Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1)

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Rebirth (Game of the Gods Book 1) Page 12

by L. Fergus

  “I am the greatest,” Kita spat at her. “Never forget that.” She dropped Galina and turned away to help Rabbit.

  Galina produced a hidden dagger and sprang at Kita’s back. Kita spun and slashed with both blades. Dawn sliced through her eye, nose, cheek, and jawbone. Dusk came to rest a quarter of an inch into the pirate’s neck, stopped by Tina’s finger.

  “Sorry, big sister. You can’t claim vengeance until you know why you want it. Once you know, then I’ll let you claim it. Until then, Galina and Sheppard will live.”

  “Tina, what’s going on?” Kita demanded.

  “I wish I could tell you. Talk to Rabbit, and she’ll help you reconcile your memories. Anyway, why kill her when you can make her live with that scar?”

  Kita grunted in agreement. “Are you coming with me?”

  “Sorry, I can’t, but I’ll be around.” Tina smiled as she faded away.

  Kita frowned and booted Galina in the chest, sending the pirate rolling into a puddle. She turned to watch Rabbit firing away with her maser cannon as she tried to hit her protected targets. With so much burning, I bet she’s run out of ammo for everything else. Kita lit a fireball and hurled it into the middle of the shuttles providing cover for the Marines. The area exploded. I hit something fun. Rabbit turned to fire but waved when she saw Kita.

  The only survivor to stumble out of the wreckage was Sheppard. The Marine stumbled and fell to the deck, her armor, skin, and what was left of her hair smoking. Kita knelt down next to her as Rabbit landed, her helmet folded up.

  “Well, Admiral. I hope you feel better. I understand being loyal to your partner, but maybe you should have a long talk about her plans and future goals. Pursuing me might not be the wisest course. Next time we meet, I’ll leave you with more than burn scars to remember me by.”

  Behind her, an angry growl and snarl drew her attention. “Hello, Jupiter. I’m sorry your mistress won’t be able to take care of you. Sarge will be leaving, too.”

  The cat’s whiskers drooped, and his ears went flat as he pouted.

  Kita smiled wickedly. “You’re welcome to come with me. Rabbit could use a good traveling companion. I’m sure it’ll beat being locked in a stuffy apartment.” Kita nudged Rabbit. “Let him smell you, Jess.”

  Rabbit retracted a gauntlet and presented her hand to Jupiter. Kita dug in her belt and pulled out a pair of cat treats. She tossed one to Sarge, who chomped on it aggressively. The other she gave to Rabbit to give to Jupiter. The leopard sniffed the wet treat and licked it up. Rabbit giggled and shook her hand out.

  “That felt so weird.”

  “Go ahead, stroke his head,” said Kita.

  Timidly, Rabbit petted the cat’s head. “I like him.”

  “He does have an electric personality,” Kita said with a smile.

  “A what?”

  “I’ll explain later.” Kita looked at the leopard. “So, what do you want to do, kitty? You can come protect Jess, or you can wait here in the rain for someone to come save Galina and be left behind most of the time.”

  “Does he have all of his shots? Do I need to get a litter box and a scratching post? Am I ready to take on such responsibility?” said Rabbit, beginning to fret.

  Kita laughed. “It’ll be fine. He’s very healthy and can take care of himself. They just like to have someone to bond with and cuddle. They’re very good at taking up most of the bed.”

  Rabbit smiled, petting Jupiter again. “Do you want to come with me?”

  Jupiter looked at Rabbit, Kita, Sarge, and then at Galina and Sheppard. He rubbed against Rabbit’s hand and Kita’s, then rubbed against Sarge.

  “I think that’s a yes,” said Kita. She stood up and looked around. Rabbit started digging through the wreckage, feeding her suit’s ammunition generator. Not many shuttles left in one piece. “How far can any of these take us?”

  “They’ll get us to the transfer station. Not even the military shuttle has jump or FTL capabilities. We’ll have to get to the transfer station and get aboard something that does.”

  “What’s jump or FTL capabilities?”

  “Jump tech has been around a long time. It’s for jumping through wormholes. FTL is brand new, like in the last twenty years. I don’t understand the physics, but as someone said, there’s only one thing faster than light, and that’s nothing. Somehow, the ship enters this nothing state and can move light years in a fraction of a second. Humanity has been spreading out in all directions, which has led to first contact.”

  “First contact with what?”

  “Aliens,” Rabbit said as the VI in her suit opened the hatch of a personal shuttle.

  Kita shrugged.

  Rabbit gasped. “Don’t tell me you’ve run into aliens.”

  “Depends on how you use that term. Technically, I’m an alien. I’ve had plenty of experience dealing with non-humanlike beings. There were intelligent ravagers on my homeworld.”

  “What’s a ravager?”

  “Genetically engineered creatures. Pigs, dogs, snakes, dinosaurs, and mythical creatures like elves and behemoths. As the scientists worked through the steps of intelligence, they released the unwanted into the wild. The intelligent ones they made into armies.”

  “Did you say dinosaurs?” Rabbit eyes grew large. “That’s impossible.”

  “People there figured it out. They had a lot of time on their hands for research and war. I’m sure the Empire has the research now.”

  “Do you remember how you left?”

  Kita shook her head. “No. I’m just guessing since I’m no longer there. Can you tell me what happened to get me here? I have fragments. I’m hoping you can fill in the gaps.”

  Rabbit nodded. “Sure, get in, and I’ll tell you on the way up.” She stepped back around the shuttle and her helmet closed over her head. She fired a pair of mortars onto the top of the building. She opened her helmet and hopped inside.

  “Why’d you do that?”

  “Cutting their communications. They can’t call ahead and tell them we’re coming.”

  Kita nodded approvingly. “Smart.”

  Making sure the cats were aboard, Rabbit closed the canopy and started the engines.

  “Uh-oh, we need to go,” Kita pointed to the door. A squad of legionnaires poured out.

  “It’ll be a couple of minutes. Can you keep them busy?”

  Kita nodded as the canopy opened. She grew a pair of fireballs and flung them at the door, scattering the legionnaires. An explosion sent Great White flying from its hiding place. Kita jumped out to retrieve it.

  “Hey, get back here,” Rabbit called.

  Kita flung fireballs as a distraction. These just aren’t working. Time for something else. She grew some red balls and threw them at the legionnaires. Snapping her fingers, the balls exploded with dual shockwaves that ripped everything apart. She grabbed Great White as more legionnaires exited the buildings.

  “Go, go, go!” she yelled to Rabbit. “I’ll catch up.”

  Rabbit gave her a worried look, but Kita waved at her to go. Kita grew two more red balls and threw them at the door and the remaining transports. She snapped her fingers, and the front doors of the reception area blew inwards. The remaining transports went up in a series of explosions.

  Kita extended her heat shield to protect herself from the blasts. She took off to catch up with Rabbit. She knocked on the canopy and waved at Rabbit, who recoiled in surprise. After recovering, she pointed behind her. A hatch opened, and Kita jumped inside. Leaving Great White in the cargo area, she crawled forward into the cockpit.

  “How did you get all the way up here?” said Rabbit.

  “The wings aren’t just for show,” Kita said, slipping past the cats into the seat next to Rabbit. She swore. It was a bucket seat, leaving no room for wings. “Ah, this shuttle’s on permanent loan, right?”

  “We stole it. I was planning on leaving it at the transfer station.”

  “But the owner’s rich, right?”

Probably, why?”

  “I need to make an alteration to the seat.”

  “What?” Rabbit exclaimed. “Oh, right.”

  Kita drew Dusk and cut the seat down so she fit comfortably. Tossing the excess into the back, she sat. She made a face as she found a lump in her lower back. She reached behind her and pulled out Rabbit’s bear. “Yours?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Sheepishly Rabbit looked at the wet stuffed animal. Carefully, Kita dried it for her. “Jupiter, take care of this for your new mom.” Kita handed the bear to the cat. Jupiter sniffed the bear, picked it up gently, and curled up around it. “So, you mind filling me in on what you know about me? I know who you are and a few memories of what happened a few moments before I died. What’s the rest of the timeline?”

  Rabbit smiled. “It was awesome.”

  Kita looked out the canopy after Rabbit finished telling of their escape from Angelica.

  “Are you ok?” Rabbit asked after an uncomfortable amount of time had passed.

  “Yes. Sorry, contemplating where I must have been versus where I am now. My memory lacks specific details of people, places, and events. I have no idea about how I work, and that troubles me. I’d never allow something to happen to me without knowing how it works. So, I must know. I just need to figure it out.”

  “So, there aren’t two of you in your head anymore?”

  Kita shook her head. “No. I don’t remember that, but I feel some residual effects. It might just have been my mind needing to work out some differences. I think I’m calmer than I used to be. So, how well do you know this transfer station? Are we going to sneak through or fight our way through?”

  “Fighting is out. It’s highly secured, but it’s mostly a commercial center catering to the super-elite class coming to visit Angelica. They’re used to seeing weird things go by, like the cats, and my body suit won’t raise an eyebrow. Your wings are a different story, but we’re in luck. There’s a fan-con going on so there will be all sorts of extra weirdness along with a mixture of classes. Our biggest problem will be getting onto a flight. You’re not in the system, and I’m going to be flagged soon enough.”

  “Fake IDs?”

  “Not here.”

  “Steal a ship?”

  “Same problem. Everything’s connected and tied to biometrics.”

  Kita tapped a nail on her teeth. “How about cargo ships? We can sneak into the hold.”

  “They scan the cargo, but it’s possible. We can’t go through the loading dock. The detectors will spot us. We’d have to go outside. Maybe we can steal a lifeboat.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I can get us through space.”


  “My Heat shield traps air. It can last me hours. With the four of us, I’d guess an hour or more. We just need to go through an airlock.”

  “I think I’ve got a plan. We’ll dock at the station to get supplies and find the right freighter. We take the car around to the freighter and jump from one to the other.”

  Kita nodded. “It’s a good starting place.”

  “What’s that mean?” Rabbit said sounding hurt.

  “I mean it’s a good plan, but life rarely goes according to plan. Be ready to improvise. You never know when an opportunity will present itself.”

  Rabbit chuckled. “Up until last night, my life had gone strictly according to plan.”

  “So,” Kita said, her tone announcing a change of topics. “Who are you?”

  “Ah, Jessica Rabbit?” she answered, her voice wavering.

  “I know that, but who are you? What do you like? What do you hate? What do you think so far? How was the suit? Talk to me. I’d tell you more about me, but I don’t know much about me.”

  Rabbit shrugged. “As long as you don’t mind a nap.”

  As the shuttle neared the station, a VI voice spoke over the shuttle’s communications link. Rabbit followed instructions and turned the shuttle over to the control center. She declined a request for a porter, trolley, or guide. Next to her, Kita sat up straight.

  “What do we do about the cats?” she said urgently.

  “I told you, you don’t have to worry about that. Plenty of elites have animal companions.”

  Kita sighed, relieved. Maybe that’s how Galina got Jupiter? Was she from a rich family? I don’t remember anything before her posting to the colony ship. She never struck me as the type to want a pet. “Does the Political Bureau even allow pets?”

  “Not usually, unless you’re going to be gone for years. Then it’s considered healthy, and they assign you one from their stock.”

  Kita looked back at Sarge and Jupiter. “That explains a lot.”

  “Where’d you get Sarge?” said Rabbit.

  “He was a gift from the King of Yorq. As a little girl, I stumbled into the royal war cat breeding dens and pulled out a cub to play with. When they found me, my father was furious, but the king was impressed that the cub had bonded with me. Usually, war cats only bond to a handler. I must have said all the right things to gain his trust. Hey, Sarge?”

  The cat huffed a growl.

  “War cats? I thought he was a lion or something.”

  “War cats are special subspecies of snow leopard bred for size, strength, and intelligence, to be used in feudal-type combat. Some escaped or were left on the battlefield, and made their way into the mountains to breed with the wild snow leopards. It didn’t take long for their genes and traits to become dominant. You didn’t want to run into them in the wild. Thanks to Sarge, I never had a problem.”

  The shuttle crossed the hangar membrane and landed. The hatches and canopy opened. Kita hopped out. She didn’t feel out of place, and her mind knew what everything was. As usual, the why she knew escaped her. She recovered Great White from the cargo hold.

  “I’m not going to have a problem with this, am I?” she asked Rabbit.

  “It has no edge, and the teeth are decorative. It’s just a giant cricket bat. Don’t say it’s a sword.”

  “And the rest of the gear?”

  “Don’t take it out and don’t let anyone touch it. As far as anyone knows, it’s fake.”

  “All right. I doubt anyone will even look at me with you in that suit.”

  Rabbit looked down at herself and blushed deeply.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve never worn something so revealing before,” she said in a tiny voice.

  “That’s right. You’re…underexposed. Looking embarrassed won’t help. People catch on to that. Confidence is what you want to project.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’re wearing armor. I’m about to walk around among two thousand people basically naked.”

  “If you were taller I’d say we could switch. I know you’re scared, but the Bureau had to teach you how to control your feelings.”

  “Yeah, for missions and combat, not for this.”

  “What’s so different between this and those? We are on a mission, right?”

  Rabbit shrugged.

  “You are, and you need to act like it. Wearing this is part of the mission parameters. You’re not here to pick up anyone and turning heads is a good thing. It means we’re fitting in. But, I will have to redo your makeup to help you fit the part. That military style is totally out of place. You think you can do that?”

  “I…” Rabbit gulped and took a breath, seemingly having an inner dialog. “Yes, I can,” she said firmly.

  “Good,” Kita replied in a motherly tone. She dug out the makeup kit and wiped Rabbit’s face clean, then applied something more appropriate for a fantasy convention. And I know beauty makeup why? She caught a whiff of Rabbit’s hair and turned up her nose. She smelled her own hair and made a face. She gave Rabbit the mirror.

  “Wow, it’s so cool. I love the blue lashes. I can’t believe you can make my face so pretty.”

  Kita laughed. “It’s not the makeup that makes you pretty. The makeup just brings out your natural beauty. Now, turn around. I need to do something with this
wild mane you call hair.”

  “What’s wrong with my hair?”

  “For starters, what kind of products do you use in it?”

  “Ah, the stuff in the barracks?”

  “By the Crushing Depths,” Kita grumped, knowing that’s what was in her hair, too. Her mind had filled with all sorts of knowledge on personal care, beauty products, and application. “Did no one ever teach you this stuff?”

  “I followed the regs. That’s worked well enough so far.”

  “I wouldn’t use that stuff to wash a dog. Sweetie, your hair is so frazzled and damaged. It looks like a war was fought in here.”

  “Yours isn’t any better,” said Rabbit.

  “I have an excuse. I just added about a dozen things to our list of things to get.”

  “We don’t have time to get that. And when are we going to have time to use it?”

  “On the freighter, of course. You don’t think I’m going to ride in the cargo hold the whole time, do you?”

  Rabbit shrugged.

  “I plan on stealing it when I get the chance.”

  “Oh, goodie,” Rabbit whispered.

  Kita sighed and did a few twists to give it some depth and put the rest of it back in a ponytail. It’s a lost cause. “We’ve got to stop and get some revitalizer and conditioner. That will put the shine and bounce back into your hair. We can’t have you walking around like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you don’t take care of yourself. We’re trying to fit in with these people. If we don’t look like we fit in, people will notice.”

  “How do you know how to fit in?”

  “Sweetheart, I’m nobility. I can make anyone, no matter how much money they have, feel beneath me.” Kita inspected Rabbit’s hands. “Well, at least they’re soft. We should get out of here before someone comes looking. When we find a quiet spot, I will redo your nails to match. Come on.” My deepest apologies to all those who tried to teach me. I now know your pain.


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