The Guardian (The Gifted Book 1)

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The Guardian (The Gifted Book 1) Page 31

by C. L. McCourt

Bestian didn't answer. He was too tired to deal with Gauvin's stupid questions. Instead, he ordered, "Shut up and help me start a fire. Do you still carry your flint and steel?"

  "Yeah." Gauvin opened the soggy pouch that hung at his hip and pulled out a small stone and a piece of steel.

  "Good. Start a fire while I find us some wood."

  Bestian and Gauvin were seasoned woodsmen. It wasn't long before they were drying themselves by the heat of a blazing camp fire.

  Bestian lay down and closed his eyes. "You take first watch. We leave at first light."


  The instant Daen stepped through the veil he could feel the energy from Luxatra seeping into his body. It was a sensation he'd taken for granted before he was cast from his home world, and now he reveled in the old and comfortable feeling.

  Rhea turned to face the direction from which she and Randell had just come, and watched as Ander pointed in her direction. He told her parents, "She's watching, wave to her."

  Rhea tried not to laugh at the uncomfortable look on her father's face as his eyes darted from side to side to ascertain whether any strangers might see him wave to a set of bushes. Her mother wiped her eyes and forced a smile to her lips as she waved goodbye.

  Rhea returned the gesture and said, "Please tell them I love them and I will come back." She'd told them those same words before stepping through the veil, but they needed to be said again.

  Ander did as she asked and asked a favor in return. "Please bring our son home to us."

  Rhea studied the man's face, the seriousness in his eyes. "I will do my best." That's all she could promise.

  If Daen was right, something bad was in her future, and Randell had volunteered to help. She hadn't spent a lot of time with Ander, but that didn't matter. She was connected to him. He was family, and he was from both her worlds.

  Rhea returned one last wave as she watched her parents, and Randell's, retreat to their cars. The excitement she felt just being in Luxatra battled with the grief she felt having to leave her loved ones behind.

  Randell leaned over her shoulder and asked, "Are they gone?" He'd been waving in the same direction as Rhea even though he couldn't see his world.

  Rhea's voice was tight with sorrow, "Yes." She turned to face Randell and Daen, barely able to discern their faces in the darkness. "Where are we?"

  "From the smell and these large mounds surrounding us, I'd say we're in the middle of a hay field, shortly after drying." The last few words were spoken through a yawn that he could not hold back. "I checked the area around us and didn't feel the energy from anyone nearby, but it couldn't hurt for you to check it out as well."

  Rhea closed her eyes and started to concentrate on her surroundings, but it didn't take much effort. Almost instantly, in her mind's eye, she was presented with a psychedelic view of the heat signatures of the hay field. The location of the large round reddish-orange circles was consistent with the hay stacks surrounding them, but the ground was cooler, bluer. She shared with the others, "Before we came here, I had to concentrate to feel this way; but now ... I'm not even trying, it's just happening. It's like the energy is coming to me on its own."

  Scanning the area around her had been easy at the Young's house because she already knew the lay of the yard and all its items. Now she wasn't sure what she would be seeing. What she did know was the only human source of energy nearby was located not far beyond the haystacks. "I think I see the farm house," she pointed, "in that direction, over a hundred yards away. There are three people."

  Rhea opened her eyes to Daen and Randell standing close to her.

  Daen said, "We should be safe for now."

  Rhea extended her arms outwards and raised her face to the night's sky. "This is incredible. Randell, can you feel it?"

  "You mean the feeling of just having consumed a couple espressos? Yeah, it's quite a buzz."

  Rhea let the sensations run over her. "Without seeing it, I can feel the world around me, it's almost overwhelming."

  Daen explained, "You'll get used to it. Luxatra affects everyone differently, depending on their gift and its strength." He set his gear on the ground and laid his blanket at the base of one of the hay stacks. "It's too dark to travel right now, and we could use the rest. It'll be light soon, and we have a long day ahead of us."

  Rhea flinched at the idea of sleep. "Um ... what if I dream?"

  Daen's expression was barely discernible in the darkness, but she could tell he shared her concerns.

  "You said once I connected with the Libraim that I would be stronger. What if ...?" Rhea was truly scared. If a bad dream could throw her roommate out of bed in the world of shadows, what would it do here? What would it do to people physically close to her?

  Randell watched for Daen's reaction. He'd felt his parents' house rattle last night, as if there had been a mild earthquake and the epicenter was Rhea's bed, but it was just Rhea dreaming again. They'd been prepared for it, but now, he was rather nervous.

  "We can only hope that being here in Luxatra will calm the dreams. I'll do my best to wake you if I see you start to toss and turn."

  Calm the dreams? If anything, Rhea was convinced they would just get worse, but what else could she do? She couldn't stay awake forever. At least she was in a field, but that wouldn't help Daen and Randell.

  Daen motioned to her. "Come on. I'll keep an eye on you," he sat on his blanket and tapped the space next to him, "while I take first watch."

  Randell laid his blanket against the hay stack and turned to Daen. "Wake me in a few hours so you can get some sleep."

  Rhea wrapped herself in her blanket and sat between Randell and Daen. "I hope you're right. Maybe I should be the one on watch."

  Daen shook his head. "Not tonight. Get some rest. You'll have plenty of chances to take the watch."

  "I don't want special treatment." Rhea looked at both of them as best she could, given how dark it was.

  Daen groaned inwardly at her persistence. "It isn't special treatment. Think of it as building up reserves. We need you to be alert, like you were when you saved Randell. We might need it again."

  Rhea considered what he said. It made sense, she guessed. "Fine. You win. This time." She rolled over on her side and closed her eyes.


  The mist slowly dropped to the ground like a deflated cloud to reveal the source of a smell that made her gag. It was the smell of death, of rotting flesh that clung to the bodies that stood before her, encircling her. Their empty eye sockets glowed red, and the swords they held in their hands gleamed with an eerie silver glow.

  Rhea spun around, desperately seeking a way out as laughter drifted from the darkness beyond ... a laughter so evil it made her skin crawl. She had to get away. As she turned around and around, the space between her and the monsters surrounding her grew smaller. The swords that were once by their side were now raised above their heads, ready to slay her.

  She couldn't believe what was happening. She had to do something or she would surely be killed. Panic started to well up inside her when suddenly the scene changed. Horses with black riders charged her; but just before they reached her, they disappeared, replaced by a knife flying end over end towards her face.

  Just before the knife struck, the scene changed to a cliff's edge and the sounds of water crashing on the rocks below. The wind pulled her long blond hair from her braid, whipping it about her face as a storm raged on the horizon. She turned away from the cliff and found herself in a cave surrounded by mummies, hundreds of dried leathery bodies, their arms reaching for her and then disappearing.

  The scenes repeated, faster and faster, changing just before panic could set in. The smell of hay and the feel of a cool breeze flowing over her face mixed with her dream. Slowly, her conscious and subconscious merged and the nightmarish siege on her mind slowed. She was no longer a part of what she was seeing, she was an observer.

  Each dream she'd had over the past six months came back to her as she watched the storie
s unfold. Gradually, the darkness of her make-shift movie theater faded to light, indicating the show was over and the episode was a distant memory. She welcomed the sense of relief and its calming affects.



  Shortly after Rhea and Randell fell asleep, Luxatra's darkness started to lighten, a new day was beginning. The fatigue that threatened Daen's ability to stay awake seemed to lift as the light revealed more and more of his world. His mind raced with all the things he wanted to do, all the people he wanted to see.

  Before he had a chance to wake Randell for his shift, Rhea started to stir. He watched, ready to wake her the minute she became too restless. At first, only her head jerked side to side; however, that quickly changed when her arms reached out as if to keep something away. Her agitation waned and increased, but never reached the panicked state Daen had witnessed in her dorm room.

  After a short time, her breathing calmed, and the tension in her arms eased, as she gripped the edge of the blanket. She seemed at peace.

  A wave of relief washed over him. He didn't know what he would do if she released her gift now that she was here. If he were right about her, the devastation could equate to a bomb going off.

  Rhea pulled the corner of her blanket over her face to block the light and tried to fall back asleep, but it was hopeless. The light, her memories, the smell of the hay, all battled for her attention. Defeated, she sighed and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

  Daen whispered, "Can't sleep with the light?"

  Rhea shook her head while stifling a yawn and glanced over to Randell who was totally out. She waved her thumb in Randell's direction, sending a what's-up-with-him look at Daen.

  Daen rolled his eyes. "He can sleep through anything."

  Rhea knew it was Randell's turn to watch, but she couldn't see waking him. "I'll take the next watch. You get some sleep."

  Daen whispered, "I thought I was going to have to wake you, but then you calmed."

  "Yeah, my dream was pretty creepy at first, but then it changed." She shared how the scenes from past dreams flashed before her until she was no longer in the scene but simply observing. "I think Randell was right. I think some of the dreams were visions, but some were actual nightmares." She shook her head. "I don't know. But one thing's for sure, I'm glad I didn't freak out and blow something up."

  "Everyone's gift emerges differently. I'm guessing now that the Libraim has you back, things will get better." He spoke as if his belief regarding her gift was correct. Fortunately, it wouldn't be long until they knew for sure.

  "I hope."

  Daen lay back on his blanket. He would have preferred she tried to sleep, but he could tell she wasn't going to. He closed his eyes, intent on just resting them, not expecting to drift off.

  Rhea sat quietly, taking in the view of the quaint farm. The field in which they rested was small compared to fields she'd seen at home. As she stood guard, she listened to the sounds around her, remembering the few camping trips she'd made with her parents as a child. She'd been so nervous sleeping under the stars, wondering what might sneak up on her in the dark.

  After a while, she stood, stretching her achy muscles. Bored, with nothing to do, she peaked around the hay stack that hid them from the farm house and wondered what their lives were like.

  As she watched and imagined different life scenarios, she heard a door swing open and then shut. Although the light of the day was barely upon them, there was enough for her to discern two men walking to the barn. Father and son, she thought to herself.

  Rhea glanced around, trying to determine if there was a reason the farmer and son team would venture in their direction. That's when she noticed that only half of the field's dry hay had been stacked.

  Rhea placed her hand on Daen's shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry to wake you, but I think we're going to have company."

  Daen shot up from where he lay—alert, checking his surroundings. "What is it?"

  Rhea pointed towards the barn. "Father and son farmers are up and about. From the looks of things, I'd say they're getting ready to head in this direction."

  Daen assessed the condition of the field and agreed. "Wake Sleeping Beauty." He picked up his blanket and rolled it while keeping watch for the farmers.

  Rhea shook Randell's shoulder. "Randell? Randell!"

  Randell jerked awake, sputtering, "What? Oh. Daen, why didn't you wake me? It's already morning."

  Daen explained, "You've only been asleep a few hours. Get up, we have to go."

  Randell stood and started to roll up his blanket. "What's happened?"

  Rhea answered, "The farmer is up and about."

  "Ah. What's the plan?"

  Daen pointed away from the farm house and said, "I believe there's a town north of here called Brauns, assuming I know where we are." He glanced at Rhea's apparel. "We can get you some clothes there."

  Randell raised a brow. "Assuming you know where you are?"

  Daen hung his bag from his shoulder and watched Rhea do the same. "It's been a while since I've been in this area, but I'm fairly confident I know where we are."

  Rhea stepped in the direction Daen had indicated. "Let's get going then."

  "Hold up, Rhea." Daen scanned her attire from head to foot. "We'll be walking for a while and your clothes are likely to draw attention from anyone we pass. Can you," he waved his hand, "hide yourself until then?"

  Rhea knew what Daen was asking. Her ability to hide under a veil of energy made her appear to be invisible, a skill that had been instrumental in capturing the two trackers: Bestian and Gauvin. Something they felt they had to do to ensure the two men were returned to Luxatra and no longer threaten those she loved.

  "I suppose so. I don't know what it'll be like holding the veil for any real length of time." Reality seemed to rush over her. Could she do this? Everything had happen so fast, and now she was in a new world, one she'd often thought was just her imagination. Now she was being asked to make herself invisible with magic she only just learned she could do.

  Daen saw Rhea hesitate. He understood that it took effort to control one's gift. "I had hoped we would have come through the veil closer to town. If you get tired, let me know, and I'll find a place to hide until you can continue." He started to walk north towards Brauns. "And don't forget to eat. You're going to be hungry from keeping up the veil."

  Rhea took a deep breath and started walking. "Right, gotcha." She reached into the bag that hung over her shoulder and pulled out a couple of snack bars they had brought from Randell's parents house a few hours before. She placed them in the pocket of the leather bomber jacket she'd 'borrowed' from her dad years ago and cloaked herself.

  "Rhea?" Randell was glancing around.

  Her voice came from a few yards away, "Come on. What are you waiting for?"

  Randell picked up his gear and chased after Dean and hoped he didn't run into her.

  She turned just in time to step out of Randell's way. "This is definitely going to take some getting used to."

  Over the next couple hours, they walked along a hard-packed dirt road, just wide enough for two wagons to pass in either direction. Deep ruts in the dirt were evidence that the road was well traveled. Of course, the numerous wagons and carriages that passed them in both directions were also a clue.

  Rhea found it awkward walking next to Randell and Daen. Twice, Randell raised his arm to point at something and nearly clipped her in the face because she'd gotten too close. After the second near miss, she stepped behind companions.

  "How far are we from King Argeon's castle?" Randell asked Daen as he took in the scenery.

  "From here ... two or four days ride northwest, depending on how hard you're riding."

  At the mention of King Argeon's name, Rhea thought back to the story she'd written for class, the story that told Daen and Randell she was a Luxatran. She'd referenced Taulomi and its king as well as the other realms, Sentran and Laundan. The story was made up, but the descriptions she used were ba
sed on the bits of the land she'd seen from the moon shadows as well as information she'd gleaned from Lanne over the years.

  "Is that where we're going?" Randell's voice was tense with excitement.

  "I doubt it, but we'll have to see. Lanne and Gaibel are riding from there, and I assume they'll have a message from the king."

  Gaibel was Rhea's biological mother. Rhea had seen her for the first time only a few days ago via the moon shadow in her college dorm room. As she walked, her mind raced through scenarios of what Gaibel would say, or for that matter, what she would say once they were truly face to face. She had so many questions and prayed her mother would answer them.

  Rhea's stomach flipped with guilt as she realized she was looking forward to seeing Gaibel again. She loved the woman who raised her, the woman she knew as her mother. But now that she knew Gaibel hadn't deserted her, that she'd given her up because she was in danger, she had a strong desire to know her. Was that fair to Christine, the mother she left behind? She didn't know.

  Randell's curiosity couldn't be stopped. "Do you know where Raisal lived?"

  Daen took a moment to think back to his childhood. He hadn't grown up in this realm, but one of his friends was related to the Gaulettes of Taulomi. He remembered when they learned she'd disappeared, but he couldn't recall the name of the town in which she lived. "Sorry Randell, I don't recall."

  "No problem." Randell tried to imagine his great-grandmother Raisal living in a home similar to the homes that were positioned along the road they now traveled. He looked at ahead and assumed she had walked this same road at one time in her life.

  Rhea mumbled to herself, "It's mind-boggling to think that we're related." According to Daen, Rhea's great-grandfather, Denach Gaulette was Raisal's brother.

  Not only was Randell a distant cousin, so was Lanne. Lanne. That was a name with which she was still trying to accept. Since she was nine, Rhea had known Lanne as the dog-like creature named Grennal who lived in a fantasy world only she could see.

  According to Lanne, the woman who'd secretly helped raise her through the shadows, Gaibel was tight-lipped about her personal life and the man who'd fathered her child. Would Gaibel tell her about her father?


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