The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle

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The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Page 4

by Piper Phoenix

  If Cash ever came back and the two brothers talked about it, Sawyer would be hurt that she’d fucked Cash. She liked Sawyer enough not to want him to find out like that, she had already caused him enough trouble. Traci decided that she would go to Sawyer and apologize for all the lies, and come clean about everything, including Cash.

  He’d be hurt, but it would be worse if he found out from Cash. At least that is what she told herself. Then again Sawyer hadn’t called her, he probably wanted to have nothing to do with her. Once she’d explain he’d understand. She just hadn’t known him at the time, it was a defensive mechanism, it was a reflex, and she hadn’t known that she’d leave the bar with him and fool around. That hadn’t been her plan… that had just sort of happened.

  She hopped off her bed and got dressed. It was still early, a few more hours of daylight left, surely he’d be at the farm somewhere working, she’d try to catch him and just take a few minutes of his time. She grabbed her purse and left the house.


  As she drove down the bumpy road to Sawyer’s house she argued with herself about telling him about Cash. It would only hurt Sawyer, way more than her lies had, he wouldn’t be able to forgive her and really they’d only fooled around the one time, it’s not like she owed him anything. She hadn’t even known they were brothers… it wasn’t her fault! He should have told her right away.

  She would apologize for the lies and explain, but she’d keep her night with Cash a secret. He never needed to know. Cash wouldn’t ever talk to him about his one-night stands, and there were too many of them to count she told herself. If he would talk about it, Sawyer wouldn’t make the connection it was her out of all the girls Cash had taken home. She’d bet money Cash wasn’t the type of guy to kiss and tell anyway.

  Sawyer was probably over it. Over her. But she still felt she should apologize for lying to him.

  Cash knew her as Jane. Sawyer knew her as Jane, but now as Traci. Would he even think it was the same person if they talked about it? Which they wouldn’t. At least that’s what she hoped.

  She decided, she’d apologize for the lies, but that’s it. Cash would remain a secret. It wasn’t his business. She committed to that plan fully as she turned down his drive and saw his truck parked up next to the house. He was home.

  Traci parked her car next to Sawyer’s truck and checked herself in the mirror. She took a few deep breaths to prepare herself. She told herself it would be fine, he’d totally understand. He’d forgive her and eventually they’d be friends and everyone would be happy. Sawyer didn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge. He was so kind and warm and a real gentleman.

  She started to open her door without looking and smacked it right into Sawyer as he was about to knock on her window.

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry Sawyer! Are you OK?” Traci jumped out of the car, putting her hand on his muscular forearm.

  “I’m OK,” he said with a cough, “mostly, you just surprised me.”

  “I should have looked first I’m so sorry. What can I do?” she said closing her door and slamming her purse half inside, which jerked her back. She steadied herself, and released her purse, surely something inside had gotten broken, she’d check later. “Well shit! This is not going how I imagined at all! I’m not normally such a klutz.”

  He was still holding his lower abdomen, but he laughed seeing her so out of sorts. Her nerves were getting the better of her, she hadn’t considered this during her pre-planning stages. “What are you doing here anyway?” he asked not sounding rude but more surprised than anything else.

  “I’m sorry for showing up like this and, well, slamming my car door into you. I would have called, but I didn’t have your number, and well I knew where you lived, so I just came because I wanted to, well, say, I’m sorry,” she said, “for everything and now the car door too.”

  “Jane, you didn’t have to apologize. I got the message loud and clear. I know what it means when a girl uses a fake name.” He glanced down at her for a brief second before turning to look back at his barn.

  “It’s Traci,” she said correcting him and feeling embarrassed.

  “Right, Traci… shit. Anyway, Traci, I get it, you didn’t have to go to any trouble to come and explain it to me.” He sniffed all tough-guy style and glanced back towards the barn.

  “You’re busy, I can let you go, I just wanted to apologize for the whole name thing. I just hadn’t expected to run into anyone I’d actually like.” Now it was her turn to avoid eye contact. “I mean that’s why I did eventually tell you my real name, I was kind of thinking maybe…” she trailed off.

  “Maybe what?”

  “That we could have gone out again, or something, I mean, I didn’t know, but I didn’t mean to close the door completely on anything like that. It all just took me by surprise, you know?” she said forgetting about Cash. He just didn’t matter, he had left, not the other way around.

  “I don’t. I’ve never lied about my name before.”

  “OK, yeah,” she fished out her keys from her purse which thankfully hadn’t been crushed by her car door, “I came to apologize, now I did, and I should let you get back to your work. Sorry again.”

  Traci opened her car door carefully and started to slip down in to her seat.

  “Wait, Traci! I’m being a jerk. I’ll be honest here,” he said leaning on her car door, “I was hurt, I thought we had made a connection or something, but I’m a grown man and can accept your apology. Maybe we could still go on that date? I know I’m a fool, but I haven’t really been able to stop thinking about you. I won’t even tell you how many times I almost called you, but I just couldn’t hear myself saying anything other than ‘Jane’ when you picked up, so I talked myself out of it. I should have just sucked it up and made that call.”

  She smiled, “Yeah I wish you would have.” Traci was surprising herself. Her plan was to come here and apologize, not schedule a date. Just being around the tall, muscular farmer made her feel warm and fuzzy. Something she was not used to at all.

  “Hey you know, I’m almost done here, you wanna stay and watch a movie or something?” he asked sounding very excited at the idea and hopeful she’d say yes.

  If she left now, after all this and not stay for the movie, she knew the door to Sawyer would be forever closed. She didn’t want that, at least she didn’t think she did. Cash was gone, and that was a dead end, so what harm was there in watching a movie? Yeah, Cash and Sawyer were brothers, but she didn’t have to let anyone know she knew that. Cash had seen them sitting together at the bar but he didn’t know it was anything more than that and Sawyer had no idea she knew Cash. All that mattered to her was that they just happened to be two guys she met roughly around the same time. One of them she dry fucked and one of them she fucked, but at the time she hadn’t known they were brothers.

  She didn’t do anything wrong.

  “I’d love to,” she smiled and stepped out of her car.

  “Well OK then! Here let me show you around real quick, you can make yourself at home while I finish up, promise it won’t take long.”

  She followed Sawyer up his front stairs and into his beautiful three story home. It was immaculate and beautifully decorated inside. He was either amazing at interior decorating or he had hired someone to help. There was a staircase that led to the next floor, then off to the left was a gigantic dining room and to the right an even bigger living room.

  “This way,” he led her into the living room. He had a large shelf stuffed with blue-ray discs, “Why don’t you see if you can find something for us to watch?”

  “Sure,” she said starting to scan through the titles, “Wow you have like every movie ever made!”

  He laughed, “Not quite, but yeah lots to pick from. So bathroom is that way,” he said pointing to a hallway next to the stairs, “And if you need anything at all I’ll be in the barn, don’t hesitate to get me. Oh and really, make yourself at home,” he grinned from ear to ear. He seemed so happy and
thrilled to have Traci in his home.

  “OK.” She started making mental notes of movies she’d like to see, but still scanning to make sure there wasn’t something better. She had time to burn, might as well make the most of it.

  “Be back shortly,” he called as he walked out through the dining room towards the kitchen, and she assumed there must be a back door.

  She was tempted to snoop around the house, but was too afraid of getting caught that she just stuck to the living room, except for also checking out the bathroom. Even though she didn’t even have to go, she still wanted to see it. It was so large ten people could have fit inside. The room was probably bigger than her bedroom. It was well lit and beautifully decorated with light blue and white tiles and black tile trim. Plush bathmats on the floor and a bowl of potpourri that smelled fresh. It was actually kind of modern for this country style home.

  In the living room, the couch faced the TV, and off to the side of that was a big window that displayed his beautifully maintained front yard as if it was a landscape painting. The view itself was a work of art. He had several shelves packed tight with books and knick-knacks. There were two recliners on each side of the couch, all of them complete with a hand-crocheted afghan. The room just felt warm and inviting.

  She grabbed one of the Lord of the Rings movies and sank down into the silky-soft marshmallow couch and waited for Sawyer to finish whatever he was doing. She took her phone out of her purse and tried to busy herself, so she didn’t just lie down and take a nap on his surprisingly comfortable couch.

  The back door opened and there was rustling around before Sawyer emerged. He’d taken his boots off at the door and was unbuttoning his shirt, “I’m just going to hop in the shower real quick, I got some popcorn in the microwave, be back in a jiffy!” He disappeared down the short hallway and she’d heard the shower start.

  Less than five minutes passed when he walked back out wearing only a fresh pair of jeans. Traci had forgotten how muscular he was. He slipped into the kitchen, and she heard him pouring the popcorn into a bowl. “You want something to drink, Traci?” he shouted from the kitchen, her name sounding a little strange as if he was practicing saying it.


  “Beer? Diet soda? Something else?”

  “Oh, um, whatever you’re having is fine.”

  He walked back out with two bottles of beer and a huge bowl of popcorn. He set each beer down on a coaster and put the popcorn down in between the bottles. Traci slipped her phone into her purse and took a sip from the beer and smiled at him, unable to stop herself from admiring his glorious farmer’s physique, he didn’t seem to notice.

  Sawyer dimmed the lights and disappeared back down the hallway. He returned seconds later with a red and black flannel shirt on. He hadn’t bothered with shoes, and somehow it felt more intimate because of it. She almost wished he would have kept his shirt off, but she wouldn’t have been able to focus on the movie, she was already afraid she might have trouble concentrating.

  “Ready?” he asked, “Of course you are, you’ve been waitin’ on me.” Sawyer’s smile was so lovely. There wasn’t anything she could do to stop herself from smiling back.

  “It’s not a problem, you were fast.”

  “Either way glad you stayed. This is nice,” he said as he grabbed the remote and the movie started playing. He moved the popcorn between them on the couch and dove in.

  After what felt like it had to have been an hour into the movie, he moved the empty popcorn bowl back to the coffee table, kicked his feet up and rested his arm on the back of the couch. He seemed to really be enjoying the movie. Traci on the other hand was having a difficult time getting into it. All she could think about was seeing Sawyer with his shirt off again.

  She debated back and forth with herself about whether or not she should just scoot over and sit next to him. After what had happened he probably was still angry with her and wanted to just be friends. Then again he had invited her to a movie, he had said he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and he hadn’t sent her away, so really how mad could he be. Traci took a breath and slid down the couch until their bodies touched. He didn’t look away from the movie, and neither did she, but she could sense he didn’t mind her being there, so she cuddled against his warmth. Sawyer took his arm off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her. She smiled.

  The movie felt like it was lasting forever, probably because she didn’t have a clue what was going on. Traci didn’t have anywhere she needed to be, but she felt anxious for it to end. She wanted to see what would happen next. Would he kiss her? Kissing Sawyer was definitely not off the table in her mind. She was well aware of the fact that he was Cash’s brother, but Sawyer didn’t know Traci knew anything about that. As far as she was concerned her one-night stand with Cash was just that. One night. With Sawyer it was something different. He was a sweetheart, she liked who she was around him.

  Sawyer had been so quiet she glanced up at him to see if he had fallen asleep but he was just watching the movie. He looked down at her and their eyes locked. She smiled at him but he didn’t smile back. Instead, what she saw in his eyes was that glimmer of absolute desire she’d seen in men before. It was something she knew. She didn’t know sweet or romantic, but the lust and desire, that she knew. Usually the look was in their eyes after they were already on top of her, but Sawyer wasn’t like that, he held back. He was cautious and careful. He was a true gentleman in that he wasn’t going to act on it unless he was sure it was what she wanted too.

  She raised her lips to his, and he met them lightly. He brushed his lips lightly against her soft, sweet lips. He pulled back as if he had to stop himself before he would no longer be able to maintain control. Sawyer focused his eyes back on the TV, but Traci no longer could even pretend to be interested in the movie. She got on her knees and started kissing his neck and slipped her fingers into his smooth freshly washed hair. He smelled of soap and cologne, it was intoxicating.

  Sawyer kept his eyes on the movie but each blink lasted longer and longer, he was certainly enjoying the attention while trying to remain in control. Traci climbed onto his lap and straddled him, still kissing his neck and feeling his muscles through his shirt.

  “Traci,” he groaned as he easily scooted her backwards towards his knees. She reached for his buttons to undo his shirt but he stopped her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked feeling rejected but not moving from his lap. He looked so hot in the glow from the TV screen. She figured she must have misread the situation, and she felt foolish.

  “Look, I like you. I like you a lot and I really don’t want to screw this up. I want you to be my girlfriend, maybe not today but someday. I’d like to spend more time with you, get to know you, I already know you’re beautiful but I want to know the person you are on the inside too,” he said looking towards his front door as a flash of headlights pulled in and then disappeared. I wondered if he was expecting someone.

  “I want to get to know you too,” Traci said, “but I like this part too.” She reached for his buttons again as she bit her lip.

  “Trust me, I like this too, but I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I’m not that type of guy who can just have a new girl every night and still be able to look themselves in the mirror. If you don’t want to see where this goes, like take a real try at it, then I can’t in good conscience do this. I refuse to be that guy.” He ran his hands through his hair nervously. Sawyer had laid all his cards out on the table and looked worried that her response might not be what he wanted to hear.

  “Sawyer I know you aren’t that kind of guy, that’s what I like most about you! I’ve never known anyone like you. I think I’d like to give it a shot and see where this all goes, but not if we can’t do things like this,” she said pressing her lips to his. This time he kissed her back fully.


  Traci started to unbutton his shirt desperate to touch his bare skin. Sawyer grabbed her ass and pulled her against
him as their tongues danced happily against one another. Once his shirt was unbuttoned she peeled it opened and ran her hands all over his bare chest. She could feel that familiar tingle start between her legs. Traci pressed her tits against Sawyer trying to hint to him to take her shirt off, but if he got it he wasn’t giving in.

  She started to grind herself down on his already hard cock which only charged her more. He easily lifted her and laid her down on the couch. He kissed her neck and down towards her tits but only kissing the exposed skin her shirt didn’t cover. Traci was dying for him to take charge and do more to her, caress her bare tits, lick her nipples, even put his hand down her pants… anything! Now that she knew what real fucking was like, she wanted to experience that with Sawyer. Somewhere inside her, her brain was still working, and she knew Sawyer wouldn’t take it that far. Not so soon. She didn’t even try to push the limits.

  He slid his hand up her stomach and over her breast lightly brushing his thumb against her nipple. Traci moaned and arched into him. He used his knee to slide her legs apart and pressed his cock against her pussy. It felt amazing even with her clothes still on. She wanted to see what Sawyer was hiding in those jeans but she knew that was a lost cause.

  “Traci?” he said still grinding into her, his hand caressing her everywhere.

  “Yes, Sawyer?” She hoped he was going to ask her to his bedroom.

  “The movie is over.”

  “Oh, guess we won’t know how it ends.”

  “Nope,” he said with an absolutely perfect grind that hit Traci in all the right ways.

  She moaned and pinched her own nipple. Sawyer put his hand on top of hers, “You’re going to hate me, but I think we have to call it a night.”

  “Huh?” she said crossing her arms in front of her and pulling away from him. She felt hurt, rejected and embarrassed, even though she knew she didn’t need to feel those things.


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