The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle

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The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Page 1

by Piper Phoenix


  Cover Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  About the Author




  Piper Phoenix

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Piper Phoenix

  No part of this book my be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. Except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  First Edition March 2016


  She tickled the condensation that had accumulated on the side of her glass of diet soda. Traci looked up and down the nearly empty bar. Even though she was old enough to drink, she preferred to have her diet soda instead of alcohol. It was easier to people watch when she was completely sober. Because Traci only ever came to this bar for one thing and it wasn’t to drink.

  It had been about three months ago she’d come into this same bar and ordered her usual. Traci had been wearing a tank top with some barely there cut-off shorts where the pockets peaked out from under the shredded threads. Then of course to complete the outfit she wore her brand new cowboy boots that were in desperate need of breaking in any way. It hadn’t been her first time to the bar, but it had been her first time seeing him.

  * * *

  He came in alone, his cowboy hat tipped down covering his eyes. She’d only noticed that they were blue when he took a quick peek to look around the room. They sparkled like gemstones at her from across the bar. The bartender nodded at him as he slid a bottle of beer in his direction. Traci pretended she hadn’t noticed him, same as all the other patrons seemed to be doing. But she had noticed.

  Her imagination kicked in and she imagined him walking over to her, talking to her. In her mind they had really hit it off. She could almost feel him kissing her, lightly at first then more passionately. Next thing she knew he was running his hands all over her body, cupping her tits and lazily brushing his fingertips across her nipples. Neither of them had a care in the world about who was watching.

  “Miss?” the bartender said, but Traci hadn’t heard him, she kept the daydream going seeing herself straddling the cowboy. Before she knew it her body was reacting, she could feel her nipples pushing against the thin fabric of her top and her panties dampening.

  The cowboy grabbed his beer and clicked his boots over to the jukebox. It was already playing country music, but he scanned the selections anyway. He didn’t pick any songs. Instead he sunk down into a booth in the back of the bar where she couldn’t see him without obviously leaning forward and cranking her neck. Not something she could be subtle about.

  “Miss?” the bartender said.

  Traci almost tipped over her mostly empty glass when he’d brought her back from her fantasy. “Sorry?” she said realizing he had been trying to talk to her.

  “I asked if you wanted another.”

  “Oh… Yes, sorry,” she answered without hesitation. There was no way Traci was going to leave the bar anytime soon, she was way too interested in the mysterious cowboy.

  About an hour or so passed before she saw a couple of girls slink into the bar. Both girls were older than her, both dressed practically identical to the other— flannel button-down shirts, short-shorts and high heels. They looked good, scratch that they looked great she thought, as their hips swayed to the booth the sexy cowboy was sitting in. They immediately started giggling. After a couple minutes, one of them came up to the bar.

  “I need three beers, Smitty,” she’d said glancing at Traci only for a second. The woman seemed to smirk at her but Traci figured that was probably just her imagination considering this woman didn’t know her. The bartender handed her the drinks, and she sauntered back over to the booth as if she knew Traci was watching her.

  Traci hadn’t realized she’d been staring at the girl until a face popped into her view. A little startled, she blinked a few times until the face came into focus. A fairly attractive guy stood there smiling at her, he wasn’t in the same league as the cowboy but cute enough. The cowboy oozed sex out of every pore, this guy oozed nothing, at least nothing she could name based on first impressions.

  “Hi!” he said overly enthusiastic. Her eyebrows pinched together trying to figure out if she was supposed to know him based on his approach, but she couldn’t place him.

  “Hi.” Traci smiled politely.

  “Are you waiting for someone?” he asked her.

  She had wanted to tell him she’d been waiting her whole life for that hot cowboy back in that booth but she withheld that information.

  “No,” she said wiping at the red lipstick that had transferred to her glass.

  “Can I sit here?” he asked but sat down before she could answer, he seemed a little nervous, “I’m Sawyer.”

  “Jane.” She lied. Sawyer reached out his hand to her and she took it giving him a solid handshake.

  “Good to meet you Jane, you come here a lot?”

  “Nice line,” she smiled even though she was almost certain he hadn’t intended for it to sound like a cheesy pick up line. She thought he seemed like a gentleman and was just being friendly.

  He ducked his head down and laughed. Sawyer had an amazing laugh and an even better smile, both made Traci smile brightly back at him. She could tell he was tall based on how high he was even just sitting next to her. His light blue button-down shirt was neatly pressed and fit him nicely, same as his dark blue jeans, held up with a dark leather belt complete with a shiny oval shaped buckle. His beat-up cowboy boots indicated that he probably wore them all day long, maybe even worked in them. The man was solid, she guessed that he probably worked on a farm.

  “Aw, come on now Jane, I didn’t mean it like that, but you are awfully cute,” he said looking away shyly. Traci thought he was adorable, but she couldn’t quite get her thoughts off of the cowboy and his two women friends. Sawyer seemed to notice her looking around him. “I see you’ve noticed Cash and his groupies,” he said with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

  “Uh, yeah I guess so,” Traci said trying to down play it, she knew a cowboy like that was out of her league but it was still hard not to notice someone like that. Not to mention an older guy like that wouldn’t even notice her. He wasn’t looking for the inexperienced type who just wanted to fool around a little. Traci was practically a virgin. The closest she had come to any real fucking was one time in high school when her then boyfriend had attempted to have sex with her. It had been a complete disaster, but they had both counted it at the time.

  “Yep, Cash catches everyone’s eye,” Sawyer said taking a swig from his beer and looking up at the TV.

  “Who is he?”

  “Aw dude just breezes through here every now and again, never stays long. Works with horses, buying, selling and the like,” he said with a sniff, “honestly I don’t pay him much mind.”

; “I see,” Traci said trying not to make it seem like she was interested in him at all. “Do you live around here?” she asked changing the subject.

  “Nice line,” he joked turning back towards her.

  Traci let out a small laugh, she liked Sawyer he was definitely cute enough and funny enough, he definitely seemed sweet enough.

  “No I own a farm around here, don’t get away too often, work too much I suppose,” he said taking another drink.

  “Oh,” she said sipping her soda at the same time and pleased she had made a pretty accurate guess. Sawyer watched her lips curl around her straw.

  “How about you?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer, she never did when people asked. She was supposed to have gone to college after she graduated, but decided not to and was sort of between jobs right now. What that translated to was that she couldn’t find anything she liked doing that paid well enough, and she was currently stuck living with her parents. There was no way she was going to tell Sawyer any of that though. She’d already lied to him about her name, what was one more lie? “I answer phones, it’s boring, but it’s a paycheck.”

  Traci was trying to think up a question for Sawyer so she wouldn’t have to make up more lies about herself, but the cowboy stood up and she lost her train of thought. The cowboy, Sawyer had called Cash, tossed some money down on the table and walked towards the exit with the girls hand in hand at his heels. As he walked passed her and Sawyer he glanced at Sawyer then at Traci and tipped his hat to them. His eyes were squarely set on her, she shifted in her seat. Traci wondered if she had stopped breathing, he was even more gorgeous than she thought.

  The cowboy was tall, but not Sawyer tall, and quite muscular, she could tell even though he was clothed because the shirt he wore hugged his body. She would have given anything to see him without those clothes on and run her hands over his firm chest.

  They walked out of the bar and when the door closed behind him she figured that would be the last she’d see of the sexy cowboy and started breathing again. She’d said a silent farewell to the sexy stranger and continued her conversation with Sawyer.

  The bartender made his last call and Traci stood up. Sawyer had enjoyed several beers as they’d talked and it had built up his courage. “You know, I’m really having a good time with you,” he said standing close to her. He towered over her but she kind of liked it, he made her feel small. He nudged his body lightly into hers, “I don’t want it to end.”

  “Yeah, I don’t either,” she said surprising herself a little, but it was true and Sawyer was really sweet. Other than not being able to stop thinking about Cash the cowboy, she truly was having a good time with him.

  “Would you be interested in coming over to my place? And no, that’s not a line… just to talk,” he said sincerely, but she knew he was interested in more, he just wasn’t the type to say so. She was never afraid to initiate the first move if need be.

  “How far away is it?” she asked not that it mattered, her parents wouldn’t be waiting up for her, she was a grown woman.

  “Not far, if you need to go I understand, but I’d love to see you again sometime?”

  “Oh, no, it’s not a problem, I’d love to go back to your place,” she said grabbing her purse.

  “Ready?” he asked putting a small pile of money on the counter, she couldn’t help but notice there was a lot more where that came from in his wallet. It wasn’t like Sawyer was trying to show her, she just couldn’t stop herself from taking a peek when he opened it.

  She reached into her purse to give him some money for her drinks, but he put his hand up and shook his head. There was no way he was going to accept money from her so she just slid her purse over her shoulder, “Thank you.” Sawyer lightly placed his palm on her back and guided her out of the bar.

  Traci couldn’t even take a guess at how old Sawyer was. He didn’t look older than twenty-five or twenty-six, but he owned a farm so she worried her guess may have been off. She hadn’t known anyone that young and successful, which she didn’t even know if he was but she figured to own property, a farm for that matter, must mean some amount of success. He hadn’t asked her how old she was but she knew she probably looked a little older than she actually was.

  Sawyer helped her up into his truck which stood at least a foot higher than a standard pickup truck. The truck shimmered and gleamed in the moonlight, it was obvious he took good care of it. The inside was immaculate and still had that new car smell. Traci wondered if he had paid for the truck upfront or it he had taken a loan out for it. Not that it mattered of course.

  He walked around and pulled himself up into the truck, started it up and drove away from the bar.


  “Beautiful night,” she said breaking the silence.

  “Perfect for a beautiful girl,” he said with a smile and turned on the radio. She knew she was blushing, but it was dark enough that Sawyer wouldn’t be able to tell.

  Traci looked out the window a silly grin glued to her face. She wasn’t sure if it was because she kept letting thoughts of that sexy cowboy creep into her head or if it was because she was glad to be with someone who found her beautiful.

  Being alone in this truck with Sawyer she found herself getting more turned on with each passing minute. She didn’t know if it was because of the glowing moonlight from the full moon, the big truck or Sawyer. Every time his truck hit a bump her tits would bounce and she could feel Sawyers eyes on her.

  “Why don’t you move a little closer?” he said after a rather large bump.

  Traci eagerly slid down the seat without giving it much thought, she had no problem being closer to him. He was good looking, she loved how tall he was, and on top of it all, he was a sweetheart. Why bother wasting time thinking about the cowboy who was long gone with his groupies? She could just keep the thoughts of him tucked away in her mind to use in her own time. Whenever she’d feel the need to slide her fingers into her pussy and pinch her nipples, she’d be thinking of the cowboy.

  Sawyer nonchalantly put his arm up on the back of the seat, waited three minutes or so before building up the courage to rest it on her shoulder. They looked at each other and smiled. He pulled into a long driveway and stopped when he got up to the enormous three-story house.

  “Wow,” Traci said.

  “Just had it remodeled,” he said looking as if he was very proud to show off his home.

  “It’s amazing!”

  “It’s nothing compared to you,” he said barely glancing at her.

  There was something about how timid he was that she found endearing, and a turn on. She reached up and put her hand on his and slid it down to her breast. If he didn’t have the courage to make a move she’d give a little push to help things along. He caressed her breast which was more than a handful even for his big hands. His massage was sensual and Traci bit her lip ever so slightly when he began to stroke her nipple. She shivered in delight, she loved a man teasing her nipples, and nothing got her wetter faster.

  She leaned her head back lightly against his arm so he’d see how much she was enjoying his touch. Traci turned to him, she licked her silky lips seductively. He brought his head down and pressed his lips to hers, soft at first but his appetite for her quickly became apparent by the growing bulge in his pants. He was kissing her as if she were the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. She pulled back only to let out a breathless moan.

  Traci’s fingers were on his shirt quickly but carefully undoing the buttons. It seemed to take forever but once she finally got his shirt off she pressed her hands all over his moonlit skin. She could feel his muscles move under her fingertips and she lightly ran her fingernails over the indentations. Sawyer shuddered at her touch.

  When he leaned back slightly to help her with her shirt, he saw her hard nipples pressing against the fabric. When she saw him looking she grabbed her tits dipped her head back and pinched her nipples, purring at her own touch. Seeing her touch herself only sent him
into more of a frenzy than he already was in. Traci knew a few things that would drive a man wild, touching herself in front of him was one of them.

  “Jane,” he said shakily, “we’ve only just met. We don’t have to do any of this. I can do slow. I can take you on dates.”

  She wasn’t interested in dates, at least she didn’t think she was, and definitely wasn’t in the mood for talking about that. Traci lifted her shirt overhead, exposing her bare tits and engorged pink nipples. She grabbed them again, “Don’t you like me Sawyer?” she teased.

  “I most definitely do,” he said in a deep, raspy voice, “I just don’t want you to think I’m that guy.”

  “I don’t, and I won’t,” she said suddenly wishing she would have came clean about her name. She climbed on top of him and straddled him, even though the steering wheel pressed against her round ass. She slid her hands around his neck, pressed her tits against his bare chest and kissed him. His erection pushed so hard against his pants she thought the button would just pop open on its own.

  He slid his hand around her backside lazily stroking his fingers until he got bold enough to slide them down to her pussy. Traci’s jean shorts were soaked from her arousal. She bit her lip to hold back her moan. The tingling electricity that jolted through her from his touch was her idea of heaven. What he was doing was exceptionally delightful even with her shorts in the way, in fact, her shorts may have actually been enhancing the experience for all she knew. She swallowed hard as he kept dancing his fingers playfully around her covered pussy.

  Traci started to grind down on his cock. He pressed back into her with each tormenting dip. Sawyer’s hands found themselves on her tits, grabbing and pinching, he seemed to find as much pleasure in it as she did. She held onto the door and headrest so she could keep herself steady while she rode his jean-covered cock harder.

  Even though it was a dry fuck, Sawyer appeared to be enjoying it all the same, as he increased the friction against her pussy as much as he could given the limitations of the car. She started to feel light-headed, and could feel that everything that had been building was about to come to the surface.


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