Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2)

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Sorcerous Deeds: Special Investigators for the Magickally Challenged. An Urban Fantasy Novella. (Adept Solutions Book 2) Page 6

by Teagan Kearney

  “Wow! That’s beautiful,” Romeo beamed at Zhanna.

  She blushed. “Maybe a tad large for our needs, but it’ll do. You and Casanova first. Stand here and here.” A shower of sparkles peppered JB’s hair like tiny Christmas lights before winking out as she pointed to either side of his chair.

  “No talking while I do this,” Zhanna ordered, as the elven princes approached. She hardly had to ask. A public display of fae magic was a rare event and every eye was fixed on her in fascination—except for Valak who continued to stare at the table’s surface.

  Zhanna floated down and stood next to the crystal towering above her. “Okay, I was showing off. This is too big.” She waved her wand in a circle and the semi-precious stone shrank to the same size as Zhanna—six inches high. The faerie touched the tip of her little finger with the silver star at the top of her wand. A tiny drop of blood plinked onto the surface of the lapis lazuli, sinking in and deepening the blue. “Before I make your connection, Romeo, give me something you value. That ring on your finger will suffice.” Zhanna twitched her wand, and the ring floated through the air until it touched the lapis lazuli. She chanted a single word, and the ring shimmered. “Remember your friend and touch this, it will give you strength when you’re in that awful place,” she instructed Casanova.

  As soon as the prince put the ring on, Zhanna continued her instructions. “Next, pinkie promise like I showed you yesterday, but do it over the crystal, and remember a happy time you spent with each other.”

  “What if we—” Casanova began.

  “It doesn’t matter if you’re not thinking of the same occasion.” Zhanna chanted in fae as she pricked each little finger and two more drops of blood sank into the lapis lazuli. A faint greenish hue colored the azure stone. “Who’s next?”

  “Chen, Keon, do you mind?” JB asked.

  “Take this,” Chen handed Keon his wristwatch, “it’s a family heirloom.”

  After she’d connected the weres, a trace of rust brown lay in the crystal’s depths. “Their bond is so strong, I’m not sure if that was needed,” Zhanna told JB, “but better safe and all that. I suppose he’s next?” She nodded toward Valak, who twitched but kept his eyes down. “Who wants to link with the demonling?” Her voice held a faint sneer.

  “I have no need of any bond. My link to Ascepius safeguards me.” Valak spoke to the table.

  “JB? Is this necessary?” JB Sr. indicated Valak. “He’s a kid, not a slave.”

  “I can’t afford any mess-ups, and I can do without a volatile teenager flinging fireballs every time he feels twitchy.”

  “I apologize. This is my first visit to your world, and I know now to wait for your instructions.” Valak raised his eyes from the table and studied the opposite wall.

  JB sighed. His father was right. “Okay, relax, you can look at the faerie, but she is at the top of the ‘don’t touch or harm in any way, shape, or form’ list.”

  “Yes.” Valak carefully lifted his gaze to Zhanna.

  The second their eyes met, she twirled her wand, and a glaze settled over his features. “He’ll be no trouble,” she smirked.

  “Did you just lay a thrall enchantment on him?” JB demanded.

  “What if I did? He’s impressionable and it provides a safeguard.”

  JB shook his head. “There’s just me left. Dad, let’s get this thing done so we can get over to Didi’s apartment before the portal vanishes.”

  “Um, not your father, JB.” Zhanna’s gleeful expression and the way her lips were already curving into a smile should have warned him. “Blood is a very strong link, but sex is far more potent. Gemma, come and stand here.”

  It was difficult to tell whose face flamed the most. Gemma’s color rose till it matched her hair, and the sparks from her eyes could have started a forest fire. Two high spots of red stood high on JB’s smooth gold cheeks, and red and oranges flames sparked in his pupils. He glared at Zhanna, anger and embarrassment rendering him speechless.

  Nikki tried, and failed, to stop her snort of laughter and the rest of the group watched, transfixed by Zhanna’s revelation.

  “I don’t know what the situation is between you pair at the moment, and I don’t have to be a mind reader to see you’re not a couple, but if this is the best way of ensuring JB’s safety, Gemma, could you put your emotions aside and do this as a personal favor?” JB Sr.’s calm reasonable voice broke the impasse.

  Gemma inhaled, breathing out slowly before she answered. “Of course.”

  “What can you give him, Gemma? That locket will do.” Zhanna pointed at the thin silver chain peeking out from Gemma’s ‘Truck Stop Mama’ T-shirt. “Unless you have something else?”

  “How do you—it was Jason wasn’t it? Is there anything my brother hasn’t told you?” The locket had been found hidden in Gemma’s blanket when a social worker discovered the abandoned new-born twins one sunny spring morning twenty-two years ago outside the department for Children’s Services.

  “I doubt it. Be quick, time is ticking.”

  Gemma lifted the silver locket, normally hidden under her top, over her head. “Please, take good care of it.” She dropped it into JB’s palm.

  “I promise.” He held her gaze.

  Zhanna repeated her actions with the locket, smirking again as JB settled it over his head. “For this to work, both of you must think of a positive occasion in your relationship,” Zhanna instructed, far too smugly. “And keep your heavy vibes to yourself, JB. Pinkie promise, and the pair of you concentrate.”

  Gemma closed her eyes, and for a second JB stared at their entwined fingers before he did the same.

  Zhanna pricked their pinkies, chanted, and as their blood fell, sinking without trace into the lapis lazuli, a rich crimson flushed through the stone before it returned to its original color. “Done,” she announced. “Those who are going, hold the object given to you and concentrate on the person you’re linked to. Do you all feel the connection?”

  One by one, each couple nodded. “Good,” Zhanna exclaimed, giving a gigantic yawn. “I’m retiring for a nap. Good luck, all of you, and Keon,” she waited till the Alpha met her gaze, “may you find justice for your son.”

  The Alpha held her eyes for a moment as a sudden shiver went through him. “My thanks.” He made a small bow.

  “I have to let Juan know I’m pulling an all-nighter,” Nikki informed JB as the faerie disappeared into her room.

  “And I’ll be downstairs taking a nap.” JB Sr. stretched. “But the same for me, Nikki, call me the instant anything happens.” He studied JB, and those going with him. “Take care. The Wraithlands is a place you should get in and out of as fast as you can. As for those history lessons,” he turned to Valak, “we’ll start when you return.”

  An eager smile lit up Valak’s face. “Thank you, sir. I look forward to it.”

  “Gemma, try to get some rest.” JB’s voice was soft. “We’ll find Jason when we get back. I promise.”

  Relief flickered across her features. “Okay. That’s two promises I’ll hold you to.” She watched JB as he shrugged into his jacket. She only stirred when Nikki’s hot breath whispered in her ear. “You are both sooo Teen Valley High.” Gemma thumped her friend’s arm, but didn’t shift her gaze from JB’s back as he led Keon, Casanova, and Valak out the door.

  Chapter Thirteen: Office, 10 pm

  Nikki waited till the rumble of the departing cars faded before she turned off her laptop. “Hey, Zhanna. You ready?” she yelled. “Listen, Gem, Zhanna and I have something to do. We won’t be long.”

  “What’s so important you have leave when your help might be essential here?” JB Sr. queried, his eyebrows drawing together.

  Nikki worried at her bottom lip with her teeth, her gaze flicking between Gemma and JB’s father. “It’s a lead on Jason. Zhanna’s contacts have some information we want to check out. Gem, you have to stay here.”

  “It’s my brother. I’m coming.”

  “And what about
my son?” JB Sr. demanded, his eyes sparking with sudden red flames.

  “He’s right, Gem. This may prove to be nothing, and if JB did need your aid, coming with us could prove dangerous for him and a waste of everyone’s time.”

  “And if JB doesn’t need me, and the tip is valid, where’s your back-up?”

  Zhanna stepped out of her office. “Me! Ta dah!”

  Gemma, Chen, and JB. Sr. turned and froze. Laughter from a group of people passing in the street below drifted up, the sputter of a passing car, and a dog barking in the distance were the only sounds as they took in the astonishing vision of a human-sized Zhanna.

  The faerie’s slender figure was dressed in a long-sleeved sparkly black leotard, black leggings, a pair of lightweight black military boots, and she’d hidden her silver hair under a black star patterned bandana. Her gold-tinted eyes sparkled, glistening beacons in the green, white and gray camouflage paint smeared over her face. She swung a large glitter covered battle-ax with casual grace from her hand. “People, stop gawping. Darling Romeo, what’s your considered opinion?”

  Romeo walked around her, touched her shoulder and patted her arm. “You are an apt pupil, my dear.” He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

  “How…?” JB Sr. stuttered.

  “Gemma, pick your chin up off the floor. Romeo has been teaching me a bit of elven magic and I practiced a lot.” She squeezed her eyes tight, and at first she shrank a little, then began to grow.

  “Oh, my!” JB Sr. exclaimed as Zhanna’s passed the seven-foot mark.

  “Let’s hope her vanity doesn’t increase in proportion to her size,” Gemma muttered.

  “Zhanna!” Romeo was brusque. “Turn off the tap!”

  In less than the blink of an eye, Zhanna returned to normal human proportions. “The flow is still a little hard to control, but I’m fine now. We have to get going. No, Gemma, you can’t come because the link weakens the further you are from the crystal. Nikki, the security cams are out, but keeping this form takes a lot of energy, and I don’t want to shrink before our business is finished.” She headed for the exit with long graceful strides, twinkles from her outfit catching the light as she swung the shiny ax over her shoulder.

  Nikki gave Gemma a quick hug. “If we need more back-up, I’ll phone.”


  “I promise,” said Nikki, grabbing her keys and hurrying after Zhanna.

  “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman,” Gemma mumbled to no one in particular. “Now that film makes sense.”

  “She won’t require your assistance,” Romeo told Gemma as the door shut behind Nikki. “Do you have any idea how much magic Zhanna possesses and how fierce she can be? I pity anyone who gets in her way tonight. She’ll eat them alive.”

  Nikki and Zhanna stood outside room 301 of the Freeway Motel. The nearby street lights were out, and although there was a small amount of traffic near the truck stop, the area was quiet. Both figures pressed their ears to the door, listening to the shouts and yells coming from inside the room.

  “You said you’d share,” the first voice shouted.

  “I will.” The second voice was lower, richer. “The next time.”

  “You were always selfish.”

  “You should do something about your attitude.”

  “My attitude?”

  “Yes. It stinks.”

  “Not as much as you do.”

  The argument went back and forth accompanied by the sounds of slapping interspersed with cries of ‘ow’ and ‘take that’.

  Nikki pulled her balaclava down, leaving only her pupils, glinting red sparks of excitement, visible in the darkness.

  Zhanna balanced on her toes, her body grew slightly bigger then shrank again as the quarrel continued.

  “I’ll let you know when I’m good and ready.”

  “Is that when there’s nothing left?”

  “I found him, not you. He’s mine. Besides, it would teach you a lesson.”

  “I’m going to teach you something right now.”

  They heard a loud smack and more sounds of a struggle. Nikki nodded to Zhanna, raised her leg and kicked hard. “He’s here,” she said catching sight of Jason, spread-eagled on the bed as the door flew open. “Goody, goody. A bitch fight” she said as the two succubi shoved each other, hitting, scratching and pulling at each other’s hair, too angry to notice their unexpected visitors. “The bigger one’s mine,” she shouted at Zhanna over the screams and yells.

  “No, she isn’t.” Zhanna moved so fast Nikki only saw the trail of sparkles as the faerie zipped past. Grabbing the nearest succubus by her halter top straps, she yanked her away from her sister, and flung her to the floor.

  Nikki didn’t wait, but leapt at the other demon, her boots connecting with her opponent’s chest, and both fell in a tangle of bodies.

  The demoness under Zhanna snarled, her jagged teeth and red mouth hissing and spitting curses as she twisted out of Zhanna’s grasp. She sprang to her feet, razor-sharp claws extending from her fingers and attacked. Zhanna raised her weapon, pirouetted—her movements a blur—and emitted a high trilling ululation. As her battle-ax whooshed through the air trailing a stream of bright light, she decapitated the succubus with one fell swoop. “That’s what happens to those who cross the fae,” she told the headless corpse as she rushed over to Jason.

  Nikki and the thinner succubus faced each other. Nikki kept her black-handled, black-bladed knife moving, and threw herself at her opponent with such force she flung her to the floor, landing on top with her forearm crushing the demon’s throat.

  The succubus bucked, and the pair rolled across the floor, a flurry of entangled arms and legs, ending up with Nikki kneeling on the demon’s back. Grabbing the succubus’s hair, she yanked her head up, leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “this is for Jason.” With a precise swift movement, she sliced open her adversary’s throat.

  The succubus gave the faintest sigh as her soul left her body.

  Nikki carefully wiped the blade on the creature’s clothing, and climbed to her feet still slightly out of breath. “Jason!” She rushed over to the bed.

  Zhanna’s palm pressed gently over Jason’s heart, and her eyes were closed. “His spirit is on the point of departure.”

  Nikki took in Jason's emaciated body. “Isn’t there anything you can do?” she demanded.

  “I can bring him back but there’ll be a price to pay.”

  “Do it.”

  Zhanna climbed onto the bed beside Jason. She stroked his forehead, slick with sweat, a look of deep affection on her face. Sucking in a deep breath, she bent close, and put her lips on his, and blew a pearly diaphanous life-giving faerie breath into Jason’s mouth. For a few seconds nothing happened.

  Then Jason shuddered, his mouth opened and his chest heaved as he sucked in great gulps of air. His eyes flew open, and he looked at Zhanna terrified. “No, please, no” he whispered, his voice broken and cracked.

  “Easy, Jason. Believe it or not that’s Zhanna. Hey, use your ax and let’s get these cuffs off him.”

  As Zhanna moved away, Jason’s gaze followed her.

  Within minutes they had Jason propped up between them, an arm over each of their shoulders and the sheet tied around him like a toga. Zhanna wrinkled her nose at the stench of sulfur as they stepped over the ichor stains and decomposing succubi bodies. Before exiting, Nikki snapped her fingers and a large flame leapt from the last candle that remained alight. “No evidence, no succubi.”

  They settled Jason carefully on the rear seat, his head on Zhanna’s lap, and drove out of the parking lot as hungry flames licked the motel windows and the high shrill wail of a fire alarm rent the air.

  Chapter Fourteen: Didi’s Apartment, 11.00 pm.

  Didi's apartment had been cleared of the wreckage resulting from Jaigis’s visit except for the scorch marks decorating the wall and the burned strips on the carpet.

  Keon stood near the spot where his son’s body had been found, his fury
bottled, but barely contained.

  The rest of the group moved away, eyeing him nervously. A dominant pack leader like Keon could shift from immobility to explosive action in the blink of an eye.

  JB stuck his hands in his jean pockets to keep them away from Gemma’s locket. He’d found himself irresistibly drawn to touch it, and when he did, all he could think about was the way she’d looked at him before they left. He’d seen trust and hope in her eyes. However, right now he had to push his thoughts about her aside and focus. “Gemma saw the portal in the center of the room. Can you sense anything, Valak?”

  Valak raised his eyebrows and opened his hands in a helpless gesture.

  “Okay, you can talk now.” As they'd driven through the city, the stream of questions and exclamations from Valak had so irritated everyone that JB had commanded him to be silent. After which he sent a mental thanks to Ascepius for the ability to control the youth. A hyperactive demonling without controls would be a nightmare.

  Valak walked a small circle, then clicked his fingers as he muttered a few words under his breath. Instantly the gateway appeared. “I got a triple A star in Portal Studies,” he said, puffing out his chest and grinning.

  To JB’s eyes there was something very other about the strange sigils decorating the archway.

  “Why is it doing that?” Keon asked.

  The edges of the gateway flickered, and the dark sigils flashed on and off.

  “It’s reacting to our presence.” Valak was in his element as he expounded on transworld portal properties. “Sometimes sorcerers put defensive—”

  “Yeah, yeah. Quick, before it closes. C’mon.” JB caught hold of Valak’s arm, pulling him forward as he hurried through the portal.

  Casanova and Keon wasted no time in following. The instant Keon arrived on the other side, a hissing noise issued from the gateway.

  “Run,” Valak shouted, his voice rising an octave, “it’s about to explode.”

  They ran. They had barely gone a hundred yards when a deafening eruption sent a blistering blast wave that flung them to the ground, showering them with hot gritty sand.


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