Rise of the Female Alpha

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Rise of the Female Alpha Page 4

by Jasmine White

  Arric sat up and pulled her face towards his, kissing her hard enough that she worried her lips might split and bleed where they mashed against her teeth. The kiss stirred something within her and she felt a desperate need to have him inside her.

  “Never apologize for that,” said Arric, pulling her onto him.

  The locked lips again, and she straddled his waist, reaching down to guide his rigid meat into her. She felt the pressure of his head push against her slick opening, and gasped around Arric’s tongue as she lowered herself onto him. He was far bigger than anyone she’d been with before, and she worried she might not be able to take him all in.

  Pausing part way down, she inhaled through her nose and pulled away from the kiss, letting Arric lay kisses all over her neck and chest as she continued lowering her body down onto him. She felt her pussy muscles relax and stretch with the effort, and when she settled down on him, she felt more completely filled up than she ever had before.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked, concern on his face.

  Sienna put a hand on his cheek and slowly rocked her hips back and forth. “Mmhmm,” she said with a quick nod of her head. “Everything is perfect.”

  Arric’s hand snaked down around her and clenched over her ass. He squeezed her cheek hard and probed her mouth with his tongue while she rocked slowly back and forth on him, letting him slide in and out of her as she moved. Pressure from his hand pulled her into him at an angle that rubbed her clit right into his pubic mound, and she felt a delirious swell of pleasure growing inside her.

  “Oh Arric,” she whimpered, biting her lip and moving her hips more rapidly. She’d warmed up to him completely now, and was able to focus on the way his cock pushed at just the right spot inside her.

  “You feel so good,” he growled, taking her breast in his hand and squeezing it hard. His lips all over her neck and face, and he grunted hard and rocked in time with her hips. “I’m really close.”

  It took Sienna a half second to realize that he was warning her that he was about to cum, and she smiled at the thought that he would care enough to let her know instead of just finishing and pulling out of her. She grasped the back of his head and wrapped another hand around his back, digging her fingertips into the flexing muscles underneath his skin.

  Arric had locked eyes with her, and he was clearly deep in the throes of passion. Sienna’s previous sexual experiences had all involved the male frantically pounding away at her from behind or thrusting awkwardly on top of her in the dark, and this was the first time she’d looked a lover in the eye and felt a real connection beneath the sexual act. The emotion she saw in Arric’s face was the tipping point for her, and her orgasm built in her body like a fire in her belly, screaming and scorching its way out through her limbs.

  Sienna’s pussy clenched along with her shuddering climax, and that set Arric off as well. She cried out into the night, not caring who might hear, and she heard Arric grunting loudly alongside her. They clutched each other’s bodies and held on tight as Sienna rode Arric to a powerful orgasm. She felt his cock twitching inside her and his fingers dug deep into the flesh of her bum as he thrust and emptied himself.

  When both of them had settled down and begun to breathe somewhat normally, Arric reached up and held Sienna’s face by both cheeks, pulling her into his kiss. He held her like that for a long moment, then parted and fell backwards, clearly exhausted.

  Sienna lifted her leg and pulled off of him, feeling hot cum trickle out of her to run down her leg. She’d been taking the necessary herbs to prevent pregnancy since she was old enough to mate, and although she took them fairly regularly in case she had to endure the uncomfortable humping of one of her pack mates, she was glad she hadn’t stopped during her recent dry spell. Sienna curled up in the crook of Arric’s arm and lay her head on his shoulder, happy to lie there and listen to him breathe as the cold night air cooled their fiery hot bodies.

  “Will I see you here again tomorrow?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

  “Of course,” she replied. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “Good. Although, we do still have to train. We can’t just do this all night.”

  “No,” she said. “First we train, then we fuck.”

  “Sounds like a deal.” Arric laughed and sat upright. “There’s one other thing I think you should do tomorrow before we meet. It’s important that you ask your alpha if you can be assigned to a hunting party on a trial basis.”

  “Become a hunter? I like being an herbalist. Why would I want to do that?”

  “You need to raise your position in the pack so that others will be more likely to listen to you when the time comes. From what you’ve said of the current dynamic, that won’t happen unless you exert some pressure and get noticed.”

  “You really think that I’m ready?”

  Arric squeezed her hand. “I do.”

  “Okay then, if that’s what I need to do, then I’ll do it.”

  “That’s my girl,” said Arric.

  Sienna felt a flush of pride at hearing him call her ‘his girl’ even though she half worried it might just be an expression. Arric had made love to her in a way that she’d hardly dreamed possible, and yet he was still focused on her training and the coming battle. She couldn’t blame him for it, but it made him hard to read.

  They shifted back to wolf form, and went their separate ways. Sienna was so happy on the run home that she wanted to howl her joy the entire way, but she reminded herself that she was coming from a dangerously illicit meeting, and that she’d be in serious trouble if she was caught. The thought of having to ask Kane for a promotion the next day went a long way towards sobering her mood, and she ran that last stretch of the way home feeling more nervous with every step.


  Not wanting to waste any time and let her nerves get the better of her, Sienna set out first thing the next morning in search of Kane. One of his hunters told her he’d slept in his sheltered den near the base of the black rock cliff that gave their pack its name, and when she approached the partially open sleeping area, she saw that he wasn’t alone. Pelmay, one of the most attractive and desirable of all the young females in the pack was curled up on the collection of pillows and elk hides, completely naked beneath a heavy blanket and glowing with self-satisfaction.

  Pelmay rolled over and let her perky breasts slip out from behind the blanket as she feigned a yawn. Sienna knew she was doing it just to rub it in her face, and the girl sneered ungracefully when she saw that it was working. Flipping her long blonde hair back over her shoulder, Pelmay made a show of snuggling up to Kane to make it clear that she enjoyed a preferred position with their alpha. Of course, Sienna knew the only position Pelmay was good for was on her knees or flat on her back, but in this pack, that meant a lot if it was with the right wolf.

  Kane lay next to her, propped half upright on a pillow and with no blanket to cover his half-hard manhood where it draped over his thigh. The musky odor of sex was almost overpowering, and Sienna was glad she hadn’t arrived any earlier. Having to witness these two in the middle of fucking was more than she thought she could bear.

  “What do you want, healer?” asked Kane.

  “I was hoping I might have a word with you.” She shot a glance at Pelmay. “In private?”

  “There is no need for secrecy in my pack,” he replied with a slick grin. “After all, we’re all friends here, aren’t we?”

  Sienna looked down at the smug blonde girl, and it was clear that anything she might say would immediately get out to the whole pack. If Sienna was denied her request, everyone would know about it before noon. That’s all girls like Pelmay did really, they found a strong mate and lounged around gossiping and making life hard for others. The mate of an alpha or one of his select warrior hunters didn’t have to work like the lesser pack wolves did. It was as close to pack royalty as a female was likely to get.

  “I’d like the opportunity to go on a hunt,” she sai
d as boldly as she could. “On a trial period, and in a way that wouldn’t affect my duties as pack healer.”

  “You want to become a huntress?” Kane asked, surprise evident in his eyes. “Why?”

  “I just feel that I have a talent for it, and I regret not trying it earlier. I want to have a chance before I get any older.”

  Kane laughed and rose to his feet. Sienna kept his eyes on his face to avoid having to see any more of his manhood than necessary. He seemed to take pleasure in displaying his body before her, and he walked around her in a slow circle as if assessing her physical qualities. Sienna felt like a piece of meat hanging from the drying shed, and she worried she’d made a mistake in coming to talk to her alpha. She felt none of the courage she’d known with Arric in the clearing, and doubt flooded her mind.

  “There hasn’t been a huntress in the Blackstone pack for over a century,” said Pelmay. “What makes you think you’re so special all of a sudden?”

  She’d spoken out of turn, and Kane really should have disciplined her, but instead he merely cackled and went along with it.

  “No woman has shown herself to be a decent hunter as long as I’ve been alpha, and I sincerely doubt that you and your complete lack of training would do anything but slow down my hunters and cost us a meal. Females are weak and not built for the brutal task of hunting and killing.”

  “You won’t even let me try?” She was bordering on pleading, and she knew she was only opening herself to more abuse, but she couldn’t stop herself. “All I ask is for one chance.”

  “Go back to your herbs, woman,” he said, turning and dismissing her with a wave. “A female should know her place, don’t you think? Find a mate who’ll settle for your pathetic excuse for a body. Maybe Temo will have you.”

  Pelmay and Kane laughed heartily. Temo was one of the eldest wolves in the pack, and he was half blind and borderline senile. The suggestion of her worthlessness was obvious, and Sienna felt a flash of rage run through her.

  “What have you got to lose by sending me out on one hunt?” she dared.

  She was on her knees before she knew what had happened. Kane stood over her, his hand clasped tight around her neck, and she fought to suck in air. His cock hung in front of her face and he stroked her cheek with his free hand.

  “See this meat?” he said, pointing her face at his manhood. “This is all you bitches are good for. You exist to take this in your mouth and in your cunt, and when we’re tired of that, you can pop out a pup or two while we move onto something younger. That is what hunters do, and you are no hunter.”

  Pelmay looked a little embarrassed at this obscene spectacle, but she still laughed and accepted Kane’s kiss when he let go of Sienna and plopped down beside her. Kane tore her blanket away and ran a hand up her thigh, grabbed the girl hard between her legs and fondled her sex. Sienna saw Kane’s cock begin to stiffen.

  “Why don’t you stand there and watch what you’re good for,” he said, his hand moving from Pelmay’s crotch to pinch her nipple hard enough to make the girl whimper.”

  “Kane, I’m sorry, I wo—”

  “Shut up, bitch!” he roared. “Do you disobey your alpha?”

  “No,” she choked out. “I will obey your command.”

  “Good.” Kane lifted Pelmay into a position on all fours, her face pointing towards Sienna. There was a look of horror on the girl’s face, and Sienna couldn’t help but feel sympathy for what was about to happen.

  Kane took his cock in hand and slapped it on Pelmay’s ass a few times. He then spit on his hand and rubbed it on his manhood before sliding into the girl from behind. She gasped in discomfort, and Sienna had to fight to hold back tears.

  “This is your role in the pack,” he said, grunting and thrusting into Pelmay with a great deal of force. He reached under her chest and clutched her breasts, squeezing them hard and pulling her up so that her back was arched upward. “Never forget that you are a female and that will always mean your place is below the males of this pack. Pelmay here understands, don’t you girl?”

  “Yes, Kane,” she whimpered. She tried to avert her eyes from Sienna’s cold stare, but Kane pushed her down until her face was pressed against the ground, her eyes pleading with Sienna to keep her secret shame.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said. “I think Sienna’s learning her lesson, isn’t she?”

  “I am,” said Sienna as calmly as she could. “I will respect my place in this pack.”

  Kane growled and bared his teeth. He moved more frantically and pushed hard enough on Pelmay’s back to make the girl begin crying silent tears. She was smart enough to not let Kane know that she was crying, but Sienna stood in witness to it and something broke inside her.

  With a last thrust, Kane grunted and climaxed into her. He pushed Pelmay away and glared at Sienna.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” he said.

  Sienna didn’t wait around to find out if he had anything else to say. She simply turned tail and ran back down the forest trail, tears of her own streaking down her face.

  Embarrassment had turned to anger by the time Sienna got to her meeting with Arric that night. She stormed into the clearing and explained everything that had happened with Kane, fighting to keep from crying in front of her teacher and lover. She wanted to stay strong to put weight behind what she had to say next.

  “Forget about teaching me to hunt. I know enough to survive on my own if it should ever come to that. I want you to teach me how to be a warrior.”

  “A warrior, huh? Are you sure you’re ready for that?” He scratched idly at one of the scars on his neck. “It will be a little more serious than the basic self defense I’ve been teaching you.”

  “I’m sure of it. I want to prove to Kane and the bitches in my pack that I’m not just some dumb useless woman who should sit around and play with herbs all day.”

  “I like the sound of that. Shift to wolf and let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Arric ran her through a series of fighting techniques and then tested her to see how well she’d learned them. For several hours they fought and drilled, chasing each other through the trees and grappling until one of them whimpered in submission. After each bout, Arric would explain how she could do better next time, and almost without fail she never allowed herself to make the same mistake twice.

  “You’re picking everything so fast,” said Arric, breathing hard and resting with his hands on his knees. “That last time you came close to beating me for real. I wasn’t holding back at all.”

  “Are you just saying that?” Sienna asked, fighting to catch her own breath.

  “No, not at all. You’re a natural at this. You fight better than most of my warriors, and they’ve been training since they were pups.”

  “Well I had a great teacher.” Sienna wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her bare flesh against his. His skin was hot to the touch, and she could feel his manhood stiffen against her belly. The image of Kane and Pelmay flashed through her mind, but she quickly dismissed it and focused on the beautiful strong man in front of her. Their training session had helped her to shed a lot of her anger and frustration, and she decided that she wouldn’t let her asshole of a pack master take this pure thing from her. The time she spent with Arric had become sacred to her, and she was determined to not let Kane’s actions poison it.

  “That is true,” he growled. “And I can think of a few other things I’d like to teach you.”

  Arric lifted Sienna up into the air with ease, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They kissed passionately while he lowered her down, spearing her on his cock. She moaned and clutched his neck, leaning back a little and allowing him to lift her up and down, one hand on her bum, the other supporting her back. Sienna dug her heels into the backs of his thighs, and bounce along with his motions, panting again with the exertion of fucking him while he held her in the air.

  “You’re such an animal,” she teased, nipping at his neck.

h, I’ll show you what an animal I am.”

  Arric lifted her off himself and placed her on the ground. He spun her around so that she faced away from him, and pushed her down on her knees, following close behind. He guided his his cock to the edge of her pussy, teasing her opening once, twice, and then thrusting all the way inside her in one big push.

  Sienna cried out and clenched her muscles, gripping his shaft with each of his thrusts in a way that she’d learned drove him crazy. She was caught off guard when his hands were in her hair, wrapping it around his fist and pulling her head back, but she loved the feeling of having him control her like this. She wouldn’t have accepted it from any other male, but with Arric it felt like the most amazing thing in the world.

  Arric fucked her frantically, grunting with pleasure and pounding his hips into her. The sound of his body slapping against her ass echoed into the forest, and she gasped with each slamming thrust. He was so deep inside her that she felt her orgasm come almost immediately, her body shuddering with uncontrollable pleasure.

  When she realized that he hadn’t reached his climax yet, Sienna pulled off of him and spun around to put his cock in her mouth. She pumped it furiously while sucking him with as much intensity as she could manage. Her eyes peeked up at him from beneath her wild reddish curls, and she could tell by the look on his face that he was seconds away from blowing his load.

  Hot cum gushed into her mouth and Sienna swallowed one gulp just as another blast sprayed into her. It was salty and thick, bordering on unpleasant, but the growling pleasure coming from Arric turned her own so much that she lapped it all up and then milked his shaft until the last pearly drop of it had dripped out onto her tongue.

  “That was intense,” he said when she’d finished. “You’re as natural at that as you are at fighting.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased,” she said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “You’re pretty good at fucking and fighting yourself.”


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