Wife by Wednesday

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Wife by Wednesday Page 9

by Catherine Bybee; Crystal Posey

  He couldn’t wait to explore their volatile attraction and see just how high it would explode.

  Walking inside his home, Blake had a strong urge to yell, ‘Hi, honey, I’m home.’ He smiled at the thought and walked through the quiet halls until the soft glow of candlelight caught his attention from the dining room.

  Samantha sat at the table wearing a delicate ruby silk dress and a smile. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders in a soft curtain. Her eyes sparkled as she watched him walk into the room.

  The smell of succulent beef met his nose and reminded him that he hadn’t eaten since noon.

  Samantha lifted a glass of red wine and rose from her seat before walking toward him.

  “What’s all this?” he asked as his gaze followed the slim lines of her figure. Her breasts pushed up against the neckline of her dress, exposing her creamy flesh. Her legs, the ones she always complained were too short, peeked through the slit of her dress and fell to four-inch heels that did amazing things to her calves. He liked women’s shoes, he decided. A second closet was a small price to pay for the sexy view.

  “I thought it would be nice to dine alone while we could. Your home in Europe sounds very… full.”

  Blake took the glass she offered and listened for the sounds of Mary in the kitchen or Louisa in the hall. He didn’t hear anything other than the faint sound of the ocean through an open window. “We’re alone?”

  “I gave Mary and Louisa the night off.”

  He liked the sound of that, and the sultry look under Samantha’s hooded gaze brought several questions to the tip of his tongue. He tabled them and followed her lead. If she’d decided to take him up on his affair offer, he’d find out soon enough.

  “I’m sure they didn’t argue.”

  Samantha pulled out his chair and encouraged him to sit.

  “All they asked is what time they should be here in the morning.”

  “In the morning? They live here.”

  Samantha removed the lid from one of the serving plates and steam escaped. She piled the plate in front of him with roast and trimmed it with scalloped potatoes and asparagus tips. “Louisa has a boyfriend, who was more than happy to put her up for the night.”

  “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend.”

  “And Mary was happy to visit her grandson and daughter.”

  Samantha finished serving them both and sat beside him before picking up her fork. His concentration on his food was non-existent with the lavender smell of her skin so close. “And Neil?”

  “He’s in his cottage. I asked him to give us some privacy.”

  Blake felt his stomach rumble and his body heat up. “Why do we need privacy, Samantha?” He slid a sly glance out of the corner of his eye and picked up his fork.

  “I thought it would be a nice change.” She speared her vegetables with her fork and brought them to the tip of her tongue for a taste. As the asparagus disappeared into the cavern of her mouth, and her eyes caught his, all concerns of where their night would end escaped.

  The question was… would they eat before… or after.

  Blake moaned as she delicately bit the tip of her food and worked her jaw in a slow chewing pattern.

  Moisture fled his mouth. Blake kept his eyes glued to his wife as he reached for his wine.

  Forcing his fork to pick up food and his mouth to open, he took two bites to her one.

  “How was your day?” Her innocent question was asked after she’d licked the rim of her wine glass before taking a drink.

  “Fine.” Was that his voice?

  She smiled, knowing damn well her effect on him, then took a sip of her wine, and a bite of her food. Her lips moved slowly, reducing Blake’s brain to rubble. Eating a meal had never been more seductive.

  He ate quickly.

  Unable to put one more bite in his mouth, Blake tipped the rest of his wine down his throat and set the glass down hard.

  Samantha’s innocent smile and mock surprise added to the sexual tension surrounding them both. “Is everything okay?”

  He stood, his chair slid back without ceremony. “Oh, everything is perfectly fine.”

  She reached for her wine but he caught her hand midway and pulled her to her feet. He didn’t offer her any escape before crushing his lips to hers. Like him, she greedily accepted his tongue in her mouth and offered up hers as well.

  She tasted like wine and smelled like spring. Blake angled his mouth and deepened their kiss. The feel of her hands clutching his shirt soon opened and spread over his chest before circling his back. Samantha whimpered and melted into his arms. Every touch from this woman was so real and alive with desire. She matched him perfectly. Her fight for control, even now, was exciting and new. No one ever drove his relationships. Blake never gave them the reins. With Samantha, he could loosen his grip and trust that she’d drive them both in safe waters.

  As Samantha pushed his jacket off his shoulders and he moved his lips from hers so he could breath, he allowed himself a glance into the passionate green eyes of the woman in his arms. “You’re beautiful.”

  Unlike any other time he’d offered her a compliment, he thought this time she believed him.

  Nimble fingers started to tug at his tie as Blake backed her to the far end of the dining room table, away from their plates and food. His tie fell to the floor and Samantha leaned forward and licked and nibbled her way over his chin and neck. Her sexy bedroom voice spoke between bites. “I’ve thought about your latest proposal.”

  More than thought about it.

  Running his hand over her shoulder, he loosened the sleeve of her dress and pressed his lips to the flesh between her shoulder and neck. So sweet. “Come to any conclusions?” he asked, playing her game, but knowing the score.

  His teeth caught the lobe of her ear and her body shuddered. In his mind, he filed the spot on her body as one that gave her a bolt of pleasure. He’d find more places before the night was finished.

  “I-I decided I’m a mercenary and not a masochist.”

  He licked the back of her ear.

  “Oh, God, do that again.”

  He smiled over her neck and did as she asked. The feel of her leg rubbing against his, of her hips searching for friction caused every muscle in his body to strain for her touch. Had he ever been so in need of a woman before? Even in his sex-coated brain, he wanted to be absolutely sure Samantha wanted the same things he did.

  Blake buried his hands in her hair and forced her eyes to his. “Are you sure about this, Samantha?”

  Her eyes searched his. “Yes,” she whispered.

  His heart kicked in his chest. “I’m asking for more than one night.”

  Leaning back, she lifted a hand to his cheek. “One night won’t be enough. I want the full year.”

  With his gaze zeroed in on the green depths of her eyes, Blake sealed their newest, crazy deal with a slow, sizzling kiss.

  Blake lifted her hips and set her on the table before moving between her thighs. He found the bare flesh at her knee and traveled up the silky span of her leg. Everywhere he touched, he wanted to taste, to feel her response. She tugged his lower lip into her mouth and his mind envisioned her using her mouth on much more pleasurable parts of his body.

  Samantha clawed at his shirt until she had every button undone and her hands fanned over him. Her fingers flicked his nipples before she released his mouth and bent down to taste him there. His mind grew dizzy as she played with his body. Her legs wound around his waist and the heat of her core pressed against his erection. With a long breath, Blake drew her scent deep inside him.

  As he started to slide the zipper of her dress down, he opened his eyes and noticed the hard surface of the table she sat on. It wouldn’t do for their first time together to happen along with their dirty dishes.

  With Samantha licking and kissing his flesh, he easily lifted her off the table.

  She giggled and wrapped her legs around him and clasped her hands around his shoulders. Walking to the
nearest couch was more erotic than he thought possible. Every step brought the heat of her body sliding a jolt of pleasure through him.

  Damn house was too big, it took entirely too much time to press her into a soft couch and cover her body with his. His shirt went in one direction, her dress in another. Blake stared on at the swell of her ample breasts pushed against a black, lacy bra. “So beautiful.” He played with her breast through the fabric, making her nipple pebble under his touch. He hesitated before revealing her tender flesh and dipped in for his first taste. Samantha arched into him, pushing her breast deeper in his mouth.

  “Please, Blake.” Her hips tilted higher, reaching for him.

  He wanted to learn her body, find every spot, and worship it. But Samantha was tugging at his pants, finding the zipper and reaching inside. When she wrapped her hand around his hot erection, she stole his breath. He forgot about her breast, about the fact she still wore panties, and thought of nothing more than plunging deep inside her folds.

  The soft texture of her hand held him firm. Her lips kissed his neck. “I need you,” she whispered with her deep, sexy voice.

  “You’ll have me,” he promised as he forced his body away from hers long enough to kick his pants free, his shoes, and boxers. While he scrambled to disrobe, Samantha wiggled her slim hips and twisted her lace panties off.

  Blake found a condom in his wallet and quickly covered himself. When he turned back, Samantha had bent her knee and rested her leg against the back of the couch, her arms reached to pull him back into her embrace.

  He wedged himself between the comfort of her legs and found her lips for another kiss. She drove her tongue deeper, not letting him gain a breath. Blake knew she’d be passionate, had fantasized about her in bed since they met, but this was more than he could ever want.

  The tip of his need pushed close to her wet core, hungry for her. When Samantha wrapped her leg around his waist, giving him all the room he needed to please them both, he slid home.

  The mewling noise she made when he was buried deep inside her tight body pumped his ego high.

  “So good,” she said after tearing her lips away. Hot, fast breaths escaped her lungs and her hips started to move.

  Better than good. Being in her arms was perfect. Blake’s desire to make Samantha writhe with pleasure, pleasure he would bring her forced him to hold back all thoughts of his own release.

  “You’re tight,” he told her.

  His gaze caught hers, her lips parted with passion, her heart beat pulsing at her neck. “Advantage to being small.”

  But it was more than that. And after, once they were both sated, he’d ask about her past, about the men in her life. Right now, it was all about touching her, pleasing her.

  When her breath kicked higher, and her fingers dug into his shoulders and rounded over his ass he knew he’d found the rhythm she needed. “Yes,” she moaned. “Right there.”

  Hips rocking, he forced his release back, waiting for the moment Samantha plunged over the cliff. When she did, she called out his name and strained closer, her body pulsating him in a tight cocoon. Blake released the tight hold on his control and followed her into heaven.


  The weight of Blake’s body pressed her into the sofa, his breathing as ragged as hers. She stretched her leg and ran it down the backside of his. She couldn’t stop smiling. Even when the tremors of pleasure simmered to a twitch, she held him close.

  Yeah, like she could have said no to this. And to think, she’d have access to his amazing body and sexual talents for an entire year. The eventual end to their relationship made her pause, but she pushed the images of saying goodbye away and focused on the scent and feel of the man still buried inside her body.

  “That was—”

  “Incredible,” he finished.

  Was it for him? He’d had more lovers than her by far. Hell, she could count hers on one hand and still have three fingers left over. But Blake, he’d have score sheets to compare notes. She wanted to ask but her own insecurities stopped her.

  “What’s that look,” he asked, staring down at her face.

  “What look?”

  “The one of uncertainty, the one you have whenever you tell me you’re too short or some such nonsense.”

  Theirs was a relationship based on honesty, but how much could she ask and not sound like a needy, emotional fool. “Was it? Incredible for you?”

  “Samantha,” he said on a breath. He lifted a hand to her face and stroked her chin with the back of his finger. His hips were still planted firmly against hers. “Do you notice how well your body fits against mine?”

  Her breasts were flush with his chest, her legs wrapped around his hips. Their lips so close she could taste him still. “Yes.”

  “You’re perfect. More passionate than I ever imagined. And although I’m beyond satisfied right now, I don’t think I’m finished with you tonight. This,” he kissed her softly as he spoke, “is the start of a wonderful thing.”

  Well, he certainly knew how to make a woman smile, even after her orgasm.

  Blake unfolded from her arms long enough to stand. Then he picked her up and started walking from the room.

  Samantha glanced at the floor with horror. “Blake, our clothes.”

  He chuckled, ignored her words, and carried her up the stairs to his room where he made good on his earlier threat.


  By the time she’d made it downstairs the following day, it was late morning. Their clothes had been cleaned up, the dishes done. A picture of the two of them caught in the act of making love would have been the only thing plainer than the message left for the staff to find. Her face was hot with embarrassment and she lowered her gaze every time she passed Mary or Louisa the next day. The women were terribly polite. In fact, Samantha would have rather they nudge her arm and give her a thumbs up than act as if they cleaned up after Blake and his lovers every week.

  As it was, Samantha broached the subject of previous lovers to Blake as they packed their clothes. “So, Blake,” she started all-innocent like. “Tell me, will I find any remnants of lovers past hidden in any of your dressers?”

  He stopped and stood to stare at her, but she didn’t skip a step while packing. After all, she was the one who needed to pack clothes. Blake had all he needed on two continents.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You know… did Vanessa have a drawer of her own here, or Jacqueline?”

  His stare bored holes into her back, but she refused to look him in the eye. She shouldn’t care, but she wanted to know if he entertained his lovers in his home often.

  “I never found anyone drawer-worthy,” he told her.

  Well, that was something. “Not even one panty left behind?”

  She kept packing, not looking his way. I’m pathetic.

  “Samantha?” He’d moved to stand behind her. His hands reached out and touched both her shoulders to turn her toward him. His grey eyes caught hers. “I’ve only had this home for four years. You’re the only woman who’s slept in my bed.”

  An inner smile blossomed deep in her chest but she held it from spreading over her lips, not wanting him to see how much his words pleased her.

  Samantha nodded.

  He placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Would it bother you if there had been a drawer full of another woman’s things?”

  It shouldn’t. Three weeks ago, they were strangers. “Well, I guess not…” Hell, yes.

  “Samantha?” Her name was drawn out in a slow knowing slide.

  “Okay, yes,” she confessed. “Because…” She searched for a valid excuse and found one within easy reach. “Your staff will think better of me, or us… as a couple, if I’m not just a number here at the house.”

  Pathetic. She shouldn’t be trying to be more than a number. She should, however, be trying to build barriers around her heart, her feelings, and avoiding any emotional attachment to the man staring deep in her eyes.

“You’re not a number, Samantha. If you ever feel like the staff here, or in Europe, are treating you otherwise, you need to let me know.”

  She shook her head. “Everyone’s been wonderful.”

  Blake’s eyes narrowed briefly, as if trying to solve a riddle, then he turned away to finish his minimal packing.

  When she turned back to her suitcase, she allowed a tiny smile to cross her lips. It was wrong of her to romanticize what was happening between them. They were only having a mutually satisfying sexual relationship and just happened to be married. No big deal.

  “So, Samantha?” Blake forced his way into her thoughts.


  “Have you ever had any drawer-worthy men in your life?”

  Her hand hesitated. “No.” Was the short answer to her lack of a personal life.

  They continued packing.

  “Any recent boyfriends who might knock on the door?”

  Samantha slid a glance over her shoulders. Blake had his back to her while he fiddled with something in his hand. Okay, so her husband was curious about her past. It wasn’t as if hers was splattered all over the tabloid news like his.

  “The boyfriend well has been dry for some time,” she offered.

  “How dry?” he asked as the last word left her lips.

  She turned and waited for him to feel her eyes and return her stare.

  “When my father went to jail, I didn’t allow myself to get close to anyone.”

  “You were twenty one when your dad was convicted.”


  “There’s been no one since…”


  He pondered that for a minute, gaze drifting toward the ceiling. “So that means…”

  “I’ve had two lovers besides you,” she gave him, knowing that was where this conversation was going. It was strange, knowing exactly where his thoughts were. “One in high school, because everyone goes to senior prom, and another in college.” The one who twisted her mind in two and ruined her trust in men.

  There must have been something that crossed her face, because Blake dropped the questions and walked toward her again.

  “Call it a male thing, but I like knowing I’m in a very exclusive list.”


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