “Yes, he has been courting her but it doesn’t seem to be the best match. Nicholas believes that Valentina would be a more suitable match for his nephew.

  “They can’t even keep that dog on a leash,” Raphael spits.

  “Choose your words wisely,” Uncle Valentine warns. “Walls tend to have ears and that man is not an enemy you want to make.”

  Yes, I like this Uri already. Not that I am marrying either of these man. But I do like the way this Uri sounds.

  Gio furrows his brows and looks at me for a long moment. “She is so much younger then Uri,” he says. “My boy will be able to provide her with children and still be able to play with them.”

  This comment makes me frown. Well how old is this man. Has my father lost his mind? I look at my father and he flips his hand as if shooing a fly.

  “Uri may be older but he will still be able to provide for her every need. He is young enough. I have not made a decision. I have never seen them together,” my father shrugs.

  “She belongs to me,” Raphael growls in an outburst worthy of a tantrum. Gio glares at Raphael.

  I’ve had enough, respect or no I’ve reached my limit. “I belong to no one, least of all you,” I point my finger at Raphael. “If you all will excuse me I would like to go join the engagement party. I’m sure Shannon could use the support.”

  I kiss my father’s cheek and storm from the room.


  I am so pissed off. Where does my father get off trying to pass me off to that idiot Raphael or some old man? Its moments like these that I miss my mama. I would love to be vulnerable for once in my life and be able to run into my mama’s arms.

  I look across the room at my younger sister. My father remarried after my mother’s death thinking I needed a mother figure to help me through what happened. All he managed to do was marry a gold digger. Angela was pregnant faster than the ink dried on the marriage certificate.

  Daddy struggled with the idea of another baby after what happened to Lisette, but he ended up spoiling Shannon as much as me. I may not get a long the greatest with Angela but Shannon and I happen to be really close for being five years apart.

  We are almost identical despite having different mothers. Our differences are in our hair and skin tone. Shannon is fair skinned with a slight olive tone, where I am a milk chocolate. My natural hair color is a dark brown like my dad’s. Shannon’s natural hair is jet black but these days she is blonde.

  I know her face like I know my own. She is looking at her fiancé with a smile that is not quite meeting her eyes. Shannon is the shy one. She is going along with this because she does whatever my father tells her.

  I think she is more unsettled with the fact that she won’t be marrying for love. Honestly, her fiancé Luca is not hard on the eyes. They make a beautiful couple. Shannon looks amazing in her turquoise floor length gown. She is not as curvy as me but she is still curvy and slightly taller than I am. Luca is still taller than she is, but they seem to fit. They will make beautiful babies. Looking at Luca makes me think of blue eyes once again. I wonder what our babies would look like.

  I smile to myself as I think of the frustration in his face when I wouldn’t remove my sunglasses. It wasn’t going to happen. They are my shield, especially around men like him. Let’s just say a girl has to keep something secret.

  I stiffen when I feel arms wrap around my waist. My first thought is that Raphael has a death wish. Then the scent that I committed to memory hits me. I spin around to clear my confusion. Only becoming more confused when I am met with the same pair of piercing blue eyes I had just been thinking about.

  “What the hell are you doing here,” I snap. “You really don’t know who you are messing with.”


  I am stunned.

  I have been irritated with Luca’s whining about this engagement. As much as he has complained he will go through with this. Shannon is actually a gorgeous girl. Thoughts of the beauty from the shoe store came to mind the moment I saw Shannon. From the nose down she could be a dead ringer for the chocolate beauty, just with fairer coloring.

  So imagine my surprise when the same woman I had been thinking of came storming into the ballroom of the Caprisi home. I had no doubts it was her. Her hair is different but I would know those curves if you blindfolded me and asked me to describe them inch for inch.

  Once her shoe peeked from beneath her gown I knew for sure it was her. However, this is not why I am stunned. She is not wearing those damn sunglasses and I can see her eyes finally. God, she is gorgeous. Her eyes are a blue, just a shade darker than mine.

  The contrast of her blue eyes against her chocolate skin is breathtaking. Then I look closer. I suck in a breath as I see mirrors looking back at me. There is a darkness in the depths of her eyes that shouldn’t be there. A darkness I know too well, that comes with hands stained in blood.

  There is also a flicker of something else. It passes so quickly. It’s a sadness and vulnerability that doesn’t seem to fit. Although fleeting it tugs me in. I tighten my hold around her waist.

  “God you are gorgeous, Love,” I say as soon as I find my voice. I have never been speechless in my life, but this woman has turned my brain to mush. I had planned to come over and say something charming and smooth like, “I see you decided to come thank me,” or “You just couldn’t stay away could you?” All of that went out the window the moment I looked into the windows of her soul.

  “That is not an answer to my question,” she snaps at me.

  It tugs a grin from my lips. My eyes fall to her full lips and I want nothing more than to taste the perfect rose buds. I bring my eyes back to hers. I am satisfied inside that although she is hissing at me she has yet to pull away from my embrace.

  Up this close and with her hair piled high on her head I can tell that she is much younger than I first assumed, maybe her early twenties. This should put me off but with her I can’t stand to care about anything at the moment.

  “I should be asking you that question,” I recover smoothly. “Are you following me?”

  “Trust that if I were following you, you would not be safe,” she narrows her eyes up at me. “This is my home, so I think it is safe to say you are following me.”

  This time I narrow my eyes. “What is your relationship to the bride to be?” I ask as my thoughts start to come together.

  “She is my little sister,” she replies eyeing me suspiciously.

  “You’re Valentina,” I ask incredulously.

  “Yes, now who the hell are you?”

  I crack a smile as I get ready to inform her of exactly who I am. Seems my plans have just changed again. I just maybe playing nice a little longer.

  “Ah, I see you two are getting to know each other. This is good,” my uncle’s voice fills the air.

  I watch as Valentina stiffens in my arms. Her eyes lock with mine before searching my face. That is when I see that look come over her face. The one people get when they see the monster within. Only this beautiful woman does not react as others do.

  A broad grin consumes her face and she leans into me. “You’re Uri Donati. The man that makes them hush. I knew I heard that name somewhere before,” she says with a mischievous grin.

  “And how would you know this,” I lift a brow at her.

  We do not involve our women in family business. Uncle Nicholas only told me he wanted me to meet this Valentina Caprisi. He said she may be a more suitable match for me. Something tells me there is a lot more to this woman than meets the eye.

  She lifts a brow at me then leans into my ear. “Because you and I are one and the same, Uri, you make them hush but I bring the Black Death,” she pulls away from my ear with a smirk on her lips. “Nice to meet you Uri, most people around here call me Val.”

  Everything slams into place with her final words. In the families the name Val is just as feared as the name Uri. I’d heard rumors before that Val is indeed a young woman, but from Val’s handy work I never thought it to be true.

  Oddly my chest swells with pride. My woman is just as deadly as me. Perhaps I should have heeded her earlier warnings. Not likely. Now I have a smirk of my own.

  Valentina pulls from my hold and turns to my uncle and her now beaming father. She places her hands on her hips and my eyes drop down to her round arse. She is wearing that dress well enough to make the designer cry tears of the ultimate accomplishment.

  “This changes nothing,” Valentina points a finger at her father.

  She glances over her shoulder and catches my eyes on her curvy bottom. I look up at her and give her a lopsided grin. She surprises me with a wink.

  “Look all you want, but you will never touch,” she smiles before sauntering off.


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