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Revived Page 12

by Tia Lewis

  "See? Now we go drink coffee like respectable people," Hannah grinned as she climbed out of the car. I followed her into the small coffee house, ordering a hot chocolate instead to ward off the cold. At this time in California, I would be laying on the beach, not drinking hot chocolate.

  We found a table in the corner, and I blew on my mug, the warmth seeping through the ceramic and warming my fingers. "This is nice. Thank you."

  "No problem," she answered, taking a sip of her coffee. "So, what's eating you, Julia?"

  "What?" I asked, surprised.

  Hannah placed her mug on the table. "Girl, it's written all over your face. Something's up with you, and I bet it has to do with a handsome, tattooed man."

  I blushed. She could read me like a book. "Well, Travis and I, things are complicated."

  "Things are always complicated with that man," she laughed.

  "I think I am in love with him," I blurted out, unable to shove the words back into my mouth.

  Hannah's eyes widened, surprise in her expression. "Well, I'm not surprised. I mean he's into you, Julia. I can see it on his face every time he looks at you. It's kind of a kinky look really."

  I blushed. "Am I being too stupid?"

  Hannah shook her head. "No honey, you're not being stupid. I think you are being quite smart. Travis is a great guy, a little mysterious, but a great guy. Not to mention he's extremely hot."

  I laughed, the low burn in my stomach reminding me just how hot Travis was. I could never get tired of his body or the way I felt in his arms when he wrapped them around me. Gah, I had it bad, seriously bad.

  "So, is this like going to be permanent? Are you going to stay here in Chicago?"

  "I think so," I admitted, knowing in my heart that I wanted to. I wanted this to work out between Travis and me.

  "Aww," Hannah said. "It's so great being in love. I wish you all the best, my friend."

  I gave her a small smile, not quite sure how to deal with the fact just yet. Hadn't I learned my lesson? I thought of Travis, how he had literally turned my life upside down. No, I hadn't learned anything.

  I was lounging on the couch when Travis returned from the gym, all sweaty and a grin on his face that I was still struggling to get used to. My broody fighter had changed somehow, and I kinda hoped that part of his change had to do with me. After my talk with Hannah, I was really starting to think about my future and if I had one with Travis.

  "Hey," he said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and guzzling it greedily.

  "Hey," I smiled, climbing off the couch. "Good workout?"

  He finished the water and threw the bottle in the trash. "Yeah. It was fucking great. I'll probably feel it tomorrow." He then gave me a critical eye. "Did you do something different with your hair?"

  I smoothed it down self-consciously, inwardly thrilled that he had noticed. "Um, yeah."

  He took a step forward, the heat in his eyes unmistakable. "It looks great, Julia."

  I felt my pulse begin to race as he reached out and touched my cheek, his fingers leaving a small trail of fire along my skin. My breath caught as Travis leaned forward and brushed his lips over mine. "I'm gonna hit the shower."

  "Mhm," I mumbled against his lips, wanting to reach out and cling to him, my body begging for his touch. Who cared if he was sweaty?

  He pulled back and gave me a wink, whistling as he walked to the bedroom. I stared after him, waiting until the shower kicked on before I pulled my shirt over my head, following his path to the bedroom. I wanted him now. I needed him now.

  Stripping off my clothes along the way, I pushed open the door to the bathroom, the steam already filling the room as I opened the glass door and stepping inside. He didn't turn around as I slipped my hands over his back, my fingers tracing his tattoos all the way to the base of his back. His skin shivered under my touch; his hands braced on the stone wall of the shower as I traced his shoulders, pressing a kiss on the wet skin. My own body pressed against his and he groaned, my hands slipping over his soapy chest and down further, brushing over his hard length. "You're fucking killing me," he said over the pulsating water, hanging his head.

  I grinned against his back, gripping him lightly, emboldened by the fact that I literally held him in the palm of my hand. Despite his physical strength, he was still just a man. Travis flipped around in my embrace and pushed me against the near wall, his lips seeking out mine hungrily. I gasped, and his tongue swept in, hot and demanding and sent my thoughts scattering of anything I had planned. His hands were on my body now, his warm touch sizzling against my skin as he cupped my breasts, breaking his kiss to lavish them with his tongue. I gripped his head with my hands and held him there, my legs trembling with need. "God, I want you," he said harshly, one of his hands traveling down my body to cup me, his finger seeking my white hot center.

  "Travis," I gasped as he worked against my clit, the pressure building up in my body and begging for release.

  "Come for me," he growled, his lips sucking on my neck, his cock pressing into my stomach. "Come for me, Julia."

  "Yes," I sobbed, gripping his shoulders tightly, my fingers digging into his muscles. "Yes." The floodgates opened, and I nearly buckled under the weight of my own orgasm, biting down on his shoulder to keep from screaming. He held me against the tile, his body covering mine as his hand rode my orgasm until I thought I was going to pass out from the sudden depletion of energy.

  But Travis wasn't done. His hands gripped my hips, and he pressed a kiss against my lips. "Wrap your legs around me," he said roughly. I bit my lip and forced my wobbly legs to move as he lifted me up against the wall and plunged into me, his hardness filling me to the very core. Oh, God. He was so hard and heavy, the need flashing in his eyes. I wrapped my legs around him as he fucked me against the shower wall, the warm water beating down on our backs. My orgasm took over, and I screamed this time, clinging to his shoulders as his pace quickened. This was what I wanted. This was why I was in love with Travis. We fit together; we understood what each other needed.

  He groaned and pulled away, giving me barely enough time to catch my balance as he exploded against me, wetness dripping down my stomach. He buried his face in my shoulder, and I laid a hand in his wet hair as his body shook with his orgasm, a tiny smile playing on my lips. We had forgotten the condom, and he remembered. Most guys would have been like fuck it, and continued, heedless of the consequences. But not Travis.

  Finally, after a few moments, he lifted his head, satisfaction in his eyes. "Damn."

  "You got that right," I answered, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my cheek to his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat against my ear. "Exactly what I was looking for."

  His chest rumbled with laughter as he gathered me in his strong arms, pressing a kiss into my hair. "Well, I'm glad I could be of service. Damn, I feel like I could sleep for a week."

  "Why don't you?" I asked, thinking that it would be nice to just snuggle in the bed the rest of the evening with him. Well, that and more of what we just had between us. I wanted some normalcy to my life, even if it was just for a few hours.

  He pulled away and wiped the wet strands of hair out of my eyes, a grin on his handsome face. I felt my insides quiver, thinking that I was a truly lucky girl that Travis had taken a chance on me that night. I doubted I would have found anyone else as giving as he had been to me, still a virtual stranger in his life. "We can't."

  "Why not?" I asked as he pressed a quick kiss on my forehead and stepped away, reaching for his washcloth.

  He grabbed the soap and lathered up his cloth, making it extremely sexy in the process. Gah, my insides could literally catch fire with just the simple things that he did and how he made them dangerously hot. "We have something to do. Come on, let me wash your back."

  I curiously followed a damn good smelling Travis into the building, wondering where we were going. I had thought we would go back to the gym so he could train some more or at least meet up with Anthony and Hannah again,
but he had surprised me, dragging me in the direction of downtown, where crowds of people covered the sidewalks, clearly tired of being cooped up inside because of the weather. I was so glad I had chosen one of the dressier outfits tonight, meaning that I wasn't in my customary yoga pants and t-shirts, but in a nice pair of skinny jeans and a blousy top hidden currently under my heavy coat. With my hair done and my bruises successfully hidden under the makeup, I was feeling, well, pretty. Not only that, but my body was deliciously sore from our romp in the shower and the touchy feely stuff when we tried to clean each other, erupting to the hottest shower I think I had ever had. We hadn't left until the water had grown cold.

  We walked into a small office foyer, the desk unoccupied as Travis walked toward the elevators, not even bothering to stop. "Um, we going to a meeting?" I asked, my curiosity nearly killing me.

  He pressed the up button on the panel and looked back, a half smile on his lips. "Why?"

  "Oh, come on," I urged as the doors opened and he stepped in. "What's up with the secrecy?"

  He crooked a finger at me, and I stepped inside, the doors closing right behind me. "Do you not like surprises, Julia?" he asked, grabbing my hand and wrapping his around it, my body instantly filled with his warmth.

  "I've had enough surprises for a lifetime," I answered, giving him a look.

  He grinned and pulled me against him, his arm snaking around my waist. I drew in a breath, surprised by the turn of events that had apparently happened to Travis in the last twelve hours or so. This was not the same guy from the police station, and I wasn't quite sure what was up with him. Not that I was complaining, mind you. When his lips found mine, I gasped, tasting the need in his kiss. He pressed me up against the elevator wall, his hand finding my hair and clenching it tightly, his tongue snaking into my mouth and doing the dangerous tango that left me breathless with anticipation. If he wasn't taking me to a bed, we were going to have to find one. Clearly, we hadn't gotten all of this out with the shower earlier.

  The doors opened, and he pulled back, releasing me nearly immediately. "Come on," he said, looking none the worse from our tantalizing kiss while I was panting with need, my body wanting to wrap myself around him. "I want to show you something."

  I didn't think I could pry myself off of the elevator wall, my legs trembling with need but somehow I managed to grab his hand, trying to look as calm and collected as he did. He led me out, and I gasped as I took in our surroundings. It was a restaurant, with floor to ceiling windows showing off the glittering city below. The place was alive with people, the sounds of laughter and clinking of glasses intermingling with the soft strains of music.

  "Ah, Travis! I'm so glad you came!"

  I watched as a long legged blonde threw her arms around Travis, giving him a tight hug while pressing her thin body against his. I couldn't help but want to pull her curly blonde hair by the roots for touching my man, but I refrained, thinking that I probably didn't need any media attention at the moment. I had other issues. It still didn't hide the fact that I was jealous.

  "Tina," he said politely, untangling the woman from his body. "I've got someone I want you to meet."

  "Do you now?" Tina laughed. Damn even her voice was perfect. He turned her around and looked at me. "This is Julia."

  "Julia," she said, sticking out her hand. "I'm Tina Undershaw."

  "Oh, my God," I breathed, no longer wanting to pull out her hair. Tina Undershaw was an up and coming restaurateur in Chicago, someone I had read about more than once as I was planning on finding a job out here. Everyone wanted to work for her and anyone who didn't wanted to be her. Realizing she was still holding out her hand, I took it. "I'm Julia Chase. It's a pleasure to meet you."

  "Likewise," she said, releasing my hand before looking back at Travis. "Did you come to eat or to chat?"

  "Both," he answered smoothly, giving her a grin. "Can you find a table for us?"

  "Anything for you, Travis," Tina responded, snapping her fingers. "Right this way. I'll seat you myself."

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  She was impressed. I followed Julia as we weaved our way through the restaurant, feeling like I was on fucking cloud nine for the first time in a long while. The thought had come to me while I was in the shower, wanting for both Julia and myself to decompress on the night before the fight, one that would define the rest of our lives or get us killed. I wasn't so sure which way it was still going to lean, but I was hoping that I would wake to see another sunrise, with Julia at my side.

  But right now, I wanted to give her a good time and knowing that she liked food, I figured this was as good as any. Tina led us to a table near the window, one that had a great view of the city below. "Have a seat; dinner is on me tonight."

  "Thanks," I said, giving her a wink. She patted my shoulder and moved on, the telltale sway of her hips reminding me of her previous attempts to get into my bed. Tina was a gorgeous woman, one that I would have dearly liked to fuck, had I known that she would not expect anything else. But she would. Hell, Julia would, though the thought was a great deal more appealing.

  We sat down, and Julia looked at me, surprise still on her face. "Okay, I'm so not going to take anything other than the truth for this question. How on earth do you know Tina Undershaw?"

  I leaned back in my chair, giving her a grin. "So you've heard of her?"

  "Heard of her?" she sputtered. "Hell, I want to work for someone like her. Do you know that she was the youngest award winner of the James Beard and that was two years ago! She is like, her restaurant has a waiting list and apparently you can just walk in and be seated like that."

  I shrugged. "I helped Tina start her first restaurant."

  Her jaw dropped open. "What?"

  I didn't like being the center of attention, but I knew Julia wasn't going to let this go. "Tina needed investors. We knew the same people. She asked if I would be willing to put up some money, so I did." It was the best damn decision of my life regarding finances. Tina had made me enough money to be comfortable, especially since I couldn't fight for a living. I wasn't filthy rich, but I could definitely live without worry, thanks to a good investment.

  "I can't believe it," she breathed, sitting back in her chair. "You helped Tina Undershaw get started. That's crazy. She's like a hot commodity right now."

  "She's good at what she does," I answered. "Do you want a job here?"

  "What?" she asked again, her expression blank.

  I fingered the linen napkin on the table. "Tina is looking for a good sous chef. I thought you might be interested."

  Tina chose that moment to walk over to the table, her winning smile on her face. She was younger than most people thought but had a brilliant mind and a knack for business. "Travis, I have to admit, I hadn't expected you to come tonight. I hear you're fighting tomorrow."

  "I am," I said, sitting up in my chair. "Tina, Julia is a chef."

  "Really?" Tina asked, looking over at Julia. Though the shock was still on her face, Julia recovered enough to give her a wide smile. "I am."

  "Well then," Tina said, stepping back. "Shall we talk? You don't mind do you, Travis? I won't keep her long."

  I shook my head and Julia, dazed, stood and followed Tina through the maze of tables. I watched her go, feeling damn happy about myself and that I was able to provide Julia with this opportunity. It wasn't because she had been through shit, more shit than anyone had probably been through in a week's time. It was because she deserved it. She had come out here with a plan, and it had gotten squashed by that asshole. I was glad that he had been such an asshole. We wouldn't have met if he had been her fucking prince charming.

  Clearing my throat, I took a sip of water and looked out over the city, the twinkling lights reminding me of the lights I would see tomorrow night when I stepped back into the cage for the first time in two years, a fight I was actually looking forward to now. My anxiety about fighting was gone, replaced by the need to do so. I wanted to.

  It wasn't long before Julia slid back into the seat across from me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well?" I asked softly, my heart hammering in my chest. "How did it go?"

  "I-I think I have a job," she said, tucking her napkin in her lap. "I'm to come back in a few days and show my skills, but Tina said that she didn't see any problems in me working in her kitchen. Actually, she said if you trusted me, then she would as well." She then tucked her hair behind her ear. "This is, wow, Travis I can't even begin to explain how awesome this is right now."

  "You're welcome," I answered, wanting to kiss the hell out of her. I had put that smile on her face. I had made her that happy. I was doing things for her that her asshole ex could never do. "I hope you didn't mind me springing this on you."

  "What? Are you crazy?" she asked. "You couldn't have done anything better for me." She smiled shyly. "Well, you could at least feed me."

  I laughed. "Consider it done."

  Later That Night

  I lay next to Julia in bed, my body unable to settle down so I could get some shut eye. I was too keyed up on tomorrow night's fight and how we were going to get Julia out of her mess, nail the asshole who had ruined her life and make him pay for everything he had caused. While I wanted to have my five minutes in the cage with him, I knew that just watching the relief cross her face would be enough justification that it was over and she was free.

  She muttered something and shifted at my side, her naked form pressed tightly against mine, and I pulled her even tighter, this hold she had on my heart making me wish I had found her just a little bit sooner. I felt, well, invincible. What had possessed me to call up Tina, I wasn't so clear on, but what I was dead set on was keeping Julia around. That was apparent, and if it wasn't to her, after tomorrow night, I planned to make it quite clear that I didn't want her to go back to California. I was a lucky bastard.


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