Rock My Body

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Rock My Body Page 3

by Lee Piper

  “Well, tell them I said hi.” He wiped his hands on a napkin before throwing it in the trash. “And thanks for the cake.” Robin winked at me as he strode out the office.

  I think I mumbled something like, You’re welcome, but couldn’t be sure because I was too busy trying to come up with a reason to extricate myself from Mae’s imminent questioning.

  It was no use. As soon as he left she rounded on me, demanding, “Okay, who are you meeting at the beach?”

  “Wow, would you look at the time.” I glanced at my wrist. “Better go and see how little Thomas is settling in.” Not the most original excuse, but a true one nonetheless.

  As I hastily exited the room, I could hear Mae call out behind me, “Damn it, Riley. You’re not even wearing a watch.”

  To be honest, I didn’t want to open up to Mae. Not because I didn’t value her friendship or anything—she was a great girl and I trusted her judgment completely—but I was still undecided about seeing Dominic again. I had been in this situation many times before and for some reason always ended up six pounds lighter, completely surrounded by cleaning products and one egg short of a carton. It wasn’t pretty. However, a small part of me—the sadist part—wanted to believe Dominic was different from what he first appeared. God only knew why, but I wanted to believe he was willing to form a lasting relationship with the right girl despite what he said about never sleeping with the same woman twice—I mean seriously, who did that? And if I really thought about it, a dark part of me wanted to be the one to inspire this change.

  Ah, Doctor Powell, we have so much work to do.

  Anyway, I soon found myself pulling into a vacant parking space at the beach, so I guess my subconscious made the decision for me. I was going to see Dominic.

  And surprise, surprise, he wasn’t there.


  As I got out my car and walked down the steps, I wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed he hadn’t shown. It didn’t matter regardless because embarrassment soon raised its ugly head and gloated over the other emotions anyway.

  Needless to say, when my feet hit the sand I took off at a run. However, after ten minutes of being surrounded by nothing but the coast, sea and sky, I slowly began to relax. My thoughts even turned positive after the image of Dominic’s contorted face faded when I imaginarily kneed him in the balls. It took a while, but once again I felt comfortable in my own skin.

  You see, there was something about running on the beach I truly loved. The gentle lapping of waves rolling toward the shore and then retreating again centered me. The rhythmic beat of my shoes pounding the sand cleared my head, and my metrical breathing channeled otherwise nervous energy toward a tangible primary focus—the horizon. Exercising like this helped keep the demons away. It gave me freedom, space, purpose.


  As I rounded the rocky outcrop—more cautiously this time—I felt someone’s eyes trained on my back and my heart rate spiked in response.

  So, you’ve finally decided to show up, have you?

  Willing my knees to stay strong, I lengthened my stride, secretly smirking as I shifted to a faster pace. A low growl rumbled behind me, sounding like a seriously pissed grizzly bear and I was surprised to find him keeping up. I was also surprised that an irritated man-eater could be such a turn-on. Anyway, undaunted by the challenge I then took a deep breath, steadied myself and shot forward—cheetah style—putting everything I had into a final sprint.

  Suck on that one, Dominic.

  The remainder of the small, deserted cove flashed past me. Wind stung my eyes as my heightened pulse thrummed through my ears. I felt alive, carefree, boundless.


  It was awesome.

  All too soon, however, I had to slow down and stop unless I wanted yet another near-death experience, only this time with a cliff face. So, easing back to a walk, I strode in small measured circles with hands on my hips. Eventually, Dominic reached me, wavered, and then collapsed onto the sand.

  “Fuck, woman. You almost killed me,” he rasped, lying on his back. One arm was thrown across his eyes while that muscular chest rose and fell in time with labored breaths. And my insanely erratic heartbeat. It actually felt like the mad organ was trying to launch itself out my body—I seriously worried for my ribcage.

  Tearing my gaze away, I stared at the blue water, trying to calm suddenly convoluted thoughts.

  What the hell is he doing? Why isn’t he wearing a t-shirt? That man has no right parading around the beach like a half-naked cologne model, none at all. Goddamn it, is he trying to kill me?

  “Where’d you learn to run like that?”

  I glanced over my shoulder at him and soon wished I hadn’t.

  Yep, he definitely wants me dead.

  So, facing the ocean again, I willed the balled tension at the base of my stomach to calm the heck down. “I was on the running team in high school.”

  “And won every race, am I right?”

  I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. He was right though, I cleaned up at every track meet, not that it mattered, of course. After all, Dad was too busy working at the hospital or lecturing overseas to take an interest and Mum refused to watch my races because she considered running an unladylike pursuit. In her world, anything involving me, physical exertion, and sweat were frowned upon. She preferred I take up a classical instrument like the harp or violin. So I did.


  Brea grimaced as she stormed into my bedroom and I stopped what I was doing to look at her.

  “What the hell is that noise? It sounds like a slaughterhouse in here.”

  I sighed and threw my violin down onto the white settee. “Mum wants me to have this piece down by tonight.”


  “So when Doctor Rubensteel mentions his love for Beethoven, I’m prepared.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “What the fuck? Your mum wants you to play for that fossilized relic in front of all those people?” She shook her head. “You’re not a zoo exhibit, Riley.”

  I slumped down onto the floor, resting my back against the French windows. After dropping my head in my hands, I wailed, “What am I going to do, Brea? I hate the violin, and believe me when I tell you, it hates me back.”

  She sat down next to me, her brown eyes kind. “Don’t do it.”


  “Don’t do it.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t understand, I can’t—”

  “Yes, you can. You’re not a kid anymore, just tell your mum no.”

  “God, I wish I could.” I paused, imagining the unbridled joy of refusing Mum’s demand. But then images of her making my life an absolute misery flashed before my eyes—the brooding silences, angry glares, pointed reminders… I shuddered before changing the subject. “Uh, why are you here again?”

  Brea laughed. “I’m helping out with the preparations. Nan needs an extra set of hands so I’m getting the bedrooms ready. It’s gonna be a big weekend, what with the fundraiser and all of those out of town guests staying here and everything.”

  “A long weekend, you mean.”

  She pulled out a turquoise iPod from her jeans pocket and gave me one of her headphones. “Here, try listening to this. It always helps when I’m having a fucker of a day.”

  She pressed play and I relaxed my head back against the glass, shutting my eyes. I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin from creeping across my face as the song progressed. Mum would hate this music, it was heavy, brutal, brash. It was everything the violin wasn’t.

  It was fucking awesome.

  “You okay?”

  I turned back toward the deep voice. Dominic had all but recovered and was sitting up, his arms casually resting on bent knees with a curious look on his face. He looked open, honest, beautiful.

  I swallowed. “Yeah, why?”

  “You don’t seem yourself.”

  “How would you know? You don’t know me.”

  Something akin to hurt flashed
across his face before he schooled his features and looked away.

  Damn it Riley, the guy just chased you down the beach and asked if you were okay at the end of it. Quit with the defensiveness already.

  I sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, and I definitely shouldn’t have run away from you before.”

  He smiled. “It’s all good, I could chase your sweet ass for miles.”

  Blush in three … two … one… There it is, right on cue.

  After several attempts at clearing my throat, I finally gave up on verbalizing anything remotely intelligent so resigned myself to staring at him instead.

  He’s so fucking hot.

  Dominic looked at me, his eyes growing incrementally darker the longer we remained gazing at each other. I swear, the space between us sparked and charged with burgeoning energy. It felt like the air was suddenly filled with manic, rock-music-loving particles body-slamming into each other. The overall effect forced me to shut my eyes and take a deep, calming breath.

  “You sure you don’t wanna fuck?”

  My eyes snapped open and his gravelly chuckle almost made me swoon—southern belle style. “How did the conversation turn from me apologizing to you wanting sex?”

  “Come on, Riley, it’s not rocket science. I see how you react to me.” He shifted slightly. “Man, if your cheeks turn pink from a few innocent words, imagine what’ll happen when I—”

  “How about we try being friends?” I blurted.

  Where did that come from?


  The guy seemed seriously dumbfounded and to be honest, so was I. I mean, why would I want to be friends with someone like Dominic? He was a crass alpha male who only took an interest in a woman if he wanted to sleep with her. How could we possibly coexist in a healthy, platonic relationship? It was nonsensical. Not only that, but how the heck could I possibly talk myself into not wanting more? This whole situation was bad. Bad, bad, bad.

  Calling Doctor Powell…

  But I stepped closer, eyeing him carefully. To my surprise, Dominic glanced away, uncomfortable. There was something about him I couldn’t figure out, there was more to him than he was letting on, I was sure of it. And I wanted to know what it was.

  All of a sudden it hit me. “You don’t have any female friends, do you?”

  “Riley, the last thing I need is a woman hanging off my arm or cock-blocking me.”


  “What if I promise to do neither?”

  “Then you’d be lying.”

  Only a little.

  “I don’t lie.” Dominic stared at me, unconvinced. “Okay, let me rephrase that. I might purposefully avoid saying something, but I never lie outright. Ever.”



  He nodded. “Good. Fuckin’ hate chicks that lie, pisses me off.”


  “All right then,” he continued. “I’ll back off trying to get you naked and we’ll give the whole friends thing a go. But I’m telling you now, it’s a wasted effort because sooner or later I’m gonna be inside you and when I am…” He whistled. “It’ll be fuckin’ awesome for both of us.”

  I considered him for a moment, disregarding the molten lava which not-so-subtly pooled between my thighs. “If what you’re saying is true, it would only be awesome for one night.”


  “So?” I repeated, stepping closer. God, his eyes were incredible. “You don’t get it, do you? I won’t be your one-night stand, Dominic, I want to mean more to someone than that. Hell, after the shit I’ve been through these past few years, I deserve more than that.”

  We were both silent, me embarrassed by my brutal honesty and Dominic contemplative. Just before I gave up on the rising awkwardness and ran back to my car in shame, he stood, brushed sand off his shorts and declared, “Right. You almost finished me off with that sprint, now it’s my turn to repay the favor.”

  “How?” I asked warily.


  I swore under my breath.

  Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy working out as much as the next fitness enthusiast, but push-ups of any kind were my least favorite exercise. Ever. A training session focused on my legs? No problem, I’d power through it. Stomach and abs? I could deal. But arms and chest? Yuck.

  “On your knees, woman.” Dominic’s grin was wicked.

  I bit my lip—at the thought of the set, not at the way his smile turned my stomach to mush—and lay down on the sand. “If I’m doing this, I’m doing it right. No knees.”

  “Show me what you’ve got.”

  I pushed myself into starting position and then slowly lowered down. My arms shook slightly, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to stop. Exhaling on my way back up, I finished the first repetition, proud of my efforts. Not too shabby.

  One down, fourteen to go.

  Fuck my life.

  After finishing, I not-so-gracefully collapsed to the ground and gasped, “Your turn.”

  Dominic chuckled, before quickly starting his set.

  Oh. My. Sweet. Chocolate. Cake.

  I kid you not, the way his shoulder muscles rippled and glistened with each movement was ridiculous. Beads of sweat trickled down the undulating valleys on his back and the heady combination of grace and power left me lightheaded. No, worse than that, it left me wanting to climb on board to explore every inch of him … with my tongue.

  I swallowed.

  It was insane how strong Dominic was. I mean, I could see muscles swelling that I couldn’t even identify and my knowledge of anatomy was pretty damn good. I shut my eyes. If he didn’t stop soon all hell would break loose, I swear to God, it would be anarchy of the worst kind.

  “You want more?”

  Yes. Yes, I do. I mean, no, of course not.

  My eyes popped open. “More?”

  His self-indulgent grin left me simultaneously breathless and annoyed. “Are you ready for two more sets?”

  “Oh, right. Yeah, sure.”

  Jesus, woman, show some class.

  But I couldn’t concentrate. His body had done some crazy voodoo on me. I was no longer in control of my limbs. They refused to work harmoniously together and I found myself halfway through the last set with a spine that rivaled a banana. If I didn’t get my shit together soon, I’d be in serious trouble—back injuries were the worst.

  After noticing my evident struggle, Dominic’s hand flew out and pressed against my stomach, supporting me. Energy crackled and flashed where we connected, the sizzling heat from his palm instinctively answering the searing warmth of my tingling skin.

  “Tighten your core,” he murmured. “Don’t want you losing form and hurting yourself.”

  No, I definitely didn’t want to get hurt, and if I wasn’t careful, this man was going to do just that. Only, not in the way he envisaged.

  I somehow fumbled my way through the remainder of the set and quickly sat up, hugging my knees to my chest once done. I watched as Dominic’s eyes flicked briefly to his palm, a closed look on his face.

  “Why won’t you sleep with the same woman twice?” Despite my quiet voice, I grimaced at its pleading tone.

  He stared at me, his blue eyes flat. “Because I can’t offer any more than that.”

  My heart tore a little. For him, not because of him. Honest.

  Dominic’s last set was markedly faster than the first three, so I looked away, biting my lip and pondering his reply.

  When he stopped, his eyes found mine again. “Why won’t you have a one-night stand?”

  “Because I need more than that.”

  Our gazes crashed, defiant to the last. And there it was, the instinctive pull that drew us closer, the crackle of air that spiked between us and the resounding tempo of our hearts somehow beating in perfect synchronicity.

  Neither of us moved.

  Blessedly, we both chose to ignore the neon warning sign flashing above our heads declaring this a disaster waiting t
o happen. Dominic blinked, gave a wry smile and stood, while I took a deep breath, exhaled, and rose as well. The movement forced me to grimace. My hamstrings had tightened from sitting down for too long so I leaned forward at the waist and touched my toes, stretching out the tight muscles.

  There was a strangled groan beside me and Dominic’s voice was hoarse. “Christ woman, you can’t do shit like that if you wanna be friends. Fucking hell.”

  When my eyes found his I noticed he was staring directly at my ass, so I straightened up, indignant. “I needed to stretch.”

  “And now I need a cold shower.” He adjusted himself and I gasped.

  Oh, my freaking God, he’s huge.

  I tore my gaze away and took three wobbly steps back, staring anywhere but at the man next to me. Space. That’s what I needed. Lots and lots of space. A whole beach full of space.

  “This isn’t going to work, Dominic,” I told the sapphire ocean.


  After a minute, I braved a peek and found Dominic gazing at me, his face gentle. He moved until he was standing directly in front of me and I couldn’t help it, I breathed him in.

  Mmm, earthy Dominic manliness. Delicious.

  Slowly, deliberately, Dominic skimmed calloused hands down my arms. A stream of goose bumps appeared in their wake and I bit my bottom lip, determined to remain silent despite the overwhelming urge to moan out loud. Dominic looked on, seemingly mesmerized by the way my skin flushed scarlet in response to his light touch. He murmured something under his breath but it was so quiet I couldn’t catch it, and when his fingers at last reached mine, they entwined—all of their own accord, I swear.

  I shut my eyes.

  Breathe, Riley.

  “We’ll figure it out, angel.” His low voice made my toes curl. I opened my eyes again and our gazes locked. “I’ve got a feeling you’re worth my blue balls.” His lips quirked up in the corners and it took everything I had to stay upright. “Just don’t shove your sweet ass in my face again, okay?”

  I nodded.

  He looked at me a moment longer, shook his head and then stepped back, releasing my fingers. It suddenly felt like the slightest breeze could topple me over.

  “Come on, friend.” Playful Dominic was back, he was easier to deal with than whoever the heck that other Dominic was, that was for sure. “I’ll race you back.”


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