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Buried Secrets (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES) Page 1

by SK


  “So you don’t mind if I have a bachelorette party?”

  Aleesha Matthews watched as her fiancée, Amir Montgomery, took the chilled bottle of wine out of the refrigerator. She reached in the drawer beside her to get the cork screw and handed it to him.

  “Why should I mind, honey? I trust you. Besides, this will be your last little ‘hurrah’ before you become Mrs. Amir Montgomery. You’d better enjoy it while you can.” Amir glanced over and gave her a teasing grin.

  “Oh, is that so? Don’t tell me you’re going to turn into one of those controlling husbands who only wants his wife to go to work then come straight home every day?” Amir pretended to ponder the question. Aleesha’s eyes narrowed before she lightly punched him on his bulging bicep. “Mir…!”

  Amir laughed and pulled Aleesha to him before slipping his arms around her waist. “Aw, you know I’m joking with you, Leesh. That’s not me, and if we really wanted to get technical, I know that ain’t you,” he laughed.

  “That’s right, as long as you recognize that fact.” Aleesha pretended to pout, but her lips twitched with the effort to keep the smile from taking over. “I don’t want any problems after I say ‘I do’. What you see is what you get, Mister.”

  Amir’s eyes dropped to her mouth. “Mmm. Is that so? Well, I see a lot. When can I get it?”

  When he lowered his head, Aleesha raised her lips to his and sighed. Although Amir had been asking her to marry him for a while now, Aleesha finally said yes three months ago. The two of them had been together for the last several years and made a dynamic couple. Amir used to be one of the star players on a professional football team in Atlanta before an injury ended his career five years ago. Due to wise investments and lucrative endorsement deals, he was able to retire a very wealthy man.

  Aleesha had a successful career and was ready to make the commitment of a lifetime to the man she loved. Tasting his intoxicating lips, she wondered how she was ever going to be able to resist him until their wedding night. Her eyelids fluttered closed when Amir lowered his head and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth.

  Leesha slowly slid her arms up around Amir’s neck as she pressed her petite, curvaceous body against his. Amir’s growl was deep and primal as he held her tight. When he picked her up and sat her on the counter, Aleesha wrapped her legs around his trim waist and locked him securely between her thighs.

  “Leesh,” Amir whispered. His lips went to the curve of her neck while his hands slowly pushed the hem of her short sundress up.

  “Amir. We‘d better stop.” Aleesha’s weak protests went unheeded as Amir inched a hand between her legs. Aleesha gasped as his fingers rubbed the damp crotch of her silk panties.

  “Leesh, please. I want you so bad. I need you.”

  “Mir…we agreed,” Aleesha managed to breathe out. “We’re not going to make love again until after we’re married. Oh…!” Aleesha cried out as Amir slipped a finger under her panties and traced the swollen lips of her sex.

  “Baby. Please. I’m begging you.”

  Amir’s mouth found hers again and their tongues engaged in a one on one conversation of their own. Amir’s other hand went to his belt buckle. They hadn’t made love in almost five weeks, and the wedding was still a month away. “Just let me put the head in…”

  “Mir, no!” Aleesha whined, but while her mouth said one thing, her actions clearly communicated another. Feeling his finger slide through the moist folds sheltering her femininity, her body abruptly gained the upper hand.

  Amir watched an emotional cascade of ecstasy fall over Aleesha’s face with rapt attention. His lips parted in wonder when Aleesha purred from pleasure. She couldn’t help it. It felt so good, and it had been so long. She and Amir enjoyed a healthy sex life. They made love at least four times a week, even if they were mad at one another. This was the longest they’d ever gone without it, and Aleesha could feel her resolve weakening by the second.

  However, the sound of Amir’s zipper being pulled down finally brought her back to her senses. Gathering all the inner strength she possessed, she firmly pushed against his chest, but when her palms came in contact with a solid mass of pure muscle, it seemed as if she were trying to move a mountain.

  Amir’s body tensed, not believing she was actually stopping him. Sighing heavily, he dropped his head and took a step back. He removed his fingers from the warm and welcoming opening between her thighs and rested his large hands beside her legs.

  “Leesh, baby you killin’ me.” Amir's words were low and gruff with need.

  “I know. I don’t like it any more than you.”

  “Then let me….”

  “Amir, no.”

  Amir hissed and pushed away from the counter. He gave her a look which conveyed his displeasure and began fixing his pants. Without another word, he turned to walk out of the kitchen.

  Aleesha quickly hopped down and caught his arm. “Baby, wait….”

  When he blew out a deep breath and shifted to one leg, Aleesha knew he only stopped because he chose to do so. At a height of 6’4” and weighing 225lbs, he was a foot taller than she was and weighed almost twice as much. He silently looked down at her with an expression that let her know, in no uncertain terms, he wasn’t happy.

  “Amir, I just want our wedding night to be special. We already live together and make love like rabbits as it is.” She gave him a small smile which faltered when he continued to glare at her. “Are you saying this is all we are? Sex? We can’t go without it for two months before we fall apart?”

  “Aleesha, don’t even try it. Why are you always trying to use this reverse psychology bullshit on me?”

  “I’m not. I’m just asking a question. Our wedding is in four weeks. We can hold out until then, can’t we?”

  His chest expanded as he drew in a frustrated breath. “Yeah. Fine.”

  Aleesha smiled and slipped her arms around his waist. She rested her forehead on the massive wall of his chest and relaxed when he enfolded her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you, Amir.”

  “I love you too, Leesh. Believe that.” His voice lightened. “Otherwise, there’s no way in hell I’d go without sex for this long,” he laughed.

  Aleesha laughed along with him. “Thank you, baby. I know it’s not easy. But think about our wedding night and how hot and exciting it’ll be.”

  “It’s hot and exciting now,” Amir said in a low, sexy voice. “Are you sure we can’t just….”

  “Amir….” Aleesha gave him a chastising look.

  “Okay. No harm in trying,” he grinned. His good mood was restored as he leaned down to give her a kiss. “So about this bachelorette party. Have your partners in crime told you what they’ve planned yet?”

  Amir was referring to Aleesha’s two best friends, Jerra St. James and Keisha McKnight, who were going to be her maids of honor. Keisha and Aleesha had been friends since they were in grade school; they both welcomed Jerra into the mix over ten years ago when they met her in college. Aleesha frowned at the question because that exact subject had been uppermost in her mind the last couple of weeks.

  “No. They haven’t. Actually, I thought Keisha would’ve cracked by now and let something slip, but Jerra must have threatened her with bodily harm if she so much as breathed a word,” she laughed. “And whenever I bring it up, she quickly changes the subject.”

  Amir remained silent as he picked up the forgotten bottle of wine. He suddenly seemed intently focused on getting it open. Aleesha stood beside him, watching as he twisted the cork out. She glanced at his carefully blank expression and squinted in suspicion. She couldn't help but admire the strong features that mad
e up such an attractive face. Thick lashes outlined sexy, lazy eyes, and his healthy brown skin was smooth and soft to the touch. Her searching gaze dropped to the sensuous curve of his bottom lip that never failed to get women discombobulated when the corners of his mouth lifted in a naturally seductive smile.


  “Yeah, sweetie?”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Amir reached for the wine glasses and poured them both a healthy glassful. “Here you go, babe,” he said as he handed one to Aleesha.

  Aleesha hesitated before taking it from him, but kept her eyes trained on Amir. He avoided her searching gaze as he picked his glass up and took a long swallow. Convinced he was hiding something, Aleesha set hers down on the gray, granite countertop and turned her full attention to her sexy fiancée.

  “Alright. Spill it.”

  Amir looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “What are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about….” As she continued to stare at him, Aleesha gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “You sneak! They told you what they’re planning for my bachelorette party, didn’t they?!”

  Aleesha saw a look of dismay cross his handsome features a moment before he stepped around her to go back into the living room.

  “Amir Montgomery…!” Aleesha was fast on his heels. “I’m talking to you! They told you but they won’t tell me?”

  Amir winced. Damn! Once Aleesha latched on to something, she was like a pit-bull in a skirt. She wouldn't let go until she got to the meat and bones of the matter. “Aleesha, I have nothing to do with it. This is between you and your homegirls.”

  Amir sat down on the sofa and picked up the remote control to turn the volume up on the TV. Aleesha stared at him for a moment before slowly walking over and lowering herself down onto his lap. She plucked the remote out of his hand and clicked the television off, then took the wine glass from him and set it on the sofa table behind them. She began to rain soft kisses along his strong jawline to the corner of his mouth.

  “Amir….” Her lips kissed a path to his thick, corded neck, and then nibbled it just the way he liked.

  “Aleesha…” Amir groaned as he ran his hand up and down her thigh. “Baby, you’re not playin' fair…”

  “Give me a hint….” She sucked on his bottom lip, running her tongue along the soft skin there. “Just one…little…hint.” Aleesha swallowed his groan into her mouth.

  “Leesh….” he whispered as his hand covered her breast.


  “Okay, listen. You let me just fuck you with the head, I’ll tell you anything you want to know…” Amir sucked on her earlobe and licked the rim of her ear with the tip of his tongue. “Is that a deal?”

  “Baby, we can’t. Once we do that, it won’t be enough for either of us…” Aleesha leaned her neck to the side to allow him easier access.


  “Yes, baby?” Amir abruptly sat her on the couch beside him. It took a minute for Aleesha to realize what he’d done. “Amir?”

  He reached for the remote and turned the television back on before retrieving his glass of wine. “If I don’t get anything, you don’t either.”

  Aleesha sputtered before she managed to squeak a word out. “What?!”

  “You heard me Aleesha. Hell yeah, I’ll risk the wrath of your girls and tell you exactly what they have planned, but you gotta give me what I want first." He fixed her with a pointed stare and arched an eyebrow. "Now. How badly do you want to know?”

  Aleesha looked at him in shock, then annoyance as she realized he was bargaining his way to getting some ass. She scowled and stood up before stomping off to their bedroom. Amir chuckled softly when he heard the door slam shut behind her.

  “Yeah. Somehow I guessed you didn’t want to know that badly.”

  Amir smiled to himself as he settled down to watch the game. He knew he’d probably get the silent treatment for the rest of the night. Well, maybe that was for the best. If she had kept on, he would’ve been spilling all of his secrets.

  And that just wouldn’t do…..

  Chapter 1

  Friday night, 2 weeks later……

  “Oh my God!” Aleesha shouted as she looked out the window of the limousine and took in the flashing lights of Las Vegas. “I can’t believe you bitches actually flew me to Vegas for my bachelorette party! This is insane!”

  “That’s right, girl. You’re only gonna get married once, and we plan on sending you off in style,” said Jerra.

  Echoes of agreement rang throughout the limo as ten of her closest girlfriends got in the mood to raise some serious hell and create havoc in this city of bright lights. Champagne flowed freely. Having just arrived, they were already well on their way to feeling good and determined to show Aleesha the best time of her dwindling single life before she tied the knot with Amir.

  Seconds later, her cell phone sang out with the ring tone set especially for Amir. She hurriedly pulled the phone out of her purse and waved her arms to shush everyone. She hadn’t spoken to Amir since this morning, and she was anxious to hear her man’s voice.

  “Quiet, you guys. It’s Amir." She cleared her throat before sweetly greeting him. “Hi babbyyy...”

  “How’s my future wife to be?”

  “Better now that I hear your voice. I miss you…”

  “I miss you too, baby girl. How was the flight?”

  “It was nice. We arrived about…Hey!” Aleesha shrieked as the phone was snatched away while in mid-sentence.

  “Oh hell to the nah!” screamed Keisha.

  “Keisha! What do you think you’re doing?! Give it to me!” Aleesha held her hand out, but Keisha closed her eyes and stubbornly shook her head from side to side.

  “No ma’am. Look, your ass just saw this man a few hours ago and in a couple of weeks, you’re going to be together every damn day. You'll both be fine until you see each other Sunday evening.” She brought Aleesha’s cell phone to her ear. “‘Byyyeee Amirrr…’ she sang before snapping it closed and promptly dropping it into her purse.

  “I can’t believe you did that, Keisha! You had no right to hang up on Amir…!” Aleesha yelled, eyes blazing. “We were only…..”

  “Oh shut up and have another drink, Leesh.” Her girl, Tamika, shoved a fresh glass of champagne in her hand. “This weekend is about you having a good time with your girls, dancing, drinking, male strippers, and maybe a little ‘pre-wedding dick’. Amir will be there when you get home day after tomorrow, so relax girl!”

  Aleesha pouted for a few minutes more and glared at Keisha, who just ignored her and picked at her nails. Reluctantly, Aleesha took the glass from Tamika. “Well…I guess you're right, ‘Mika – all except the part about the ‘pre-wedding dick’, that is. That wouldn’t be the best way to start off a marriage.”

  “Whatever,” Keisha interrupted. “Let's see what your ass says when you see the strippers we’ve hired for the bachelorette party tomorrow night. Now turn the volume back up so we can get this party restarted. Heyyyyy…..”

  Keisha began to move in her seat as music blasted from the interior speakers. Aleesha forgot about being piqued as everyone started getting their groove on again. They were ready for whatever the weekend would bring.


  Amir laughed softly to himself. He knew Keisha was the one who’d hung up the phone, and he also knew his baby was giving her hell right about now for doing so. Amir didn’t let it bother him, though, because he wanted Aleesha to have a good time. In a few weeks, she would be all his. His wife.


  Amir leaned back against the cushions of the couch and laced his fingers together behind his head as he thought about his fiancée. Sometimes, he still couldn’t believe that he, Amir Montgomery, was actually engaged to be married. Even more astonishing was the fact that he was happy and looking forward to their wedding day. Amir let his mind drift back to the first time he sa
w Aleesha…

  He and his friend, Marvin “Soul” Thompson, had been having lunch at a popular restaurant in downtown Atlanta when Aleesha and a girlfriend of hers walked passed his table. Amir stopped mid-sentence and followed her with his eyes as the hostess led them to a table not far from his.

  Noticing Amir becoming sidetracked from their conversation, Soul turned around, and wasn’t surprised when he saw it was a woman. His eyes slid to both women before turning back to Amir. With an amused expression, he gave his friend a knowing smirk before shaking his head. He and Amir had been college roommates, pledged the same fraternity, and played collegiate football together, so he knew him well; almost better than Amir knew himself at times.

  “Guess I don’t have to ask what suddenly captured your attention, do I? Which one?”

  “The short one with the cute hairstyle,” Amir answered without hesitation.

  Soul stole a glance over his shoulder again, this time focusing on the woman Amir indicated. “Oh, yeah. She’s hot. Got that Nia Long thing goin’ on.” Soul was just making an observation. He’d been happily married to his college sweetheart for the last three years and was still very much in love.

  “Nia ain’t got nothin’ on her.”

  “Well, I guess it’s safe to say you just found your ‘next ex.” Soul used the phrase they’d coined back in college to describe Amir’s ever changing bevy of girlfriends. Women flocked to Amir like bees to honey, always had. The ones he dated were without fail the most popular, albeit conceited, on campus. Once he’d been drafted to play professional football right after graduation, he’d upgraded the physical appearance of his women – if not their quality.

  “Whateva’, man. Don’t hate ‘cause you relinquished your playa card the moment Sharon stepped her lil’ cute self into your life.”

  “Believe me I don’t miss playin’ those games one bit. I’d choose married life any day.”

  Amir brought his attention back to Soul. “And believe me, you can have it. I don’t plan on settling down any time soon.” His eyes went towards to the table with the two women. “Why would I settle for one woman when there’s so many to choose from?”


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