Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3)

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Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3) Page 3

by Arcadia Shield

  She smirked. “Thanks for the offer.”

  Lincoln resisted the urge to wrap an arm around Anastasia’s waist and claim her as his, warn off any guy who made a move. Just the thought of her being naked with somebody else sent a flicker of rage through his chest. Anastasia might not want him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t fantasize about having her. Feel her skin heat as she grew excited. Watched her eyes glow red with passion, not anger.

  He shook his head, dispelling the fantasies. They had a mission to focus on; infiltrate this group, figure out their dragon hybrid trafficking routes and bring them to a stop. Anything else with Anastasia would have to wait.

  Theo moved away to serve other customers, and Lincoln relaxed. He tensed again, as two black-clad fighters approached. “Incoming,” he muttered to Anastasia, taking a step closer to her.

  “Already clocked them,” she said.

  ANASTASIA WATCHED THE two men stalk toward them like big cats hunting out new prey. They both had the lean, hard muscles of regular fighters, and the scars to prove it. One guy had a large scar on his chin that stretched down his neck. The other’s nose looked like it had been broken in multiple places, giving him a hawk-like appearance.

  “We don’t need to worry about them,” she said, as she leaned closer to Lincoln. “They’re regulars. I’ve seen them watching the fights when we’ve been here.”

  They stopped in front of Lincoln. The taller of the two men extended his hand. “Saw your fight tonight. You got some good moves.”

  “You military trained?” asked the other guy.

  “That’s right.” Lincoln shook their hands. “How about you?”

  “Street-trained. I’m known as the Punisher,” said the guy with the broken nose.

  “Catchy name,” said Anastasia, deliberately tracing a slow gaze over his muscles. Despite the broken nose, he was a good-looking guy, with smoldering dark eyes and a strong jaw line.

  He grinned at her. “I like your stage name. Taser suits you. Especially with the way you shoot out fire.”

  Anastasia shrugged. “Fire beats muscle.”

  “Not this time,” said the other guy. “In the ring, I’m called Poison Arrow.”

  She flicked her gaze to him. “You’re modified too?”

  He nodded. “If you believe the myths, some dragon freaks could poison people. It was supposed to be a rare trait, but a few actually had skin that was poisonous to the touch. Seemed like a good idea. Took me a few months to work out the kinks, though. And I put myself in the hospital several times by accidentally ingesting the poison.”

  Anastasia snorted out a laugh. Her own sister, Bellatrix, had the dragon trait of poisonous skin. Any human who touched her would die in seconds. This man had to be some kind of idiot, to think he could control such an ability.

  “It’s a good trick,” said Lincoln, shooting her a cautionary look. “Must make you a difficult opponent in the ring.”

  Poison Arrow shrugged. “Like I said, trickier to master than I thought it would be. Looking into having it removed.” His gaze slid to Anastasia. “I am interested in your fire-breathing abilities, though. Who did your procedure?”

  Anastasia’s pulse kicked up a gear. “It was a while ago.”

  “You must remember who did it,” said Poison Arrow. “I’ve got the credits saved. Just need to find someone who can undertake the mod. Don’t want to end up making myself into a fireball because of some jacked-up doctor who doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

  “You should start with something simpler,” said Anastasia. “Serrated scales are great in fights.”

  Poison Arrow shook his head. “Too many of those around already. Competition is fierce in the ring. You need to stand out.”

  “I’ll get back to you with the details,” said Anastasia. “I need to be careful. The State doesn’t like these sorts of modifications.”

  The Punisher laughed. “They don’t care what we do here. You’ll even see State workers in the crowd on a weekend. They love to come and see us freaks fight it out.”

  “You work for Clive, as well as fight in the ring?” asked Lincoln.

  “We do,” said the Punisher.

  “He’s asked us to join him. What sort of thing do you do?”

  “Anything he asks,” said the Punisher. “My advice to you is don’t ask questions. Do whatever he asks. He pays fairly, but won’t hesitate in bringing you down if you cross him. Or get too nosy.”

  “Good to know,” said Anastasia.

  “I’m glad he’s making use of you,” said the Punisher, as he smiled at Anastasia. “We don’t have enough pretty faces around here.” He touched his broken nose.

  Anastasia climbed off the bar stool and stroked a finger down his arm. “I think your face is just lovely as it is.”

  The Punisher grinned at her. “Can I get you another drink?”

  “I’ll have the same again.”

  The Punisher waved Theo over, his gaze sliding to Lincoln. “You two not together?”

  “In his dreams.” Anastasia flashed a wide-eyed look at Lincoln. “I work alone.”

  “Sometimes it’s nice to have company,” said the Punisher. “Maybe I could be your company this evening?”

  “That could be nice.” She felt Lincoln’s menacing presence by her side and repressed a smile, thrilled she could get a rise out of him.

  “Haven’t we got business to attend to?” growled Lincoln.

  Heaving out a sigh, she turned toward him. “You’re no fun.” Her tone was deliberately playful.

  “We are working.” Lincoln scowled at her.

  “Thought we were off-duty?” She turned her smile to the Punisher. “When we’re not in the ring we can let our hair down, right?”

  “Absolutely,” said the Punisher, nodding enthusiastically. “The wilder the better, as far as the boss is concerned. So long as we show up and do the work, we can have fun. I can show you the best bars in town, if you like?”

  “I like,” said Anastasia.

  “Taser, we should go,” said Lincoln, his tone sharp.

  “The lady wants to stay,” said the Punisher, his smile fading as he glared at Lincoln. “What’s your problem?”

  “He’s probably jealous,” said Anastasia.

  “Who wouldn’t be, looking at you,” said the Punisher, his gaze running over her. “That outfit of yours is out of this world.”

  “There’s more where that came from.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” said Lincoln.

  Anastasia pressed her lips together to stop a smile from escaping. She’d teased Lincoln enough. And from the lustful looks she was getting from the Punisher, she didn’t need to push any more. She sighed dramatically. “Sorry to say, my boring new workmate is right. We have a job to do. But I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  The Punisher stepped into her personal space and slid an arm around her waist. “And any time you get bored with your uptight friend, you come find me. I can show you a fun time.”

  She leaned forward. Her lips brushed his ear. “You can count on it.” She stepped away and winked at him, before turning and following Lincoln through the crowd to the exit.

  “What the hell was all that about?” Lincoln turned to her once they were out the door.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Anastasia grinned impishly. “I was fitting in. Getting to know the locals.”

  “You were flirting with that idiot.”

  “Isn’t that what I was supposed to do?” said Anastasia. “Didn’t you see the other women, all barely dressed and draped over the men? I was playing the part, making sure I fitted in.” And tormenting the hell out of Lincoln at the same time. She had to admit, it felt good to see the gleam of jealousy in his eyes.

  “You didn’t need to be so convincing.” He scowled at her before turning and stalking along the street.

  She hurried to keep up with him, a grin on her face. “You were doing the same with Orchid.”

  “That was different.

  “Different how?”

  “She came on to me.”

  “It’s the same thing.” Anastasia grabbed his arm and pulled Lincoln to a stop, the smile slipping from her lips. “We need to make this look good. I have to play a part just like you. And I agree, it isn’t right that women have to act like sex objects to fit in, but it’s what I need to do. We have to make this work. This dragon hybrid trafficking has to stop. If I need to pull on a tight-fitting outfit and flirt with a few meatheads to make that happen, that’s what I’ll do. Just as you’ll flirt with the cute, little, fluffy-haired women in there so you’re seen as some kind of macho stud. We all have a part to play. Don’t go losing your cool because I do a good job.”

  Lincoln growled and pulled her toward him. Her breath caught in her throat as his gaze traveled over her face before landing on her lips.

  “What’s wrong with you?” The words came out huskier than she’d intended, as she felt Lincoln’s hard chest against her own.

  He pushed her away and shook his head. “Nothing. Let’s get to the bunker. Heath and Danni will want to know how things went.”

  Anastasia sucked in a calming breath as they headed to their ride. She’d gotten to him. That was a good thing. If his hot face continued to torment her dreams, she’d give him a few searing-hot memories to remember her by, as well.

  Chapter 3

  Stepping out of the compact shower cubicle in his quarters, Lincoln grabbed a towel and rubbed it through his hair before tying it around his waist.

  His room was basic, but had everything he needed. Bed, shower, place to eat, and a few changes of clothes. It would never be a luxury pad, but the room was one of the hundreds underground in the secure network of bunkers they used to keep people safe from the State.

  He rubbed his hand over the mirror, cleaning the steam away. Inspecting the damage from the fight, he noted a bruise on his right cheekbone and a dark flourish across his chest. The burn was already better, though. Since the discovery of dragon hybrids, their vet-turned-medic, Sophia, and her dragon hybrid sidekick, Clarissa, had developed a serum containing hybrid enzymes. It reduced healing time to hours, rather than days.

  He finished drying himself with the towel, grabbed a clean T-shirt and pair of black combat trousers, shoved his feet into his boots, and headed to the briefing room. Danni Hannigan stood at the head of the table. She was the bunker’s no-nonsense leader, with a wealth of combat experience and a level head in all the chaos. Two of his brothers, Heath and Arlo, already sat at the table, along with Annie Grimwald, Heath’s significant other, and Anastasia.

  As Lincoln entered the room, he caught a whiff of Anastasia’s shampoo, a combination of sandalwood and something musky. That smell always stirred him and had him looking for her.

  Anastasia had washed the stage make-up off. Her red hair was damp and tied in a knot on the top of her head, a few tendrils hanging around her face. It gave her a softer look, made her more approachable.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Danni said dryly. She gestured to a chair.

  Lincoln sat. “Looking this good takes effort.” He grinned at everyone around the table.

  “Anastasia was saying you had a successful mission,” said Heath, giving him a grin and shaking his head.

  Lincoln nodded. “Clive wants us on his team. We impressed him in the ring.”

  “He surrounds himself with vicious thugs,” said Arlo. “I’ve always had you pegged as more of a lover than a fighter.”

  Lincoln raised his fists and jiggled them in the air at his younger brother. “I can always take you in a fight.”

  “Not when I’m throwing my bombs, you can’t.” Arlo grinned at him. “Bet it was Anastasia who impressed him.”

  “She did okay.”

  “I knocked you on your ass,” muttered Anastasia.

  Arlo laughed. “I’d have liked to have seen that.”

  “We want no one else involved in the fight club,” Danni interrupted. “It was risky enough sending Lincoln in, given the bounty on his head.”

  “Lincoln’s true identity is being suppressed, thanks to Kade,” said Annie. “He’s working overtime with Honor to make sure no one’s ever seen what the real Lincoln Ember looks like. It’s like you never existed. If Clive does a background check, Lincoln Ember is five inches shorter, with a shaved head and multiple ear piercings.”

  “Not my first choice of look, but if it keeps me out of trouble, I can work with it,” said Lincoln.

  “And he’ll be checking,” said Heath. “Clive won’t find anything incriminating on either of you. Just vague details about Lincoln’s time in the Marines and Anastasia’s position at the Pleasure Dome.”

  Lincoln’s jaw clenched at the mention of the Pleasure Dome. That was where he’d first met Anastasia, when she’d been forced to work for the State, performing whatever depraved favors they needed. And it was the place where she’d also betrayed him and his brothers, almost getting them killed so she could rescue her sister.

  “Shame we can’t all turn into ghosts,” said Lincoln. “Would make moving around much easier.”

  “The State are already trying to break through Kade and Honor’s work,” said Heath. “We’ll have a few weeks at the most to get the information about the dragon hybrid trafficking, and stop it.”

  “Intel from the hives shows this trafficking group has been in operation for at least six months,” said Danni. The hives were staffed by six experts in recon and dark web research, all former skilled military personnel. They were the extended eyes and ears for the Old London bunker.

  “And the State are turning a blind eye,” said Annie. “Could be Clive’s paying them off to look the other way when he moves the dragon hybrids. Or they’re in on it, somehow.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me if they are,” said Lincoln.

  “Most likely,” said Heath. “Could be they’re using dragon hybrids for more testing.”

  Anastasia growled and shifted in her seat. “Whenever we shut down one of their disgusting facilities, more pop up. Feels like we’re fighting a losing battle.”

  Lincoln looked over and saw the tension around her eyes. “Every one we close is a blow to the State. It’s another problem they have to fix. Prevents them from furthering their plans.”

  “It only slows them down,” said Anastasia. “We’re just like bugs at a picnic. Annoying, but not a real problem.”

  “We will become a real problem before too long,” said Danni. “Our numbers grow daily. And now that we’ve joined with the dragon hybrids, we’re making progress.” The discovery that dragon hybrids were real and had survived their annihilation by the State, was new and exciting. Even more so, since some had joined the fight with the bunker residents.

  “Plus, we have the data gathered from the State prison. And along with that, the Pleasure Dome owner gave us locations of dozens of State-run programs,” said Annie.

  Anastasia nodded and cupped her chin in her hand. Dragon hybrids had hidden after the State came to power, having witnessed their devastating show of strength when they killed everyone standing in their way. Their hypnotic suggestions did not affect the dragon hybrids. They saw what happened as the State steamrollered across the former United Kingdom. After that, the dragon hybrids became State targets. Every one they found was destroyed. That was, until they realized there were opportunities in exploiting dragon hybrid powers. No one had figured out who the minds behind the State were, but they were lethal and ruthless and had to be destroyed. That included their leader, Emperor Endrir.

  “When are you back at the fight club?” asked Heath.

  “We have to wait for Clive’s orders,” said Lincoln. “But I’m happy to go a few more rounds in the ring before we get a job, if I need to. Not much competition there.”

  “You almost had your head taken off by Thrasher,” said Anastasia.

  “I was playing to the crowd.” Lincoln touched the bruise on his cheek.

  “I should have aimed my
fireball at your head, not your arm,” said Anastasia. “Might have knocked some of the cockiness out of you.”

  “You love my cockiness,” said Lincoln.

  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  Danni held up a hand. “Make sure you’re both seen around the fight club. Even if you’re not in the ring, it will be good to show Clive you’re committed. Might encourage him to get you involved sooner.”

  “I don’t mind heading back there,” said Lincoln. “There’s a certain flower in a fitted catsuit I want to explore.”

  Anastasia shifted her seat away from him and folded her arms over her chest. “Go for it. I’ll enjoy watching Clive rip your head off because you’ve messed with his woman.”

  Lincoln grinned, detecting another hint of jealousy over Orchid. He leaned across the table toward Arlo. “This woman was out-of-this-world hot. She had a skin-tight, black catsuit on, the zip pulled down to her belly button. And her curves were all natural. She sat on my lap and showed me everything she’d got.”

  “That’s enough.” Heath sighed and shook his head. “This mission isn’t about figuring out how many women you can get into your bed.”

  “I know that,” said Lincoln. “But when you’re this hard to resist, what’s a man to do?”

  “Focus on the mission,” snapped Anastasia. “Not let what’s between your legs dictate how you behave.”

  “I was a professional in the ring,” said Lincoln. “You should know, since I beat you.”

  “Only because I let you.”

  “Enough!” Danni slapped a hand on the table, the loud thwack stunning them all into silence. “You need a reminder about why we’re doing this.”

  Lincoln grimaced, knowing what was coming next. “I don’t need a reminder.”

  “I want you to spend the day in the archive, sorting through the finds.”

  Lincoln groaned and tipped his head back. “Anything but that. The egg fragments always play havoc with my sinuses. All that dust and grime isn’t good for me.” The archive was where they stored the dragon egg and bone fragments they discovered. There were thousands of remnants of the dragons. And they used every piece they could find to help bring them back; one DNA strand at a time.


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