“How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year” (Fitzgerald), 261
“How to Live on $36,000 a Year” (Fitzgerald), 261
“How to Waste Material” (Fitzgerald), 261
How to Write (Stein), 216
How to Write Short Stories (Lardner), 75n
Howard, Sidney, 84, 92, 191, 377n
Hoyt, Nancy, 194
Hughes, Richard, 172n
Hughes, Rupert, 111
Hugo, Victor, 395
“Hull House”’ (Wilson), 227
Hume, Cyril, 81, 132
Huneker, James Gibbons, 57
Hunter, Esther, 191
Hunter, Glen, 191
Huysmans, Joris Karl, 465
Hyman, Bernie, 424, 429, 435
I Can Get It for You Wholesale (Weidman), 389n
“I Got Shoes” (Fitzgerald), 260
I Thought of Daisy (Wilson), 160n
Ibsen, Henrik, 451, 457
“Ice Palace, The” (Fitzgerald), 26, 42
Icebound (Davis), 117, 119
“I’d Die for You” (Fitzgerald), 291n, 292
“Image on the Heart” (Fitzgerald), 291n, 299
“Imagination—And a Few Mothers” (Fitzgerald), 261
“In a Little Town” (“The Dance”) (Fitzgerald), 260
“In Another Country” (Hemingway), 149n
Indelible (Paul), 376
“Infidelity” (movie script), 325, 347, 348–49, 353, 357, 419, 424, 435
Ingram, Rex, 126
“In the Holidays” (Fitzgerald), 333
In Name Only (movie), 435
In Ole Virginia (Page), 57
In Our Time (Hemingway), 82n, 132, 134, 143n, 145n, 166n, 259n, 368
In Princeton Town (Edgar), 172n
Innocent Voyage, The (Hughes), 172
“Institutional Humanitarianism” (Fitzgerald), 333n
Intermezzo (movie), 446
“Interne” (Fitzgerald), 260
“Intimate Strangers, The” (Fitzgerald), 62, 323
“Jacob’s Ladder” (Fitzgerald), 260
James, Henry, 55n, 57, 110, 119, 122, 130, 137, 240, 273
James, Will, 89n, 93n
Jarrett, Cora, 346n
“Jellybean, The” (Fitzgerald), 69
Jennie Gerhardt (Dreiser), 36
Johns Hopkins University, xxii, 175, 235n
Liberal Club, 265n
Phipps Psychiatric Clinic, 178, 203, 208–14, 219–22, 228–33
Johnson, Mary, 430
Johnson, Nunnally, 208, 462
Johnson, Owen, 111
Jolsen, Al, 99
Jones, Henry Festing, 32n
“Josephine” stories (Fitzgerald), 177, 183, 195, 201, 236, 260, 261, 374
Josephson, Matthew, 304
Journal of a Disappointed Man, The (Barbellion), 35
Journey’s End (movie), 431
Joyce, James, 35, 68, 108, 124, 156, 158, 171, 174, 188, 240, 389, 472
Jozan, Edouard, 71, 191, 209, 211
Jude the Obscure (Hardy), 118
Jung, Carl, 202
Jurgen (Cabell), 36
Kafka, Franz, 389, 391, 474
Kahn, Maude, 126
Kalman, C. O., 64–65, 191, 271
letters to, 310–11, 323–24
telegram to, 309
Kalman, Xandra, 191, 195, 271, 324
Kangaroo (Lawrence), 471
Kapital, Das (Marx), 436
Katz, San, 395, 424
Kaufman, George S., 408
Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 117, 118
Keable, Robert, 89n
Keats, John, 303, 341, 357, 457, 460–61
Kennedy, Margaret, 108n
Kennerley, Mitchell, 122
Keon, Barbara, 382
Kerr, Robert, 75, 102
Key, Francis Scott, xix, 51, 271n
“Killers, The” (Hemingway), 147, 151, 359
King, G. C., 18
King, Ginevra, 3, 8, 9, 91n, 104, 338, 340, 457
Kingsley, Charles, 108
Kipling, Rudyard, 276, 389, 434
Kirkland, Jack, 290, 292, 311
Kitty Foyle (Morley), 457
movie of, 428, 435
Knave of Hearts, The (Saunders), 131
Knight, Richard, 193
Knopf, Alfred A., publishers, 108, 127, 128, 133, 135n, 174, 245
Knopf, Blanche, 47, 134–35
Knopf, Edwin, 332–34, 360, 367, 375, 404, 406, 424, 425, 429–31, 435
Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard von, 276
Kroll, Frances, 439, 451, 461, 475
Lackin, Dr., 191
Ladies’ Home Journal, 261
Lady into Fox (Garnett), 263n
Laments for the Living (Parker), 200
Lanahan, Samuel J., 473
Lardner, Ellis, 109, 120, 125, 153, 191
Lardner, Ring W., 63, 65, 75, 77–79, 81, 83, 89, 91–93, 95–97, 100, 105–9, 117, 119, 120, 124, 125, 127, 132, 138, 140, 158, 161, 171, 191, 217, 218, 226, 259, 261, 318, 320, 481
death of, 239
poem to, 153
Lasky, Jesse L., 334
“Last of the Belles, The” (Fitzgerald), 260
Law, Mary, 453
Lawrence, D. H., 113, 181, 389, 471, 472
Lazarus, Jeff, 425, 429, 435
LeBaron (producer), 425
Lee, Grant and Sherman (Burne), 390
LeGallienne, Eva, 192
Léger, Fernand, 209
Lemmon, Elizabeth, 273, 275, 277–79, 281, 446
Lenhart, Philip, 251–52
Lenin, V., I, 226, 227
Lenôtre, André, 387
Leonard, Benny, 142n
Leslie, Mrs. Shane, 21
Leslie, Shane, 2, 12, 32n, 57, 124, 132, 190, 480
letters to, 14–15, 18–22
“Let’s Go Out and Play” (Fitzgerald), 289n
Letter, The (Maugham), 475n
Lewis, Sinclair, 46, 77, 84, 91n, 92, 100, 103, 104, 110, 119, 132, 232
Liberator, 97
Liberty magazine, 81n, 83–85, 121, 132, 140, 141, 146, 148, 174, 182, 215, 240, 261, 333n, 399, 401, 404
Life of Christ, The (Renan), 455
Life magazine, 372, 384
Lillie, Beatrice, 337
Lincoln, Abraham, 462n
Lincoln and the Civil War in the Diaries and Letters of John Hay, 390n
Linda Condon (Hergesheimer), 111
Lindbergh, Charles A., 154
“Lines Written in Dejection” (Shelley), 81
Lipstick (movie), 72, 149n
Literary Digest, 168
Literary Guild, 236, 279, 373, 414
Literary Review, 121, 165
Literary Spotlight, The (Wilson), 112
Littauer, Kenneth, 323, 397–98, 402–3, 408–12, 414, 416–17, 420, 422n
“Little Brother of the Flapper, The” (Fitzgerald), 261
Little French Girl, The (Sedgwick), 97
Little Review, 132
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The (Fox), 57
Liveright, Horace, 108, 113, 114
Llona, Victor, 134
Locke, William J., 194
London Daily Telegraph, 273
London Times, 47, 273
London Venture, The (Arlen), 108
Long, Ray, 83, 85, 121, 152, 182
“Long Way Out, The” (Fitzgerald), 333n
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe), 185, 275
Loos, Anita, 193
Lorimer, George Horace, 54, 121, 152, 157, 201, 210, 323n, 360, 394, 402, 420, 443–44
Los Angeles Times, 359
“Lost Decade, The” (Fitzgerald), 396, 404n
Lost Lady, A (Cather), 91, 100, 101n, 110
“Love Boat, The” (Fitzgerald), 260
Love of the Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), xxii, 208, 326, 392n, 408–12, 414, 422n, 424n, 446, 466, 467–70, 481
Love Nest and Other Stories, The (Lardner), 105n, 138n
“Love in the Night” (Fitzgerald), 93
Lovett, Adele, 257
Lowell, Amy, 460
Lower Depths, The (Gogol), 395
Ludendorff, Erich, 154, 176
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 257
Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 227
Lundberg, Holger, 161
Luther, Martin, 20
M. Beaucaire (Tarkington), 402
McAlmon, Robert, 130, 155, 171, 173–74, 198, 264n
MacArthur, Charles, 187, 192, 290, 303, 337
McCalls magazine, 54, 121, 136, 141, 173, 261, 299
McCarthy, Mary, 391
McCormack, Hazel, 80–81, 112–13
McCormick, John, 63, 340
McDaniel, Hattie, 431
McGee, William F., 91
McKaig, Alexander, 47, 190, 191
MacKay, Clarence, 191n
Mackay, Ellen, 131
McKenna, Kenneth, 429
McKenna, Stephen, 144
Mackenzie, Compton, 12, 13n, 17, 49, 53, 101, 480
Mackie, William, 190
MacLane, Mary, 320
MacLeish, Ada, 264
MacLeish, Archibald, 126, 131, 147, 192, 288, 298, 463
McMien, Neysa, 63
MacMurray, Fred, 387
McNaughts magazine, 139
McQuillan, Annabel, 309
McTeague (Norris), 471
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 90, 332
Madame Curie (movie), 325, 367, 373, 375, 383, 390, 424, 435
Magnate, The: William Boyce Thompson and His Time (Hagedorn), 291n
Main Street (Lewis), 46
“Majesty” (Fitzgerald), 260
“Make Yourself at Home” (Fitzgerald), 333
Making of Americans, The (Stein), 80n, 115, 132
“Making Monogamy Work” (Fitzgerald), 261
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 227
Malmaison clinic (France), 177, 185, 195, 205, 206
Malraux, André, 389, 420, 462
Manalive (Chesterton), 20
Manchester Guardian, 273
Manhattan Transfer (Dos Passos), 104n, 132n, 134n
Mankiewicz, Herman, 360
Mankiewicz, Joseph, 342–45, 424, 435
Manners, Diana, 144
Mannes, David, 126
Mannes, Marya, 129–30
Mannix, Eddie, 395, 424, 429
Man’s Fate (Malraux), 389
Man’s Hope (Malraux), 389, 462
Mansfield, Katherine, 129, 161
Many Thousands Gone (Bishop), 175n
March, Fredric, 334
March, Iris, 155
Marie Antoinette (movie), 325
Mark Twain: A Biography (Paine), 49n
Martens, John S., 278
Martin, Townsend, 12, 17, 58, 100, 101, 104, 189–91
Marx, Karl, 45, 388
Marx, Sam, 425
Marxism, 227, 387, 449, 460
Massine, Léonide, 186, 297
Maugham, W. Somerset, 472, 475
Maurice, Eleanor, 78, 190
Maurois, André, 75n, 185
“May Day” (Fitzgerald), xx, 26, 480
Mayer, Louis B., 391, 409, 424, 449
Meacham, Gordon, 369
Meller, Raquel, 192
Melville, Herman, 69
Memoirs of Fanny Hill, The (Cleland) 135
Men Seen (Rosenfeld), 112
Men Without Women (Hemingway), 152, 154, 157n, 259n
Mencken, H. L., 46n, 47–49, 54–56, 62, 68, 84, 92, 97, 108, 109, 113, 127, 129, 157, 160, 190, 200, 232, 238, 446, 480
inscriptions to, 39, 42, 103
letters to, 110–12, 255–56
Mencken, Sara, 256
Mercer, General Hugh, 155
Meredith, Bess, 294
Meredith, George, 57
Merton of the Movies (movie), 297
Metro Pictures, 37
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, xxii, 177, 208, 297n, 320n, 325, 332n, 342n, 347, 360, 373n, 374, 375, 377n, 385, 391n, 404, 407, 424, 429, 434–35
Metropolitan Magazine, 53, 121
Metropolitan Syndicate, 261
Meusel, Irish, 99
Meyer, Adolf, 203, 211, 214, 219, 228–33, 438
Meyer, Wallace, 105
“Mightier Than the Sword” (Fitzgerald), 428
Mill on the Floss, The (Eliot), 118
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 47, 52n
Miller, Marilyn, 99
“Millionaire’s Girl, A” (Z. Fitzgerald), 182
Milton, John, 155, 472
Mistinguet, 126
Moby-Dick (Melville), 69
Modern Library, 56, 171, 218, 219, 237, 240, 245, 272, 300, 306n, 360, 375–76, 439
Modern Monthly, 280
Mok, Michel, 308–9
Moll Flanders (Defoe), 384
Monk, George, 155
Monnier, Adrienne, 156
Montgomery, Robert, 334
Moon-Calf (Dell), 48
Moore, George, 21
Moore, Grace, 192
Moran, Lois, 187, 193, 211, 473
Morand, Paul, 193
“More Than Just a House” (Fitzgerald), 260
Morgan, Frank, 337
Morgenthau, George, 130
Morley, Christopher, 457n
Morley, Frank, 61
Mother’s Recompense, The (Wharton), 132n
Motor magazine, 261
Motter, Bill, 191
Mottram, R. H., 147
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 132–33
Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway), 143n
Movie Weekly, 40n
“Mr. Icky” (Fitzgerald), 60, 61
“Mr. Knife and Miss Fork” (Crevel), 176
“Mrs. Vietch” (Howard), 92
Mumford, Lewis, 389n
Munsey, Frank A., 248
Munthe, Axel, 181n
Murphy, Baoth, 298n
Murphy, Esther, 126
Murphy, Gerald, xxi, 72, 123, 126, 129, 147, 160, 169, 187, 188, 192, 194, 263, 287, 288, 298, 299, 317, 346, 413, 419, 420, 445, 451, 466, 471, 480
letters to, 407–8, 458–59, 462–63
telegram to, 406–7
Murphy, Sara, xxi, 72, 123, 126, 129, 147, 160, 169, 187, 188, 192, 194, 263, 317, 346, 413, 420, 466, 471, 480
letters to, 287–89, 298–99, 407–8, 458–59, 463
Murray, Mae, 63
Murry, John Middleton, 68, 303
Mussolini, Benito, 469n
My Ántonia (Cather), 100, 110
“My Life and Loves” (What of It?) (Lardner), 79
“My Lost City” (Fitzgerald), 261, 333n
Myers, Alice Lee, 358
Myers, Dick, 257
“Myra Meets His Family” (Fitzgerald), 25, 36
“Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage,
The” (Fitzgerald), 2, 243
Namara, Marguerite, 126
Nassau Literary Magazine, xix, 3, 62, 481
Nathan, George Jean, 49, 58, 104, 190, 490
Nation, The, 117, 127, 278
Nazism, 449
Neall, Adelaide, 160, 301, 444
Nelson, Clarence, 432
Nemtchinova, 194
New Criterion, 124
“New Leaf, A” (Fitzgerald), 260, 272
New Machiavelli, The (Wells), 20
New Republic, The, 35, 46n, 127, 201, 227, 239
“New Types” (Fitzgerald), 299
“New York” (“My Lost City”) (Fitzgerald), 333
New Yorker, The, 127, 132, 173, 226, 261, 295, 372, 373, 384, 457, 470, 472
New York Herald, 52n, 61
New York Post, 308n
New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 198n
New York Stock Exchange, 455n
New York Times, The, 51, 61, 108, 127
Book Review, 121
New York Tribune, 108, 258
New York World, 85, 107n, 121, 127, 132, 172
Newlin, Jack, 12
Newman School, xix, 2, 13n, 45, 78n, 243, 480
“Nice Quiet Place, A” (Fitzgerald), 182
Nichols, Anne, 131n
r /> Nichols, Dudley, 430
Nicolson, Harold, 154n
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 115, 472
Nigger of the Narcissus, The (Conrad), 252, 256, 263
“Night Before Chancellorsville, The” (Fitzgerald), 430
“Nightmare” (Fitzgerald), 215
Nikitina, 186
Ninotchka (movie), 446
“No Harm Trying” (Fitzgerald), 454
No More Parades (Ford), 132
Norris, Charles G., 34, 36
Norris, Frank, 56, 57, 276, 471
“Not in the Guide Book” (Fitzgerald), 93
Note-Books of Samuel Butler, The (Jones, ed.), 32n, 35
“Now I Lay Me” (Hemingway), 151, 152, 154
Noyes, Larry, 11, 29
Oates, Titus, 155
Ober, Anne, 309n, 317, 331, 346, 364, 394, 399, 402, 419, 480
letters to, 334–36, 340–41, 351–53
Ober, Harold, xx, xxii, 25, 44n, 132, 173, 181, 182, 186, 238–40, 247, 307, 337, 338, 360, 364, 365, 395, 397–99, 402, 405, 416, 419, 427, 445, 453, 481
letters to, 36, 50, 53–54, 81–84, 93–94, 96, 114, 135–36, 139–41, 149, 162, 167–68, 170–73, 182–84, 200–201, 214–16, 273–74, 283–84, 289–300, 308–9, 316–17, 319–23, 329, 331, 340, 346–47, 367–68, 372, 375, 392–94, 400–404, 406, 413–14
telegrams to, 148, 150–51, 153, 156, 170, 248, 294, 322, 375, 395–96
Ober, Richard, 295
Obre-Goldbeck-de Vallombrosa, Ruth, 168, 192
O’Brien, Edward J., 62, 95, 353, 434
Octopus, The (Norris), 471
“Ode on a Grecian Urn” (Keats), 460
“Ode to a Nightingale” (Keats), 341, 460
“Ode to the West Wind” (Shelley), 81
Odets, Clifford, 390
Odyssey of a Nice Girl, The (Suckow), 132n
Of Human Bondage (Maugham), 472
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck), 471
Of Thee I Sing (Kaufman), 408n
Of Time and the River (Wolfe), 277n, 472
“Offshore Pirate, The” (Fitzgerald), xx, 26, 42, 62, 111
“Offside Play” (Fitzgerald), 321n, 333
Oglebay, Kate, 346n
O’Hara, John, 233–34, 302–4
O’Kelley, 21
“Old Vicarage, Grantchester, The” (Brooke), 81n, 285n
Old Wives Tale, The (Bennett), 34, 383
Oliver, Egbert S., 243
Oliver Twist (Dickens), 368
Olivier, Laurence, 453
“On Being Twenty-five” (“What I Think and Feel at Twenty-five”) (Fitzgerald), 261
“On an Ocean Wave” (Fitzgerald), 434
“One Hundred False Starts” (Fitzgerald), 261
“One of My Oldest Friends” (Fitzgerald), 261
“One Trip Abroad” (Fitzgerald), 260
“One Trip Across” (Hemingway), 262n
O’Neill, Eugene, 61n, 77, 118, 457
O’Neill, George, 62
“Only the Dead Know Brooklyn” (Wolfe), 445
Open All Night (Morand), 193n
Opfer, Ivan, 124
Oppenheim, E. Phillips, 126, 247
A Life in Letters Page 63