Tangled Paths

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Tangled Paths Page 1

by Kimi Flores

  Copyright © 2014 Kimi Flores

  Smashwords Edition

  Photography by

  K Keeton Designs

  Cover Models

  Tessi Le'Anne & Storm Bailey

  Cover Design by

  Cover to Cover Designs

  Editing by

  Story Girl Editing

  Proofreading by

  Little House of Edits

  Interior Design by

  Inkstain Interior Book Designing

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author or publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, or incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to the actual events, locales, and persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  This book is dedicated to a very dear friend of mine who opened herself up to painful memories in order to help me understand feelings I’ve not experienced personally. We shed many tears during the process and I am forever grateful for her friendship.


  Chapter One – Rude Awakening

  Chapter Two – Earth Shaking

  Chapter Three - Will I ever get over him?

  Chapter Four – Sign Me Up

  Chapter Five – That’s a Wrap

  Chapter Six – Pansy Ass

  Chapter Seven – I Might Have to be Bribed

  Chapter Eight – Okay, I Give

  Chapter Nine – Who Really Holds the Power?

  Chapter Ten – Let the Adventure Begin

  Chapter Eleven – The Winner’s Circle

  Chapter Twelve – What if I’m Wrong?

  Chapter Thirteen – Bringing Sexy Back

  Chapter Fourteen – One Step at a Time

  Chapter Fifteen – Beaten but not Defeated

  Chapter Sixteen – To Everything There is a season

  Chapter Seventeen – Coffee & My Man

  Chapter Eighteen – Moving On

  Chapter Nineteen – It’s a Southern Thang

  Chapter Twenty – Gotta Love a Snarky Girl

  Chapter Twenty-One – Oh How Things Have Changed

  Chapter Twenty-Two – Searching is Half the Fun

  Chapter Twenty-Three – Giving Thanks


  Sneak Peek of Grafted Lines

  Other books by Kimi Flores


  About Kimi

  Tangled Paths Playlist

  Watching her feet, Bri carefully walked up the few stairs that led to the VIP section of the dance club. She hoped the black strappy heels she was sporting tonight didn’t catch on anything. The last thing she needed was to eat it in front of all the other club goers. Once she reached the top, she tugged on the constricting elastic band at the bottom of her dress. It was so snug against the top of her thighs, it was difficult to walk.

  What was I thinking wearing this outfit? It’s too damn short.

  The black, one-shoulder mini-dress was embellished with silver sequins along the top of the bust. Bri would’ve never worn something like this, but her roommate, Alison, teased her, saying that her normal jeans, tank top, and Chucks would not do for this evening.

  Glancing around, Bri could see where Alison was coming from. Half-dressed club goers filled the dance floor, leaving nothing to the imagination as they gyrated against each other to the beat of the thumping music.

  As she followed closely behind Alison, Bri couldn’t help but think about her overprotective brother and cousin.

  Stefen and Caleb would kill me if they saw me now.

  The moment their summer vacation began, Bri and Alison started hanging out with a group of guys Alison’s boyfriend knew. So far they’d only hit bars, but tonight they found themselves in an exclusive dance club. This was the first time Bri had ever been in a place like this. Although she wasn’t old enough to be here, the fake I.D. in her purse said she was.

  The booming music pounded in her chest. Alison stopped in front of her, looking down at her cell phone. Whirling around, Alison’s long blonde hair twirled in the air after her. She leaned forward, yelling in Bri’s ear. “Paul just texted me. He’s at the front door. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” Bri attempted to shout over the music but was sure Alison couldn’t hear her.

  Biting her lip, Bri interlaced her fingers, her arms falling in front of her. A group of girls passed by, wiggling their barely covered asses to the beat of the music, sneering as they checked her out from head to toe. She stood alone, shifting insecurely back and forth, causing one of her heels to wobble as she tried to ignore the skanky girls and focus on the prodigious scene.

  A red leather booth lined the entire wall of the VIP area, while a symmetrical pattern of small triangular tables sat in front of the bench. There was just enough room to comfortably step between the tables once you found a spot to sit. And seated right smack dab in the center of the couch was the tall, blue-eyed, brown haired guy that had taken her breath away too many times to count. He was the real reason she let her roommate talk her into going out so much lately. When their eyes met, there was no mistaking the angry hunger she saw in his.

  Why’s he looking at me like that?

  Josh Tucker was one of Hollywood’s hottest young actors. Over the last few years, he’d starred on the popular T.V. show, The BW, a weekly fictional drama about high schoolers who lived in Brentwood, California. After the news broke six months ago that one of the other leading male actors had gotten wasted and driven off the side of a cliff, the show was cancelled.

  Bri thought it was a cheesy show anyway, but she had an unmistakable crush on its main star. Subconsciously, her hands made their way down her second-skin dress as she wondered once more why she bothered getting dressed up tonight. According to her mother, Bri wasn’t the best looking girl around, so she didn’t dare hope that Josh would find her even remotely attractive.

  A few nights prior to this evening, they’d sat in a private booth at a bar talking for hours. She’d been so surprised when he opened up about the guilt he carried around because of his best friend and fellow actor’s death. When Bri asked why he felt responsible, Josh admitted he was the one who introduced Kai to the drug dealer the night he died.

  Huddled up in their own little bubble in the corner of the bar, she’d let herself believe that they’d made a deeper connection that night. He proved her wrong when he left with another girl he hadn’t even talked to.

  I’ll never be anything more than his buddy. How depressing.

  Tilting her head to the side, she was sure that he was just patronizing her with his hungry stare. Bri diverted her gaze up to the mesmerizing acrylic fixtures dangling from the ceiling. The way the light bounced through them created the illusion of falling raindrops.

  “Do you see who’s gawking at you?” Alison shrieked in her ear. Bri’s roommate was well aware of her infatuation with the gorgeous blue-eyed, six-foot tall actor. Bri glanced in Josh’s direction again. Yep. He was still eyeing her as though he was trying to decide something. He sat confidently in his dark jeans and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms. His long, muscular legs were stretched past either side of the table in front of him, and he pursed his lips, ey
es raking up and down her body.

  Her heart picked up speed and her palms began to sweat as Alison was dragged away by her boyfriend to one of the few open seats.

  Damn, he’s never done that to me before. It’s gotta be this outfit. Thank you, Alison.

  Lifting his arm, he motioned with his index and middle fingers for her to come over.

  She scrunched her eyebrows. Well, that’s pretty cocky.

  The large platinum designer watch he wore slipped back in place when he lowered his arm, keeping a watchful eye on her.

  Bri spun around, propping a stubborn hand on her hip as she took in the surrounding dancers once more. Who did this guy think he was? Well, he was hot. That was for damn sure. Still, he just expected her to bounce over to him?

  Not gonna happen.

  She bit down apprehensively on her lower lip. Then again...This was the first summer she was on her own. Her brother, Stefen, and cousin, Caleb, had been her protectors her entire life, never once letting her out of their sight long enough to have any real fun.

  As much as she loved and appreciated them, Bri was thankful when Caleb graduated from college a few years ago and moved to Santa Barbara with his new wife. Her domineering brother finally graduated last month and moved back to their hometown of Chicago to intern at their father and uncle’s law firm while he finished law school.

  They still felt the need to keep tabs on her, calling at least once a day, but that was a lot easier to deal with than having them tower over her, scaring off every guy that even gave her a sideways glance.

  Between them and her belittling mother, there were so many things she missed out on during her teenage years. Now that she was entering her third year of college, she was free to do whatever she wanted. And I plan on making up for lost time.

  She contemplated once more what to do about Josh.

  Who am I kidding? She sighed with nervous defeat. Trying not to make it obvious, she casually glanced over her shoulder. Since she’d recently cut and colored her normally long dark hair, she was unable to hide behind it.

  Didn’t matter, anyway. His seat was empty now.

  Disappointed, she scrunched her mouth to the side. She’d lost her chance tonight. Damn it.

  Suddenly, a warm body pressed against her from behind. “So you want me to come get you instead, huh?”

  His voice was slow and sultry, and Bri’s hazel eyes widened. There go my sweaty palms again. Taking a deep breath, she turned to find Josh standing a few inches away with hooded eyes.

  “Excuse me?” She acted as though she had no idea what he was talking about.

  He likes the outfit, not me.

  Studying her, he ran his thumb across her cheek, then forward along her jawline until he was touching her lips. “You heard me.” The smell of whiskey tickled her nose as he continued, “I don’t normally have to go after what I want, but I’ll make an exception for you.” He took a step back, blatantly checking out her scantily clad body.

  She felt heat travel up her neck to her face. Thank God it’s dark in here. Clearing her throat, she yelled back, “How much have you had to drink?”

  He stepped closer, raising an eyebrow. “Enough, but not too much.” Grinning, he hooked his arm around her shoulders and led her back to where he’d been sitting. A waitress appeared as they sat down, and Josh leaned into Bri, tickling her ear and neck with his breath. “What sounds good to you?”

  You do, she thought, then blushed. Ignoring the waitress’ stink eye, Bri answered, “I’ll just have a soda.”

  Josh jerked his head back. “A soda? That’s all?” Disappointed, he pressed his lips together, then turned to the waitress who gave him a flirty smile. “I’ll have another whiskey.” He smirked back at Bri. “Actually make it a double.”

  What am I doing? Bri asked herself for the millionth time since she’d left the club with Josh. I’ve never done anything like this before.

  Walking through the luxurious hotel lobby, she snuggled her cheek against his sport jacket, breathing him in while his arm draped possessively over her shoulder. It still didn’t make sense that he’d left her hanging at the bar a few nights ago but she was on cloud nine, now knowing he’d also felt their connection. She was certain of it. Why else would he choose her tonight?

  For someone who’d had so much to drink, he was walking pretty straight. “I can’t wait to get you in my room,” he growled in her ear as the elevator door opened.

  A tantalizing shiver ran down her spine. Her amatory smile quickly disappeared as the doors closed and his mouth covered hers. Hiking her dress up just enough, Josh pinned her against the elevator wall, wrapping her legs around his hips. She heard herself moan when he pressed himself onto her hypersensitive body as his hands greedily roamed every inch of her exposed skin.

  This is actually happening.

  The woody spice flavor from the drinks he’d had at the club flooded her taste buds. Breaking away, Bri took a moment to catch her breath. She’d never been with a guy this way before, but after their hot and heavy make out session in the limo, she was ready and willing to do anything Josh wanted tonight.

  When the elevator car came to a stop, he gave her a mischievous smile. “Looks like this is our floor.” Staring into his cobalt blue eyes, her chest heaved in and out before he pecked her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip, igniting her passion even more.

  He lowered her onto her unsteady legs, smoothed the back of her dress down then pulled her by the hand out of the elevator. “Room’s down here.” He picked up the pace as they strode down the long hall.

  At what she assumed was his room, he spun her around, threading his fingers into her short auburn locks and crashed his eager lips on hers once again.

  Bri couldn’t think straight. She was overwhelmed with both nervousness and anticipation. She’d never felt desire like this before. One thing was sure, she had no control of what would happen next. Josh seemed plenty skilled, and she hoped her lack of experience didn’t disappoint him. Every guy wants to be with a virgin though, right? And what better guy to give mine to? She couldn’t wait to see if this whole sex thing was as mind blowing as all her friends had raved about.

  As he opened the door with his keycard and backed them into the dark room, she allowed herself one gulp.

  Whatever happens after, I hope my heart can handle it.

  “Mom, it’s—” Bri pulled her phone away, squinting as her hazel eyes adjusted to the brightness of her cell in the dimly lit bedroom. She pushed her palm into her throbbing forehead. “—five-thirty in the morning, please don’t start with me.”

  Exhausted after her pity party for one the night before, she wondered why she even answered the phone. Rolling her eyes, Bri knew the answer. Because Mom would’ve kept calling just like she does every time I try to ignore her. At least it’s too early for her to be drunk.

  “Bri, I just can’t comprehend why on earth you would purposely move to the same city where your cousin and overbearing brother live.”

  “I’ve been here for months now mom, why do you keep bringing this up?”

  “Exactly. It’s been months and you are still alone. They are never going to let any men near you. God knows you already have the odds stacked against you.” Her mother’s haughty tone irritated the hell out of Bri.

  Dammit, why does she always do this to me?

  Bri had spent most of her twenty-seven years trying to please this woman, with no success. When she turned twenty-one she’d even gone as far as getting the nose job her mom insisted she needed.

  What a waste. She said it was still crooked, and I should sue the doctor for negligence.


  She had a zillion reasons for moving to Santa Barbara. One of which was that she was tired of traveling. She’d been running away from her troubles for years and until now, hadn’t felt confident enough to set her roots anywhere. Although at times, she still felt a bit out of sorts in the condo she shared with her best friend, it was also nice to have a plac
e she could hide in when the world became too much to handle.

  The main reason however was that she loved living so close to the family members that actually cared about her. There was nothing left for her in Chicago. Her mother’s disparaging remarks were difficult enough to deal with over the phone, Bri didn’t need her having the ability to drop by whenever she felt the need to dole out her criticism. Although she knew her father loved her, she never got to spend any time with him. He chose to escape their dysfunctional family life by throwing himself into his career at his law firm.

  If it hadn’t been for her cousin, Caleb, and her ‘overbearing brother’, Stefen, she wouldn’t have ever survived growing up. Not only had they done their best to shield her from her mother’s attacks, but they also unknowingly picked up her broken heart and nursed it back to health after she let the one and only guy in. When she had a nervous breakdown after leaving law school and telling her father she wasn’t going to practice law after all, Stefen was the one by her side. Caleb would’ve been, but he was still grieving the loss of his first wife. Bri was forever indebted to her two protectors and loved that she now lived in the same town with them.

  Bri closed her eyes tight, hoping this call didn’t last much longer. “Will you ever have anything nice to say to me?”

  Her mother’s snide chuckle was a familiar sound. “Oh, dear, you don’t need me filling your head with nonsense. That’s what your brother is there for. I’m just saying that with he and Caleb hovering over you, that’s yet another obstacle a gentleman with prestige will have to overcome. It already isn’t worth a man’s effort to bother with you.”


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