Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3)

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Lincoln (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 3) Page 17

by Arcadia Shield

  Hell, he’d fallen for her hard. He didn’t know when it had started, probably the first time he saw her strutting toward him in a sheer dress and heels. But it wasn’t her looks that had tipped him over the edge. She was fearless, strong, and devoted to those she loved.

  And that devotion was clear in her eyes as she untied him and helped him to his feet. It made him feel alive. He was important to her, and he loved that.

  “We need to hurry,” said Lincoln, as they left the charred room. “Won’t be long until more soldiers arrive. Might even be a few of Clive’s crew around to cause us trouble.”

  Anastasia linked an arm around his waist as they walked along the corridor, toward the exit. “We took out a few soldiers getting to you.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  She shot him a smile. “We can go see Skyler when we get back. See how she’s doing.”

  “What about us?” asked Damson, as she hurried along behind them with Caitlyn.

  “You’re welcome at our base,” said Lincoln. “Plenty of room. And it’s safe.”

  Reaching the end of the corridor, they slowed.

  Anastasia ducked around the corner. “All clear.”

  A yell from behind them had Lincoln turning, wincing as his ribs throbbed. Two soldiers raced toward them. “Go!” He urged Damson and Caitlyn toward the door, pushing Anastasia behind him. He reached for his pulse laser gun and cursed. Clive had taken it.

  Anastasia gripped his shoulder and kissed the side of his neck, “Relax, flyboy. I’ll look after you.”

  Those few words made his insides warm. This was one hell of a woman. Lincoln watched as she slid around him, took a deep breath and shot two perfect fireballs straight at the soldiers’ chests.

  They yelled, ducked, and rolled away, one of them already catching fire. The second soldier jumped to his feet and shot at them, but his aim was wide as he skirted around the flames.

  Lincoln grabbed Anastasia. He pulled her around the bend in the corridor, as another laser blast slammed into the wall.

  The soldier barreled around the corner and Lincoln caught him by the neck and forced him to his knees. He kicked the gun out of the soldier’s hand and then smashed his knee into his nose. The soldier fell to the floor, clutching his busted nose as blood poured out.

  A quick check to make sure there were no more soldiers, and Lincoln grabbed Anastasia’s hand. They raced to catch up with Damson and Caitlyn.

  Kicking open the door, the four of them ran outside and piled into the Jeep.

  “You okay to drive?” asked Anastasia, as Lincoln started the engine.

  “Never been better.” And he hadn’t. Despite the blood stinging his eyes and the throbbing ache in his side from where Clive had slammed his fists into him, he felt amazing. The dragon hybrids were safe, and Anastasia was with him.

  They shot away from the club. After a few moments, Lincoln forced himself to keep to the speed limit. It was daylight and there were people about, heading to work and clogging the roads with auto-taxis. The State would also be watching. At the first opportunity, he turned off the main route and drove along smaller back roads.

  He opened a comms link to the bunker. “We’re on our way back.”

  “What happened?” It was Heath, sounding panicked. “You never showed for your ambush.”

  “That’s because we met a real State ambush,” said Lincoln.

  “Any casualties?”

  “Just a few bruises.”

  Anastasia grunted at that comment.

  He smiled at her. “And I’ve got two new residents on board. They might appreciate some time with Sophia or Clarissa.”

  “Who are you bringing in?”

  “Two female dragon hybrids. Damson and Caitlyn. Oh, and they’re both pregnant.”

  He heard Heath take a breath. “We’ll meet you when you arrive.”

  “Thanks.” Lincoln cut the comms and glanced at the gray sky overhead. “Watch out for any drones paying us attention.”

  “If you stick to the speed limit, you won’t draw undue attention to us.” Anastasia shook her head at him.

  Lincoln took his foot off the gas, realizing he’d sped up again. “I like things fast and quick.”

  A smile slid across her face. “I hope that doesn’t include everything you do. Some things are best done slowly.”

  Heat jumped through his veins. He needed some serious alone time with Anastasia so they could figure out what they were doing with each other. And he could think of plenty of things he wanted to do, but he needed to focus on their safety first. There’d be time for everything else.

  Despite seeing a few State drones, the journey was smooth. Lincoln’s shoulders eased as he punched in the passcode to get them into the bunker.

  Damson and Caitlyn were both wide-eyed, as he stopped the Jeep and opened the door.

  “This is where you live?” asked Damson.

  Lincoln looked at Anastasia, in her torn clothing, her hair sweat-dampened. “This is our home.”

  “That’s right. This is home.” Anastasia smiled.

  Something relaxed inside him. Yes, this was where he most wanted to be. With his crazy, fire-breathing woman, living underground, fighting insane odds. This was right.

  FINALLY, ANASTASIA no longer smelt blood and dirt on her skin. It had taken two showers and a lot of scrubbing, but she was clean, and her injuries patched up.

  Her thoughts had been mingled with worries about Skyler and Lincoln. As she hurried to the medical room, she knew sitting with Skyler would help her find peace.

  “Anastasia!” Danni’s sharp tone made her pause. She spun around and saw Danni marching along the corridor toward her.

  She repressed a sigh. “Is something wrong?”

  “This way.” Danni passed her without slowing.

  Gritting her teeth, Anastasia followed her to the briefing room.

  Lincoln was already sitting at the table, along with Heath.

  She sat at the table. Danni stood at the front of the room, her arms behind her back. “This mission didn’t go quite as planned.”

  “We saved the dragon hybrids, broke the trafficking ring, and killed Clive,” said Anastasia. “We achieved a lot.”

  Danni’s eyebrows raised. “If you’ll allow me to finish. Although it didn’t happen the way we anticipated, it appears we’ve taken down a big piece of the trafficking ring. Thunder Island was used as a central site for processing babies and impregnating captured dragon hybrids. Now that we’ve discovered it, it appears the State have suspended activities.”

  “Which is a good thing.”

  “It’s an excellent thing.” Danni’s eye narrowed. “As I was about to say.”

  Anastasia pressed her lips together. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the reprimand she thought it would.

  “Anastasia and Lincoln, you have done an incredible job and risked your lives helping others.”

  Lincoln shrugged. “All part of a good day’s work.”

  “It is. Bringing Skyler here was a risk. As was extracting all the infants and females without knowing how sick they were. But I made that decision, and am glad you ignored the orders and brought back Skyler.” Danni’s gaze rested on Anastasia.

  Anastasia let out a quiet sigh. She’d saved Skyler on instinct and would do it again.

  “The fight club is gone. Thunder Island has been emptied of State personnel,” said Heath. “The dragon hybrid trafficking has come to a halt. However, we’ve still got Jude monitoring comms chatter, in case the State tries to establish a new base somewhere else.”

  “If they do, we’ll shut it down,” said Lincoln.

  Danni nodded. “The new dragon hybrids are settling in. And, I have to admit, I’m enjoying having babies here. They help me remember what we’re fighting for.”

  Anastasia sat up straight. “If it’s okay, I’d like to go see Skyler.”

  Danni’s nostrils flared, but she nodded. “Very well. Give her a kiss from me. Heath and Lincoln, remain h
ere. We can finish the debrief.”

  Anastasia gave Lincoln a small smile, as she slid from her seat and hurried to the medical bay.

  She sat next to Skyler’s incubator, the side lowered, so the tiny hand could tuck into hers.

  Damson and Caitlyn appeared in the doorway, wearing clean clothes and smelling of floral soap and antiseptic.

  “How’s she doing?” whispered Damson, her hand on her swollen belly.

  “Not sure. Better, I hope.” Anastasia pulled her gaze from Skyler. “How about you two?”

  “We’re great. Just been checked over by Sophia,” said Damson.

  “And your babies?”

  Caitlyn smiled. “They’re fighters. Both going strong.”

  “That’s great.”

  Annie arrived behind them. “You both ready to see your quarters now?” She grinned at Anastasia. “Just going to introduce them to our weird way of life.” She turned to the dragon hybrids. “It might not be anything like what you’re used to, but you’re going to love it here.”

  Anastasia smiled and watched them go, leaving the medical room quiet and peaceful.

  Daisy had worked hard to create a nursery for the new infants. They were in a separate room, being cared for by the females who’d survived their time on Thunder Island. Skyler was the only infant left behind, the only one too sick to leave.

  Skyler’s eyelids fluttered. Anastasia’s grip tightened around her hand. She was so fragile, so precious. Not being able to have children of her own, she’d surprised herself by how maternal she felt about Skyler. But seeing her in this incubator, so helpless, so determined to fight, something had broken inside Anastasia. No, it wasn’t something that broke, it was something that grew, and changed. She understood now why people sacrificed so much for their children. She barely knew this child, but would sacrifice anything to keep her safe.

  A rare sense of calm settled over Anastasia as the realization hit her. She’d lost so much over the last year. Her ability to have children, almost losing Bellatrix, losing her freedom to the State, and being forced to perform at the disgusting Pleasure Dome. And now this; introduced to the world of the Ember brothers and everything they stood for. It felt like she was in the middle of something huge. And the possibility of defeating the State finally seemed real.

  And what about Lincoln?

  A shiver ran down her spine as she thought about their kisses, and the spark of desire in his eyes. But he couldn’t be serious about her. He spent his life joking and trying to attract the eye of any gorgeous woman he saw. She was just another one of his potential conquests. She’d been foolish thinking it could be anything more. And no matter how much she wanted him, no matter how much her dragon instincts called him to her, once he’d gotten what he wanted, he would move on. And she’d be left with a shattered heart and a barrier even higher than it already was.

  She lowered her head until it rested lightly on Skyler’s arm. Anastasia was unable to shake the sense there was more to Lincoln. He’d shown her a side of him that hinted at the promise of something incredible. Something that would burn hotter than her own dragon fire.

  Tiny fingers drifted across her cheek. Anastasia looked up to see Skyler blinking at her with large black eyes. She swiped at her cheeks and realized she’d been crying. But they weren’t tears of sadness. She was happy. She’d found somewhere that accepted her, somewhere she felt safe.

  She stroked Skyler’s hair as the baby cooed and burbled at her. “Hello, sweetie.”

  A gurgling sound like laughter drifted from Skyler’s mouth.

  Anastasia laughed along with her. This was her home now. And this was her family. And she’d do whatever she needed to in order to protect them. Lincoln included. She couldn’t deny it anymore. He was her mate. Even if he rejected her, he would always be hers. She wanted no one else.

  Chapter 17

  Lincoln kept still in the doorway of the med bay. He’d watched Anastasia for ten minutes as she sat beside Skyler, brushing her fingers through the baby’s hair, and making nonsense noises in a language only babies understood.

  He shook his head, but the feeling inside him wouldn’t vanish. Lincoln was lost to this woman. He wanted her, every crazy, messed-up, beautiful inch of her. He hadn’t allowed himself to feel this way for such a long time. But his desire and longing to be with Anastasia wouldn’t stop raging through him, bringing to life emotions he’d stamped on. He loved her. And it scared and thrilled him in equal measure.

  Anastasia glanced over her shoulder. A soft smile crossed her face when she saw him. She beckoned him over.

  He tried to look relaxed as he approached the incubator and sat next to her. “How’s Skyler doing?”

  “She seems stronger. I haven’t talked to Sophia since we got back, though.”

  Skyler coughed.

  A sliver of concern ran through Lincoln at the rattling sound in her chest. That didn’t sound healthy. “She’s a fighter. Sophia and Clarissa are looking after her.”

  “I know that,” said Anastasia. “And now that the dragon-blood serum has been improved, it will triple everyone’s recovery time. I could punch you in the head, and you’d be fine in an hour.”

  “Let’s not try that any time soon. I’m still getting over Clive’s beating.” Despite Clive knocking him around, he felt great sitting with his two favorite ladies. Thanks to his own injection of dragon serum, the bruises had already begun to fade.

  She grinned at him. “You haven’t made me want to punch you for at least a day. I see that as good progress.”

  He grinned at her. “Sounds like incredible progress.”

  “I was thinking, when we get some free time, we can take Skyler somewhere nice. Bet she hasn’t seen many fun things in her short life.”

  “What do you think she’d enjoy?”

  “Something with lots of color and light. And fun sounds.”

  “There aren’t many places like that around here,” said Lincoln. “If you hadn’t noticed, the dominant color in the bunker is gray.”

  Anastasia’s nose wrinkled. “There must be somewhere we can take her.”

  “How about the bio zone?”

  “I remember you mentioning that place before. What’s in there for Skyler?”

  “She’d love it. The guy who runs it, Patterson McCloud, is off-the-charts eccentric. He used to have his own television show, showing the latest innovations in horticulture. Not sure what happened to him, but the show was pulled. He ended up in a mental institution. And when the State took over and used their hypnotic suggestion, it didn’t affect him. Could be because he was already too far out there for the State to reach him. Whatever the reason, having him here has been a huge bonus. And his bio zone is something else. If you want color and noise, then that’s the place to take Skyler.”

  “Wouldn’t mind taking a look myself,” said Anastasia. “Okay. As soon as she’s well enough, we’ll take her for a day out.”

  Lincoln loved the sound of the word we on Anastasia’s lips. He could see the three of them together, running around Patterson’s wild, horticultural jungle, hearing the two of them laugh as he scooped them into his arms. He shook his head. He shouldn’t get ahead of himself. He had no clue how Anastasia felt about him, but it felt like she no longer hated him. And that was a start. It was something he could build upon. And he’d keep on building until she saw no one else but him.

  The door to the med room opened. Clarissa strode through, slowing as she spotted them by Skyler’s incubator. Her long hair was pulled off her face in a thick braid, and her flowing red dress covered by a white lab coat. She’d taken to the role of an assistant doctor with ease when she’d joined the bunker.

  “We were wondering how Skyler is doing?” asked Lincoln.

  “Let’s take a look.” Clarissa hurried over, checked Skyler’s temperature, listened to her heartbeat, and scanned through her medical records on the port screen beside the bed.

  Lincoln saw several emotions cross Clarissa’s fac
e as she looked at the records. His stomach clenched as worry traced across her face.

  “Can I have a private word?” He stood. “I’ve got a medical niggle I’d like your opinion on.”

  Clarissa’s eyes narrowed before she nodded and set the screen down.

  “Don’t be long,” said Anastasia. “Skyler likes you being here.”

  Lincoln forced an easy-looking smile on his face. “And I love being with Skyler. I won’t keep either of you waiting.” He walked out into the corridor, with Clarissa behind him.

  “What’s the problem?” asked Clarissa.

  “What’s wrong with Skyler?”

  Clarissa closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. “I don’t know for certain. We’re doing everything we can, following the normal procedures to get her to make a full recovery.”

  “But it’s not working?” Lincoln scrubbed a hand down his face. “Is it the daily medication she had to take? Is Skyler getting sick because we took her off the island?”

  Clarissa shook her head. “We re-created that easily. The babies won’t get sick because of that. But she’s getting weaker. An infection has attached to her lungs. Whatever we do, we can’t get rid of it.”

  “What about the dragon serum? Thought that could cure everything.”

  “It’s not a miracle cure,” said Clarissa. “And she’s had two doses. We’re working on a batch that’s double the strength, but it’s not looking promising. She was born prematurely. Some of her organs are smaller than they should be.”

  “But she’ll be okay?” Lincoln looked back over his shoulder. If anything happened to Skyler, it would destroy Anastasia. Hell, it would destroy him.

  “I want to give you a positive prognosis, but I can’t,” said Clarissa. “You need to prepare yourself for the worst.”

  Lincoln’s breath came out shaky. “The worst? You’re telling me she will die?”

  Tears filled Clarissa’s eyes. “Yes. I believe she will.”

  His lungs emptied of air and the corridor spun. “How long has she got?”

  “It’s hard to tell. Some days she seems to improve, but the next she’s weaker.”


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